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Latest revision as of 00:37, 28 August 2023

Bwyell Waedlyd
Bwyell Waedlyd.png
Drake Mysad
Axes Questions
U-Haul Lesbian
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - E
Resources - E

Character Information


HOW TO PRONOUNCE: Pronunciation Guide

Freya Grey, of Welsh ancestry (though she unfortunately doesn't speak Welsh), was born in England in 2051. She is a Mystic Adept with TerraFirst sympathies and a hatred of incorrect grammar on signs. Llaith's girlfriend.


  • Learn more magic
  • Advance the goals of TerraFirst
  • Axe some people some questions
  • Learn Welsh


Born in Wales in 2051, Bwyell Waedlyd, real name Freya Gray, never learned to speak Welsh due to English colonization and then everything that happened after the Awakening. After she awakened as a mystic adept she was registered with the Lord Protectorate's Offices (LPO), though access to magical treatises was limited for dwarves at the time by local officials in the LPO. In 2071 when the LPO underwent a massive restructuring her case and paperwork were lost in the shuffle and she decided to move to UCAS (since she no longer officially existed in the United Kingdom). She joined TerraFirst! after moving, though she was arrested by Aztechnology security guards in Seattle after moving around the country at a protest over a new pipeline. As a now-SINless person she was thrown into an Aztechnology prison/labor camp for a few years until the camp was no longer deemed profitable enough to maintain. That, and she put one of the prison warden's axes into his own head during a prison riot. She still uses those axes today, though she's gotten the grips modified for her. Now she's back with TerraFirst! and ready to shadowrun. And learn Welsh.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Brand Loyalty (Product) (Aztechnology Blood Drinker Combat Axe) - Best axes in the world
  • Mentor Spirit (Fire-Bringer) - Never one to shy away from helping those in need
  • Sense of Direction - She's spent some time in the wilderness


  • Allergy (Uncommon, Moderate) (Apples) - Good thing she doesn't live in the apple state
  • PSC (Compulsive IV, Public Single Aspect) (Correct Grammar On Signs) - Don't mess up the grammar, or she'll fix it
  • PSC (Thrill Seeker) - Best high is adrenaline

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Hooding For EmberrageBulldogc28 August 2084
The Virgin AffairYouMayFireWhenReadyIt's a Small Underworld After All
The Metroplex Governor Race of '84
5 August 2084
Silvered by KnightEva4 December 2083
Just a Peaceful TalkZerreThe Burning Star of Redmond24 October 2083
Bring The FireTekomander8 September 2083
Pacific High WayPokémonemocow718 August 2083
Basilisk LadyKaterSalemShadowHaven Shutdown15 August 2083
Rat on the yaks, get attackedL1 July 2083



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Chloe Green 2 6 Fixer Fixer Activist, Environmentalist, Rich Brat Even
Lord Emberrage 5 1 Service Force 12 Fire Spirit BY FIRE BE PURGED !, THE INFIDELS !, DIE INSECTS !, Old Spirit, FEAR MY WRATH !, FACE MY MINIONS !, The Smith Even
Ret. Adjutant-General Joseph Hodge 3 4 Legwork Retired UCAS Adjutant-General of the Former US Virgin Islands So Terribly Lonely, Long in the Tooth, Proud Veteran, Served With Distinction, Islander at Heart, Grateful for the Green Even
Keisha Jackson 4 3 Custom(K,N,A,G) KSAF Journalist Hyperfixation, Passionate and Rambling, Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, Woman of Principle, Workaholic, Emphasis on the Prototype, Crazy-Well-Educated, First Class Travel, Cunning Linguist, Nose for a Good Story, Weird Whispers, International Crime Desk, North American News Desk, Foreign Correspondent on Assignment, CAS Born, If Not Raised Even



+5 Shotozumi-Gumi Rep


-10 Knight-Errant Rep

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result


Galilea Kramer, UCAS R1



Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments