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Where does the story of someone's life begin? Not with an introduction, but with a thousand little tragedies, all disconnected in time and space until the red thread of fate woven between them pulls them taut and stitches them close.
Where does the story of someone's life begin? Not with an introduction, but with a thousand little tragedies, all disconnected in time and space until the red thread of fate woven between them pulls them taut and stitches them close.

Revision as of 03:48, 12 September 2023

Bunny Hop
Matrix Freeter, Transgirl, Unwilling Tool of the Kanaga-gumi
RedditReddit Name
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.March 03, 2064
Folder[Drive URL Link]
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - C
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension0

Character Information





TLDR: BHop, born and raised in the Seattle area, is the first child of Takashi Kurosawa, a rising star and Shategashira of the Kanaga-gumi. Though groomed from childhood to follow in her father's footsteps as part of the gumi's Kumi-in, her poor aptitude for such things and her apparent dissociative PTSD from the death of her mother at age nine led to her being passed over as her father's favored heir. Her awakening as a Technomancer around the same point in time gave her the independence and rebellion she craved as she discovered herself along the fiber optic roads of the Matrix.

On her twentieth birthday during a family dinner to celebrate her coming of age (though , she thwarted an attempted hit on her father from those dissatisfied with his policies and unwilling to see his aspirations of leadership go any further by disabling their SmartLinked guns. Rather than praise, she was beaten and berated by her father for both being a Technomancer, and for concealing her power from him. In a fit of reckless rage he told her that he should have had her killed as well, alongside her mother - in order to better reflect the Yakuza's traditional values, his American wife needed to be out of the picture so that he could remarry a properly Japanese woman. Divorce wouldn't look good either, and so the most honorable path was a violent death, defending their child, or so his logic deemed.

She snapped. With impotent balled-up fists, she spat that not only was she a Technomancer, but that she, his first son, was a woman as well. She was instantly disowned and given two options - with a blade at her neck, she could die, or she could become his tool, another pawn in a game of power. With gritted teeth and salted tears, she accepted. Even as she said it, however, gears of furious rebellion turned in her head. She knew people - years of living on the Matrix can give a girl access to all sorts of people and places, and not all of them are well within the watchful eye of the Yakuza.



Where does the story of someone's life begin? Not with an introduction, but with a thousand little tragedies, all disconnected in time and space until the red thread of fate woven between them pulls them taut and stitches them close.

As a young child, Akiha fights with pangs of jealous hurt seeing other girls his age, and he does not yet know why. He is struck when he expresses that hurt to those around her. When she looks back as an adult, as she often does, she will try desperately to reach across time to comfort that child, and always finds she cannot.

Some time before her birth, the man who will be her father, Takashi Kurosawa, loses his job, and another, and again, always to bar fights and drunkenness, until a chance encounter with a Yakuza Kaikei in the drunk tank connects him with the Kanaga-gumi, and he begins a shadowy life as a Kumi-in. His pregnant wife, an American woman he insists doesn't know the prestige of the Yakuza, spars against him with whispered screams behind closed doors in protest.

As a nine year old, Akiha begs through bloody tears for her mother to cling to life. Halloweeners flee from the shattered glass and shell casings littering the street beside their overturned scooter with a scant few hundred nuyen as a reward. Though it was supposed to be a safe part of the city, the nearby screech of Knight Errant is small comfort as her mother says her goodbyes to her oldest child and the light leaves her, taking Akiha's along with it, who even years later will still dream of this night. Her father, the bright, powerful, and ruthless presence that he is while sober, counts his blessings - he is looked on favorably as a long term candidate for a role in the gumi leadership, and though a haafu child will be tolerated if abnormally scrutinized, a non-Japanese wife would be unacceptably gauche.

As a teenager, Akiha struggles for purpose of her own. She begins vandalizing smalltime hosts, some with righteous purpose and some only for fun, and finds some power in escaping the grasp of GOD. She finds comfort in competition, and throws her soul into fighting games, team-based shooters, MMORPGs. For the first time in her life, she makes friends, and chases dreams, she likes to think.Her father outside the Matrix, who finds her more often than not staring silent holes into walls, abandons his first son as his preferred successor in the organization, and gives up on grooming his closeted child for a position in the "family business" in favor of Akiha's younger brother by only a year, Jiro.

As a ten-year-old, Akiha awakens to the Resonant, though knows enough to keep her secrets just as she has with all the other things her heart desperately wants and can't have. She flies the skies of the Matrix in ways she has never known before, and finds that here, her body does not chafe against her as it does when made of meat. Doctors struggle to find a medical cause for her apparent dissociation, and can only attribute it to PTSD. She is beaten for it behind closed doors in desperate bids to fix her in the only ways her father knows how. She does not feel it with hotsim as her shield.

As a tween, she is forced to fist fight her brother. She is taught to shoot guns, and to hold swords, though as years pass she will largely forget how. She is told that this makes her strong, and that when the time comes that she might become useful to the Kanaga-gumi, she will be ready for it. Her father is made Shategashira, and their family, along with her father's new wife, made wealthy.

She is twenty now. Though she is abandoned as his heir, she is still Takashi Kurosawa's oldest son, and so their family celebrates her Seijin no Hi with a small, traditional dinner. Her father promises kimono and hanabi and a flight to Tokyo on her to properly celebrate her ceremony next year, and though she knows he speaks not to her but to the oyabun and the wakagashira and his underlings and whoever else might hear of this dinner and think highly of his traditional values, she smiles politely so as to avoid seeming ungrateful. She has learned by now that things are easier here when she is silent, even when she resents this man who should have stayed in Japan if he liked it that much.

She sits beside her father on the floor in the traditional way only because he places her there. His wife sits beside him, Jiro beside her, their youngest beside him. Through the thin walls of their home, she notices movement - icons of smartlinked handguns traipse through their bedrooms, their halls. She traces their path to find them approaching. Her body goes stiff, and though her father notices her unease, he does not have eyes like her, and he cannot understand what she does.

She gestures subtly to call forth her sprite, and pleads for its help under her breath. As footsteps become audible and the splintered shouts of broken doors erupt, she lets loose, springing to her feet, gesturing as if by instinct just as she would in the Matrix. She announces that guns are coming, a half dozen - she tells her father with a presence he hasn't seen from her before to send the others to another room and to call in his kumi-in from the garden, though she already doubts they will come. These men infiltrated silently, right through the front door - were palms greased, to make it past the security?

She disables one gun with little trouble - they didn't bring a Matrix presence to cover their asses, and she is endlessly grateful for their oversight. Her sprite gladly takes another, and they act in sequence, one after another. To those in the meat, she is possessed, rambling, flailing - it's only her father who seems to recognize, with furious shock, what is happening and what she must be. When those guns break down the door (Yakuza themselves, the analytical part of her makes a mental note to remember), they find their triggers jammed, their smart weapons made dumb. Her father, handgun at the ready, fires without mercy, until their intruders lie dead or fleeing.

She pants, adrenaline waning. Her father turns to her, and she half-anticipates praise before he slaps her across the cheek. He berates her. For being aberrant and ugly, and most of all for concealing it from him, because even that ugliness could become strength, for the family, for him. He shouts with careless rage that he should have arranged to have her killed too, all those years ago.

Something in her snaps. Like kindling, years of dry rage ignite all at once. She tells him, recklessly, that not only is she a technomancer, but that she is a woman, and instead of hitting her now, apoplectically red, he raises his gun. She asks, staring past the barrel into its icon on the Matrix, what exactly he plans to do when his gun jams as well as any other, and instead he reaches for his blade. Cold, traditional steel without a thought or care for the Matrix. He draws, and levels it at her chest. "Choose," he says, "since you choose not to be my son. You can only be my tool. Or else, die."

She wants to see him dead, for herself, for her mother who she barely knew - but fear wins her over. With red hot cheeks and clenched fists, with salty tears that dribble down her nose, she accepts his ultimatum. There are enemies within his ranks - Kanaga-gumi, or some other faction, she can't say. But if he has enemies, then in his mind he'll have use for her, more use than for a corpse, more use than she would be worth as a disgrace to his honor and a body in an MCT research laboratory.

So she resolves to be Yakuza, to pretend at least, or to be a useful consult for them at least. While she's pretending, she buys a comm and pretends she's a decker too, and that's normal enough. She wears a suit and pretends she's a man, and this more than either of the other two kills her, though it protects her from Old School yaks more reliably than kevlar.

She turns Matrix tricks on the side, research and oddjobs, but they're not enough to break her out, to buy her freedom, and certainly not enough to ruin the man or the organization who have ignited a vengeful flame inside her. If she's going to put Takashi Kurosawa into the ground, she will need a far bigger shovel.

Luckily, her dear friend and Fixer, a ghost from her rebellious teenage past, has heard of a little runner's hub called ShadowHaven, provided BHop is willing to take the risks. She'll hook her up, point her toward the host - so long as she always comes back with another story to tell.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Analytical Mind
  • Bilingual
  • Instinctive Hack
  • Ninja Vanish
  • One With the Matrix II


  • Basement Dweller
  • Driven (Revenge on Father)
  • Emotional Attachment (Dodge Scoot [Haruko-chan])
  • Phobia (Uncommon, Moderate) (Clowns [Halloweeners])
  • Social Appearance Anxiety 1 (Gender Dysphoria)

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Family BusinessOrion1 May 2085
Front Point & CenterAsmodeus24 April 2085
Invasive SpeciesSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre11 April 2085
Gojira Drinks Bleach and Fucking DiesAsmodeus6 April 2085
Dusk's MessengerLemon24 March 2085
Memitim's TombSleeveyDead Gods Stir
The Name of Heaven
10 March 2085
Runnin' from the Dock of the BayLHOG27 February 2085
Graduation DayAsmodeus13 February 2085
Budding HeavenseekerSleeveyThe Name of Heaven26 January 2085
Third-Story MalpracticeSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre11 January 2085
Encroaching ViscosityAsmodeus8 January 2085
Guerilla GangoonsAsmodeusThe Arrival3 January 2085
Party BalloonSyphilen29 December 2084
Ash ReplevinSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre27 December 2084
Hot Potato (Chips)Sample Text9 December 2084
Matrix MedicineLotus8 December 2084
Tying A Yoke to YamadaLHOG30 November 2084
Jumping Jimmy GLHOG29 November 2084
Go big, go loud, or go home!TidanShockThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes18 November 2084
Diggin'Fangblade_15 November 2084
Knock KnockAsmodeusSwarming Season10 November 2084
Move Ahead, Lay Down Dead, or Slip on ByFangblade_Sign of Zeta8 November 2084
BANGYOURHEAD+55Fangblade_2 November 2084
Little Rat, Big HoleLHOG29 October 2084
DuvetFangblade_And Love You Shall Find
The Light Before We Land
24 October 2084
Fort DumbassFangblade_And Love You Shall Find20 October 2084
Our Fellow Sorcerer's Corpses Part 1Fangblade_16 October 2084
Falling Dusk, Part 2 (Midnight)Açai.015 October 2084
Falling Dusk, Part 1Açai.08 October 2084
Building on BiometricsLHOG1 October 2084
As Goes LightFangblade_When the hunters came to town
And Love You Shall Find
30 September 2084
10 Byte CrooksLHOG27 September 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
anhe_ 3 5 Fixer(K,N,G,A) Matrix Information Specialist and Fixer Detached, Lore Hunter, Chronically Online, Software, Shadowrunning, "Oh? Tell me more.", Information Specialist, Fact vs. Fiction, AI "Ally", Protosapients and Technocritters Even
Takashi Kurosawa 4 1 Custom (A,G,N,K) Shategashira of the Kanaga-gumi Cyberware, Automatic Firearms, Handguns, Long Arms, Blades, Don't Talk Back, Yakkity Yak Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


Yuuki Love (Fake Rating 4, UCAS)

  • Fake Firearms License (Rating 4)
  • Fake Private Investigator's License (Rating 4)


On the meat, Akiha is short for a boy at only 5'8", but gargantuan for a woman, which she's of course very self-conscious of. Her dark hair curls softly around her face, framing it well and lending it a round femininity, even as her shoulders flare on the masculine side of androgynous. She is pale, leaning more closely to her American heritage than her Japanese. Her dark eyes bounce between the bratty mischief she tries to play up online and the riptide of dull, bitter fury that swirls underneath. Overall, she is a woman of opposites struggling to reconcile.


Doing Yak work, her outfits are decided for her. Button ups and blazers and belts. Her shoulders visibly slump in these scenarios.

Most other times, BHop covers up in facemasks, baggy hoodies and jeans. Goofy cat faces and ironic Japanese written in gana and kana are printed all over her mask and clothes, and augmented by AR tags with light-up decorations surrounding her - speech bubbles, moving cat ears, and so on. On runs, she also sports a pair of red reflective goggles to cover her eyes, and a little side-satchel to carry her gear.

Bun always has some kind of corrective vision on - typically a proper pair of glasses.

Matrix Persona

On the wire, Bun is much more plainly herself. She flits between personas, though typically sports two large bunny ears, whether anthropomorphic or purely fashion. Her hair is typically bright and long, defaulting to a blonde red, and her height a meager 5'1" on average, though she'll always adjust to at least try to be the shortest in the conversation by a centimeter or two (with the largest chest to boot, if she's feeling jealous). Her eyes are bright and playful, mischievous and fun, always shimmering in whatever color she chooses to match her aesthetic that day - though defaulting to a deep purple. Her outfits are copious: lolita fashion, stylishly baggy street wear, promiscuous bunny outfits, and so on - she always attempts to coordinate these outfits with the body of her persona, and will adjust the color of her hair and eyes to match if needed.

In rarer moments, when her guard is down, she may even dress down. She holds in reserve a lovingly crafted render of herself, her real body, edited only far enough to become what it always should have been. This persona is only ever shown to those she trusts.

When doing Yak work, she limits herself. A simple textureless mesh with only the silhouette of an oni to give it shape are all she needs to please the Kanaga-gumi and disguise herself from the other side of her work.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments