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Oni 409.jpg
Dedicated Face
Little Magic on the Side
RedditI don't do reddit
MetatypeOrc (Oni)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness2
D.O.B.October 31, 2062
FolderIts a Link
PriorityMetatype - B
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - C
Resources - E

Character Information


Fluster is a loud and proud oni, born and raised in Denver. Being on the small side for an orc subtype, she had to try all the harder just for a little attention. That feature of her never left her, very much willing to butt heads with anyone that tries to deny her what she wants. While she will never admit it, her impressive bark is much worse then her bite.

Goals (Read in no particular order)

1. Get more famous.

2. Get more Respect.

3. Support the Orc Underground (discreetly)(she never uses her performing money on this, only running money)

4. she could die happy if she could get enough non-trogs to support her that she could start doing fancy things regularly. (she likes being a loud rocker but she thinks she can go way further and broader)

5. Just wants to have a good time.


Fluster is an extremely short (by oni standards) Oni with highly aesthetic features. Because she was never particularly tall or bulky, she often struggled with confrontation with others, frequently getting pushed around. However one day, with one loud scream when she had had enough, the spark that changed her life ignited, along with the focus of her ire at the time. Now in hot water with quite a few local street ruffians, she bailed the fuck out of Denver. She rode into Seattle with absolutely nothing, and has been clawing her way to comfort ever since, singing and playing at bars and picking up any job she could that didn't check her SIN. She got a lot of help from the underground initially, and as such she tends to stick to that area.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Local Fame: Seattle. Shes actually a very good performer. its gotten to the point even she is surprised how many people show up whenever she posts on FACEBOOK EQUIVILANT where she's going to go and play.


Down the Rabbit Hole 3: The second her commlink comes out, she's basically useless and will get stuck on social media and articles about the most useless shit.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Let's raise the roof!TidanShockHigh9 November 2084
Lookin out for Number 1KarlMedium26 November 2083
Incorrect OwnersToaster TechMedium18 November 2083
Going CatfishingTidanShockDeadly17 November 2083
Of Dames and CultsEvaMedium13 November 2083
The Pride Of Kevin CrimesAsmodeusThe Life and Times of One Kevin CrimesLow3 November 2083
Land Pirates, maybe?IsaacNoneHigh2 November 2083
Dazed & ConfusedAsmodeusMedium30 October 2083
Midnight SpecialSarcarianMedium27 October 2083
Someone reboot the routerDrakniclow24 October 2083
Fertilizer 2.0SyphilenLow22 October 2083



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Ace_Powers 6 1 Fixer Horizon Talent Agent Musical Talent, Corporate Deals, Keep it Classy, Fake SINs, Insider Knowledge, Horizon Agent, Hired Muscle Even
Rebbeca_Montez 5 2 Service K.E. Homicide Detective Law & Order, Sports Fan, Detective, Downtown Denizen, 1 foot in the shadows, Criminal Information Network Even
Alessa_P 4 3 Fixer Owner of The Daze The Daze, Shadow Connections, Ear to the Ground, Punk Rocker, Bootleggers Even


Mildly Idolizes Skraacha, Doesn't know them directly though.



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result


Akai Tsuki (R3 UCAS w/ Magic lisence) (Stagename RTN) (provided by Ace)


Fluster is shortstack in context when you compare her sizes to the average oni. She is very short, only standing five foot six. she has a very aesthetically pleasant face, her soft features contrasted by her slightly angular eyes. Noticibly, she is covered in marks that almost give her a tigerlike pattern across area of her skin. Very rare is the day she doesn't flaunt what god gave her to some degree, her tiny waist flowing into wise hips always on display in one way or another. With hair that reaches her hips, her white hair is usually pretty straight, but curls easily with some coaxing.


her outfits fluctuate frequently, the best way to describe it is somewhere between street thug and budget fashion. She loves her heavy boots though, that tends to be a constant.

Matrix Persona

she doesn't do illegal things on the matrix, so she often appears as herself. when she wants to sneak about, she will often change it up, but will still usually be an Oni.

Media Mentions

Likely mentioned offhand all over the matrix, relating to anything about seattle clubs or indie performers.

ShadowGrid Profile Comments