Difference between revisions of "Shlice"

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(Created page with "{{Infobox |title = Waspkeeper |image= File:Placeholder.png |header1= Ex-Firewatch Support Staff Technician |header2= Known Ex-Ares Bug Research Staff |header3= |header4=...")
Tag: visualeditor-wikitext
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|title = Waspkeeper
|title = Shlice
|image= [[File:Placeholder.png]]
|image= [[File:Shlice2.jpg]]
|header1= Ex-Firewatch Support Staff Technician
|header1= Sword-Slinging Physical Adept
|header2= Known Ex-Ares Bug Research Staff
|header2= Down-and-Dirty Street Muscle
|label6= Metatype
|label6= Metatype
|data6 = Ork
|data6 = Human
|label7 = Street Cred
|label7 = Street Cred
|data7= 0
|data7= 0
|label8 = Notoriety
|label8 = Notoriety
|data8 = 3
|data8 = 1
|label9 = Public Awareness
|label9 = Public Awareness
|data9= 0
|data9= 0
Line 17: Line 17:
|data10 = 0
|data10 = 0
|label13 = D.O.B.
|label13 = D.O.B.
|data13 = September 11, 2053
|data13 = January 8, 2068
|label14 = Drive Link
|label14 = Drive Link
|data14 = https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yIq47W4R3WQ2pv9VzN-nrpMO1kKvASCj
|data14 = [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yAZzV7otEnR4CgXNyJ6jjpgLmuPWWnhn Shlice]
|label15 = Approved?
|label15 = Approved?
|data15 = [[Has CharGen Approval::Yes]]
|data15 = [[Has CharGen Approval::Yes]]
|label16 = Priority  
|label16 = Priority  
|data16 = Metatype - B <br /> Attributes - E <br /> Magic/Resonance - E <br /> Skills - B <br /> Resources - A
|data16 = Metatype - E <br /> Attributes - A <br /> Magic/Resonance - B <br /> Skills - C <br /> Resources - D

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Ex-Firewatch support staff technician & combat engineer rescued from Ares. Known Ex-Ares bug research staff who regrets her part in Ares' experiments.
Young sword from the barrens who loves to flex his Awakened prowess, he's bold and flippant in conversation, but a serious fighter.

Make things right, fight bugs, and support Ex-Firewatch. Gain allies and resources for the fight. Save or destroy Ares.
Get to the top of his craft (hurting people), the game (running the shadows) and the world (by making a lot of money and getting respect).


Shy, soft-spoken person with the discipline and drive instilled by her military background. She gets excited by new technology, even if she doesn't fully understand it. Has a sweet tooth. Won't say what happened to her flesh arms.
Very self-assured, to the point of cockiness when it comes to his skill with blades, Shlice is nonetheless aware of his precarious position as a runner and is generally prefers to stay well within his comfort zone. When not actively working a run Shlice (Miles to his friends) is often intoxicated, spending his limited free time either on Zen or riding his racing bike, though not competitively. As a student of Thunderbird, Shlice cannot stand insults, and as a result is particularly easy to goad into violence.

Prominently visible are her shiny chrome arms, highly dexterous, and bulked up with built in tools and medical gear, and the Ares Thunderstruck she slugs around when the situation calls for the really big guns. As an orc with obvious, somewhat bulky cyber, some might underestimate her technical expertise and  astounding logical faculties.
Miles has spent his entire adult life honing his body for both aesthetics and combat functionality, and his Awakened physiology helps compensate for a fairly low-quality diet. As a result, he's an impressive physical specimen of muscular grace. He tries to keep himself groomed, rarely letting stubble develop and keeping his hair cropped close.  

Camo patterned armored coveralls and kneepads. Not quite the right fit for a high society party.
Shlice loves desert-chic, and dresses like the world has already ended, not only because it's practical in the polluted sprawl he inhabits, but also to build his "brand" as a runner.

====Matrix Persona====
====Matrix Persona====
Runs an Ares Firewatch avatar with stripped insignia. Her icons are themed on modern, realistic objects.
Shlice's persona is an idealized version of himself, the right arm of which ends in a cartoonish giant sword rather than a hand.

==In Play==
==In Play==

===Legwork: Knowledge Skills & Matrix===
===Legwork: Sprawl Life and Urban Tracking===
Her knowledge about Ares, Biotech and Bugs seems quite specific, but her Skilljack and Skillsoft subscription let her download many conceiveable knowledge skills straight into her brain, and roll 13 dice for any professional and academic skills and 8 dice for any interest skills, as long as she can find them in the database.
Miles' knowledge skills are fairly unimpressive, his highest being Awakened Hangouts at 8 dice, but his pool of 7 in Street Rumours is enhanced by his skill in Intimidation (allowing him to threaten people for information if he can track them down) and Tracking (Allowing him to track them down).

She can also scour the matrix for information, rolling 18 (20 if she's feeling like risking hot-sim) dice for '''Matrix Search''' and cutting search times in half or quartering them with her programs.
As a result, Miles' best bet if what the run requires is information is to find someone else who has it and get it from them by force, especially given his specialization in Physical Information. Alternatively, he can lean on his contacts.

===Locksmith & Hardware===
===Sharp Objects===
Waspkeeper can open a lot of physical barriers nondestructively with these two skills. Her Maglock Passkey lets her or one of her allies attempt to do it even faster, while almost looking like they belong.
Shlice has a lot of blades, allowing him to adjust his capabilities to the needs of a run. If he doesn't have to be quiet, he can bring a battery-powered '''Vibro Sword''' to bear, and he has an assortment of knives that he can slip past M.A.D. scanners. In the middle is his '''Ares Monosword''', which while not easy to conceal is silent. Even if he can't get right up to whoever needs to be sliced, he carries '''throwing knives''' as well. When the job calls not for one big sharp edge but lots of very small ones, he has his '''Frag and HE grenades''', to deal with groups of dangerous opponents.

===Other Tools===
If you can imagine it, there's a good chance Waspkeeper can make it work, somehow. On a wing and a prayer, with bubblegum and a few spot welds, or some extra electronics haphazardly soldered into a device. Check out SR5 page 75. Temporarily boosting the rating of the Maglock Passkey is a neat trick, for example.
When the team wants to keep their hands clean, Shlice carries '''Narcoject-DMSO Syringes''' that he can throw to knock people out, as well as a host of '''Flash-Paks''' and '''Flash-Bangs''', allowing him to take a less direct route to disabling resistance and subdue extraction targets. Even before combat breaks out, his '''BoomerEyes''' let him get an aerial view of an area.

===In Combat===
Comlinks are for casuals. Waspkeeper runs with an RCC, closer in size to a laptop than to a smartphone. It controls her drones, and provides access to the matrix. Her datajack+ lets her use a direct neural interface. Where that (or the drones, or a hilariously illegal gauss rifle) may draw unwanted attention, she can use the '''Wrapper''' program to disguise the matrix icons as innocuous devices.
His '''Attribute Boost''' power allows him to enhance his combat capacities with a Simple Action, which he has plenty of thanks to his '''Improved Reflexes''' and 10+4d6 Initiative. This improves his already hefty '''Blades''' and '''Throwing Weapons''' pools, and along with '''Agile Defender''' (which ''also'' gets boosted) makes his full defense more effective. He's especially dangerous when he's coming off a charge (+2 to his Blades roll) and likes to go toe-to-toe with the most threatening combatant he can see, always after the next gold star on his resume.

The RCC and datajack together can run 7 programs, 9 when one of those 9 is '''Virtual Machine'''. Quick descriptions of their functionality are given on the sheet, check the books for full details. Programs marked with "Always" are a good idea to always have running, while those marked as "Situational" can be swapped in when appropriate.

Check out Core p267, "Noise Reduction & Sharing". Basically you get extra Noise Reduction to the tune of 5 - [# of Autosofts you run]. The Swarm program does not count against this number.
Born in the squalid Loveland neighbourhood of the Puyallup barrens, Miles Allbright was lucky not to have received an injury that he'd need cyberware to fix before he Awakened as an adept at the age of 15. Having by this time lost both parents to addiction and disease, he left the squat he called home to look for someone who could teach him and help him make it out. Facing setback after setback, he turned to drugs to calm his mind, and the mentor spirit Thunderbird visited him in a Zen-fueled hallucination.  

===Drones & Vehicles===
Quickly learning to control his gift, Miles became Shlice and started using his adept powers to carve, sometimes literally, a place for himself. Eventually he scraped together the gear and contacts to start being a serious shadowrunner instead of temporary hired muscle for paranoid syndicate leaders, and he's been lucky enough to keep himself in one piece and getting jobs ever since, although the memories of his deprived past continue to push him to acquire ever more money and personal prowess.
'''GMC Bulldog''': A sturdy truck for heavy loads. Equipped with an improved pilot software and all the mods you need to change identity on the fly and shake off tracking and pursuit. Doesn't have a nail strip ejector yet, though.
==Narratively Significant Qualities==

'''Evo Proletarian''': Two handy helpers that can teamwork a hardware test with 6 dice each. They also help to pass yourself off as maintenance worker.
'''Mentor Spirit (Thunderbird):''' Shlice's mentor spirit makes him a potential liability in social situation, forcing him to roll Charisma+Willpower to resist trading insults.  

'''MCT Fly-Spy''': Eleven sneaky little drones that can scout out buildings, watch exits and provide all sorts of other intel. Use the Swarm software for maximum effect.
'''Guts:''' Miles has seen a lot, he's not easy to spook or shake off. He prefers to be the one doing the scaring.  

'''Telestrian Shamus''': This special sensor drone uses a quicksilver camera to document magic phenomena invisible to the mundane eye, and sees through solid matter using X-Ray, among other sensor functions. This could also be used to back up a cover story for why you are where you are. May require support from a teammate with a good Con skill.
'''Drug Tolerant:''' Miles' frequent recreational and spiritual use of Zen (and in the past, harder drugs) has allowed his body to acclimate over time to the vagaries of addiction.  

===Combat Options===
'''Distinctive Style:''' Shlice's fashion sense reflects his personal history, and when it draws negative attention, he sometimes can't help being negative back.  
Her '''Thunderstruck''' is an electric railgun, aka a gauss rifle; the bleeding edge of Ares weapons tech. It's a serious piece of hardware for making uncomfortably large holes in things and people. She wields it well, rolling 19 dice (agi 9, skill 6, specialization, smartlink) before she even '''Takes Aim'''.

When the situation calls for it, '''Frag''' and '''HE grenades''' can deal with more targets than the slow firing Thunderstruck, or blow away minor obstacles. '''Flashbangs''' and '''Neurostun VII''' provide a non-lethal option and ('''Thermal''') '''Smoke''' can shield a retreat or provide a misdirection. Her 12 dice are enough to throw reasonably well.
'''Dependent (Demanding, on Zen):''' Miles is in pretty deep on the Zen, and it can make his personal reliability a little shaky.  

For self defense, should she find herself facing a low level threat unarmed, she can discharge electricity from her shock hand up to ten times before she has to recharge it. The 12 dice can be increased by charging (+1 die) and by declaring a touch attack (+2 dice, hits on a tie, but no bonus damage from net hits).
'''SINner, Criminal (Knight Errant):''' Miles has been in and out of jail a few times, although he's never yet been put down. Nonetheless, Knight Errant has it's eye on him, at least when they know where he is.  

Waspkeeper can also take a support role boost her teammates with through the matrix using '''Target Device''' (R5 30) and '''Tag''' (KC 40) for offense, '''I Am The Firewall''' (KC 38) for defense, and '''Calibrate''' (KC 37) for initiative.
'''Records on File (Ares):''' Ares Macrotechnology has heard of Miles and has all his data stored away. If they get their hands on him, he can expect to be pressured into working for them, or perhaps worse...  

====Further Reading====
==Run History==
For those who want to delve further, we have an extensive [[Waspkeeper In Depth In Play Example|Waspkeeper In Play Example]], which explores some mechanics in excruciating detail. It is by no means required reading.


Waspkeeper was born to a working class family as an Ork in Detroit. Her parents worked in Ares factories, using their Ares SIN status to boost their daughter's education quality. In turn, they were highly demanding of her excelling in her studies, micromanaging aspects of her life such as friends and entertainment so she would not fall behind. However, once out of high school and out on her own, she was turned down from attending an Ares owned university, which her parents lorded over her while she struggled on her own as a mechanist, saving up for logic augmentations so she could finally attend school.
Once she graduated, she immediately began to work for Ares as a technician and a prototype machinist for almost a year. She felt that she needed to help further Ares' mission to help metahumanity thrive by doing something more progressive for the company; this came in the form of the Research team "Firewatch." She was one of the top picks for the team as a research engineer, fine tuning Ares weapons, bioware and cyberware, as well as modifying the specs and quality on their vehicles and bunkers.

As their work continued, Ares would feed them updates on the war with the bugs, often relaying that they were losing the war. This prompted a "last ditch effort" from corporate for a new project, code named: Hive. The project involved merging metahuman DNA with bug technology to create a superior hybrid to tackle the threat. Being without test subjects, Firewatch were expected to experiment on themselves for results. Waspkeeper was hesitant, but agreed for the greater good of metahumanity... Luckily enough, she did not draw the initial short straws to be a test subject, but this did not ease her nerves for what they had to do to the friends she had made and the people she looked up to.  
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<!-- Do not remove the above code. It's super important. You can add new contacts below using the HasContact template you see below. To add additional contacts, simply copy/paste one of the blocks below and update it with the name, loyalty, and chips. Everything else is automatically pulled from your contacts page. This template should also add your character to the contacts page automatically if it has been set up to do so. If it has not been set up to do so, ping @wiki on the discord and let us know what contact needs to auto-display characters who have the contact. -->

After several horrific scenerios of experimentation, with morale low and mortality rates high, researchers began to complain to the higher ups, most would devolve into arguments, some drawn to acts of violence. Self defense manslaughter claims only kept getting more frequent. After several weeks, most of the researchers had had enough, trying to escape, few did, while others were captured and forced to undergo experimentation. The Ares officials wanted to make an example out of these would-be deserters, subjecting them to the most unethical treatments they could perform, creating the most grotesque monsters yet, a show of what a lack of loyalty would get you.
|Name=Yoon Myung-ju
|Name=Joe "Chops" Burton
|Name=News Van Dan

Meanwhile, a plan was being hatched against the facility by Aztechnology to send in a group of highly skilled runners to eliminate the scientists and the prototype she had been tasked to work on. Waspkeeper surrendered quickly, having little loyalty left for Ares, pleading to take her with them. They agreed, fighting their way out of the facility, killing the head researcher along the way. She watched the place where she had spent the worst years of her life be destroyed in a pillar of smoke and fire. She shuddered, beginning to cry as her nightmare finally came to an end. The Aztechnology Johnson praised the runner team for their accomplishments, but condemned them for wanting to keep her from harm. This kindness opened her eyes, lighting the spark in what she would become after joining Ex-Firewatch.

Once she was in Seattle, she set her sights on Ares, taking up a shadow runner lifestyle, taking any bit of work that could harm Ares in any way. Rumors began to spread of her involvement with the Firewatch project, landing her a rather harsh nickname that she reluctantly embraced.
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==Narratively Significant Qualities==
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'''Bad Rep''' - I helped convert some of the Firewatch into bugs. I can't wash my hands of that.  
'''Favored (Specific Target, Biased): Ex-Firewatch''' - The ex-Firewatch are the true heroes of Ares, they have given up so much and are truly good people.  
'''Flashbacks II: Bugs''' - How did Ares think that merging bug spirit biology into the metahuman form would give us any advantage. I remember the larvae...the squirming...the screaming...the suffering...it is too much.
==Run History==
[[Hitting Them Where It Hurts]] 14000 nuyen, 1 hug, 4 karma, +2 rep OtherCon


Project Pyro Detractors in Ares

Project Pyro Supporters in Ares

=In Character Information=
=In Character Information=
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'''David Stane: Sword Wielding Adept Bodyguard''' (Rating 4)

==Media Mentions==
==Media Mentions==
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==ShadowGrid Profile Comments==
==ShadowGrid Profile Comments==

{{#set:Has Personality=Shy}}
{{#set:Has Personality=Brash}}
{{#set:Has Personality=Disiplined}}
{{#set:Has Personality=Flashy}}
{{#set:Has Personality=Driven}}
{{#set:Has Personality=Image-Conscious}}
{{#set:Has Personality=Nerd}}
{{#set:Has Personality=Punk}}
{{#set:Has Personality=Loyal}}

{{#set:Has Sex=Female}}
{{#set:Has Sex=Male}}

{{#set:Has Role=Technician}}
{{#set:Has Role=Combat Adept}}


{{#set:Has Expertise=Gadgeteer}}
{{#set:Has Expertise=Swordfighting}}

{{#set:Has Expertise=B&E Expert}}
{{#set:Has Expertise=Throwing Weapons}}

{{#set:Has Expertise=Heavy Weapon User}}
{{#set:Has Expertise=Strong-Armer}}

[[Category:Pregen Runners]]
[[Category:Pregen Runners]]
[[Category:Player Characters]]

Latest revision as of 20:17, 5 February 2021

Sword-Slinging Physical Adept
Down-and-Dirty Street Muscle
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.January 8, 2068
Drive LinkShlice
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - C
Resources - D

Character Information


Young sword from the barrens who loves to flex his Awakened prowess, he's bold and flippant in conversation, but a serious fighter.


Get to the top of his craft (hurting people), the game (running the shadows) and the world (by making a lot of money and getting respect).


Very self-assured, to the point of cockiness when it comes to his skill with blades, Shlice is nonetheless aware of his precarious position as a runner and is generally prefers to stay well within his comfort zone. When not actively working a run Shlice (Miles to his friends) is often intoxicated, spending his limited free time either on Zen or riding his racing bike, though not competitively. As a student of Thunderbird, Shlice cannot stand insults, and as a result is particularly easy to goad into violence.


Miles has spent his entire adult life honing his body for both aesthetics and combat functionality, and his Awakened physiology helps compensate for a fairly low-quality diet. As a result, he's an impressive physical specimen of muscular grace. He tries to keep himself groomed, rarely letting stubble develop and keeping his hair cropped close.


Shlice loves desert-chic, and dresses like the world has already ended, not only because it's practical in the polluted sprawl he inhabits, but also to build his "brand" as a runner.

Matrix Persona

Shlice's persona is an idealized version of himself, the right arm of which ends in a cartoonish giant sword rather than a hand.

In Play

Legwork: Sprawl Life and Urban Tracking

Miles' knowledge skills are fairly unimpressive, his highest being Awakened Hangouts at 8 dice, but his pool of 7 in Street Rumours is enhanced by his skill in Intimidation (allowing him to threaten people for information if he can track them down) and Tracking (Allowing him to track them down).

As a result, Miles' best bet if what the run requires is information is to find someone else who has it and get it from them by force, especially given his specialization in Physical Information. Alternatively, he can lean on his contacts.

Sharp Objects

Shlice has a lot of blades, allowing him to adjust his capabilities to the needs of a run. If he doesn't have to be quiet, he can bring a battery-powered Vibro Sword to bear, and he has an assortment of knives that he can slip past M.A.D. scanners. In the middle is his Ares Monosword, which while not easy to conceal is silent. Even if he can't get right up to whoever needs to be sliced, he carries throwing knives as well. When the job calls not for one big sharp edge but lots of very small ones, he has his Frag and HE grenades, to deal with groups of dangerous opponents.

Other Tools

When the team wants to keep their hands clean, Shlice carries Narcoject-DMSO Syringes that he can throw to knock people out, as well as a host of Flash-Paks and Flash-Bangs, allowing him to take a less direct route to disabling resistance and subdue extraction targets. Even before combat breaks out, his BoomerEyes let him get an aerial view of an area.

In Combat

His Attribute Boost power allows him to enhance his combat capacities with a Simple Action, which he has plenty of thanks to his Improved Reflexes and 10+4d6 Initiative. This improves his already hefty Blades and Throwing Weapons pools, and along with Agile Defender (which also gets boosted) makes his full defense more effective. He's especially dangerous when he's coming off a charge (+2 to his Blades roll) and likes to go toe-to-toe with the most threatening combatant he can see, always after the next gold star on his resume.


Born in the squalid Loveland neighbourhood of the Puyallup barrens, Miles Allbright was lucky not to have received an injury that he'd need cyberware to fix before he Awakened as an adept at the age of 15. Having by this time lost both parents to addiction and disease, he left the squat he called home to look for someone who could teach him and help him make it out. Facing setback after setback, he turned to drugs to calm his mind, and the mentor spirit Thunderbird visited him in a Zen-fueled hallucination.

Quickly learning to control his gift, Miles became Shlice and started using his adept powers to carve, sometimes literally, a place for himself. Eventually he scraped together the gear and contacts to start being a serious shadowrunner instead of temporary hired muscle for paranoid syndicate leaders, and he's been lucky enough to keep himself in one piece and getting jobs ever since, although the memories of his deprived past continue to push him to acquire ever more money and personal prowess.

Narratively Significant Qualities

Mentor Spirit (Thunderbird): Shlice's mentor spirit makes him a potential liability in social situation, forcing him to roll Charisma+Willpower to resist trading insults.

Guts: Miles has seen a lot, he's not easy to spook or shake off. He prefers to be the one doing the scaring.

Drug Tolerant: Miles' frequent recreational and spiritual use of Zen (and in the past, harder drugs) has allowed his body to acclimate over time to the vagaries of addiction.

Distinctive Style: Shlice's fashion sense reflects his personal history, and when it draws negative attention, he sometimes can't help being negative back.

Dependent (Demanding, on Zen): Miles is in pretty deep on the Zen, and it can make his personal reliability a little shaky.

SINner, Criminal (Knight Errant): Miles has been in and out of jail a few times, although he's never yet been put down. Nonetheless, Knight Errant has it's eye on him, at least when they know where he is.

Records on File (Ares): Ares Macrotechnology has heard of Miles and has all his data stored away. If they get their hands on him, he can expect to be pressured into working for them, or perhaps worse...

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
The One Where Dawn Rips Off Food FightDawnfire17 September 2085
Jackson Danger's Radical AdventureDawnfire22 March 2085
Yacht do you want?TidanShock22 December 2083
Someone reboot the routerDraknic24 October 2083
Black Hawk DownZerre de SeattleTwo Steps Ahead3 June 2082
The Battle of SolaceDarklordiablo
Project Insight14 May 2081
You're Gonna Go Far, KidVideo
1 May 2081
A Shadowrun Based on The Hustle by A Night in the BoxDrBurst18 April 2081
The Assassination of Joe Bogus by the Coward Kevin CrimesOptimismBeastThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes3 April 2081



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Yoon Myung-ju 2 5 Fixer(G, K, N, A) Bounty Manager Seoulpa, Bounties, Hunting Even
Joe "Chops" Burton 1 6 Custom(K, G, N, A) Modern-Day Blacksmith Unreliable, Street Rumours, Street "Foundry", Street Swords Even
News Van Dan 3 3 Legwork Guerilla Reporter (Infobroker) Infobroker, Conspiracy Theorist, Drone Operator, Hacktivist Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


David Stane: Sword Wielding Adept Bodyguard (Rating 4)

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments