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Halloweener Face
Eldritch Arsonist
Crew Mascot
MetatypeVulpine Shifter
Street Cred1
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.April 16th, 2080
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - C
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension6

Character Information


A shifter adopted by a Halloweener Rager before her Awakening, Hotdog has since discovered an supernatural talent for manipulating twolegs. And burning drek. A proud member of her found family, Hotdog is always down to cause chaos and stick it to Seattle's other gangs.


  • Make Mother of Mayhem the bestest Rager in the sprawl!
  • Figure out twoleg society, drek is complicated!
  • Burn the Ancients that attacked Mother's underlings!
  • Make the Halloweeners the top gang ever!!!
  • Meet Borderline.





Originally an exotic pet kept by a member of the Watada-gumi who was ignorant of her magical nature, Hotdog became stranded in Redmond as a pup after her owner's private plane was shot down by shadowrunners. Her original owner was finished off after the crash, but the fox survived with injuries and was left behind. Eventually, a squad of Halloweeners came by to loot the crash site. Hotdog doesn't remember much about her life in Japan or her original owner, but cemented in her mind is the memory of the 'weener's Rager, Mother of Mayhem, finding her in the rubble, taking pity on her, holding her, pressing a gun to the forehead of a street doc who said he wasn't gonna operate on a fox and that he was booked for the whole day anyways. He found the time. "Hotdog," as she was named after devouring a package of soydogs once taken back to Mother's home, found a family. Mother regularly took her along during gang business, to parties at the Jackal's Lantern, almost using Hotdog like a mascot for her little section of the gang.

Mother was shocked when Hotdog figured out her abilities a year later. Mostly because she came home to a confused naked woman with a fox tail in her apartment one day. After a tense, borderline nonsensical explanation full of tear, she stopped pointing a gun at Hotdog and told her that she was still loved, that nothing had to change. The rest of the gang might've been suspicious of the strange girl suddenly hanging around with the Rager, though, so Hotdog was burned in, made a proper member of the Halloweeners. She wears the scars, and her colors, proudly.

Hotdog's magical talents made her a useful member of the thrill gang, both when causing destruction and dealing in more delicate business. She didn't really get why she was setting elves on green bikes on fire, or arguing for the number for a brick of white powder to go down, but she was good at it and it made Mother happy! Learning the business has been a slow process, but Hotdog is determined to do her best. Learning to read from Mother's old horror novels helped.

A recent raid by the Ancients has seriously depleted the resources of Mother of Mayhem's section of the gang, threatening her position as a Rager. Unwilling to let that happen without doing something to help, Hotdog has started selling her talents to others as a shadowrunner. Anything to help her Mother.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Mentor Spirit (Chaos): There's voices, in the back of Raum's head, nudging him into causing trouble. Mouth off when everything's going smoothly, "accidentally" let a friend's secret slip, shout fire in a crowded theater... Chaotic images swirl around Raum when she works her magic, flashes of black flame and grasping tendrils.
  • Rabble Rouser: A performer at heart, Raum knows how to keep his cool when he's the center of attention in front of a crowd.
  • Candle in the Darkness + Rank: Raum has his own weird sense of honor, based on the rules of the streets and loyalty to his gang. That devotion and his own personal strength have recently allowed him to start climbing the ranks of the gang, leaving a small gaggle of gangers under his command. Unfortuantely he's chosen to break that creed for the first time in pursuit of his goals, shaking the faith of many of his allies.
  • First Impression: Something about Raum just puts you at ease, at least until you get a chance to learn the type of bastard he is. A confident swagger, a perfectly timed smile, all the little things that add up just right.


  • Addiction (Mild, Novacoke): A history of relying on the drug to ease up in social situations has left Raum with a slight dependency on novacoke.
  • Code of Honor (Thug Life): Despite living in shame by wearing plain clothes instead of his colors, Raum is entirely devoted to the growth and protection of his gang.
  • Lack of Focus: Easily distracted, Raum has to spend considerable effort to stay focused on a single task instead of immediately moving on to the next thing.
  • Uneducated: Growing up in the barrens didn't leave Raum with much of a formal education. Well, absolutely no formal education. He's doing his best to fill in the gaps, but it's still a struggle.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Dude Where's My Body?Fangblade_High27 November 2085
Reaching for a SoulZerreA Quest for TranscendenceHigh4 November 2085
Weapon of the New MilleniumLemonHigh14 October 2085
Knavery for a KnightEvaDeadly11 September 2085
Heart of the... Raccoon?EvaHigh5 September 2085
Don't Follow Goth Girls Into The WoodsEvaMedium28 August 2085
Edwards Marsh Hunt for the CenturyJ.R.Low19 June 2085
Catch Us Before We FallFangblade_Amhrain na PreachanHigh7 June 2085
Vexing Vtuber VexperienceFangblade_Amatsu KazeLow18 May 2085
Routing the Ransomers!ElayneHigh17 May 2085
Haunted HeirloomDexcaliberMedium12 May 2085
Pretty Fly For A Fly GuyAnumatiMedium26 March 2085
A Lit Spark in the DarklightFangblade_High25 March 2085
RATS- Spectacular Spectacular!VilliersAll The World's a StageMilkrun13 March 2085
The Queen in YellowFangblade_Amhrain na PreachanHigh9 March 2085
1.1 1-one6away.cafFangblade_An Anhedonic CodeHigh2 March 2085
Dining and DashingArchtmagHigh11 February 2085
JohnfidenceFangblade_Yorshka Val'bane's Sky-high Wild RideMedium6 February 2085
Jump, Little BlackbirdFangblade_Amhrain na PreachanMedium21 January 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Alessa P 4 3 Fixer Owner of The Daze The Daze, Shadow Connections, Ear to the Ground, Punk Rocker, Bootleggers Even
Mack and Hack 1 6 Custom(A,K,N,G) Halloweener Troublemakers Those Two Idiots, With The Power Of Friendship, ... And This Gun I Found, King Of The Pumpkin Patch Even
Mother of Mayhem 4 6 Custom(G,N,K,A) Halloweener Rager Old Grudges, Rager Responsibilities, Horror Aficionado, Burn It Down!, Street Elder, Rager Connections, Wanna Fix?, Hot Merch, Hot Wheels 1
John Baptise 2 1 Service Taxi Driver Reliable, Voodoo, No Questions Asked Even
Thomas Warloff 1 2 Networking Civil Engineer Civil Engineering, Hobbyist Even
R@M 1 1 Legwork Decker Matrix Searches, Media Even
Fiendest 2 3 Fixer HMHVV Fanatic Wanted, Infected Organizer, Lavawalker, Terrordome, Darkdweller Even
Norville Craddock 6 2 Custom(G,K,N,A) Elder Mage Talislegger Wanted, Abilities Considered Unnatural, Dreamland Voyager, Lost Faith, Hard to Reach, Sins of the Flesh, The Bitter Water of Marah, Keeper of the Vaults, Esoteric Tastes, All-Seeing Eye of God, Silver Tongued Devil, Armor of God, Peddler of Arcane Esoterica Even
Sandalphon 6 1 Custom(K,N,G,A) Corporate Envoy Tir National, Telestrian Industries, Corporate Court, Black Ops, Metaplanar Denizen, Elvar, Seelie and Unseelie Courts Even
Dinky 2 5 Service Starguide Saedar krupp, Chaos mysad, fire bringer, Gang Rep Even
Mr Anderson 6 4 Service VTOL Hot Extract Professional I'm your huckleberry, Expert Pilot, Its a hot zone, I know a thing or two., Don't rush me., Okay We need to rush, Well Traveled Even
Lt Payne 4 0 Generalist Lieutent in the Spikes Gang LOOKSMAXXED, Love my truck., You upset the baby, Aint No Thang -1
Terrafops 2 1 Custom(A,K,G,N) Halloweener Explosives Adept Even
Edrahil Starflower 3 1 Fixer DocWagon Contract Manager Big Pharma, Brought To You By OmniStar, Tir Expat, Hard to Reach, The Six Million Nuyen Man, Avid Concertgoer Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
Halloweeners Hellion 2 32 Gang Bruised Seattle
ShadowHaven Member 3 21 Shadowrunner Organization Maintaining Seattle


Faction Current Reputation
The 162s +4
S3I +2
Interpol +1
Wild Index +7


In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Hotdog is a loud and proud Halloweener face and mage of some sort. Predictably, she seems more than a bit dumb and has novacoke habit. Seems to have some vulpine features like a tail and slitted eyes, unclear if they're biomods or something else.
3 Horrifying imagery seems to manifest whenever Hotdog works her magic, and her spirits usually take the form of Eldritch abominations. A Redmond decker by the name of R@M has been spreading her story after the events of Johnfidence.
5 Hotdog is most likely a shifter, although being raised by the Halloweener Mother of Mayhem has lead to her embracing a fucked up version of metahumanity more than her animal side, most of the time. She is easily distracted, prone to violence and bombastic actions, and loyal to her gang to a fault.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Hotdog's aura is that of a fox. She is Awakened.
2 Hotdog has no cyberware.
3 See next entry.
4 Hotdog has no bioware. Her Essence and Magic are both 6.
5 Hotdog has no gene or nanoware.


Maya Oscar (Rating 6, UCAS)

  • Restricted Drugs License (Rating 6)
  • Firearms License (Rating 6)
  • Mystic Adept License (Rating 6)
  • Driver's License (Rating 6)
  • Restricted Vehicle License (Rating 6)
  • RCC License (Rating 6)
  • Vocational License: Foodhandling (Rating 6)


In her natural form, Hotdog looks like a red fox of above average, but not extraordinary, size with a few burn scars.

In her metahuman form, Hotdog appears to be a young Japanese human woman of slight build and below-average height. Her wild, fiery hair and amber eyes with slitted pupils and irises that are just a bit too big catch one's attention. Those eyes are full of mischief, rarely focusing on one thing for long, wandering and searching for the next thing that'll catch her attention. She's usually wearing face paint of some kind, although the specifics change according to her mood.

Burn scars lick up Hotdog's neck, along her arms, her back. A reminder of her initiation into the Halloweeners. She wears these symbols proudly, often rolling up her sleeves to expose her arms. What she does try to hide around strangers, however, is a bushy fox tail that she tries to keep concealed beneath her clothes. The results are mixed, especially when she gets excited.


Hotdog has a limited wardrobe, but most of it is in orange and black. She tries to stick to baggy pants and large jackets to better hide her tail, and has developed a taste for the punky, scavenged post-apoc style common among Barrens dwellers.

Matrix Persona

Still struggling to figure out the Matrix, Hotdog sticks to her Renraku Sensei's default persona, a samurai lady wearing a kimono. One of her friends uploaded a jack-o-lantern pattern for the kimono, but that's the only bit of customization she's been able to add.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Girl Boss For the outstanding performance and leadership, Hotdog has the ability to increase their listed rank, and start a "crew" within the halloweeners. WELCOME TO HELL MOTHERFUCKER
Rising Star The other Ragers are noticing you WELCOME TO HELL MOTHERFUCKER
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments