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Adept Infiltrator
Maid Assassin
Street Cred27
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.October 27th, 2061
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - C
Skills - B
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension11

Character Information


Maid assassin? Maid assassin. To be slightly more specific, Sasha (Bleach) is meant to be an infiltrator in the Solid Snake style - specializing in hard infiltration and flashy exits. Trained in the art of stealthy unarmed takedowns and able to fight spirits hand to hand, she's capable enough when keeping quiet so long as there's only one or two targets. She's no slouch with a sniper rifle, even if she doesn't have one now. And when it's time for things to go loud? A shotgun and a heap of grenades are enough to keep guards reasonably occupied while she escapes.


  • Kill Gojira Gaki.
  • Build a network of contacts to secure her position when she's out of the game.
  • Figure out why she's still running when she could quit today.


  • Get a roof and a car. Then, get a better roof and a better car.
  • Get good equipment - net cost is gonna be to the tune of 150k.


Bleach was born someplace in Yakuza territory. She doesn't know where, when, or even who was involved. All she knows is that when she awakened early in her street rat life, she was picked up by the Kenran-Kai - who promptly began moulding her into a servant. First, by making her do mundane cleaning work, then doing various unspeakable things to ensure obedience. Only when her loyalty was believed to be assured was she then trained as an adept and assassin. Perhaps the story could have ended there, but while quietly cleaning, she overheard some dirty business of a rather important enforcer (Gojira Gaki) - something he'd do anything to cover up.

Death was on the table, so she disappeared into Redmond, then fled to less hostile territory - a city where the Finnigans had prominence, not the Yakuza. Her skills proved worthy, and she'd have had a happy life in Dallas were it not for one small problem. The boss needed to discreetly check in on the family out in Seattle. Sasha's one of those he sent, but she has a couple of special tasks while also keeping deeper cover than the rest. That's partly for the sake of keeping another city's hitman (hitmaid?) under the radar, and partly to keep her from being in the gaze of the Yakuza - and keeping her from getting eyes on them. She'd happily kill as many of them as she can, and they'd surely be happy to claim the open bounty on her head.

So here she is, back in her hometown with the gang that wants to kill her and a family she can't call on for favors (yet). Her wetwork kit is lacking, her home is an abandoned bank vault, and her daily diet is best left unspoken about. So what do you do when you're a poor adept with loose morals, a chameleon suit, and a shotgun?

Well, that's obvious, isn't it?

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Vindictive: Does not let any perceived slight go, will pursue immediate revenge unless she holds herself back.
  • Vendetta: Holds a deep hatred for the Yakuza, and the Kenran-Kai especially - foot soldiers, enforcers, collectors, doesn't matter, she wants them dead.
  • Wanted: Knows something about Gojira Gaki - a Kenran-Kai enforcer - that he doesn't want spread around - something life ruining. She has a price on her head, put there by the Yaks.
  • Made Man: Bleach is an assassin on call for the Finnigans. She will prioritize their interests if there is a conflict. About 20 hours of her week are spent being muscle if there's not something more important going on.


  • Made Man
  • Sharpshooter
  • Strive For Perfection
  • Watch the Suit


  • Poor Self Control (Vindictive)
  • Social Appearance Anxiety I
  • Vendetta (Seattle Yakuza, Kenran-Kai)
  • Wanted (Seattle Yakuza Bounty)

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Commando's Rebirth : Blue TeamZerreContre-RévolutionExtreme1 December 2085
No Escape Part III - Operation GramrArchtmagPrime4 May 2085
Big Safe TheftAnumatiHigh17 April 2085
Gojira Drinks Bleach and Fucking DiesAsmodeusDeadly6 April 2085
Off the RailsDejapesDeadly11 February 2085
Who's A Good Boy?AsmodeusThe Crow of SeattleExtreme13 January 2085
Maid, Where's My Car?AsmodeusHigh8 December 2084
A Dragon's Double-HeaderOrionsRequiemDragon of a ProblemHigh3 December 2084
Oil Rig ObfuscationAsmodeusDeadly28 October 2084
Operation OpalZerreAnd Love You Shall FindHigh23 October 2084
SpotterFangblade_And Love You Shall FindDeadly22 September 2084
The End of All You'll KnowFangblade_And Love You Shall Find
Sign of Zeta
Deadly10 September 2084
Cake is so Vanillalov.euphoriaMedium8 September 2084
Meeting the False GodFangblade_Medium6 September 2084
Reject EnlightenmentAsmodeusThe Crow of SeattlePrime2 September 2084
Fish and DrugDraknicLow30 August 2084
Prelude to Pumpkin-HeadFangblade_Medium21 August 2084
Oasis of the SoulAsmodeusThe ArrivalDeadly5 August 2084
Metroplex MuckrakingSarcarianThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84Deadly16 July 2084
Rounding up the RacistsAuroraMedium14 July 2084


Finnigan Contacts

Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Quinn Connoway 3 4 Fixer Finnigan Lieutenant Made Man, Hotheaded, The Quintessential Big Mouth Lieutenant, Oooh that's a good one!, Relax - it's just a border. Even
David Harsmen 5 4 Fixer Fixer Well Traveled, Charmer, I Got Friends..., Ware Contact, CAS Resident, Finnigan Even
Francesco di Gangi 5 1 Custom(K,G,N,A) Finnigan Caporegime Hard to Reach, She Ain't Heavy, She's My Sister, I Know a Guy, Career Criminal, Student of the Upper Crust, Sex, Drugs, and Opera, Bring a Gun to Knife Fights, On the Waterfront Even
Lucille Pinson 3 1 Gear Finnigan Family Picciotti Chemist Party Favors, Party Fouls, I'm The Cook, No, I Actually Like Cooking Even


Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Charon 8 2 Generalist
Black Lodge Autocrats
Black Lodge Loyalist, No Dragons, No Elves, Physical Adept, Unseelie Magician, Seelie Court Archeology, 4th World Knowledge, Wall Street Classic, Seattle Local, Renaissance Traditionalist, Milk Run Scouting, Chantry To Chantry, We Own Them, Dragonslayer -2
Alessa P 4 3 Fixer Owner of The Daze The Daze, Shadow Connections, Ear to the Ground, Punk Rocker, Bootleggers Even
Bruno Pereira 2 3 Legwork Veteran sniper Word on the street, Weapons expert, Saboteur, Longarms sensei, Short on cash Even
Huan-Shi Bai 1 2 Networking Restauranteur Meets all kinds, Adept Farmer & Chef Even
Pramanix 3 2 Fixer Fixer Yakuza, Organized Crime, Shadowrunning, Vancouver, Importing and Exporting, Personmal Vendetta: Yakuza, Prototype Transhuman Even
Carly Reeves 4 2 Legwork News Reporter Reporter, Current Events, Sly Investigator, Never Reveal My Sources, Get in. Get the Scoop. Get out. Even
Ezekyle Burton 2 3 Custom(G,K,A,N) Ghoul Dropout, Practicing Surgeon, Bioware Doc, Ghetto Grade, Therapist Even
Butlerusk 2 1 Networking Head Butler of Le Chateau Gateau Appropriately dressed and Passionately Connected, A Butler is the right-hand man for a reason., I answer the door, clean up the estate, and I take out the trash. Even
Tran Hien 5 2 Legwork Office Lady The Shell Game, The Faces Stay the Same, They Write their Emails the Same Way, Everyone Knows the Rules, Want me to Write That For You?, Detectives, Princes, and Zombies Even
Tom 4 1 Fixer Fixer Home Town Blues, Drugs baby., Ain't Scared of Nothing, Drivers Speciality Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
Finnigan Family Enforcer 3 16 Organized Crime Syndicate Maintaining Seattle


+10 Black Lodge Reputation

+5 Draco Foundation Reputation

+5 N-51 Reputation

+5 Shiawase Reputation


-10 Great Dragon Reputation

-2 Lakota Mafia Reputation

-2 Lone Star Reputation

-20 Tir na Nog Reputation

-4 Shotozumi-Gumi Rep

-4 Watada-Rengo Rep

-4 Ordo Maximus Rep

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Bleach is an abrasive cleaner, used in... once through all of the junk results, searching for the runner eventually places her on her home turf in Dallas.
3 A similar face was passed around in Seattle's Yakuza circles a few years back - passed around in the hopes that some aspiring soldier or enforcer would kill her off. They did not, and the heat has cooled since.
6 Narrowing to searches related to the runner, she's appeared in pictures at multiple private Finnigan family events in Dallas, Texas. Some police records indicate her as a Person of Interest in ongoing murder investigations due to her mafia connections and skill as an adept.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 A relative unknown from Dallas. Rumouors from down south peg her as a fairly solid infiltrator who can hold her own in a fight.
3 A woman wanted by the Kenran-Kai for some incidents about five or six years ago. (Note: Yakuza members will have an easier time knowing about this.)
5 An assassin in the employ of the Finnigans in Dallas. Her presence in Seattle has curious implications for the family branch here.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


Katrina Solomon (Fake, Rating 4, CAS)

  • Adept License (Fake, Rating 4)
  • Bodyguard License (Fake, Rating 4)


She's middling height, middling weight, tan-skinned and blue eyed. But - her contacts are crimson. In terms of mannerisms, she's always moving - looking around, eyeing decorations, looking at people and things and places. In spite of it all, she's a big smiler most of the time. Especially when it's time to clean up.


Force of habit has made Bleach pick cleaner's clothes a lot of the time - it's not uncommon to see her in a janitor's jumpsuit, or the slacks and button-up of a corporate office cleaner. Or a maid outfit, which is her personal favorite, of course.

Matrix Persona

A magical broomstick, a la Fantasia, is Bleach's matrix icon.

Her matrix persona is a publicly available maid avatar, lifted from a popular gacha game she'd never admit to playing.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when she's in use. If you want to use them in a run unrelated to Bleach, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Loyalty The core of her characterization is loyalty - misplaced or not. Her priorities are simple, and she ensures they stay that way. First comes the Family, second comes the team, third comes the job. Where do her friends fit into this hierarchy? Well, the maid hasn't thought that far ahead. This is her attitude on every run, but goes double for runs involving the Finnigans in some way. Anyone who is making moves against them either goes on a list or gets cut down to size then and there.
Fuck the Yaks For backstory reasons, Bleach holds a burning hatred of Yaks in general. It goes double for the Kenran-Kai, and quintuple for Gojira Gaki. She will go out of her way to take them out if there's an opportunity in accordance with her negative qualities. This is her attitude on every run, as well as during her time off and any other time for that matter.
Distaste for HMHVV Some "interesting" experiences with infected - from working for one of the major players, to running alongside powerful Banshee wizards, to handing over opfor as captives to infected gangs - has left Bleach with some lingering concerns about the Infected. Her general outlook is that they are somewhat unclean at a base level - such is cannibalism. When she's paid to ignore it, she ignores it. Otherwise - well, it depends very much on the individual. That's not to say she lacks sympathy - but her own safety will always come first, barring exceptions that tug her heartstrings. The End of All You'll Know inspired a great deal of this concern. Operation Opal cemented it, after being forced to confront what exactly she'd had a hand in. Spotter is an example of those heartstrings getting tugged at.
Better Days Bleach looks back on her days in Dallas fondly - she'd worked for the Finnigans down there as well, butting heads with various Aztlanner gangs. It was a good time, and she learned more skills down there than the Yaks ever taught her during her 'service' with them. Any friends of the family from down south are going to be friends of hers. Seattle, on the other hand, has not been as kind. She's more successful, but she feels more isolated. No relevant runs yet.
Nemeses Bleach makes lots of enemies. There are some she's aware of below, but odds are good that she's made more enemies than she even knows herself, given her habit of working for anyone and her other habit of whacking Yaks. This is a freebie for Yakuza on every run due to the Wanted quality, but other enemies may appear. A double check to ensure they're appropriate is appreciated if you have any doubts. Generally applicable.
Tellestrian Sniper During the course of Spotter, the maid was part of a team tasked with pulling a pair of infected out of the line of fire of a potential hit team. This team included a sniper. When the sniper took out the mother of an infected kid, it made it very easy to take them captive and bring them to Farraday's clinic for use as "food." This would later come back to haunt her, as during the course of Operation Opal she would play a part in freeing this same sniper. There is little doubt that the sniper wants vengeance, and Bleach has been looking over her shoulder since. Spotter was the inciting run, and Operation Opal was responsible for the sniper's freedom.
Enlightenment Rejected Bleach has a permanent lifestyle and six figures in her bank account after going against the sort of world-shaking threat that would capstone any runner's career. There's no sensible reason for her to continue, and even though people keep pointing out to her that she needs a plan for when her vengeance quest is over, she has nothing in mind. For now, she's content to run from her problems and keep killing her way through whatever she can't run from until something stops her or she feels like she's done. Reject Enlightenment was the sort of run that grants a character's wishes. But it couldn't grant hers - all the money in the world could not make Bleach content.
Darkness Embraced Ties to the Black Lodge are rarely a good idea, but Charon's picked Bleach for multiple runs. Worse than that, the weapon focus that Bleach wields is made by Mr. Herenight himself. Even worse than that, Bleach has taken a geas to never speak about the Black Lodge - which will hit her with heavy physical damage. If she goes against the Lodge's interests, they're likely to know - and they can burn her pretty easily. Reject Enlightenment was the start of her ties. Oil Rig Obfuscation continued to tie her into the Crow's schemes. Maid, Where's My Car? established the geas.
Promise Broken A promise was made to a Lakota Mafia bartender to find his son. This was broken - and the Lakota Mafia is unlikely to forget about the woman in a maid dress who appeared in the middle of Montana, asked for her van back, kicked a couple junkies to the curb for stealing it then broke her word. Maid, Where's My Car? sure got a derail.

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