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GM Reqs:


I try to have the general gist of the run lay out so players would know what there getting into. If you're char doesn't agree with the run premise than don't enter them in. I just don't know what to do if a char decline.


I usually try to plan for every outcome, but sooner or later the PC will find something that I will not plan for. For that instance, I will try as best as I can to continue, if the derail is within reason. If not, I will mention it.


Run fails sometimes and thats okay. I try to be fair and not stack to much odd agaisnt the player. But mistakes happen and you roll poorly, so expect consequences when that happen.

Style Time!

You know your character more than me.

Since I am a newer DM and not have that strong grasp of the rules, I will assume you know how to play your roles and won't really question it most of the time and accept ya ruling as correct. Also keeping tabs is hard and I already have 30 tabs open when gming

Keep it moving

I try to keep thing moving fast during combat. If ya turn is taking too long I might put you down in the initiative so you would have a longer time to think.

Rule of cool

I tend to dm rules lite and such I would allow you to break some rules within reason if what ya doing sounds cool and or risky.

Roleplay Heavy

Personally I enjoy dming in the roleplay side more than the mechanics side. As such I prioritize roleplay more than mechanics but I tend to try to give people challenging encounters.


NameGMMetaplotDate of RunTeam
Taco Temple Timed TrackZombonoThrilling Tale To The Taco Temple Twisted Titular Tarot Theorizes1 July 2081Good Boy
Messenger 7
Tall Tale Fable of Taco Temple TableZombono29 June 2081Phantom
Bazaar BlitzZombono18 June 2081Blue Streak
One Man's TrashZombono28 May 2081Cheshire Cat
Four Stars
Gang TroubleZombono22 May 2080Blue Streak
Henry Explicit