Hatano Mori

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Hatano Mori
The Demon Mori - Wandering Mercenary from Neo-Tokyo
"No fear, no hesitation, no surprise, no doubt."
"Walk in to every city as if you are it's first-born master"
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.March 3, 2049
FolderHatano Mori
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - C
Skills - C
Resources - C

Character Information


Hatano is an accomplished swordswoman from Neo-Tokyo. She is also a Dreamwalker. Her specialties involve fighting astral entities, and socializing at high-class events. She has always had a knack for dealing with people, and has great natural charisma.


Hatano always seeks to become stronger. Both of body and spirit.

She wants to further explore the metaplanes and make a name for herself among the spirits and entities that dwell there.

She wants to make a name for herself in Seattle. She would like to make contacts among the Yakuza Clans in the city, but has a hard time knowing where to start. She plans to enlist Kensei-Sensei's help here from time to time.


Hatano Mori was born in Neo-Tokyo to a Shategashira of the Mita-gumi. Her father, the ruthless Ichijo Mori, was a member of great standing in the Clan. She was afforded many luxuries in life. Growing up as the only child of a Yakuza Lieutenant was very good for her. She went to the best schools, had the best things, was afforded the best opportunities. She knew that she would never take a role like her father's, but that didn't stop her from becoming an expert swordswoman. She learned her ways around the social structures of the criminal world, as well. By the time she was 20, she could out work, out think, and out fight almost all of her father's underlings.

When she was 22, her father was killed. He insulted the boss of a smaller clan, and they ambushed and killed him. They believed the structure and order of the Watada-rendo alliance would keep them safe. That the insult paid to their Oyabun was settled by the death of Ichijo. Hatano had other plans.

The next few days earned her the nickname "The Demon Mori". She, along with some of her father's closer friends, took vengeance into their own hands. The smaller clan was decimated. Their legacy was completely removed by a single woman's vengeance.

Knowing that she could not stay in Tokyo after that, she travelled to America to become a soldier of fortune. She made a good name for herself.

Recently, she has been posting on the Shadowhaven BBS, trying to step her feet into the world of Shadowrunning.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Seer - Hatano is a Seer.

Explorer - Hatano is an awakened Explorer.

Lightning Reflexes - Hatano was born with reflexes like lightining.

Mentor Spirit - Stag - Hatano met the Stag exploring the metaplanes. She was humbled by the spirit and grace of it, and chose to embody it's values.


SINner - Imperial Japanese State - A gift from her privileged upbringing.

Distinctive Style - A Swordswoman who carries herself with the air of a Yakuza boss. Her dress is also always heavily influenced by Japan.

Code of Honor - Path of the Samurai - Honor, for all.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Decker's Delightful DealershipAurora3 November 2082
Dave's BBQAurora31 October 2082
But Where Has All The Gold Gone?AuroraOrichalcum Traitors24 October 2082
Dude, Where's My VanArchtmag21 October 2082



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Kensei-Sensei 4 3 Fixer (N,K,G,A) Yakuza Patriarch (Retired) Measure Twice, Cut Once, Burgeoning Artiste, Family First, Sword Saint, Checkered Past, Equal-Opportunity Employer, Honor-Bound Even
Karahashi Atsutada 4 3 Fixer(G,N,K,A) Mita-gumi Lieutenant Mita-Gumi Lieutenant, Yakuza Supplier - Armor, Yakuza Supplier - Weapons, Friends in all places, Talislegger, "Friend" of Renraku, Unquestionable Loyalty Even
Masuyama Kijuro 2 2 Service Renraku Aware Doesn't Speak The Language, Aware, Renraku Security Guard, Blending In, Astral Combat: Katana, Renraku Loyalty/Fear, Expert Swordsman Even



Organization Reputation
Placeholder 0


Organization Reputation
Placeholder 0

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 A Kenjutsu student from a popular Dojo in Neo-Tokyo.
3 The Demon Mori. A mercenary for hire from Neo-Tokyo.
6 The daughter of Yakuza boss Ichijo Mori. She disappeared after his death.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Results

Hits Information Gained
1 Generally healthy. Is awakened.
2 Muscle Replacement R2, Datajack.
3 No alphaware-grade cyberware. Magic 2.
4 Fangs, Narco. Essence 3.60.
5+ Nothing extra.



Tattoos and Scars

Hatano posesses tattoos that cover her back, legs, and both arms. This is a tradition in the Yakuza, and she took the ideals from her old Clan.


Her armor and clothes is always heavily influenced by traditional Japanese styles.

Matrix Persona

A red figure with Oni horns and fangs, carrying a sheathed sword.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments