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'''Sky-Clad (Mentor Spirit [Eagle], Hawk Eye):''' The blessings of the great Warder are vast and far reaching. And who needs elf eyes to see those hobbits, anyway?
'''Sky-Clad (Mentor Spirit [Eagle], Hawk Eye):''' The blessings of the great Warder are vast and far reaching. And who needs elf eyes to see those hobbits, anyway?

'''Perfectionist (Perfect Time, Sharpshooter, Strive for Perfection):''' Despite his self-admittedly lacking intellect, Buck is very much a die-hard perfectionist. Something is not worth doing unless it is done just right. By himself, anyway. He would never dream of holding anyone else to such standards.
'''Perfectionist (Perfect Time, Sharpshooter, Shoot First Don't Ask, Strive for Perfection):''' Despite his self-admittedly lacking intellect, Buck is very much a die-hard perfectionist. Something is not worth doing unless it is done just right. By himself, anyway. He would never dream of holding anyone else to such standards.
'''The Beef (Tough as Nails [stun 3, physical 1], Toughness):''' Buck is a hell of a lot of troll at first glance and even more troll on the second one. While bullets don't bounce right off the wide trog, it sure seems like they do sometimes!


Latest revision as of 04:35, 13 October 2024

Widest Gunslinger in the West
Quick Draw McGrog
The Lone Drainger
MetatypeTroll (Minotaur)
Street Cred5
Public Awareness2
D.O.B.May 20th, 2056
PriorityMetatype - A
Attributes - A
Magic - D
Skills - E
Resources - D
#Max IGs/Ascension7

Character Information


Magically-endowed spirit-blessed hippie eco-terrorist ex-con looking for a second chance at life. Also, a second chance to raise some hell. Probably both at the same time.


  • Destroy monuments to corporate greed
  • Make enough nuyen to move out of the Barrens
  • Get a proper education, university or otherwise


In the Sixth World, the level of injustice present in even the brightest corners of society hits everyone differently. For some, it is the grindstone they are crushed beneath. For others, it is the pressure that turns them into diamonds. Buck is...somewhere in between. Born into poverty, he experienced firsthand how life treats those who are considered second-class citizens. But rather than wallowing in his misfortunes, he was galvanized into action. Radical action, to be specific.

As soon as he was burly enough to fire a gun without the recoil smacking him in the face, young Adonis found the nearest group of would-be eco-terrorists and joined up. What would have been a promising career seedbombing corporate headquarters and moss-graffiti'ing monuments to capitalist greed was tragically cut short at the hands of Lone Star's finest. As it turns out, comparatively minor crimes tend to be weighted far more heavily against the perpetrator when the victim is a megacorp. Especially a megacorp that wants to make an example of those who do them wrong, however superficially it may have been.

One relatively brief stint in the correctional system later and Buck is back on the streets again. These days, he has a bit more in the way of physical and metaphysical weight to throw around but his idealistic torch burns as hot as ever.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Sky-Clad (Mentor Spirit [Eagle], Hawk Eye): The blessings of the great Warder are vast and far reaching. And who needs elf eyes to see those hobbits, anyway?

Perfectionist (Perfect Time, Sharpshooter, Shoot First Don't Ask, Strive for Perfection): Despite his self-admittedly lacking intellect, Buck is very much a die-hard perfectionist. Something is not worth doing unless it is done just right. By himself, anyway. He would never dream of holding anyone else to such standards.

The Beef (Tough as Nails [stun 3, physical 1], Toughness): Buck is a hell of a lot of troll at first glance and even more troll on the second one. While bullets don't bounce right off the wide trog, it sure seems like they do sometimes!


Achoo! (Allergy [Pollutants], Reduced Sense [Smell]): The great Warder's blessings do come with their drawbacks. Not the least of which are near-perpetually stuffy nose and a rather unpleasant reaction to pollution of all types.

A Bad Boy (SINner [Criminal], Poor Self Control [Thrill Seeker & Vindictive]): Impulse control is not Buck's strong suit and his checkered past shows it in full color. Some time in the clink only exacerbated his issues.

I'll Take Three (SINner [Criminal], Latest and Greatest): Years locked up behind bars have left Buck with a thirst for the finest of luxuries that cannot be quenched. Wanting more and better is practically hardwired into him, at this point.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Barrens Boys: Toy HuntingEvaHigh12 October 2085
Not Quite a Slasher...PeepTheDictatorDeadly21 September 2085
The Barons of the BarrensSarcarianHigh2 September 2085
Gangsters full of liceDexcaliberLow19 August 2085
Talent Aquisition 3 Lil Boom BoomJ.R.Or'zet UndergroundDeadly19 August 2085
Barrens Boys: HangoverTidanshockDeadly11 August 2085
Take drugs, fight a bearJ.R.6 August 2085
Three Deckers at MinaseRobintonMedium25 July 2085
Redmond RunRobintonMedium16 July 2085
Underhaven Grotto Prep 1: Quiet CleanoutJ.R.Or'zet UndergroundHard13 July 2085
HR ComplaintRobintonMedium1 July 2085
/clean up that Rat's nest!J.R.High24 June 2085
RIP BozosleeveyThe Name of HeavenMedium16 June 2085
School DaysTynemanLow10 June 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Cairn 5 5 Fixer(G,N,K,A) Collector of Baubles That Which Bears Many Curses, Collector of the Rare and Exotic, Rarity Is the Best Currency, Esoteric Curiosities, Spirit of the Lost, Whispers in the Pipes, A Simple Trade Even
Jenny Rivers 1 2 Service Construction Worker Meathead, This road is closed, Blue Collar Smuggler, Commercial Grade Explosives Even
Rex 1 1 Custom(A,N,K,G) Magic Cat Cat Living in a Metahuman's World, Travelling Companion, Sugar Mama, Charming Tom, Beast Summoner, Shit Stirrer Even
Gator 4 2 Custom(A, N, K, G) Biggest, Baddest Alligator this side of the Equator See you later, Alligator, Learned From The Best, See You, Swamp Cowboy, “Is that a gator with a sniper rifle?”, “Is it wiring an explosive??”, “Why won’t it die?”, “Did it bring friends?”, “Holy Dre-”, "It's like there's an army of them!", "They're in the lake! Get away from the shore!" Even
/Eugene 2 3 Service Hunter Hunter/Forager, Organic Drug Dabbler, Marksman Even
Elmo Stubitz 3 3 Fixer Talent Agent Horizon Agent, Metahuman Entertainment Enthusiast, Changeling Champion, Tir Traitor Even



The Neighbor: Chance

The Barrens Boys: Poe, John Galt

Ancients: +2

Skraacha: +2

Horizon: +2

Krime: +1

The Grey: +1

Underhaven Grotto Hotel: +1


SK Heavy Industries: -1

Humanis Policlub: -10

Night Hunters: -20

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 A handful of listings for the various colloquial and literal definitions of a Buck. A single nuyen, a male deer, a young man, and brand names for a slew of product lines, among other things.
3 A scoring system for hunters using the size, shape, and array of deer antlers to rank their kills.
6 The slightest whispers in grainy closed circuit trid footage, smaller forums, and blurry commlink pictures of a big, mean trog that styles himself like a 5th World outlaw straight out of the Wild West. No ten gallon hat, but where he hangs his proverbial hat must be somewhere far from polite society.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Buck speaks softly and carries a big iron. A really big iron. Even for a troll, that revolver is just enormous. Its bullets and its bark are equally large.
3 A botany enjoyer and psychology enthusiast, Buck is a regular at farmers markets across Redmond with his homegrown fruits and vegetables.
5 That big trog with the stubby horns and the dark scowl sure does look a lot like a certain ex-con that got out of the slammer a couple years back. Though said convict was locked up for non-violent crimes, the man that returned to the world at large is far removed from the almost-pacifist that went in.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Healthy, Awakened
2 Torso-spanning LED tattoos
3 No other cyber implants, maladies, or astral signatures
4 No bioware implants, Essence 6, Magic 6
5 No deltaware, gene treatments, nanotech, diseases, or toxins; not a technomancer


Criminal SIN: Adonis Jameson

Fake SIN (R4): Duke Lanes


Stubby black horns, prominent ivory tusks, and one hell of a resting bitch face help Buck put his best (or worst) foot forward. It is not helped by the sheer bulk of grade A troll beef he sports, nearly every inch bearing murals scrawled in gleaming LED. In spite of such difficulties, he does his best to project an air of calm, patience, and zen. An effort that falls away when it comes to nursing a grudge.


Buck's preferences vary, but they tend toward two extremes. On the one hand, he is fond of finely tailored three-piece pinstripe suits with subtle gold accents and bespoke leather shoes. On the other, his usual outfits include sweatpants, armored jackets, jeans, sweatshirts, graphic tees, tank tops, and black combat boots.

Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments