Carly Reeves

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Carly "Cat" Reeves
News Reporter
Got a Story? I can find more.
Contact OwnerSilithDark
Public Contact?Yes
LocationSeattle, Various Coffee Shops
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen/Rumors/Information
Hobbies/ViceClub Hopping
Personal LifeSingle and Looking
Current Events
Sly Investigator
Never Reveal My Sources
Get in. Get the Scoop. Get out.


Carly Reeves, AKA "Cat", is a reporter for KSAF. But more than that, she's good at getting into - and out of - places where she shouldn't be in order to follow whatever story she's currently on the tail of.


Aspect Description
Reporter You want to know what I know? I can tell you a few things.
Current Events I've got to keep my ear to the ground all the time.
Sly Investigator I can get to the bottom of anything once I put my mind to it. Don't worry about pesky things like "trespassing laws", it's not illegal if they can't catch me. And when they demand to know how I found out, well, I don't have to tell them, do I?
Never Reveal My Sources How did I get this information you ask? To protect my informants, I never reveal my sources. People have to know they can trust me to protect them from retaliation when they give me their scoop.
Get in. Get the Scoop. Get out. I think I can find out what is behind this if I could just get inside that building. Oh wait, I can. Hah!


Knowledge Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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NPC who know this contact

Name Status
News Van Dan Bitter Rivals

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Metroplex MuckrakingSarcarianThe Metroplex Governor Race of '8416 July 2084
Corpse BrideDoc McGuffinsAdversaries4 June 2081
CALLING ALL HEROES: The Horror Before ChristmasDocMcGuffinShadow Heroes23 December 2080

News Stories

NameDateMetaplotNews Source
Serial Killer Still at Large26 November 2085KSAF
GMC Director Scandal25 September 2085KSAF
UCAS Army Mobilizes Against Insect Spirit Swarm In Kansas20 August 2084Swarming SeasonKSAF
Major explosion reported13 August 2084The Crow of SeattleKSAF
Shocking information Leaked about Democratic hopeful29 July 2084The Metroplex Governor Race of '84KSAF
Exposé: Who Is Harrison Yuvlicht?17 July 2084The Metroplex Governor Race of '84KSAF
UN officer linked to slave trade exposed by mercenaries !25 May 2084Contre-RévolutionKSAF
A Mercenary group help the Firefighting effort in California !29 July 2083KSAF
Wolverine Jurisdictional Battle15 October 2082ShadowHaven ShutdownKSAF
Shadowrunner Network Exposed11 August 2082ShadowHaven ShutdownKSAF
The Beast is Loose2 June 2082KSAF
Serial Arson around Seattle29 May 2082Temple in the ShadowsKSAF
Light the Shadows18 May 2082ShadowHaven ShutdownKSAF
A Master Challenge28 May 2081AdversariesKSAF