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Face/Combat Medic
Street Cred3
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - C
Skills - B
Resources - C
#Max IGs/Ascension10

Character Information


A combat medic, face, and summoner, Triage is a freelance shadowrunner who lives in Puyallup. He's extremely paranoid about his informational security, always using a helmet or synthskin mask whenever he's doing shadow work, and refuses to talk to others about his personal life.


Long term: Bring down Akira pharmaceutical supplies

Short term: Aid Re:Gulus and Clocktower keep people safe.


Triage, Born William Akiri, was the son of the wealthy owner of a pharmaceutical megacorp, Akira Pharmaceutical Supplies. His upbringing was comfortable, although he was alienated from his family by their human-supremicist views. William's fall from the light to the shadows came when he saw a file he wasn't supposed to. A file detailing the experiments undertaken by the scientists under his family's employ, with trideos to go with them. William grabbed a handful of credsticks and ran from home. His family put out a bounty for his safe return, forcing William to spend a significant amount of the money he ran away with on burning his identity and making a new one. William stays in the shadows now, filled with a burning need for vengeance against the corps for the injustices that they committed, fueled by a feeling of guilt for once profiting of of that suffering.

Narrative Significant Qualities



Next to nothing is known about who Triage was before they started shadowrunning, or about their personal life.

-First Impressions

Triage is good at picking up social manners from even the briefest interactions, letting him quickly adapt his mannerisms when he needs to talk to someone new.



Triage always attempts to go for non-violent solutions first, and generally wont work with someone if their first plan is to go in guns blazing. When he does fight, Triage always goes for non-lethal options if at all possible.

-Emotional Attachment

Don't ask to borrow his bike. He won't let you.

==Run History==
NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Human CapitalismVilliersHigh23 November 2085
Magic IncVilliersDeadly9 November 2085
The Sewers Aren't SafeAsmodeusHail to the PumpkingMedium26 October 2085
Talent Aquisition 3 Lil Boom BoomJ.R.Or'zet UndergroundDeadly19 August 2085
Graduation DayAsmodeusHigh13 February 2085
Haunt My HouseFangblade_High31 January 2085
MAKE A BAD CHOICEFangblade_Deadly28 December 2084
Goodnight, BrigitFangblade_Medium17 December 2084
Astral HarassmentSample TextMedium16 December 2084
Humiliation and SubterfugeFangblade_High8 December 2084
Hedge Your BetsAsmodeusRad Wars 2084Deadly26 November 2084
Thunder Rolls: Interlude 1Fangblade_Amatsu Kaze
An Obscure Wanderer
milk25 November 2084
Effin' and Blindin'Fangblade_Low22 November 2084
Ula Menida Tula OhFangblade_Amatsu Kaze
An Obscure Wanderer
Medium10 November 2084
This Is Halloween H20AsmodeusHail to the PumpkingSemi-Prime31 October 2084
Falling Dusk, Part 2 (Midnight)Açai.0Low15 October 2084
Falling Dusk, Part 1Açai.0Low8 October 2084
Change of VocationAsmodeusMedium29 September 2084
Wine Tasting in K-TownVilliersMedium10 September 2084
Fish and DrugDraknicLow30 August 2084
A tail of rats and bombsTidanShockThe Life and Times of One Kevin CrimesMedium26 July 2084
Rounding up the RacistsAuroraMedium14 July 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
"Philip" 2 4 Legwork Free Spirit Rambling Study, Free Spirit, Astral-Metahuman Interactions, Knowledge is Power!, Puyallup-Bound Even
Alias 5 2 Gear SIN Forger SIN Forger, Police Contacts, Disguise Enthusiast, Hacker, Infiltrator, College Educated Even
Adowa "Moria" Webster 4 3 Fixer DIMR Scientist Hermetic Mage, Decker, Nerd, Draco Foundation Fixer, Arcane-Archaeologist Even
Andrew Cole 2 4 Service Former Ship Security Dweller of Night, Protector of Ships, Collector of Debts, Hater of Pirates, Owner of Boat Even
Re:Gulus 3 4 Fixer Clocktower Leader Aspiring Leader, Magician, Magical Theorist, University Degree, Astral reconnaissance, It's Always a Game Even
Celicy Vist 4 2 Fixer Vampire Taskmage Born in Blood, Stained in Red, Bound by Blood, Purpose Fed, HMHVV-1 Vampire, Necromancy, Cults, Foci, France, Magical Threats, Drakes, Saedar-Krupp, Forbidden Gear Even
Raquel Greene Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 2 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even


While not a member of the organization, Triage does affiliate himself with Clocktower.


+10 Clocktower reputation.

+12 Wild Index

+1 Black Lodge reputation.

+3 Starscreamer reputation.

+3 Shiwanese reputation.

+5 Finnigan reputation.

+5 Pixy Squad reputation.

+2 Hounds reputation.

+2 Seelie Court reputation.

Llewyn likes him. It is not reciprocated.


Akira Pharmaceutical Supplies

-5 Reputation Holo-Hell team Ascia Online reputation.

Triage is rather unhappy with the Finnigans at the moment

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 A process for sorting injured people into groups based on their need for or likely benefit from immediate medical treatment.
3 Guidelines for performing triage, famous examples of triage scenarios.
6 Highly advanced guidelines and instructional materials for triage in a wide range of scenarios.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Triage works as a face and a combat medic, and can summon spirits as needed. He refuses to talk about his personal life.
3 Triage won't work with human supremecists, and has a rather detailed knowledge of medical procedures and pharmaceutical matters.
5 No one seems to know anything about Triage outside of work. Other than that he's a male human, no one knows what his personal life is like, or who he was before he stepped into the shadowrunning scene.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Triage is an awakened, and in generally good health.
2 Triage is an aspected magician, specifically a conjurer
3 No new information
4 Triage has an essence of 5.4 and Magic of 5
5 no new information


Gerald Harrington (rank 4 with licenses for pistols, concealed carry, magic, and driving, and medical practices.)


Triage is a somewhat short man, with a somewhat thin build, although still somewhat athletic. During the rare times he isn't totally covered, he can be seen to have black hair, brown eyes, and white skin.


Triage's clothing is generally simple and unremarkable, likely the intent.

Matrix Persona

Generally the same as his physical appearance, although he will change it to blend in if needed.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
On The Run Triage's family wants him back, and they have the resources to use looking for him. While his Erased quality means they can't find him directly, their still looking for him wherever they are, and have recently been looking to expand in Seattle anyways. Coming across them on a run is going to cause problems for him, even if they are just him panicking.
Spirit Mark Spirit Mark: As of the events of This Is Halloween H20, Triage has a permanent status in the form of a magical tattoo on his back, being used to stabilize the astral gateway belonging to Grand Duke Zaleos. Its visible from the astral (assuming you beat his masking), and spirits find him incredibly interesting because of it (not that they ever tell him that.) This Is Halloween H20
Clocktower associate Triage, through effort and time, has proven himself to Clocktower and its members. While wanting to keep his distance, there is no doubt the trust earned from Re:Gulus. As such, Triage can act in the name of Clocktower as an Associate, but does not retain membership or the rights that come with it. Haunt my House
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments


I am completely fine with long term consequences for my characters, as long as it doesn't feel unannounced or forced. Long term changes to a character make more opportunities for interesting roleplay, and so don't be afraid to give them out if they are deserved.