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Ex-Halloweener Face
The Pumpking's #1 Fan
Discord@disco goblin#9660
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.October 30th, 2058
PriorityMetatype - B
Attributes - D
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - B
Resources - E

Character Information


A face and illusionist hedge witch, Zombie's spent most of their life as a member of the Halloweeners' rank-and-file. Unlike many of their peers Zombie truly bought in to the gang's ethos; they treat Halloween with an almost religious reverence, and believe that capturing its essence is their defining purpose in life. They saw Pumpking Jack's arrival as a horror trid brought to life, and betrayed their gang to join up with the Starscreamers.

Now the Pumpking is gone, and Zombie's been left high and dry. With nowhere to go and their name at the top of the Halloweener's shit list, they've turned to running as a way to make ends meet. Jack's disappearance has given them a crisis of faith, and they're now left questioning what "Halloween" truly even means. If the messiah of fear couldn't even bring it about, then what chance does someone like Zombie stand?


  • Scare the ever loving drek out of people
  • Learn the true meaning of Halloween
  • Get an explanation for Jack's disappearance, and find themselves a new muse
  • Don't get burned alive


Tanya "T" Chen was born deep in the Halloweener's Redmond territory, and got exposed to the gang from a very young age. Growing up poor, T spent much of their early teens working the streets and pushing the Weener's trademark BTLs. When their talent for magic awakened at 17, they were jumped in for real and became a made member of the gang. Although their reasons for joining were originally pragmatic (better to light the fires than to be the one getting lit), the life of hard drugs, concussions, and constant terror eventually sent their psyche careening off the deep end.

T became obsessed with the concept of horror. While most of her gang mates treated Halloween as an excuse for violence and cheap thrills, T viewed the holiday as a religious sacrament. Horror movies became the lens through which they viewed the world, a method of coping with the harsh realities of the gang life. All the senseless violence that they'd grown up around, that they were now participating in, it had to mean something. And it did. Everything that T did was a means to an end, a way of bringing about "true Halloween". What that actually is, only they seem to know.

Needless to say, they took Pumpking Jack's arrival as a sign from god. The shadow spirit was straight out of T's trids, and treated Halloween with the reverence it deserved. He was inspired, a muse that T's flailing sanity could latch on to. Without a second thought, they turned their back on their crew and joined up with the Starscreamers. They were ecstatic to find a group that shared their driving ethos, and with the help of some shadow karma they grew stronger than they ever had before. In only a few short months, though, it all came crashing down.

The details of Jack's plots weren't shared with the rank and file. As far as T knows the spirit just up and vanished, leaving a fractured and leaderless gang behind. The remaining Starscreamers lacked the spark that Jack had once had, and as Nightmare's Halloweeners enacted their retribution T decided to flee. They're currently hiding out in Touristville, taking shadowruns under the name "Zombie" to make ends meet while sorting out their crisis of faith. Jack had been Halloween personified, and yet even he couldn't bring it about. All of the things that T's done... if Halloween will never come, then what did any of it even mean?

Narrative Significant Qualities


Shockingly Well Spoken (Alibi, Closer, Honest Face, School of Hard Knocks): Being a face in the Halloweeners isn't an easy gig. You either learn to lie under pressure, or you end up starring in the gang's next snuff film.

Walking Haunted House (Hedge Witch: Illusion): Zombie's magic is, above all, a form of self expression; they've spent years refining their illusions to capture the purest essence of horror. The downside of this is that they never learned to do anything else.

Friend of Chaos (Mentor Spirit: Chaos): Chaos has been guiding Zombie ever since they awakened, egging them on to cause more havoc and horror. They usually appear in the form of various characters from Zombie's vintage horror trids.


Pissed off all the Wrong People (Bad Rep): Being an ex-Halloweener is bad enough. Being a traitor ex-Halloweener who joined up with a world ending shadow spirit? Yeah, that rep's gonna stick.

You can take the Goon out of the 'Weeners... (Distinctive Style, Uneducated, PSC: Thrill-Seeker, Lack of Focus): Zombie is a former Halloweener, which means that they've spent much of their life doing incredibly dumb shit. This is reflected in both their personality and their tattoos, two crude sleeves and a full back piece that anyone who knows what to look for can clock as belonging to the gang (Knowledge: Street Gangs with a threshold of 3).

Secretly a Nerd (Dependent: Inconvenience): Zombie has a massive, ever-growing collection of horror memorabilia. They dream of one day using it to open a haunted house.

An Artist at Heart (Signature: Zombie Head): Even though they're supposed to be in hiding, Zombie just can't resist leaving a stylized zombie head at the sight of their most impressive accomplishments. After all, what kind of artist doesn't sign their work?

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Recruiting For The Skeleton WarAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking3 October 2082
Gland Theft AltoCutierThanThou30 August 2082
Zombie Initiation: OSHA ViolationNiven13 August 2082
Dance among the Fading MemoriesDraknicWhen You Reach Me11 August 2082
Shut up and take his Money!Syphilen2 August 2082
The Sad Facts of Chet HughsPat1 August 2082
Attack Inside Attack!Aurora1 August 2082



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Alessa P 4 2 Fixer Owner of The Daze The Daze, Shadow Connections, Ear to the Ground, Punk Rocker, Bootleggers Even
Mack and Hack 1 1 Custom(A,K,N,G) Halloweener Troublemakers Those Two Idiots, With The Power Of Friendship, ... And This Gun I Found, King Of The Pumpkin Patch -4
Black Cat 5 1 Gear Black Marketeer Burnout Adept, Black Market Connections, Gun Runner, Gang Leader, Demolition Expert, Back Alley Chop Shop Even



Mack and Hack: Formerly two of Zombie's best friends, them joining up with the Starscreamers put a serious strain on their relationship. The good times haven't been forgotten, but Zombie's gonna have to work to earn their trust back.


The Halloweeners: The 'Weeners don't exactly take kindly to traitors. Zombie doesn't know what they'll do with her if she's caught, but a life of horror trids gives her some pretty good ideas.

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Zombie Head: Zombie's signature is a stylized, decapitated zombie head. When they feel like they've created a truly inspired scare, they'll either incorporate it into their illusions or spray paint it at the scene.

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Braiiinnnnssss.....
3 Reports of recent "supernatural" activity in and around Touristville. Ghost sightings, apparitions, lots of urban legend type stuff. A few images of a stylized zombie head graffitied around many of these sites.
6 You find a blog for vintage horror trids written under the user "DayOfTheDead". The website is decorated with the same zombie head seen in Touristville. Also, you get a face match for a police report from a few years ago, on apparent Halloweener activity around Sophocles.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 A face and former ganger. Seems to have left their crew on pretty bad terms.
3 They used to be a Halloweener, one of the gang's true believers. Took to shadowrunning after some sort of falling out. They're a hedge mage specializing in illusion spells.
5 They're a former member of the Starscreamers, and apparently one of the brains behind some of Jack's more... artistic stunts.


Wes Raimi (R4 Fake, UCAS): A college dropout and aspiring filmmaker. Works as a tattoo artist in Redmond.

  • Mage License
  • Concealed Carry Permit


Zombie is a thin, black-haired dwarf of Chinese descent. They have two crudely done tattoo sleeves, along with a full back piece detailing various vintage horror characters.


Their typical attire consists of a vintage horror tank top under a blood-red suit jacket. They frequently wear gaudy makeup that borders on special effects, sometimes including fake cuts or custom contacts.

Matrix Persona

Zombie's matrix persona is, well, a zombie. Like many of their creations, the thing is so over the top that it veers into being cheesy.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments