Fed Up

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Fed Up
Smuggler Rigger
Gets things from Point A to Point B fast
Military Veteran
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - C
Resources - C

Character Information


An elf, but slight of figure and graceful of motion is where the racial comparisons end. A scraggly beard, that some dwarves might even think of complimenting, covers his chin and conceals his neck. His hair is tight on the sides and long on the top, and it is often kept contained by a hat instead of maintained by a comb. He wears old cut-off military fatigues under a dark blue jumpsuit, which is often covered in the fluids and grime from a mechanic's workshop.

Fed-up is a pretty animated guy. His ADHD keeps him from staying on one topic for too long, but it also makes him an excellent impromptu conversationalist. His quick wit and sharp tongue keep him both in and out of trouble, depending on who he is talking to at the time. If he doesn't seem focused on the task at hand, it is probably because he isn't. Once he zeroes in on something though, it can take a lot more than threats of violence or death to keep him from doing "the thing." If he seems immature, its because he has seen too much death to care about polite society. In fact, he goes out of his way to subvert most restrictions and rules placed on him.


Do the job, get paid, and maybe make a few friends along the way. Needs a faster car though.


Fed-Up grew up trying to get from point A to point B as fast a possible. The journey never mattered, unless he could do it faster next time. Going fast breaks things often though, and he had to learn how to repair his mistakes before he got good at not making them in the first place.

First job out of high school was military; he worked on the flightline in the USAF for a full enlistment. He learned basic marksmanship and the military even upgraded him with a few cool toys to help him do his job better. He learned how to fix aircraft and a few other vehicle types, but was always jealous of the pilots, who got to break his hard work at the speed of sound.

Veterans who don't play with guns a lot get a raw deal on the outside though, and he turned to running when it simply took too long for him to find good work. His knowledge of vehicles, both fixing and driving, plus his military experience made him an excellent smuggler; he gets packages to places others don't want them. He isn't supposed to open most packages, but he does anyways. He considers learning about smuggled tech and weapons a "perk of the job"

Narrative Significant Qualities



Speed Demon

Stunt Driver

Sense of Direction

  • Fed Up feels the most comfortable behind the wheel.


Day Job (10 hrs): Auto Mechanic

  • He does part-time work for a shop in Auburn.

Lack of Focus

  • Fed Up has ADHD, and it impacts him greatly.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Experitech wheelsDoc Mnc7 October 2082
This is how you Really camp!Doc Mcguffys12 August 2082
Ancient IdiomsAsmodeusLight the Shadows
Temple in the Shadows
30 June 2082
Bug Out BagDiscoGoblin15 June 2082
Minima de MalisZerre de Seattle14 June 2082
Throwing ShadeSarcarian12 May 2082
Hell or High WaterAsmodeus4 May 2082
Lip serviceAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking25 April 2082
House CallDisco Goblin22 April 2082
Getting One Step AheadMalycAgainst all odds - The OtherCon story21 April 2082
Face Your FearsAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking15 April 2082



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Sid 3 4 Fixer(N,A,G,K) Mechanic Ex-Runner, Rigger, Engineer, On The Low Even
Frank Goldman 3 2 Custom(G, K, A, N) Gun Runner Firearms Dealer, Antique Vehicle Collector, Black Market Connections, West Coast Smuggling Routes Even
"Wild Goose" 2 2 Gear ID Manufacturer SIN Forger, License Forger, Matchmaker Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

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