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|Aspect=How the <i>hell</i> did he get in here?
|Description=Geoff is adept at showing up in places that should be impossible for a raccoon to get. +2 to checks for getting into secure areas.

Revision as of 22:55, 18 July 2023

Geoff Montgomery XLII the Raccoon
Contact OwnerDaStormDragon
Owner's Discord Name[[Created by::DSD [He/Him]#5706]]
Public Contact?Yes
MetatypeRaccoon Shifter
Preferred Payment MethodFood or Credsticks
Personal LifeFamily
AspectsRaccoon Shifter
Lookit the buttons!
How the hell did he get in here?


Geoff Montgomery XLII is a raccoon shifter that lives in Puyallup, carrying round a pouch of stolen or scavenged items that he will attempt to trade with anyone who will accept things from a raccoon. He prefers to stay in raccoon form, but will occasionally shift into metahuman form to scam people.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Raccoon Shifter People tend not to care about or notice a raccoon rooting around. +2 to Active checks to sneak or monitor targets.
Masking Geoff is skilled in the Art of Masking, and in other ways of countering magical security.
Lookit the buttons! Geoff likes things with buttons. +2 to checks relating to electronics.
How the hell did he get in here? Geoff is adept at showing up in places that should be impossible for a raccoon to get. +2 to checks for getting into secure areas.


Knowledge Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 11 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 7 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

Doggie Bag4Even

NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Thievery, Festivity, and a RaccoonEva12 December 2085
Happy (Late) Raccoon Day!Eva2 October 2085
Just Steal the Whole TruckEva23 September 2085
Heart of the... Raccoon?Eva5 September 2085
You Ottern't StayAurora4 July 2084
Rascally resonance raccoonsEva23 February 2084
Of Runners, Revelry and... Raccoons?Eva30 January 2084
New Year's ThievesEva30 December 2083
Chip UnsetEva9 August 2083
Angry Singed RaccoonEva27 May 2083
Don't Mess with Raccoons, EitherEva30 March 2083
Midnight Train aka Two Methheads in a BoxEva19 March 2083