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One particularly terrible decision to deface a local gang's graffiti signature, instead of being life ending, became life changing. The orc who would become Blake's father figure happened upon the fracas and intervened, saving his life.
One particularly terrible decision to deface a local gang's graffiti signature, instead of being life ending, became life changing. The orc who would become Blake's father figure happened upon the fracas and intervened, saving his life.

The ork was Onosuke Takeshi, ex corpo army sharpshooter (AWOL) and co-owner of a mid-grade cybertech clinic (with his wife Onosuke Tsubaki; cybertech surgeon and decker)
The ork was Onosuke Takeshi, a former Ares Arms corpo army sharpshooter/adept, Shadowrunner, and co-owner of a cybertech clinic (with his wife Onosuke Tsubaki; cybertech surgeon and decker)

Blake was one of a rare few who didn't react negatively to Takeshi's excessively cyberized, overly toothy visage, so he posed a question to the boy:
Blake was one of a rare few who didn't react negatively to Takeshi's heavily cyberized face (the guy was basically just cyberware and teeth from the neck up, courtesy of an enemy counter sniper), and after a short debate on whether it was better to be lucky or skilled, Takeshi took the boy in. Blake was 8 at the time.

"Are you always this lucky?"
Takeshi's wife, was welcoming and kind after the surprise of sudden parenthood
"Better to be lucky than good" Blake responded
"Why not be both?"
"Too busy trying not starve"
Surprised to find this level of self awareness in a 10 year old, Takeshi took the boy in.

== Narrative Significant Qualities ==
== Narrative Significant Qualities ==

Revision as of 14:40, 26 January 2022

Blake Decker
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.Character's Date of Birth
PriorityMetatype - X
Attributes - X
Magic/Resonance - X
Skills - X
Resources - X

Character Information


Blake is a Decker (both in name and profession), a former long range competition shooter, a cyberware enthusiast and total weeb.


-Get the best cyberdeck, cyberware and guns money can buy.

-Perform a hack that get reported in the news.

-Perform a hack on one of the AAA Megacorps

-Land a 1000 yard shot

-Become proficient with handguns

-Afford a Medium lifestyle and a DocWagon Gold Subscription

-Watch every episode of One Piece


Blake spent his childhood running the streets with a band of urchins. Though, truth be told, he was always a hairsbreadth from being abandoned by them too; he had no common sense and kept getting himself into trouble and causing problems for the group.

But Blake always had the devil's luck. No matter the degree of shit he found himself in, things would work out in the end

One particularly terrible decision to deface a local gang's graffiti signature, instead of being life ending, became life changing. The orc who would become Blake's father figure happened upon the fracas and intervened, saving his life.

The ork was Onosuke Takeshi, a former Ares Arms corpo army sharpshooter/adept, Shadowrunner, and co-owner of a cybertech clinic (with his wife Onosuke Tsubaki; cybertech surgeon and decker)

Blake was one of a rare few who didn't react negatively to Takeshi's heavily cyberized face (the guy was basically just cyberware and teeth from the neck up, courtesy of an enemy counter sniper), and after a short debate on whether it was better to be lucky or skilled, Takeshi took the boy in. Blake was 8 at the time.

Takeshi's wife, was welcoming and kind after the surprise of sudden parenthood

Narrative Significant Qualities



Signature- Blake's signature is a hand-turkey. In his old neighborhood some no-name gang lived in the area, whose "thing" was to spraypaint sillhouetts of their hands on everything. Blake thought it would be funny to deface their signature by taking a grease pen and turning the hand into a hand-turkey. They caught him in the act and were beating the tar out of him when the orc who would become his father figure rescued him.

Needless to say the image stuck

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Monolithium PowersAsmodeusThe ArrivalExtreme26 April 2084
Obscuro, ReduxSarcarianExtreme16 February 2084
Fisticuff FactionBulldogcDeadly12 January 2084
"Petrovski Security won't save you now, fraggers!"IsaacSuffer the ChildrenDeadly24 August 2083
Setting the SnareArchtmag20 August 2083
Iron Prevails!EvaDeadly8 July 2083
Believe it!AuroraMedium4 March 2083
PsychotronicsMedium23 February 2083
Politicians Always Have Some SkeletonsAuroraMedium12 February 2083



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