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{{CategoryTemplate}} <!-- This entire line is safe to delete. In fact, please do. -->
|YourWikiUsername =  
|YourWikiUsername =  
|title = {{PAGENAME}} <!-- Do not change this!!! It is supposed to say PAGENAME, the wiki will automatically replace this. -->
|title = {{PAGENAME}} <!-- Do not change this!!! It is supposed to say PAGENAME, the wiki will automatically replace this. -->
|image= [[File:Placeholder.png|200px]] <!-- You can change the filename to whatever you like, and upload a picture of your character to be displayed on the wiki. -->
|image= [[File:Samael.png]] <!-- You can change the filename to whatever you like, and upload a picture of your character to be displayed on the wiki. -->
|header1= Wetwork Specialist
|header1= Wetwork Specialist
|header2= Cybered Assassin
|header2= Cybered Assassin
|header3= Infiltration Specialist
|label5 = Discord
|label5 = Discord
|data5 = @robintan
|data5 = @robinton
|label6 = Reddit
|label6 = Reddit
|data6 = [https://www.reddit.com/user/james_robinton]
|data6 = [https://www.reddit.com/user/james_robinton]
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|data7 = Elf
|data7 = Elf
|label8 = Street Cred
|label8 = Street Cred
|data8= 0
|data8= 10
|label9 = Notoriety
|label9 = Notoriety
|data9 = 0
|data9 = 1
|label10 = Public Awareness
|label10 = Public Awareness
|data10= 0
|data10= 0
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|}} <!-- The above will automatically update your character's age on their birthday! Just enter their month, day, and year of birth in numeric format. -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically update your character's age on their birthday! Just enter their month, day, and year of birth in numeric format. -->
|label15 = Folder
|label15 = Folder
|data15 = [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O35KBq3IDUJWmu0Oi508dFWd_pb5GWGg]
|data15 = [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ne8QXgRXyyvQjb_s9eK4c6D3BMmI0lp7]
|label16 = Priority
|label16 = Priority
|data16 = Metatype - C <br /> Attributes - B <br /> Magic/Resonance - E <br /> Skills - D <br /> Resources - A
|data16 = Metatype - C <br /> Attributes - B <br /> Magic/Resonance - E <br /> Skills - D <br /> Resources - A
|label17 = #Max IGs/Ascension
|label17 = #Max IGs/Ascension
|data17 = {{IGTracker| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of the first run below in numeric format. Set the awakened status to 0 if you are mundane, 1 for Mage/Mystic Adept and 2 for the other awakened. If you are a techno you may just delete this part from label17 to the delete pointer.-->
|data17 = {{IGTracker| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of the first run below in numeric format. Set the awakened status to 0 if you are mundane, 1 for Mage/Mystic Adept and 2 for the other awakened. If you are a techno you may just delete this part from label17 to the delete pointer.-->
|}} <!-- delete until this line if you are a techno. -->
|}} <!-- delete until this line if you are a techno. -->
|label18 = # Optional Infected powers allowed
|data18 = {{InfectedPowers| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of the first run after infection below in numeric format. Leave blank if you aren't infected -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically the number of optional infected powers your character is allowed to buy! Just enter the month, day, and year of the first run after infection below in numeric format. Leave blank if you aren't infected -->
|label19 = Essence(Current/Max):
|data19 = {{Strain1EssenceTracker|
|}} <!-- The above will help to track your current essence level based on the number of runs you have gone on as a strain 1 infected. Every 4 runs you will drop one essence and use of active powers will accelerate this. Increment activepowersused each time you activate an infected power and enter your IG in Essence expansion if you have the essence expansion metamagic. Essencelost is used to track Essence loss due to cyberware, Essence drained is used to track the total amount of essence drained over your career. If you were not a strain 1 infected in your first run you may need to play with essence lost active powers used or essence drained to get the counter synced up correctly. If you are not a strain 1 infected you can remove label and data lines 19-->
|}} <!-- The above will help to track your current essence level based on the number of runs you have gone on as a strain 1 infected. Every 4 runs you will drop one essence and use of active powers will accelerate this. Increment activepowersused each time you activate an infected power and enter your IG in Essence expansion if you have the essence expansion metamagic. Essencelost is used to track Essence loss due to cyberware, Essence drained is used to track the total amount of essence drained over your career. If you were not a strain 1 infected in your first run you may need to play with essence lost active powers used or essence drained to get the counter synced up correctly. If you are not a strain 1 infected you can remove label and data lines 19-->
|label20 = # Optional Drake powers available
|data20 = {{DrakePowers|
|}} <!-- Track available drake powers. Enter the date of the run you transformed into a drake the first time. As you buy major and minor powers increment that number here. If you are not a drake you can delete the label and data 20 lines. -->

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=Character Information=
=Character Information=
Mundane Ascensions: 2

Samael seems an oddity in the runner community, approaching runs as the simple business they are. He is mercenary in every sense of the word but exacting when it comes to enacting The Plan and ensuring that there are no un-needed strings attached to the ends of any jobs. He dresses well and as a result looks more at home in Downtown or Bellevue than, really, anywhere else.
Samael seems an oddity in the runner community, approaching runs as the with as gentle a touch as possible. He absolutely understands the realities of doing wetwork but prefers to avoid, whenever possible, doing anything that would leave a trail or be described as 'explosive'. Given his druthers, he prefers to remain as out of sight as possible and will always opt for infiltration and disguise whenever available. He dresses well and as a result looks more at home in Downtown or Bellevue than, really, anywhere else. The inspiration for his name, given by an old dear runner friend, centers on his view towards death. While he knows the realities of the jobs he takes, he always opts for dignity and respect when to comes to a person's final moments.
"Most of us do not get to choose when we come to our end, but only how we face it. And perhaps, if we are fortunate, who we have surrounded ourselves with when it comes."

Trace EVO connections to try to find more information on his parents.
Trace EVO connections to try to find more information on his parents.
Find and Avenge his parents murder.
Find and Avenge his parents murder.
Run the shadows - after all, it beats a day job.
Run the shadows - after all, this is what real living looks like.

Edward Faraday was born differently - had he not been born into the absolute lap of luxury, he'd have likely ended up with any number of physical and genetic deformaties. Instead, thanks to his parents involvement in the Hildebrandt-Kleinfort-Bernal bank, a young Edward was shipped off to any number of EVO locations for genetic modifications and corrections. The results were straightforwards -  the removal of the genetic issues affecting his birth, and, eventually the biotech which would make him be albe to keep himself safe as he grew up amid all his parents corporate entangelements.
Edward Frost was born differently - had he not been born into the absolute lap of luxury, he'd have likely ended up with any number of physical and genetic deformaties. Instead, thanks to his parents involvement in the Hildebrandt-Kleinfort-Bernal bank, a young Edward was shipped off to any number of EVO locations for genetic modifications and corrections. The results were straightforwards -  the removal of the genetic issues affecting his birth, and, eventually the biotech which would make him be albe to keep himself safe as he grew up amid all his parents corporate entangelements.
What he didn't know, however, and still doesn't is that he is actually a second generation Shadowrunner. His parents involvement in the banks in London were their retirement and cover story for their wealth. They had hoped to keep their child from the life of the shadows, but when their past caught up to them it all ended up back in the shadows anyways.
His parents murder amid, what he thinks was, yet another corporate conflict all but forced him into the shadows; bankrolled by the family fortune, he took to running in order to avenge the death of his parents. It is that hunt which leads him towards Seattle....

His parents murder amid yet another corporate conflict all but forced him into the shadows; bankrolled by the family fortune, he took to running in order to avenge the death of his parents. It is that hunt which leads him towards Seattle....
Michael and Melinda Frost, apparent investment bankers and financiers.

