
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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Saint portrait.jpg
Razorgirl Street Ronin, Fight Club Ringer
Swordslinger, Punchslinger, Buzzkill at Parties
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.October 14, 2063
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - C
Resources - A

Character Information


Very angry razorgirl who's trying her best. Her best often consists of callous murder, if she thinks the target deserves it. Someone should probably give her a hug.


  • Identify, Find, and Execute the Person or People Who Killed Her Family
  • Find and Execute the Woman Who Sold Her Into Servitude
  • Find and Execute the Organizer of the Fight Pit that Converted Her to an FLR Razorgirl
  • Cry, Just One More Time, So She Knows She Still Can

Relationships with NPCs

  • 8ball: Some dork she ran into on the street. She's not so up to date on computers, and so was introduced through a mutual contact. He's come in handy finding people, just not the ones she wants. Largely cold and barebones toward one another.
  • Exeunt: And old street doc she's tracked down, ready to dispense justice. After hearing his pleas and his reasoning, she took pity on him and let him live. They now enjoy a largely businesslike relationship with few pleasantries - still, their shared past, however slight, lifts their bond.
  • Alex "Good'ol" Samson: A louse. A useful one, though. He tells her what to do and where to go when the money gets tight. Completely impersonal - she is a tool to him, and she is not yet a sharp enough tool to take his hand when he slips.



ends up in the barrens somehow, some kind of downgrade from one of the nicer parts of the city, means that a pretty nice childhood gets completely screwed. Karoshi corper parents? Either way, ribbon misidentifies a shelter being run by Red Ledger, or at least confidently identifies all inside as hostiles when they were in fact not, and saint is the only survivor, or one of pretty few. She's radicalized, she wants to hit them back, and red ledger takes advantage of this and brings her in. She's still pretty young looking, and a cute elf to boot, so they use her for tactical hits. She keeps a gun on her, and shoots rival gangers after luring them in. red ledger is crafty like chrome crash isn't, so this kind of works, until cc catches on and she's hit back. In an op gone bad, she looses her arm, and though a ledger street doc stabilizes her, they have to amputate. Leaves her largely worthless to the gang now, so they sell her off to a fight club operator with a vision, a cute elf razorgirl ringer to draw in crowds and act as an ace in the hole for the house against high rollers. It's a hefty investment for a huge underground operation - she's kept docile with BTLs and weaker personafixes while there, and performs admirably for a couple of years before some kind of failure to coordinate means that someone forgets to load her back up on her daily dose of pfix (OOOR someone steps into the ring that reminds her of her brother or something, and she's able to finally make the WIL check to break out, if we wanna be cheesy). She's fully an FLR at this point, wired reflexes. She tears through the steel cage, the audience, the organizer's goons firing at her full auto. The organizer himself either isn't present or gets away. She's not satisfied with their blood even by the end of it. She takes the creds, tosses most of them to the guy she was supposed to fight, and leaves. Doesn't really know what to do or where to go, but she has a strong conviction that there are people in this world who should be dead. Need to figure out an exact timeline

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Indomitable / Redliner - When she hits the brink, she pushes harder. Her body is a tool that she will happily break, even on a whim. It's all it's useful for now.


  • Driven (Revenge) / Code of Honor: Avenging Angel - See her goals above. She will also pursue this in regard to anyone else participating in exploitative hierarchies of power and exploitation of the powerless. She'll claim it's for a greater good, and she'll even try to adhere to it, but the truth is that she is an angry child lashing out.
  • Impassive - It might be the years of being drugged up on BTLs and personafix to keep her docile, or it might be the trauma of back-to-back life-changing violence, but either way, she's basically numb to the worst of it now, and kind of forgets what it's like not to be.
  • Phobia (Common, Mild) (Using/Holding Guns) - Her hands shake when she does, and she doesn't really know why, other than to know for sure that she doesn't like using them. Tell her that it's because they're what she used when she first took a life, and she'll show you what she plans to use when she takes her next.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
The Barons of the BarrensSarcarian2 September 2085
The Bear and the NightingaleSarcarian24 July 2085
Vaults Are SafesAsmodeusMeatgrinder12 July 2085
Surveying the SituationSarcarian4 July 2085
The Princess of FriendshipLHog21 June 2085
RIP BozosleeveyThe Name of Heaven16 June 2085
Piscine Plunder for Gator!Elayne12 May 2085
Wrong place, fight timeTidanShock4 May 2085
The Fire UndyingSarcarian17 April 2085
Hold on for meTidanShockThe Arrival4 April 2085
Thin Thread and LinesZerre9 March 2085
El Diablo Cazador De HombresAsmodeusMeatgrinder2 March 2085
Orc EO EvictionLHOG1 March 2085
Medicinal MysteriesLotus25 February 2085
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your BearSleeveyCompound Interest23 February 2085
Chain MailSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre10 February 2085
Finnigan's WakeLHOG25 January 2085
Working for the Man's WidowLHOG22 January 2085
Herding a BearLHOG8 January 2085
A Wolf In Wolf's clothing?BulldogcTrophäenjagd6 January 2085
Redmond RageSample TextCompound Interest31 December 2084
OMEDETOU+55Fangblade_29 December 2084
Another Gear run 1Draknic26 December 2084
The Shadowrun Before CorpmasOrionsRequiem24 December 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Alex "Good'ol" Samson 6 1 Fixer Fixer Money Laundry, Haggler, Word On The Street..., Antiques, I Know An Expert, I Have A Bridge To Sell Ya!, Debt Collector, Loan Shark, Take No Wooden Nickles Even
8ball 1 1 Service Decker Data hoarder, Metahuman Interest 0
Exeunt 1 2 Service Street Doc Past Paranoia, Critical Condition, Metahuman Jury-Rigger, Cyberdoc Even

Organizations and Reputation


  • N/A


  • N/A

Street Cred

  • N/A


  • N/A

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


Alyssa Beaton (Fake Rating 3, UCAS)

  • Fake Restricted Augmentation License (Rating 3)
  • Fake Weapon License (Rating 3)
  • Fake Bounty Hunter's License (Rating 3)



Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)

Media Mentions


I am completely fine with long term consequences for my characters, as long as it doesn't feel unannounced or forced. Long term changes to a character make more opportunities for interesting roleplay, and so don't be afraid to give them out if they are deserved.