Newt (As played by Discogoblin)

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Newt (As played by Discogoblin)
Wiccan Mysad and Surged Sewer Frog
"Every tunnel has a story for those willing to listen."
Discord@disco goblin#9660
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.November 4th, 2060
Folder[Drive URL Link]
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - B
Resources - E

Character Information


Newt in a small amphibian surge with slimy green skin and long frog legs. She has scraggly black hair and three slit eyes, one in the center of her forehead. She wears the grime-streaked gear of an urban explorer, and practically hums with a paranoid energy. She's spent most of her life as a scavenger, using her magic and mutations to eke out a living in Seattle's sewers. A talented psychometrist and follower of Raven, she believes herself to be a messenger for the spirits trapped in the junk; fragments of souls are left in the garbage, and their stories are desperate to be heard. A recent vision of a murder sparked a feverish obsession that's driven Newt to the shadows, searching for the truth that can put the victim's spirit to rest.


  • Find the woman from her vision, and learn her story.
  • Hear the tales hidden in the waste
  • Buy a real bed


Newt was born as a hobgoblin in the Orcish Underground, and had a fairly normal childhood until their SURGE at 15. With the passing of a comet that they couldn't even see, they underwent drastic mutations that gave them the appearance of a three eyed kappa. Her legs contorted into those of a massive frog, and her now slimy skin began to morph to match its environment. Her tongue stretched out and turned a deep, almost black shade of purple, and corrosive spit drooled uncontrollably from her mouth. She had turned into a monster, and her community treated her as such.

With Newt's hometown offering nothing in the way of shelter, the only way to go was down. She was drifted to the lowest reaches of the OU, using her new body to scrape out a living in the muck. As it turns out, she was pretty good at it; Her mutations and newly-awakened magic gave her a much-needed edge over the critters and ghouls, and before long she was safe enough to begin exploring her new home. It was during these first few journeys that she made contact with her mentor spirit Raven, who instilled a lifelong fascination with the secrets hidden in the tunnels. Newt became a talented psychometrist, plumbing the depths for trinkets and selling the boring ones to the Skraacha. Her life settled into a stable, if somewhat lonely rhythm, where it remained for several years. Until the vision.

It started with a rusted claw hammer at the bottom of an abandoned dump. Raven said to grab it, and a trusting Newt was happy to oblige. They were greeted with the sight of a high rise apartment, nice than anything they had ever seen, and the overpowering stench of death. They were a tall human, bearing down on a dwarven woman with pitch black hair. They met the woman's icy blue eyes, and their fingers tightened around the hammer. Metal met bone and yet the woman didn't flinch. She didn't cry, or scream, or try to run; she just watched her murderer with unblinking intensity. As the last blow fell and the vision's red mist faded, Newt was struck with a thought. That woman had been looking at her.

In the next few days Newt became obsessed with that vision. She put herself through it again and again, each sensing confirming what she had already suspected: that woman was watching her. Not not murderer, or anyone else she thought might've been behind those eyes. She saw Newt more clearly than they had ever been seen before. Those pale eyes burned through every part of her being, leaving behind only a single request. Find their owner, and lay them to rest. Newt was enthralled, and began a hunt for clues that would eventually lead them to the shadows.

With the help of the Skraacha officer Warboss, she obtained a fake SIN and access to the Haven; the truth of this murder lies on the surface, and to get there they would need money. Shadowrunning strikes them as a mixed bag. On one hand, they can earn more money than they've ever seen in the span of a few hours. On the other, they're now indentured to Warboss. It doesn't matter, though. That woman was the first in six years to look at Newt as a human, and Newt would stop at nothing to give her peace.

Narrative Significant Qualities



Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Halluncination Nation 4: Newt Fucking Dies (This Time For Real)PatGriffinCall of the Shadows13 September 2082
Hallucination Nation 3: Newt Fucking Dies (Spiritually)Sleevey11 September 2082
Fragmented VineyardAsmodeus8 September 2082
A Maximus Tactical Family CatastropheAurora27 August 2082
In The Plastic JunglesAurora23 August 2082
Ghouls in my Ork UndergroundSleevey9 August 2082
The Second StrikeArchtmagBy Royal Decree4 August 2082
Just Your Standard Gender Reveal PartyAurora2 August 2082
Tug of WarAsmodeusThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes28 July 2082
Finda KillerPatGriffinCall of the Shadows22 July 2082
Chestnuts Out of the FireSarcarianA Scattering of Deadly Petals14 July 2082
The Most Urban Brawl 3: A Nice Clean MatchSleevey30 June 2082
The Enigma of Nodbert's Numerous Noodles for a Nuyen that are Nowhere to be NoticedWarr20 June 2082
Shark WeekCutierThanThouIt's Always Wednesday in Seattle19 June 2082



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