Frank Davis

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Frank Davis
Detective / Face
Throwin' hands and c
MetatypeOrk (Oni)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.February 19, 2084
Folder[Drive URL Link]
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - C

Character Information


Frank Davis was a KE detective before he was a Shadowrunner. If you turn on your own--even if they're dirty--you end up paying the price. Frank was shunned, stuck on a desk, and eventually let go for "budget cuts" just before a new precinct was opened.

He wasn't the best cop; if he had a question, he'd ask it with his hands and his mouth at the same time. But, he didn't arrest anyone that didn't need arresting, and he didn't shake anyone down for cash after he gave them a black eye. In a weird way, he was respected by the upstanding and lowlife alike in his district.


Figure out what the hell to do next. Try to reclaim his story.


The bright orange Ork takes a swig from a flask, leaning against the doorframe. He waits for the double-vision to clear before stumbling into the hallway.

It wasn't always like this. He was a fraggin' detective. Sure, he'd rough up the pushers and the movers, but he wasn't there for some dwarf selling a little novacoke to try and eat that week. He'd give 'em a black eye, they'd rat out the real criminals and move on. He was respected for that.

The people of Redmond knew where they stood with ol' Frank. Ya keep your bullets in your clip and your knife in your belt. You throw hands with someone who was throwin'em back. Sure, you'd get roughed up over jazz and coke, but if you weren't sellin' Kami or K10 or whatever, you were probably eatin' at home instead of in a cell unless you made it worse.

Frank is jolted back to reality with a hacking cough. He wipes the blood from the corner of his mouth on a handkerchief, and smiles to himself. "That shit only works if the big fish don't end up comin' from inside the department, Frankyboy. You knew you were pickin' between doin' what was right and carryin' that shield, and you made your choice."

He shakes his head as he talks to himself. He quietly mumbles "yer better than this."

"No you're fraggin' not, pig!" echoes down the hallway of the condemned building.

Maybe he wasn't.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Common Sense / Cynic / First Impression Frank was a cop who used his street smarts to get the bigger fish.

Disgraced / Watch the Suit Frank had a reputation for asking questions with his hands instead of his mouth.


Data Liberator / RoF(Ares) Frank was a KE detective before he pissed off the wrong people. Turns out honesty's not always the best policy with KE.

Did you just call me dumb? / Addiction(Hurlg) Frank's not taking his change in employment status well. Thankfully, there's always angry outbursts and booze to help you get through the day and get some sleep, respectively.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Tracing the ShotDejapesMedium5 October 2082
On Angel's WingsPatGriffinCall of the ShadowsSpicy High17 September 2082
Broken TuskDejapesFlight of the White OwlMedium11 September 2082
Hyding from JekyllPatGriffinCall of the ShadowsMedium31 July 2082
Bound By the BloodAsmodeusSemi-Prime11 July 2082
KRIMINAL PastriesAuroraBaker WarsHigh5 July 2082
Monday Night WAAAAAGGHWarr6th World Championship WrestlingMilk21 June 2082
The Enigma of Nodbert's Numerous Noodles for a Nuyen that are Nowhere to be NoticedWarrLow20 June 2082
Swamp ThingsNoctisMedium12 June 2082
What's on the Ghost TrainPatGriffinMedium9 May 2082
The greatest artist beckons the best raw materialOnebiMedium4 May 2082
Murder Most FowlOrionsRequiemMedium4 May 2082



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Sarah Snow 3 2 Fixer Fundraiser and Housewife Novacoke?, Novacoke!, Dinner Parties of Metahumans, Flawless Skin, On Retainer, Fundraiser Even
Sarah Glenn 2 3 Custom(K,G,N,A) Stop Quick Owner Anti-Halloweener, Drug Dealer, Orkish Business Owner, Heart of Gold Even
Informer 2 3 Legwork Private Investigator Truthseeker, Magical Expert, Trid Aficionado Even
David Squire 4 [[Contact_Rules#Loyalty_Rating|]] Custom (K,N,A,G) KE Captain By The Book, Thin Blue Line, Blue Code Violation, Seedy Underbelly, War on Drugs, Go For a Taste Even




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