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Orc Cutie.png
Wheelman/Pistolero/Minor Rigger
"You don't need a runner. You need a rider."
PlayerStirling; [1]
MetatypeOrky as all hell
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
AccomplishmentsBallsiest Go-Ganger in the sprawl. Caused the biggest traffic accident in a decade.
Metatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - D

Character Information


Ork bike wiz- Automotives mechanic (bikes), racer and vehicle combatant. Also decent ground muscle in a pinch. Good at a few other things, mostly intimidation and negotiation- Can't be a successful gearhead if you can't get your hands on parts.


-Set up a vehicle shop in the shadows: Wheels for runners, go-gangers and mercs who want the best combat bikes nuyen can buy.

-Build the fastest, novahottest hyperbike in the entire fraggin' world.


Squid broke with his old go-gang when he stole a bleeding edge hyperbike and made a break for Seattle. That didn't go too well, and the resulting traffic pile-up ended with three dead and two dozen wounded (That's how he got the nick 'Squid'- It's biker slang for "Shitty motorcyclist"). His old buddies also took his arm in recompense. Ouch.

Could be worse, though; At least they didn't kill him. Instead, they just took him back on as a shop jockey.

Two years later, and our man's worked off his massive debt to his former gang doing less-than-legal shop work, hooking illegal afterburners on Harleys and sometimes installing VERY illegal weapon mounts for the street sammy on the go. With his newfound freedom, he's cruised his old rat bike to downtown Seattle to cut it as an independent. His rep as a traitor precedes him, and with money running low, Squid's gonna have to put his talents to use in the shadows to set up a network of fixers, riggers and speed freaks before he can finally settle down and live his two dreams of being Seattle's premier motor man, and building world's novahottest hyperbike.  

It's. Fuckin'. On.

Narrative Significant Qualities

Hottest bikewiz on the planet, and you'd better believe it.


Vehicle Empathy


Speed Demon

Bad Rep

Squid turned traitor on his old brotherhood and has spent the past few years working off his debt to them in indentured servitude. While his slate with them's clean, peeps in the shadows know he's the traitor type. He's trying to fix his rep so he can set himself up as the go-to man for bike work in the shadows.

Day Job (10h) (Freelance motorcycle mechanic)

Linked to his fake SIN, Squid fixes cars and bikes up on comission. Some of it's taxable and legal, some of it is shady hush-work for bikers in the shadows. He takes on extra work from shops when he can, but his contact pool is still shallow and he can only fill a few hours doing this kind of work. Generally works 2h a day on mondays to fridays, 10 to 12. You don't need much time on a commission when you're this good of a mechanic.

Dinstinctive Style

Decked out from neck to beck in hotrod-style biker tats, running with ballistic eye protector 'ware in aviator style, Unique RUST NEVER SLEEPS chrome decal on his cyberarm; Yeah, this guy isn't subtle.

Driven (World's Novahottest Hyperbike)

See 'goals'- Squid's setting himself up to ride world's fastest bullet bike and *WILL* prioritize getting his hands on bike parts, contacts and money so he can work toward this. If the opportunity would ever show itself for him to steal another bleeding-edge prototype hyperbike, you bet your ass he'd stab someone in the back to get his hands on that sweet chrome.

Poor Self Control (Thrill Seeker)

When you've been a go-go-go long enough, you learn to settle things with speed and force. It's hard keeping yourself in check when that's all you've ever known.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
RVDocMcGuffinAdversaries20 April 2081
Route 66: Side Story, Sir Where is My AutomobileDoc McGuffinsLike mad max but more guns11 April 2081
This Harbor is YoursPillare
9 April 2081
FaithlessDarklordiablo4 April 2081
The ReturnRyncewynde28 March 2081
Intern ReturnTeksura24 March 2081
UnshieldedTeksura22 March 2081



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Warboss 6 1 Fixer Skraatcha gang leader WAAAGH!; Moar Dakka!; Half Machine, All Trog; Gangboss; Lok'tar Ogar; Member Privilege;

Blood of my Blood

Paul Emmers 4 3 Swag Racing Motorcycle Proprietor Vehicles, Drones, Modded vehicles, Bikes, Speed Demon Even




In-Character Information

Ey, maybe you remember that big traffic pile-up off the I25 a few years back? That was me.

Used to ride with one of the go-gangs on the Mother Road- Slinging chems, running guns, all that shit. We were some real speed freaks, always jacking up our horses, raiding chop shops for parts and skins, tryna build usselves the fastest hyperbikes any road's ever seen. But it was always more about the brotherhood for them, right? About having buds to watch your back, just a bunch of trogs ripping asphalt and living it big. Fuck no. Me? I lived for the bikes. Been taking them apart and putting them together since before I hit puberty. I was the local bike wiz, see? Having me around, that meant our hogs ran the smoothest and fastest and had the biggest guns. Was also the local bruiser, always drove front of the horde with our big boss. When we went up against other gangs, I always got first go, pounding meatheads with heavy fuckin' firepower, doin' drive-by's, taking names. Gang called me Hotshot back then, s'cause I was a right fucking terror in bike-to-bike combat. Still am, chum.

So here's the thing- Our boss, he found a big drekkin' score. New experimental hyperbike, whatever. Bleedin' edge Gaz-Niki, that thing *soared* on asphalt, suspension like sitting on pillows, torque like an angry dragon. *Legendary* bike, tell you hwhat. Three gangs were in on it, raiding their convoy on the big grey, using magic and wiz tech, we pulled out all the stops on that. Fought off some serious Knight-Errant bullshit. We lost lotsa boys, but we got the bike.

So we're celebratin', getting wasted, chemmed up, our boss pattin' me on the back for blowing a dozen beaters off the road. Everyone happy. But here I am, thinkin'- "Ey, only one of us's gonna be on that bike. Am I really gonna be happy jus' fixing it up and putting guns on it for the boss, when I could be that guy ridin' it?" And y'know, I wasn't gonna be happy like that. *I* was the fastest, smartest and wizzest speed freak in the outfit, it shoulda been *my* bike. So I took it, hotwired that baby and made a break for Seattle.

I'll tell you what, it was a *hot* drekkin' ride. Picture this: Me, tearing through trucks and jackrabbits and whatever-the-fuck. Behind me, a hundred or so angry geeks on hogs, chasing my tail like the hounds of Hell. I didn't have any mounted weapons, so I had to take potshots with my Deputy, y'know? Sling 'nades to keep them at a distance, all that trid stuff. Well, it wasn't the best plan I ever had, 'cause I ended up high-siding two hours in, caused a *massive* traffic-pileup, three dead SINners, two dozen wounded, few dozen dead road jockeys. Lotsa twisted metal, lotsa guts everywhere (Most of them weren't *my* gang, so s'fine). And I wrecked the bike. Dunno if it was worth it, but it sure was a ride.

Boss coulda killed me but didn't. Just made me work off my debt in a chop shop. Guess he was more sentimental than I figured. Changed my street name to 'Squid', though- means "Huge idiot" in go-gang slang. Still pissed about that one. I've spent the last two years fixin' and modding bikes for the horde, indentured servitude and all that jazz. They finally let me go a few months back, chopped off my fuckin' arm as a retirement gift. Assholes. Managed to dig up this old chrome to keep me going for now, gonna mod it up when I get the nuyen. I'm trying to settle down, y'know? I want my own chop shop, fix up bikes for a living. There's plenty of runners, go-gangers and mercs looking for a guy with a wrench who can set them up with the good stuff, mod their wheels to hell and back. More than that, I want the fastest bike in the fraggin' world. I wanna *run* this fuckin' sprawl.

'Course, that's not gonna happen without money. I only have my rat bike right now- my old Scorpion, Skinburner. And I need connections. And I need to shake this bad rep. So for now, I'm stickin' to the shadows. I do some white mech work on a fake SIN, but that doesn't drag in enough cash. Until I have the Nuyen to build myself a real hot set of wheels, f'you need a road warrior- I'm your guy.

It's fuckin' on.

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 hit A cephalopod in the superorder Decapodiformes with an elongated body, large eyes, eight arms and two tentacles.
2 hits (In go-ganger slang) A derogatory term for either newbie motorcylists, or motorcyclists who frequently crash.
3 hits A small presence in the Seattle shadow community known for his affinity for bike combat and knowledge of motorcycle repair and upkeep.
4+ hits A notable traffic accident occured halfway through 1979. No arrests were made, but media widely reported the involvement of several go-gangs. The resulting pileup ended with three SINners dead and 24 wounded. Word on the datahaven is a go-ganger named Hotshot was responsible- goes by Squid, now.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 hit A fresh face on the Seattle scene. Hot-blooded wheelman with an interest in motorcycles.
2 hits Runs side-gigs fixing up cars and bikes for people both on and off-grid. Has a knack for mechanics, and is a talented motorcycle combatant
3 hits Ex go-ganger, shred asphalt for a long time with one of the Mother Road's biker hordes. His bad rep can be traced back to him turning traitor on his old gang banger buds.
4+ hits His old gang disgraced him when he tried to make off with a stolen prototype motorcycle. The resulting chase lasted two hours or so and ended in a massive traffic pileup off the I4.


Paul Renton (Level 4)

Cover SIN for a middle-aged ork working as a freelance mechanic. SIN's linked to a low lifestyle apartment with a Special Work Area- A personal Tool Shop where he fixes up bikes and other vehicles for a 'living'.

Fake License (Mechanic) (Level 4)

Fake License (Driver's License) (Level 4)



Out in civilian garb: Shop shirts, overalls- Garage clothing with that rockabilly flair to it and usually a few grease stains to boot. Preference for short-sleeve or sleeveless shirts, as the cyberarm makes long sleeves inconvenient. The ballistic eye protector implants are usually on, with the convincing excuse that they make welding easier on the eyes.

When dressed for running: Squid usually goes out in body-covering, high-end motorcycling gear, low profile and anonymous, to protect his identity as much as possible.

Media Mentions