== Narrative Significant Qualities ==
== Narrative Significant Qualities ==

Tough as Nails (Physical) 3
''Old Money'' - Trust Fund 3 (High)
''John Wick'' - Will to Live 3, Tough as Nails (Stun) 1,
''Consummate Professional'' - Perfect Timing, Special Modifications 2, Sharpshooter
''In the Biz for a bit'' - Common Sense, Agile Defender, Catlike
''Edegrunner'' - Biocompatibility (Cyberware)

Will to Live 3
''The Faceless Man'' - Social Chameleon

Code of Honor (Assassin's Creed)
''Old Money'' - Creature of Comfort (Middle), SINner (National - United Kingdom)
''In the Biz for a bit'' - Insomnia, Addiction (Mild - Betameth)

Creature of Comfort (Middle)

SINner (National) (United Kingdom)
''Essence:'' 1.5
''Grade: Standard'' - R2 Wired Reflexes, R2 Muscle Toner, Narco, Reflex Recorder (Pistols)
''Grade: Delta'' - False Face, Pain Editor, R4 Orthoskin, R4 Cybereyes

==Run History==
==Run History==
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|Name=Angi Harris

|Name='Doc' Mortimer

|Name=Jaqueline Morrison

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[[Geodesic]] - The two have run together and Geo owes him a 'marker' for taking care of him after failing a hack. While Geo knows it was a manifestation of his dissonance issue, Sam is only aware that Geo got some heavy dumpshock getting kicked out of a host.
[[Jessie_DeVux]] - Samael has given Koi his word that he will help her continue her hunt on Humanis, though he worries he has strained their professional relationship given his obvious concern for her mental state.
[[Rosalia_32]] - A single job together and a single night together is all it takes; that moment of comfort between two runners leading to a surprisingly deep level of affection, albeit a platonic one given Rosalia's relationship with Annette.

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==Symbols and Signatures==
==Symbols and Signatures==
While Samael doesn't leave any particular calling cards, he is relatively known to be always dressed well which can make him stand out among runners.
While Samael doesn't leave any particular calling cards, he is relatively known to be always dressed well which can make him stand out among runners. The all black SAAB Dynamit, however, often attracts a bit of attention.
James Bond, John Wick, Raymond Reddington, The Faceless Men from Game of Thrones

==Matrix Search Table==
==Matrix Search Table==
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|LowResult=Samael "Call me Sam" is from the United Kingdom where he has run the Shadows in the past.
|LowResult=Samael "Call me Sam" is from the United Kingdom where he has run the Shadows in the past.
|MidResult=Samael will not kill an innocent bystander and as a result tends to be very exacting in what the contract language is when working with Mr. Johnson
|MidResult=Samael prefers to not have runs result in a lot of collateral damage. This either means super precise planning or leaving no witnesses.  
|HighResult=Samael has had extensive cyber and bio modifications to specialize in gunplay
|HighResult=Samael has had extensive cyber and bio modifications to specialize in gunplay
Line 172: Line 196:
|Result2=Significant cyberware and bio modifications
|Result2=Significant cyberware and bio modifications
|Result3=His essence is significantly weakened
|Result3=His essence is significantly weakened
|Result4=Wired Reflexes, Rating 2, with reflex Optimization. Damage Compensators, Rating 4. Muscle Toner (AGI), Rating 2. Cybereyes, Rating 3.
|Result4=Listed above
|Result5=Samael has genetic lingering of a variety of birth defects which were clearly gene edited out when he was a child.  
|Result5=Samael has genetic lingering of a variety of birth defects which were clearly gene edited out when he was a child.  
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| '''Edward Faraday'''
| '''Edward Frost'''
| UK
| UK
| 6
| Real
| Concealed carry, Driver, Firearms
| Concealed carry, Driver, Firearms
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| '''Sam Watts'''
| '''Sam Watts'''
| 4
| 6
| Concealed carry, Driver, Firearms
| Concealed carry, Driver, Firearms, Bodyguard, Restricted Cyberware
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===Matrix Persona===
===Matrix Persona===
A featureless man in a black suit / Agent Smith

==Character Plot Hooks==
==Character Plot Hooks==
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|Aspect 1
|Aspect 1
|The Good Death: Sometimes things just need to end with quiet dignity.
|[[Angel of Death]]
|Aspect 2
|Aspect 2
|Old Money: Edward Frost is on the Board of Trustees of a small subsidiary bank associated with the Hildebrandt-Kleinfort-Bernal bank. Unknown to him, his parents built the fortune through shadowrunning and, somewhere out in the dark, is the EVO team that took their revenge.
|Aspect 3
|Aspect 3
|Edgerunner: As his essence lowers and lowers, he wonders how close he gets to the threat of cyber-psychosis himself.
|[[Birds with Clipped Wings]]
|Aspect 4
|Aspect 4
|The Faceless Man: Samael has a reputation for being able to get in and out of places without ever being seen.
|[[John Overton Must Die]]
|Aspect 5
|Aspect 5
|Gentleman Adventurer: Despite the rigors of shadowrunning and doing wetwork jobs, Samael has a reputation for gentleness and manners that often extend to his targets as well.
|[[Angel of Death]]
|Aspect 6
|Bodyguard for Hire: "Sam Watts" is a licensed bodyguard with enough Matrix traffic to justify the Rating 6 SIN.

Latest revision as of 01:55, 3 October 2024

Wetwork Specialist
Cybered Assassin
Infiltration Specialist
Street Cred10
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.3 January, 2033
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - D
Resources - A
#Max IGs/Ascension2


Character Information

Mundane Ascensions: 2


Samael seems an oddity in the runner community, approaching runs as the with as gentle a touch as possible. He absolutely understands the realities of doing wetwork but prefers to avoid, whenever possible, doing anything that would leave a trail or be described as 'explosive'. Given his druthers, he prefers to remain as out of sight as possible and will always opt for infiltration and disguise whenever available. He dresses well and as a result looks more at home in Downtown or Bellevue than, really, anywhere else. The inspiration for his name, given by an old dear runner friend, centers on his view towards death. While he knows the realities of the jobs he takes, he always opts for dignity and respect when to comes to a person's final moments.

"Most of us do not get to choose when we come to our end, but only how we face it. And perhaps, if we are fortunate, who we have surrounded ourselves with when it comes."


Trace EVO connections to try to find more information on his parents. Find and Avenge his parents murder. Run the shadows - after all, this is what real living looks like.


Edward Frost was born differently - had he not been born into the absolute lap of luxury, he'd have likely ended up with any number of physical and genetic deformaties. Instead, thanks to his parents involvement in the Hildebrandt-Kleinfort-Bernal bank, a young Edward was shipped off to any number of EVO locations for genetic modifications and corrections. The results were straightforwards - the removal of the genetic issues affecting his birth, and, eventually the biotech which would make him be albe to keep himself safe as he grew up amid all his parents corporate entangelements.

What he didn't know, however, and still doesn't is that he is actually a second generation Shadowrunner. His parents involvement in the banks in London were their retirement and cover story for their wealth. They had hoped to keep their child from the life of the shadows, but when their past caught up to them it all ended up back in the shadows anyways.

His parents murder amid, what he thinks was, yet another corporate conflict all but forced him into the shadows; bankrolled by the family fortune, he took to running in order to avenge the death of his parents. It is that hunt which leads him towards Seattle....


Michael and Melinda Frost, apparent investment bankers and financiers.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Old Money - Trust Fund 3 (High)

John Wick - Will to Live 3, Tough as Nails (Stun) 1,

Consummate Professional - Perfect Timing, Special Modifications 2, Sharpshooter

In the Biz for a bit - Common Sense, Agile Defender, Catlike

Edegrunner - Biocompatibility (Cyberware)

The Faceless Man - Social Chameleon


Old Money - Creature of Comfort (Middle), SINner (National - United Kingdom)

In the Biz for a bit - Insomnia, Addiction (Mild - Betameth)


Essence: 1.5

Grade: Standard - R2 Wired Reflexes, R2 Muscle Toner, Narco, Reflex Recorder (Pistols)

Grade: Delta - False Face, Pain Editor, R4 Orthoskin, R4 Cybereyes

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Happy (Late) Raccoon Day!Eva2 October 2085
John Overton Must DieVilliers29 September 2085
The Red Dragon's BackAsmodeus4 September 2085
All good till it wasn'tAsmodeus28 August 2085
Commando's Rebirth : Green TeamZerreContre-Révolution24 August 2085
Birds with Clipped WingsDiscogoblin13 August 2085
Always Listen to Your DoctorEva9 August 2085
Performance EnhancementNiven19 July 2085
Surveying the SituationSarcarian4 July 2085
Angel of DeathScranton2 July 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Djinn 5 2 Fixer Red Vory Fixer Ex-Shadowrunner, Vory, Business Owner's Association, Money Launderer, High Dollar Smuggling, SURGE Even
Danny Greenlight 1 1 Service Taxi Driver Drive Quiet, Drive Loud Even
Angi Harris 3 1 Service Retired Rigger Stay outa the fire, Fine ass ride, Tough as iron, Auto Mechanic, Armorer, Rigger Even
'Doc' Mortimer 6 2 Custom(G,A,K,N) Street Doc Biotechnologist, Advanced 'Ware, Black Market Pipeline, Forbidden Gear, Cybertechnologist, Cyberlimbs, Blood and Bone Even
Jaqueline Morrison 5 2 Custom (G,A,N,K) Tailor Tailor, The Clothes Make The Man, Armorer, Upper Class Boutique, Pragmatic Accesorizing, Jet Set Lifestyle Even



Geodesic - The two have run together and Geo owes him a 'marker' for taking care of him after failing a hack. While Geo knows it was a manifestation of his dissonance issue, Sam is only aware that Geo got some heavy dumpshock getting kicked out of a host.

Jessie_DeVux - Samael has given Koi his word that he will help her continue her hunt on Humanis, though he worries he has strained their professional relationship given his obvious concern for her mental state.

Rosalia_32 - A single job together and a single night together is all it takes; that moment of comfort between two runners leading to a surprisingly deep level of affection, albeit a platonic one given Rosalia's relationship with Annette.


In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

While Samael doesn't leave any particular calling cards, he is relatively known to be always dressed well which can make him stand out among runners. The all black SAAB Dynamit, however, often attracts a bit of attention.



James Bond, John Wick, Raymond Reddington, The Faceless Men from Game of Thrones

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 "Samael", the Hebrew word for the Angel of Death

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Samael "Call me Sam" is from the United Kingdom where he has run the Shadows in the past.
3 Samael prefers to not have runs result in a lot of collateral damage. This either means super precise planning or leaving no witnesses.
5 Samael has had extensive cyber and bio modifications to specialize in gunplay

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Not awakened. In relatively good health despite starting to get older
2 Significant cyberware and bio modifications
3 His essence is significantly weakened
4 Listed above
5 Samael has genetic lingering of a variety of birth defects which were clearly gene edited out when he was a child.


SIN Issuer Rating Licenses
Edward Frost UK Real Concealed carry, Driver, Firearms
Sam Watts EVO 6 Concealed carry, Driver, Firearms, Bodyguard, Restricted Cyberware



Samael is almost never seen without tailored, bespoke, clothing - with a clear preference for Mortimer's of London.

Matrix Persona

A featureless man in a black suit / Agent Smith

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1 The Good Death: Sometimes things just need to end with quiet dignity. Angel of Death
Aspect 2 Old Money: Edward Frost is on the Board of Trustees of a small subsidiary bank associated with the Hildebrandt-Kleinfort-Bernal bank. Unknown to him, his parents built the fortune through shadowrunning and, somewhere out in the dark, is the EVO team that took their revenge.
Aspect 3 Edgerunner: As his essence lowers and lowers, he wonders how close he gets to the threat of cyber-psychosis himself. Birds with Clipped Wings
Aspect 4 The Faceless Man: Samael has a reputation for being able to get in and out of places without ever being seen. John Overton Must Die
Aspect 5 Gentleman Adventurer: Despite the rigors of shadowrunning and doing wetwork jobs, Samael has a reputation for gentleness and manners that often extend to his targets as well. Angel of Death
Aspect 6 Bodyguard for Hire: "Sam Watts" is a licensed bodyguard with enough Matrix traffic to justify the Rating 6 SIN.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments