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FLR Street Samurai
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Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
Metatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A

Character Information


Ex-Red Army street samurai who relies more on brutal power than subtlety to crush his enemies.


Amass an arsenal

Accrue nuyen

Secure the connections and resources for a comfortable retirement back in Russia


Mikael was born in the city of Volgograd shortly after the first EuroWar, a time of strife, political change, and chaos for the Russian people. He watched as the AfA incited a second war, as the world tore itself apart to define who would reign as the its leaders. He knew war all his life and when he was ready, he threw himself headfirst into it. He joined the Russian army in 2052 and worked his way up the ranks through year after grueling year of military service, becoming one of the few selected for the prestigious position of a member of the Spetsnaz's Smerch Group, where he served as an assault and heavy weapons specialist. During his tenure as a Spetznaz operative he earned the nickname "Rasputin" for his seeming inability to die and was notable for his abnormally high mission success rate, along with an unusually high incidence rate of property damage and an above average civilian injury rate, making him infamous for his drive to complete the mission no matter the cost, even on one occasion sustaining injuries against more than 4 hostile shooters during the duration of a mission and on another detonating an explosive device that almost killed him in an effort to pacify an armed assailant. Eventually his destructive tendencies caught up with him and he was discharged in 2072 during a surface-level effort to improve the Red Army's image in the eyes of the Russian people, although his exploits (occasionally embellished) and his willingness to sacrifice anything for the mission are known to many of the older soldiers in the Red Army. Following his discharge, he was despondent and even depressed and dealt with psychological issues, some of which he still struggles with, due to his extensive and violent military, service for the better part of a decade. Seeing few other opportunities at the of the dawn of a new decade, he sought to remake himself and began training anew with the intent to make a name for himself in the shadows in the only way he knew how: with overwhelming force.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Battle Hardened- I, like you Americans say, "keep my cool" when under heavy fire.
  • Disgraced/Solid Rep- I was discharged, shown off publicly as a badge of disdain and dishonor for the army, what they promise they won't do. They haven't stopped and they know it.
  • My Country Right or Wrong- I would never hurt my mother country, not for any amount of nuyen. I may be soldier of fortune, but I am still soldier.
  • Addiction(Mild, Kamikaze)- Is not addiction. Really. Just helps me think clearer.
  • Combat Junkie- People these days focus too much on "intricate plans" and "contingencies"; I say is much easier to simply crush enemies beneath boot like bugs.
  • Impassive- People say "Mikael, you are too quiet." I say "you are too soft."
  • SINner(National, Russian Republic)- I am SINner, yes. You have problem?

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
An Individual called JackChrisst1112 September 2081
Rolling in the DeepGhostlinAdversaries29 August 2081
The LockerChrisst11126 August 2081
(Im)Mortal KombatKorean_BBQ22 August 2081
Cyber-Who? Cyber-Where?!Korean_BBQ22 July 2081
Leave the Cage and Take the KeyGhostlinAdversaries12 July 2081
It Belongs in a MuseumKorean_BBQThe Cutter's Curator21 June 2081
Bad NeighboursKryosite13 June 2081
Deer DanceVideo16 May 2081
The Battle of SolaceDarklordiablo
Project Insight14 May 2081
Calling All Heroes! HellraiserDocMcGuffinShadow Heroes4 March 2081
Taste of KrimeDoom24 February 2081



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Alexey Dorosov 5 2 Fixer Vory Fixer Vory Networker, More Machine Than Ork, Armed To The Tusks, Cybork, Trog Networker, Prototype Collector Even


Group Rep
Red Army +1



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Rasputin's calling card symbol is the cyrillic symbol "Er" (Р).

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


Mikael Smirnoy (Real, Russian Republic)

Vladimir Sokolov (Fake R4, UCAS)


At a quick glance, besides his criss-crossing scars, Rasputin is a fairly generic looking hardcore Russian with a buzzcut and a clean shave that you might expect from an army man. Once some of the coverings are stripped away however, it isn't exactly hard to notice that almost the entirety of his body has been replaced piece-by-piece over years of artificial augmentation.


Rasputin dresses in black and favors tracksuits in casual situations and his armored coat when in more formal settings. During battle he dons a black set of armored clothes with a matte black MASKA style armored helmet.

Matrix Persona

Rasputin's matrix persona is one of a large man with a square jaw and a tracksuit.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments