Bayou Bill

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Bayou Bill
Bayou bill.jpg
Kickin, Explodin Cybersamurai
"Them gator's ain't gonna punch emselves!"
RedditReddit Name
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - C
Resources - A

Character Information


The former freedom fighter nicknamed "Bloody Alligator Davis", once thought dead, has appeared in Seattle, going under the moniker "Bayou Bill".


Beat the drek out of the corps, all of 'em

Beat the drek out of any rich lookin people

Bring the Davis Farm back to glory

Raise 'em gators up, big and strong

Find Dollmaster and kick 'im too


Tommy Davis lived his life out on his families gator farm on the Bayou, wrassling gators and raising em up to proper size. It was a fine life. Until it weren't.

Some suits from some corp or another showed up to his farm, talkin bout "Land Buyouts" and other gator-crap like that. The Davis family, being God and Gator-fearin folks, grabbed their weapon supplies, Grenades and alligators and fought the suits, kickin em out of the Bayou. All was well for a while until the suits returned with a strike team, bombing the Family Ranch from a plain and then sweeping in with spec operatives to wipe out the rest of the family. Tommy was helpless against the assault, being launched out of the Ranch. He made his escape, bringing an alligator with him as he did, promising to carry on the Davis name until the day he died.

What followed was a one-man and many-alligator war on any suit-lookin types across all of Louisiana. He would raid the towns, alligators in tow and just fuckin annihilate any vaguely rich lookin person in sight, before escaping back into the swamp. It was a great couple years but all good things had to come to an end. One raid went sour, with some of the suit types havin bodyguards an' weapons. They shot ol' Tommy to hell and back and killed most of the gators. Tommy Davis and his one remaining gator escaped, bleeding out, missing several limbs before collapsing on the road.

That was where one of dollmaster's runners (who was on vacation) found him. The recognized him as the famous "Bloody Alligator Davis" and brought him back to Dollmaster's people, who fixed him up and sent him to Seattle to be part of some ... "Operation". They implanted him with all sort of cutting edge bioware, boosting his brain and reflexes and got him some fancy cyber-arms to replace the old ones. It ain't really his business but if this dollmaster is cromin him up and letting him wreck some suits then it's allright for him.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Biocompatibility (cyberware) - Getting ur limbs blown off and being left with a taste for revenge will have ya ready to take any sort of modifications.

Prototype Transhuman - After being hunted down by the Corp Court, dollmaster pumped ol Bayou Bill filled with all sort of experimental bioware. Pure luck he survived the process.

Redliner - You know damn well Bayou Bill is turnin off them safety procedures and makin' his limbs are pumping the strikin.


Hobo with a Shotgun - Growin up in the Bayou and with his distaste of suits, he isn't comfy anywhere that's not as gritty and wild as he is. Plus most high class livin' places don't allow gators.

Illiterate - He never learned to read, too busy wrasslin' gators

Leeeeeeeeeroy Jenkins - He can take em all on! What in the hell is a 'plan' anyway?

Uneducated - Didja' here about them gators? Far more important than that 'school' nonsense.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Kill BillAurora7 September 2082
Finda KillerPatGriffinCall of the Shadows22 July 2082
KRIMINAL PastriesAuroraBaker Wars5 July 2082
Pickup and DeliveryArchtmagBy Royal Decree27 June 2082
Suburban JungleWarr24 June 2082



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Dollmaster 6 1 Fixer(G, N, K, A) Shadowy Manipulator Upgrades, Subtle Touches, Cut and Paste, Arm and a Leg, Leveraging, Long Game, Overwhelming Force Even
Bagrak 1 1 Service Doctor Street Doc, Awakened Medicine Even



Dollmaster (Tenuous)


Anyone in a suit

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result


Big Tommy (r4, armor, augmentations, bounty hunter, driving)


A short, lanky man with sun and work mottled skin, a bizarre sense of style and a thick Louisiana drawl.. Matted hair and ragged clothes but with very fine, alligator skin boots and a crocodile dundee style hat. He's got a scraggly black beard that looks like it grew more out of not shaving for a very long time, rather than any form of grooming. He's got a series of scars running up from his neck and across his chest. All of his limbs are metallic in coloration but bear the average size and proportions of normal limbs.

Matrix Persona

what in the hell?

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments