Boom Poom

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Boom Poom
Aspected Magician/Puma Changeling
MetatypeHuman Changeling
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.April 1st, 2061
Priority: Sum To Ten
Metatype - E
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - C
Skills - B
Resources - D

Character Information


Boom Poom is a tall 6'4" humanoid figure that looks what would happen if you crossed a human with a American mountain lion/puma. He is mostly covered in tawny, concealing brown fur, with a long tail to aid with balance also covered in fur. The effect is jarring and startling, seeming to scream 'predator' at those that are more meekly inclined. He wears long cargo pants, a t-plain white tshirt and his armored, brown, well loved armor jacket with a cloak to help cover some of the internals, and that keeps his reagents. The most normal thing about him is his face--while furry, the eyes, nose and mouth are normal from the outside, and while his ears do point, they are not catboy ears. The face, when he expects trouble is covered by a puma masked ballistic mask.There is a vague odor of cat musk that follows the young man around.


Revenge on his father for abandoning him to the scientists (and EVO itself). Self-acceptance through understanding his powers via Read Magic and the beast within. Acceptance via running (maybe love, but he's given up on it.)


Leon once had it all: a corp family that loved him,playing for a hockey team of at generic highscool of an Evo settlement in Minnesota. His father, however, was ambitious, and at the age of 16, signed Leon up for an experiment to genetically make a better, stronger and faster human, with ambitions to get his son on professional teams by giving him the attributes of a quick and nimble greatcat with the physical stamina of a human being There's an old adage from the fifth world: "They were too busy doing it, they hadn't considered if they should." The next two years wrecked Leon's life as the Evo scientists experimented, promising the boy he could go back to normal, while investing more and more heavily in the alterations they wanted to make. He moved multiple times in the next two years, being displayed multiple times while the scientists bragged about what they'd done to their colleagues. It was during the stress and the pain of the alterations he Awakened, and from the violence of that Awakening, he escaped. Leon had loved the trids as a kid. He had to come to terms with what he had become, choosing the Red Magic tradition and taking Lion as a mentor spirit. Missing the comfort of home, he managed to find a place that was comfortable in Seattle, doing the one job he knew would take him and what he could do: Shadowrunning.

Narrative Significant Qualities

Run History

Jave Cohnson And The Lemons6 November 2082
Homeward Bound By Ramshackle Glory3 October 2081
Boom Poom's First Initiation31 August 2081
Looking Out For the Little Guy11 August 2081
Ninety Days DelinquentChromaggia16 July 2081
*Sound of a Can Opening*27 May 2081
Reformation Hunt 8 14The Reformation28 February 2081
Reformation Hunt 20The Reformation22 February 2081
Route 66 part 2: The Dukes of The BarrensLike mad max but more guns1 February 2081
A Taste of Corruption2 January 2081



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Ted Roth 3 1 Generalist Talismonger (Red Magic) Poor Networker, Red Magic, Animal Lover, Enchanter, Spellcaster, Paracritter Expert Even
Dane 1 1 Fixer Fixer Made Man, Syndicates Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table



Boom Poom is a tall 6'4" humanoid figure that looks what would happen if you crossed a human with a American mountain lion/puma. He is mostly covered in tawny, concealing brown fur, with a long tail to aid with balance also covered in fur. The effect is jarring and startling, seeming to scream 'predator' at those that are more meekly inclined. He wears long cargo pants, a t-plain white tshirt and his armored, brown, well loved armor jacket with a cloak to help cover some of the internals, and that keeps his reagents. The most normal thing about him is his face--while furry, the eyes, nose and mouth are normal from the outside, and while his ears do point, they are not catboy ears. The face, when he expects trouble is covered by a puma masked ballistic mask.There is a vague odor of cat musk that follows the young man around.


See above.

Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments