Spray, Pray, and Co-Pay
Spray, Pray, and Co-Pay | |||||||||
Part of Compound Interest | |||||||||
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Factions Involved | |||||||||
ShadowHaven | Red Ledger | ||||||||
Crunch Neznayka Red Ribbon Sibyl |
Repo Peter "Mephisto" Essex Red Ledger Rigger Red Ledger Goons | ||||||||
Casualties and losses | |||||||||
Neznayka has been taken captive by Red Ledger. | N/A |
In which Neznayka's insurance policy does not cover her while she is out of network.
"We're bettin' it all on Red, baby!"
Red Ledger has had a blistering hot streak these last few weeks. Minus the mysterious disappearance of two adepts, it seems like everything's been coming up red.
Capitalizing on the weakened Red Hot Nukes, who have suffered the wrath of the Crimson Crush after Shakedown Breakdown, Red Ledger has expanded their borders and foisted the Red Hot Nukes out of their turf in Avondale, though not without the typical gang war casualties. Fortunately, the Avondale Community Clinic is always there to provide for the downtrodden citizens of the Redmond Barrens, whensoever tragedy may strike.
Red Ledger, however, have very different ideas of community outreach compared to the Red Hot Nukes. Repo, fresh off their gang war victory, establishes a new contract with the community clinic, with a restructured price plan to boot. What was originally cheap healthcare in lieu of DocWagon becomes extortion. Repo, intending to negotiate down, asks the patients and their families collectively for 25,000 nuyen in medical expenses, both to cover their medical bills and in order to cover the casualties Red Ledger sustained by 'liberating' them.
Tensions rise over the next day or two, until conflict breaks out in the form of an angry mob attempting to storm the clinic to retrieve their loved ones. Driven back by gangers spraying full auto, they have no choice but to plead with Fate, who, perhaps hearing their cries, spreads the whispers of their pleas to the shadows.
The Meet
The runners are reached out to separately.
Red Ribbon lies low in her apartment with an even lower reputation hanging like an albatross around her neck. Alessa reaches out to her - unusual, given the dearth of available job offers lately typical of someone with regrets like hers. Nonetheless, if anyone's got her back, it's the owner of The Daze, who has seen her remorse and the consequences of her mistakes first hand.
Alessa tells Red Ribbon that redemption begins with action, and that if she wants to regain the trust of the people of Redmond, a golden opportunity has presented itself at the Avondale Community Clinic. After a riot this morning, a gang seems to be holding people hostage, though the source of the dispute is hazy. Ribbon very quickly searches her memory for the gang borders of the area, and despite identifying that Red Ledger could very well be responsible, chooses to act regardless. She sets out in a rush, leaving several drones in states of half-repair.
Sibyl performs her morning routine when she's contacted by Harry Metzger, Seattle Knight Errant Chief of the Division of Investigation. Turns out a call has been made to Knight Errant regarding the situation as well, even if officers on hand opted not to bother. If the clinic is claiming non-payment, then it seems more like a civil matter, doesn't it?
Harry is a man of some principle, however, and casually brushing a hostage situation to the side bothers him. Reaching his own tendrils into the shadows, he surreptitiously asks Sibyl to investigate the scene on his behalf, unofficially. She gladly agrees to help.
During a day out, Crunch is contacted by Trousse, who happens to himself have been contacted surreptitiously by a member of the clinic staff. He informs her that this reputable clinic, (reputable as far as the Barrens go anyway), is in the middle of a hostage crisis, with injuries on the rise and the promise of fatalities by sunset if they're not paid. Crunch is, unfortunately, Trousse's best shot at addressing the issue, and being a good natured soul, Crunch agrees to a little bit of hooding to fill her afternoon.
Neznayka, meanwhile, lurks nearby - as she watches Crunch finish her call and pack her things, she herself receives a message, not from a fixer, but from Saint. She says her own fixer has alerted her to a situation that could very likely involve Red Ledger, but that she herself is occupied with another lead. Neznayka, the only person she trusts with such things, is her only port of call to investigate, and God help her, the poor woman agrees.
The four of them arrive at the scene in progress, an unsettled crowd of two or three dozen Redmond residents, and armed guards at the door of a barbed wire clinic built from the skeleton of a fifth world school house.
The Plan
Red Ribbon and Neznayka arrive one after another, and though both choose to mingle amongst the crowd for additional information, Red Ribbon opts to do so while jumped into a Fly-Spy and hidden away. Eavesdropping, they learn that the mood is generally tense - the scars of the altercation from earlier in the morning remain, and the crowd has thinned to those dozen or so loved ones of those still trapped in the clinic. Discussions don't reveal much, save that Neznayka's face reads with a hopeful murmur among the crowd's as some kind of mercenary that's come to help. Someone's connections have paid off.
Sibyl, however, done up nicely in a button-up suit, skips the crowd and immediately approaches the front doors of the clinic, where two guards trade incredulous glances at one another before settling their eyes directly on her. They tell her it's closed for today, and that whatever 'incident' she might be investigating is better researched elsewhere. Crunch, arriving as well, swiftly follows up behind Sibyl, and instead insists that she had an appointment lined up for today. Again, the Red Ledger goons roll their eyes and tell her that all appointments are cancelled for the day. Come back tomorrow. Or never. They don't care. Crunch insists however - if she could just confirm with her doctor, you know? And with a hefty sigh, one goon seems to ping someone over the Matrix and call her out.
Stephany Ortiz, resident in-clinic, emerges and informs Crunch that all appointments for the day are cancelled, just as they said. She's Matrix online, however, and this doesn't escape Crunch. She pings her commcode and asks if she's being made to say that - and she confirms the situation. Several days ago, a firefight broke out between gangs in this section of Avondale, part of increasing violence in the recent weeks as turf borders become hotly contested. There were casualties on all sides, but the winners appeared to be the gang occupying the clinic right now, Red Ledger, who swiftly took over the operation to tend to their wounded, as well as whoever else might be leftover after pulling them in off the street. Although the clinic is typically merciful about such things, Red Ledger's offered "protection" has also led them to "suggest" an increase in cost to those using clinic resources - a transparent attempt to recoup losses. With tensions rising, this morning, a small organized mob stormed the parking lot and attempted to overrun the clinic's defenses - a mob that quickly dissipated with full-auto spray-and-pray tactics employed by the gangers at the front door. Repeated calls to Knight Errant regarding the situation, both before and after escalation, have largely gone unanswered, apparently. The doctor in charge appears to be going along with this plan for now, a passive maneuver that Stephany cannot let her conscience abide.
Crunch reassures her that there are trained professionals on hand, and that she will help defuse the hostage situation with as few casualties as possible.
While Crunch is discussing matters with the clinic staff, Sibyl returns to the crowd along with Ribbon and Nez, who all pull one of the men aside. They ask if he's in charge, as he seems to have been the one talking people up and organizing payment, and he answers that he supposes he is, as much as anyone here is. They discuss matters at a cafe a block or so away from prying eyes, and though his mood is frenetic and tired somehow at once, the idea that honest-to-God hooding shadowrunners lifts his spirits. He asks them when they can have the hostages out - and Red Ribbon and Sibyl tell him that they do not know.
Meanwhile, on the Matrix, Red Ribbon spots something a little unusual. A pair of headphones appears to be running silent. She blinks, rubs her eyes, and looks again, but she hasn't been deceived - someone is either very security conscious with their devices, or a hacker hasn't thought through the implications of simultaneously running silent and using a Wrapper.
She has her anthrodrone look around on the meat, and with precision eyes, spots out the likely culprit - an insect sits idly in a darkened corner of the window outside, suspiciously still, and a the exact shape of a handy little device Ribbon happens to know very well - a Fly-Spy. Red Ledger has followed them here. Swapping to DNI, Ribbon tells the crew that she is going to sneak out the back of the storefront and away to the East side of the building, putting several brick walls between her and any nosy members of Red Ledger who might be interested in knowing what she's up to.
Neznayka, follows Ribbon there for her own reasons. She demands to know Red Ribbon's intentions, and her loyalties, and the truth of the night six years ago when she watched a homeless shelter burn. Secretly, she scans her for weakness, and for information to leak to Saint. Subterfuge aside, Red Ribbon answers honestly: she was a kid, and that was the price for her comfort. She didn't want to regret it, but she did. And she struggles every day to avoid being the kind of person who would do it again. Nez, reluctantly, seems satisfied with that.
The Run
Game Quotes
Player After Action Reports (AARs)
Sibyl: "I feel like I've been in a bad trideo. Four random strangers stumble into a hostage situation and save the day. It has everything. A contortionist gnome with a trained racoon and a squad of rats in the ducts. An anthrodrone in gang colors. An animal trainer mystery woman with a fake face. And of course, a clueless seer sent on a wild goose chase following red herrings down a rabbit-hole of mixed metaphors. That sonofabitch Metzger has got some 'splaining to do. The good samaritans come up with a plan worthy of a bad action trid. Damn thing works too ... right to the last minute or so. Turns out the psychopath ganger and the ganger moll rigger have a history. Turns out the mystery lady with the expensive perfume has a bounty ... from her father? Oh yeah, mystery lady and ganger moll also have a history. Tha action trid turns out to be a mystery instead. I do know one thing though, I hate fragging mysteries. I'll get to the bottom of this one way or another. I'll need some frankincense, some myrrh, and some ganja. We'll see what Oracle has to say tonight.
Neznayka: An audio link begins with the background sounds of an engine that is endemic to audio recorded inside a moving truck. The connection is awful, riddled with static. When the dryad speaks, it is at a whisper
"I am ... I worry. I heard them bragging about this to someone. That cannot be good, if it is known the White Vory are in Seattle, even just for a pickup ... it could become very ugly. тупица Незнайка. Slow and stupid. If you were faster on your feet you could have grabbed the medical staff and ran and if you were quicker with your words you could have talked them down. At least ... only I am going to suffer because of this. I wonder if this makes up for those years ... for the bomb. I think I would rather bite my tongue out and choke on the blood than go back."
The truck goes over a bump, apparently causing Neznayka to fall to the floor with a thud. She curses in Russian and a voice from the front yells back to her. 'You alright back there?' His voice seems less concerned by her wellbeing and more concerned with how much less the bounty might cash for.
"чудо́вище!" She yells back, before continuing at a whisper. "The thing is ... now that I am here and I am pondering biting my own tongue and dying choking, I realize that I very badly do not want to die. There are so many things I would miss."
"моя дорогая, you would not leave me as well, would you?"
The static spikes and the message cuts off.