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|data6 = (Human)
|data6 = (Human)
|label7 = Street Cred
|label7 = Street Cred
|data7= 0
|data7= 2
|label8 = Notoriety
|label8 = Notoriety
|data8 = 0
|data8 = 1
|label9 = Public Awareness
|label9 = Public Awareness
|data9= 0
|data9= 0

Revision as of 06:56, 3 March 2020

Physical Infiltrator/Backup Sam
Sniper, Spook, and Samurai (in a pinch)
Street Cred2
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
Metatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A

Character Information


Physical infiltrator, sniper, backup sammy. Dragon doesn't have the ideal body, but his extensive self-modding makes him lethal at all ranges and able to get into places where he isn't welcome. Dragon specializes in stealth and B&E, making him an ideal pair with matrix or magical support, but he's hardly helpless in combat and excels at both short and long range, wielding his trusty sniper rifle and explosive shotgun.


Establish a more permanent base of operations and local network

Acquire some newer chrome

Obtain Made Man status with the Komun'go

and kill as many Yaks as he can along the way


"My father was a warrior, born and bred. His father fought during the great unification of Korea and his father fought when we were first divided, forced to hide and serve the international powers of east and west. We have endured years of facing bigger opponents, generations of harsh training, and millenia of conflict. My people are scattered, but we are not broken. If anyone thinks that we are, they're in for a rude awakening."

Dragon is a more recent addition to the Seattle metropolis, having been born as the son of two Yeong Ring members in New York, UCAS where he lived most of his life. He was trained from a young age on the hard reality of being a criminal by both his parents, that is, until they were both killed on a botched "company mission" against the Yakuza. Respects were paid, condolences were given, and he was offered a promotion in light of his parents' honorable sacrifice for the cause. Dragon respectfully declined, choosing to leave behind his painful memories and inquire about families elsewhere, whereupon he was recommended to the Komun'go, as they were in striking it big in Seattle, the emerald city of golden opportunities. Currently he works as a freelance spook in Seattle, handling Red-Deer's wetwork and running in the shadows.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Distinctive Style- Not many people are running around with hardware like this, even if they do try to be sneaky.
  • Faceless- I prefer to keep my identity hidden and my face concealed.
  • Impassive- I've had my fair share of fighting and it's left me a bit cold to say the least.
  • Vendetta(Yakuza)- Yaks killed my parents, I kill the Yaks. Simple math really.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Reformation Hunt 13DarklordiabloThe Reformation28 February 2081
Reformation Hunt 22DarklordiabloThe Reformation28 February 2081
Frag n ClearMudge22 February 2081
ShipwreckedMalyc17 February 2081



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Jea Eun Red-Deer 6 5 Fixer Fixer Friends in Low Places, Komun'go Networker, Medicine Cabinet, Standover, Thrifty, Black Market Connections, Daehan Minguk Manse!, Infobroker, Hard to Reach Even


Group Rep
Knight Errant +1
Spinglobal -2



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

While Dragon hates leaving a trace for people to follow, his large-caliber anti-material rifle does leave some... unique holes. When he needs to sign something or otherwise indicate his presence, he leaves a "D" composed of sharp, angular lines.

Matrix Search Table

1 Hit You can easily find that whoever this is, he seems to wear more than one face and a lot of surveillance footage involving him seems to blur any defining features out. He isn't a ghost per se, but the lack of concrete information is just as noticeable as its presence.
3 Hits Uses of the runner handle 'Dragon' in Seattle seem to only really date back a few months, correlating with the increase in conflicting sources of weirdly blurred footage by security cams. Any personal data seems to be scrubbed, but the obvious conclusions are that he either started shadowrunning or shadowrunning in Seattle around 3 months ago.
5+ Hits If one examines the various ballistics reports and forensic data released "publicly", it isn't hard to see that Dragon's preferred caliber was responsible for a variety of violent activities in New York starting around 10 years ago and ending about 3 months ago, typically against both criminal and law-enforcement elements. This correlates with a recent increase in large-caliber shootings in Seattle beginning around 3 months ago, when they decreased in New York.

Collated data reveals that ballistics reports almost always indicate use of armor-piercing ammunition at long ranges during initial encounters. Further forensic evidence seems to indicate that minutes after first encounter, all remaining targets are terminated with extreme prejudice at close range with a seeming disregard for obstructions such as walls, furniture, or doors. Any visual evidence or recordings of these events seem scrambled and display a transparent man with blurred features, if they display him at all. Strangely enough, matrix records of these events don't seem to display any of his icons or any wrapped icons, just the matrix presence of victims.

Based on frequency of attacks and target preference, Dragon most likely lives in Southern Seattle, with the highest likelihood of residence in Auburn. Target preference seems to mainly be directed towards regional Yakuza operatives, most of which are typically double-tapped at close range, possibly suggesting association with the Komun'go Ring.

Shadow Community Table

1 Hit Dragon seems like a more recent addition to the Seattle shadows. Nobody's really heard of him being around a year ago.
3 Hits Dragon is a runner working with the Komun'go Ring, as well as taking freelance jobs linked to the ShadowHaven host. He has a preference for precise shots using large-caliber weaponry and is a dab hand at sneaking and B&E activity. He isn't particularly extroverted, but he upholds contracts.
5+ Hits Dragon is a runner originally from New York who arrived in Seattle about 3 months ago. He got chummy with the Komun'go Ring quicker than normal and works for one of the sub-lieutenants on wetwork and B&E jobs. Besides his Ring connections, he works freelance as a runner and was recently introduced to the ShadowHaven host. He isn't the most extroverted of people and tends to dislike interrogations about his identity and history, but if you win his loyalty he will stick with you through thick and thin. For whatever reason, he hates the Yaks with a passion and is a quick volunteer on any mission against them.


James Kim-Rating 4 (UCAS)

Charles Park-Rating 4 (UCAS)


A relatively average looking, if athletic, male of Korean descent who stands at 6'1" and always seems to have a serious, business-like demeanor. Under his clothes, Dragon's average appearance starts to fall apart as upon closer inspection it would soon become obvious to any observer that they are looking at something brimming with all kinds of ware.


Most of the time Dragon can be seen wearing armored formal attire in the form of Mortimer of London, but on mission he typically dons a reinforced chameleon suit. He prefers to dress in greys and muted colors to keep from attracting too much attention when he is visible.

Matrix Persona

Dragon's persona is an average but stately businessman dressed in a business suit and seemingly always carrying a black briefcase.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments