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<!-- Below is the connection rating for your contact. Remember that at chargen, your connection+loyalty can not exceed 7, raising contacts above connection 6 post-gen requires thematics approval. -->

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<!-- Below is where you define the Archetype. Default Archetypes are:  Fixer, Service, Gear, Legwork, Networking, Generalist. Custom Archetypes may be defined as denoted on the contact rules page. -->

Revision as of 16:47, 30 October 2023

Le Bourguinion
Le Bourguinion.PNG
Mercenary Group Leader
Veteran of the N-51 and Commanding Officer of the Task-Force
Contact Ownerzerre-de-bordeleaux
LocationNevada Desert
Awakened/EmergedAwakened (Adept)
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen/Professional Gear
Hobbies/ViceFrench Cuisine & Alcohol
Personal LifeNone of Your Damn Business
AspectsNewfound Connections
Field Hospital
UCAS Partnership
Task-Force Intel
Shared History


Officer of the N-51, he used to be the second in command while serving the French Army. When the Task Force became rogue, he took command of them. After some years of turmoil, the N-51 is now stable and Le Bouguinion leads the regular operation of the unit. He commands those who don't want to get their hand dirty. He enforces stricter rules of engagement and tries to avoid civilian casualties, though the lives of his men always come first.

With the recent extension of the N-51, he's now a colonel overseeing the action of the 15th Régiment de Hussard (the 15th Hussars' Unit). He is very involved in the whole endeavor.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Newfound Connections Le Bourguinion's men have gone rogue and are considered traitors by the French, but they're making themselves comfortable across the pond. He knows people and can help you with Networking tests to put you in touch with mercenaries, local UCAS politicians and, most importantly, his Hussars.
Reconnaissance Given the right incentive (minimum Loyalty 3 and compensation, riskier ops requiring higher Loyalty at GM discretion), he might send a few N-51 boys to help the runners on the ground. They can help with physical legwork involving Perception, Freefall and skills from the Athletics and Stealth skill groups, observing your target without being discovered. They never engage any threats and bail if the situation gets hot for them.
Field Hospital While the N-51 has its shady side, he is still true to himself. He started a small field hospital by their Redmond outpost in Seattle - mostly for those of his men in need of medical help, but runners could get some first aid or biotech supplies there.
UCAS Partnership With his sphere of influence expanding in the UCAS, he might be able to help you with Networking checks with people from the UCAS Army. In addition, he makes Military, Foreign Military and Military Vehicles tests at a +2 bonus.
Fighter Jet The N-51 has recently acquired an Aguilar GX-2. The Azzie fighter jet is always ready to take off for a fire mission. Le Bouguinion won't deploy it on missions targeting big players like megacorps without a good justification and better payment.
Care Package Le Bouguinion wants the Task-Force as a friendly face front of the N-51. Through the newly-established field hospital, he's got stockpiles of medical supplies. Moreover, he has contacts with some Redmond charity orgs like soup kitchens and could play your in.
Tools of the Trade Thanks to the ties to Mr Cromwell, the N-51 managed to stockpile equipment and can now sell you some. +2 to Gear Acquisition of arms and armors, military vehicles and explosives.


Knowledge Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

Blue Jay2+2+1

NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Holding the RempartZerreOperation Hell's Gate3 January 2084
Operation Hell's GateKaterSalem4 December 2083
Fire EatersZerre29 July 2083
One night in Neo-TokyoKaterSalemEnemy within28 November 2082