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NameNegative AspectDescriptionApprovedProfessionArchetypeConnectionActive PCs with this Contact
MarikaPersistent ConditioningEven when you know you've been manipulated and abused, it doesn't stop it from affecting you, from being real. Marika has difficulties working against Saeder-Krupp or any Dragon if she does not have direction from a superior. For her to work against either, make an Edge + Loyalty test. At base, the threshold is 2. Depending on the situation and context, this can be higher though (GM Discretion). This is in addition to any normal considerations about if she wants to do the action.YesDrakeGeneralist83
Mary ChambersRace TraitorIn order to appeal to a larger audience in her starlet days, Horizon paid for her metatype reduction and trained her to suppress her cultural mannerisms. As a result she appear rather untroll-like, and has become disconnected from her old community. Most trolls and orcs take offense at this kind of betrayal, resulting in her being hated in those communities.YesBartenderService30
Mary ClaireHard to ReachMary Claire often chooses different locations each and every night, and might have her comm disabled, or unable to hear it. Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.YesFixer/Club Girl That Never Grew UpFixer32
Masuyama KijuroDoesn't Speak The Language
Renraku Loyalty/Fear
Kijuro only speaks Japanese.
Kijuro won't move against Renraku knowingly.
YesRenraku AwareService22
Matthew ReyesWanted25,000 Nuyen bounty for pissing off licensed Weapons World firearms suppliers.YesGun RunnerGear50
Maxwell "Max" MourireRambling Study
Iterative Collaboration
Untimely Joke
Max is no social butterfly - he's got the unfortunate habit of making nerdy jokes at the worst of times. Lower the amount of 1s required to glitch or critical glitch when applicable by 2.
While quite excited to work with runners (it makes him feel like a vigilante who can actually make a little difference for the better instead of a beat cop with the label of "that troggy nerd"), he tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. He just loves feeling wanted for a change. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of him might "evolve" in a direction that he feels is either more effective, interesting or profound. Sometimes he even remembers to call back to update the team without needing to be called back.
Max gets excited about most of his cases and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting him, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, Max gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.
YesKE Beat CopLegwork31
MayhemThe N stands for No Thank you!Mayhem despises the N-51. Treat her Loyalty as two lower if you have a positive rep with the corporation. If this would drop Loyalty below 1, you cannot take her as a contact. If you develop a positive rep with those circles after buying her, she isn't lost, but clams up and ignores you until you change your bedfellows.YesWeapons SpecialistGear40
Mike TunneyAnger Issues
My Grandkids Were Visiting
Like many coaches, Mike wants to see results and easily gets worked up when his people perform poorly. If the team fails a run or doesn't fulfill all objectives, he refuses to assist them until they successfully complete a run without any goals skipped out on.
The GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll is a one, Mike will not answer the call immediately. When he calls you later, he'll explain that he and Martha were busy babysitting their grandkids.
YesBoxing Coach & Talent ScoutLegwork20
Milena SpringthunderParanoidMilena is selective about who she works with. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do.YesMCT MarksmanFixer40
MillipedeSelectiveMillipede is great at gathering info, but only for topics that he thinks are worth his time. If it's not about Hyperpop or Matrix Crimes, he'll half-ass it and take a -2 to his knowledge roll.YesDeckerLegwork21
Milly AllockHyperfocusMilly really likes her games and if she is playing one she won't be disturbed. Roll 1d6 on a 1 Milly is unavailable for at least 6 hours.YesWorld Tree GardenerGeneralist40
Mindy DahnerhardtIs... Is this still warm?
Anesthetic Costs Extra
Hippocratic Oath
Mindy's clinic is BYOB (Bring Your Own Bliss). If you haven't taken anything to put you under, roll to resist stun damage equal to half your new 'ware's availability. This cannot overflow into physical damage. If your stun track is filled, you instead gain the negative quality Flashbacks I (Medical Equipment).
"Do No Harm" may not apply to her, but it certainly applies to you. Bringing Mindy damaged goods before she can have her fun means a big pay cut. Additionally, she will only sell drugs to you if she thinks you actually need them. Healthy body, healthy mind.
If Mindy likes you, she wants to spend time with you. A lot of time. If you have a loyalty of 5 or more with her, she will stall for as long as possible whenever you call in a favour, just so she can listen to your voice some more.
Mindy offers an array of previously-loved goods. Any new cyber + bioware bought through her will always be of 'used' quality (or the lowest quality possible). She *can* upgrade the ware for you afterwards, but you *must* suffer the initial used-ware essence cost (and resultant essence hole after the upgrades are performed). When buying any other type of gear from her, roll a 1d6. On a 1, it has some feature linking it to the previous owner, such as a custom engraving or RFID chip.
YesStreet Surgeon, "Cleaner"Custom(G,A,K,N)42
MischiefNerdgasmMischief gets excited about Cyborgs and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, Mischief gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.YesWare SpecialistGear41
Miss Amanda JonesArm's Length
Hard to Reach
Amanda's loyalty can not be raised above 3, outside of a private run.
No rest for the wicked, Amanda is a busy girl. - always make an availability test for Amanda with her connection +3.
YesProfessional EscortCustom(A,N,K,G)32
MiyukiFree Agent
Once Burned, Twice Shy
To raise loyalty past 2, a run is required. The run needs to show a real, meaningful, reason for Miyuki to trust the character. Loyalty can only be raised one rank at a time.
Miyuki has more to lose when things go poorly. Without a meatspace body to fall back on, she risks destruction, confinement, or worse, when opposition closes in on her. Miyuki will not engage in activity that poses non-trivial risk to her unless: A Loyalty Test (2) is passed, the task is to her advantage, OR the "Consume and Adapt" aspect would be active. If Loyalty is 5 or greater, bypass this requirement. If conditions worsen, Miyuki will still likely retreat even if prior conditions are satisfied.
Ascended AI
Mj. Marguerite MahautThis We'll Defend
Working Hours
A Woman of Principle
She will not knowingly aid anyone going against those soldiers who do the right thing.
A healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. She doesn't, so she tunes out of business matters outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).
The UCAS Army is quite far from what Marguerite wishes it was, but she endeavors to stick to standards she sets herself. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she's asked to do.
YesSupply Officer & Wannabe FixerCustom(K,G,N,A)10
MonadhKon Kon! Konnection!She never offers a service for free or reduced price. If you need it faster or better, you pay more--it doesn't matter WHAT you're doing or what your loyalty is.YesKon-SultantLegwork20
Mother Bella LewhousParanoids DelusionsDue to several attempts on her life during her career as a druidic mage, and a sever case of paranoia schizophrenia Mother Lewhous has retreated to her magically ward home in the barrens. While she's willing to help any individual of the druidic order, only those with a loyalty of 5 or higher can physically visit her.YesDruidic TalismongerService20
Mother KomodoWantedMother Komodo has angered multiple humans rights groups and more than a few Syndicates who have made a living off of the subjugation of her clients. A number of them would be happy to have her dead; and more than a few might have the money to put a price on her head.YesMetahuman Rights LawyerService40
Mother of MayhemOld Grudges
Rager Responsibilities
Wrangling a gang of hyperactive pyromaniacs is busy work, especially when she's pulling double duty recruiting new underlings and rebuilding after a recent raid by the Ancients. Her gang comes first, roll a 1d6 when contacting Mother of Mayhem: on a 1, she is unavailable for the next 1d6 hours.
Mother remembers the old days, and she doesn't forget the ways her gang was fragged over. Mother of Mayhem refuses to do anything that would benefit Renraku or the Ancients. If she is deceived into doing so, immediately lose a point of Loyalty. If this reduces Mother of Mayhem's loyalty to zero, permanently lose her as a contact.
YesHalloweener RagerCustom(G,N,K,A)31
Mr MirabelAlways TravellingMr Mirabel is always travelling, and as such, things may be harder to reach you. Every time the he provides a service, roll 2D6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.yesNaturalist and PhilanthropistNetworking31
Mr. Agustíndemanding respectMr. Agustín is a old (and grumpy) fashioned mafia man and demands to be treated with respect and will not tolerate anything less. when asking for any kind of favor roll etiquette(mafia) and if you get 2 or more hits he will assist you unless you fail the roll or disrespect him in any way then he would not help and retrieve any ongoing assistance and you wouldn't be able to contact him until your next run.YesFixer(G, N, K, A)61
Mr. HerenightOld FashionedHerenight never uses the Matrix and getting in touch with him is difficult. Roll Edge + Loyalty; normally it takes 6 days to get in touch with him. Net hits reduce this by one day each, but it always takes at least 24 hours. A meeting face to face can be arranged anywhere within the same country/sprawl/state.YesBlack Lodge MagicianCustom(K,G,N,A)73
Mr. XBorrowed TimeRoll edge when you contact this NPC. On what would be a critical glitch for other tests, Mr. X's cyberarm has been reclaimed by Tamanous. Swap this quality for the "disarmed" quality.YesMedic / Street DocCustom(A,G,K,N)30
Mr.RuddNO REFUNDS! NO RETRACTIONS! NO RECEIPTS!Rudd Arts is not responsible for the lack of satisfaction, Damage of goods nor Death caused by all of the above. Mr.Rudd will always refuse to take the heat for a Runner should they mess up, even if they mess up because of the services provided by Mr.Rudd.YesNetworking20
Mrs. FrostHard to ImpressAs a Fixer, Mrs. Frost has worked with many Shadowrunners, and very few make a lasting impact on her. Her cold personality and steely gaze makes it hard to believe that she's capable of feeling for anyone other than herself. Increasing Loyalty with this contact requires the following equation: New Rating x 4 CDP.YesHead LibrarianFixer(N,K,A,G)52
Mrs. and Mrs. DareIt's all Greece to me!The Dares live on the other side of the world, in the Federated Republic of Hallas. While they use Magic and Matrix to keep up with their responsibilities in Seattle, it takes over a week and a very good reason for them to give any physical support in North America.YesFixersFixer(K,N,G,A)51
Ms. MoiraBasic needs first.Ms. Moira has mouths to feed and a house to run, and not a lot to do it with. Whenever Ms. Moira is approached for help on a run, roll 1D6. If the result is equal or greater than her loyalty, she is strapped for cash and can't provide aid without additional monetary compensationYesAdoptive GrandmotherLegwork10
Mucky MouseThe Happiest Place in Seattle... Or ElseDue to extensive modification of his body and mind, Mucky is incapable of saying something negative or malicious about anyone else. -2 to any Networking or Knowledge checks about non-happy subjectsYesTheme Park MascotGeneralist10
Naomi BloodwovenThe Taint of Creation

While not a blood spirit herself, the taint of blood magic follows her from her creation. Her aura and magical signatures show signs of blood magic. This also has impacts on her mental state and behaviors, causing her to strictly control her actions. To avoid giving into her worst impulses, and backsliding, she tries to avoid any and all violence in her jobs for players, no matter how much she might prefer otherwise. The sole exception, is if the targets could be categorized into her "normal" set of job targets. This includes things such as cultists of destructive powers, blood mages, and so on. GM discretion for qualification.

Naomi requires a run to purchase as contact.

Naomi FiskHard to Reach
Manners Maketh Man
Naomi was busy before. It's much worse now. Always make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 more than normal.
Naomi lives off of being walking class, so she expects much from her social circles. When attempting to contact her, make an Etiquette test. On no hits OR a glitch, she'll refuse to work with you until appropriate amends have been made, subject to GM discretion.
YesDance Instructor & MeFeed InfluencerCustom(A,K,N,G)62
Nathan NootauWorking HoursA healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. Nathan doesn't - he's got his sister to care for - so he tunes out of business matters outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of his contact availability test if trying to contact him at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).YesDeckTech Inc. Senior R&D DesignerCustom(G,A,K,N)51
Nathan WallaceIn HidingWallace faked his death with the help of runners and relocated to San Francisco. He knows how much it would cost everyone if he was ever found out by EVO. As such, he will not leave the area he feels safe in for anyone less than loyalty 5. If you want his services, you have to come to him or be satisfied with a phone call.YesSurgeonGear42
Neon NateVampiric Vendetta
Return the Land
Anti-Shiawase Atomics
Of the People (Almost)
Neon Nate bonded with the Woiwurrung and will not move against any of them knowingly. Ghost help you if you manipulate him into it and he finds out.
He hates Renraku for trying to turn the interior into agriculture. Treat his Loyalty as two lower if you have a positive rep with the corporation. If this would drop Loyalty below 1, you cannot take him as a contact. If you develop a positive rep with those circles after buying him, he isn't lost, but clams up and ignores you until you change your bedfellows.
He believes Australia has enough problems without Shiawase playing with fire on the land. Treat his Loyalty as two lower if you have a positive rep with the corporation (not just Shiawase Atomics). If this would drop Loyalty below 1, you cannot take him as a contact. If you develop a positive rep with those circles after buying him, he isn't lost, but clams up and ignores you until you change your bedfellows.
He doesn't forgive those who would throw their lot in with Fear the Dark (or other related groups, such as Ordo Maximus or the Night Throne). He refuses to associate with anyone with a positive rep with any of them. If you ever gain any, you lose him - no refunds.
YesFreelance Big Game HunterService20
Nerlithothep the SuccubusSweetheart...You know what i want.
Outrageous Jealosy
As a Succubus Nerlithothep will only accept to offer her service if Karma is paid. Price range from 5 to 8 karma (GM apprecation on base price that is reduced by Loyalty to a minimum of 2) depending of the service ask. In addition she'll ask for more karma when the runners are not the one that pay the Karma.
Nerlithothep consider every person that call for her service as some kind of "Lovers of the Day", sadly for them she is really, really jealous. If you call another contact before or after contacting Nerlithothep and she learn it you own her a chip or need to gift her 4 Karma.
YesSuccubusCustom (A,N,K,G)11
Niamh O'SullivanRace Traitor
Genuine Ganger
Rambling Study
Iterative Collaboration
Many elves stick to the general set of stereotypes of being pretty and insular. Some, like the rest of the O'Sullivans, relish them. Niamh definitely doesn't, which makes her a black sheep. Not only does she speak out against them. She's also an ork poser. Most elves take offense at this kind of betrayal, resulting in her being hated in those communities.
Niamh will not move against her gang knowingly. Just no.
She gets excited about most of her Matrix investigations and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, Niamh gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.
While quite excited to work with runners, she tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. She just loves feeling wanted for a change, which she never felt before the gang. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of her might "evolve" in a direction that she feels is either more effective, interesting or profound. Sometimes she even remembers to call back to update the team without needing to be called back.
YesCrimson Crush Matrix SupportCustom(A,K,N,G)32
Niklaus BargleHard to ReachThese band guys are busy. Always make an Availability Test against connection +4.YesMusicianService40
NirvAnnaGhost in the Machine
G̵l̶i̸t̶c̷h̴ ̷i̵n̵ ̶t̵h̵e̸ ̵M̴a̴t̷r̶i̸x̶
N̴i̶r̴v̸A̶n̵n̴a̴ remembers what it feels like to die to dumpshock, and absolutely refuses to take any action that will inflict biofeedback damage to anyone. She will also become extremely upset if questioned on whether she's the original Alannah Evans or just a copy of her consciousness, and will lash out if the matter is pressed.
N̴i̶r̴v̸A̶n̵n̴a̴ is an anomaly. By all rights, her source code should not be able to support her existence, let alone her awareness. As a result of her bizarre code, technology tends to spaz out in her presence. Treat this as if she has the Gremlins 4 negative quality, affecting software as well as hardware.
N̴i̶r̴v̸A̶n̵n̴a̴'s mere existence is disruptive, causing all sorts of issues within the Matrix. At the Game Master's discretion, various hosts may react particularly violently at her presence. Whenever she begins accumulating an overwatch score in said host, treat it as if it was 15 points higher than it actually is.
YesMaster Cracker with a Minor in SnoopingCustom(A,K,N,G)62
Nirvelli YoomeeMy Grandkids Were VisitingThe GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll is a one, she will not answer the call immediately. When she calls you later, she'll explain that she and her husband were busy babysitting their grandkids.YesGolden Goose Inn ProprietorNetworking30
NobodyExtremely DrivenRoll a d6, on a result of 5 or 6 Nobody is available to help the calling runner. Otherwise they're in the middle of a confrontation or chase with another member of their team and will be of no assistance for the remainder of the run.YesAssassinService22
Norville CraddockWanted
Hard to Reach
Silver Tongued Devil
The Vatican wants Craddock eliminated, due to his knowledge of their Aquinae vaults and their contents.
Despite his potential madness, Craddock is a charmer and expert negotiator. He always makes sure he comes out on top of any deal and is happy to use your mistakes against you: any favor asked of Craddock will cost an extra chip, and an additional chip will be lost if a character wrongs Craddock.
Between keeping himself occupied in brothels and drug dens, running a smuggling operation, dodging Vatican assassins, and exploring the metaplanes for more hidden lore, it's not easy to get ahold of Craddock. Always make an Availability Test for Norville with his Connection +3.
YesElder Mage TalisleggerCustom(G,K,N,A)61
Nurse IsabelleWorking Hours
Busy work
A healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. Isabelle doesn't, so she tunes out of business matters outside of normal work hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).
During work hours she mite have her hands full with the said work and mite be unavailable, Roll 1D6. On a 1-2, Isabelle is busy with work and can't answer. On a 3-4, she answers but is distracted, taking 1.5 times longer to help out the runners. On a 5-6 she's available.
Nyon SalaineDevoted BFF (Boyfriend Forever)Argent and Nyon have an open relationship, but Nyon is an incredibly invested partner to have. He'll easily spend two thirds of each day attending to Argent and spending time with him, so as a result free time is not that common for him. Fortunately for him, he's perfectly fine with that since he enjoys every second. Unfortunately for runners, he's not always available. Always roll for Availability; the threshold is increased by 3.YesHottest Elf AroundService22
Officer RavenHard To ReachTreat the contact's Connection Rating as 3 higher than normal for the purposes of Availability Checks.Yes
UCAS Intelligence Officer
OrbweaverGanger-2 to Networking tests outside of the Seattle SpidersYesGangerGear20
Orianna CazadorUrubia's Bottom LineUrubia, for the time being, prefers the Barrens' power structure to remain stable. Calling this contact on a run that might destabilize the status quo in Redmond will have her dox you to KE IF she finds out.yesUrubia's SecretaryGear62
Our Lady of the Perpetual SaturdayIt's Always Friday Night SomewhereCommunion for the Children of the Longest Weekend can begin at any time, and usually ends once everyone has blacked out. Availability checks for Lady Saturday ignore Loyalty.YesInfluencer, Not A Cult LeaderNetworking21
Paco HerendzHard to ReachAlways make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 than normal.YesRetired Decker / InfobrokerGeneralist20
Padre SummerHard to reach
Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.
Services may take longer. Every time the contact provides a service, roll 2d6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.
YesSpinGlobal Gameshow HostCustom(K,N,G,A)60
PatchesGhoul Organlegger-4 to Networking checks among non-Infected, +2 to Networking among Infected. Cannot deliver goods during daylight hours. Will require flesh as part of the payment from anyone with Loyalty 2 or less.YesIndependent JournalistFixer22