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NameNegative AspectDescriptionApprovedProfessionArchetypeConnectionActive PCs with this Contact
GregOrc Family ManGreg is community minded first and foremost. If you want to become closer to the man you’ll need to prove your character. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on his behalf.YesSkraacha GumshoeFixer31
Guillermo RodríguezAztechnology LoyalistWill never work against Aztechnology and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty with Aztechnology. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work against aztechnology roll a loyalty check. if it fails he immediately burns you. if it succeeds you owe him a chip to reearn favor with himyesAztechnology Asset Recovery Team Leader/HTRNetworking41
Gus From MarketingRomantically Desperate And CreepyWill try to date anyone who calls him. ANYONE.YesMarketing SpecialistNetworking10
Halvor IngvarssonWantedWanted in the Scandinavian Union.YesTalismongerCustom(G,K,A,N)42
Hamamoto AkiUnder the BusIf Aki thinks talking to you will make her look uncool, she'll laugh at you like she doesn't know you and hang up or walk away. Roll Etiquette (with no bonuses from the table, this is about her friends, not her) with a threshold of 2 + connection and a bonus equal to your loyalty to get her to engage in the conversation. Failing this check ends the conversation. If you have loyalty of 3 or more, she will call you back within 24 hours when she is alone.YesCollege StudentCustom(N,A,K,G)10
Hanako ShinodaTerrible VisionsHanako is haunted by visions of many possible futures due to the strength of her gift. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls 1d6. On a 1 Hanako may have information for you, but it is cloaked in prophecies about destruction and terrors soon to come.YesShiawase SeerLegwork62
HankLone WolfHank don't like to work alongside peoples, he is up to help in a lot of case where he could do job on his own. (Distraction, infiltration and such). Players need to succeed a negotiation + Charisma (Threshold 6-Loyalty) to convince him to go with the team.YesSpec Ops PTT Killing MachingService15
HantuLoyal to the end.
Slow to trust
Several external groups has tried to take advantage of her homeland and the people there in. Causing her to be jaded as a result. Thankfully she is open to trusting others but it will take time and effort for her to welcome them with open arms. Hantu's loyalty cannot be raised above 3 outside run rewards.
Due to her upbringing, the thing that has kept her around is her loyalty and faith in those that follow and support her. And anyone that would go against them goes against her. Hantu will not fulfill any request that would harm or endanger the Dayak Council, Ksatria, or Renraku. In addition anyone that has negative rep with Renraku applies that penalty when Hantu is performing tasks for them. If they have negative rep with the Dayak council, she burns them immediately.
Ksatria Leader
Custom (N,A,G,K)71
Hanzō FurukawaThe Ordo WatchesHanzō won't interfere with work that goes against the Ordo Maximus - that would be too obvious. However, anything he learns should be considered also learned by the Ordo Maximus, which may influence reputation with them. Additionally, characters with Hanzō as a contact are considered marked for burning while their reputation with Ordo Maximus is below -5 and they are not currently actively working to raise that reputation. While so marked, if Hanzō has the opportunity to sell the character out in a way that will potentially neutralize them, he does so: his Loyalty is reduced to 0, he is removed as a contact from them, and his previous Loyalty is added to the approximated Professional Rating of the danger/opposition the character will face as a result.YesArcanotronics ProfessorLegwork61
Harold J. RutherfordRace Traitor
Working Hours
Many dwarves stick to the general set of stereotypes that is the overarching tightly-knit, tradition-bound mainstream community most maintain. Harold went against the mold of the stubborn, insular, technically-minded dwarf. He's the life of the party, doesn't discriminate based on the metatype and hasn't held a tinkering tool once in his life. After being taken into the Horizon fold, he was essentially disowned by his highly traditional father he's got Daddy Issues with, something marriage to his wife Lois, a human, only exacerbated. As a result, he's disconnected from his extensive family and the old community he grew up in. Most dwarves take offense at this kind of betrayal, resulting in him being hated in those communities.
A healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. Harold doesn't, so he tunes out of business matters outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of his contact availability test if trying to contact him at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).
YesPathfinder Multimedia ManagerNetworking61
Harvey SandersPicky Dissemination of InformationRequires a negotiation check to gain information, depending on how it affects criminal organizations and/or law enforcement. Thresholds start at 2 and are modified by how they affect gangs/syndicates (major damage, -2, mild/moderate damage -1) and law enforcement (mild threat to LE +1, moderate +2, major +4). He will refuse to give information that directly target law enforcement. See examples below.YesInfobrokerLegwork40
Hassan BahreiniA Man of PrincipleHassan has his principles, and they're straight forward. Loyalty may never be increased above a character's Notoriety score. If a Notoriety score jumps above the Loyalty rating, Hassan will stop taking their calls until something is done about their wicked reputation.YesPolitical NetworkerNetworking42
Heavy MetalOn Assignment to Mother KomodoNow that Heavy Metal is bodyguarding Mother Komodo, his time is more limited. Any request for an active service support requires a contact availability test. GM may apply penalties to test based on time of day, or duration of time needed.PendingBodyguardService10
Hector WellsAres Macrotechnology Loyalist
Dislike Awaken
Hatred Infected:
Will never work against Ares Macrotechnology and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty with Ares Macrotechnology. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work against Ares Macrotechnology roll a loyalty check. if it fails he immediately burns you. if it succeeds you owe him a chip to redeem favor with him
He has a low view of Awaken individuals and treats them with disdain. Treats his loyalty as one lower if the Runner is awakened
Will never work with infected characters and if finds out that a runner is infected, he will immediately burn them. If on the other hand, they are carriers treat his loyalty as 1 lower and will never meet them face to face.
yesMiddle ManagerFixer21
Helena IscariotCursed LuckIf Helena has to perform a check, roll a secret 3d6. On a glitch, the opposite result occurs. On a critical glitch, the runners' opposition somehow gets a leg up on whatever it is they tried to have Helena help with.Yes
Dante's Inferno Employee
HenryThere's No RushThere's no such thing as getting a weapon delivered by Henry through a quick phone call. At a minimum, he'll give you priority as a customer if he likes you. If he doesn't like you... well, better hope you've got a few hours to burn. Even if you need to talk to him about something unrelated to his arms dealing, Henry will refuse to discuss things over a commcall; you'll have to wait 2d6 - Loyalty hours for him to open up shop and get you in to see him in person. If you're trying to get ahold of something with over 12 availability, increase this to 4d6 - Loyalty hours.YesDiscreet Weapons DealerFixer(G,K,A,N)21
Hez-kukraAnger Issues
Once Burned, Twice Shy
Us or Them
Hez-kukra is easily insulted and generally abrasive, so if he detects even the hint of a slight against his business, his face, his family, his dog, you name it, he refuses to deal with you until you apologize and make some form of amends. Worse yet, even the slightest hint of bigotry against any marginalized group will put you straight in his dog house. A slight against Hez-kukra or his kin requires a favour or a monetary gift to make amends and any instance of bigotry will require double the effort.
To raise Loyalty past 2, a run is required. The run needs to show a real, meaningful reason for Hez-kukra to trust the character. Loyalty can only be raised one rank at a time.
Under no circumstances will Hez-kukra do anything they believe will harm metahumans (elves excepted.) If they learn that a character has dealt a significant blow to a majority non-elf metahuman group (gang, policlub, place of business, et cetera) decrease their Loyalty by 1. If Loyalty ever drops to 0, Hez-kukra will consider the character as an enemy. If they find out that a character has assisted with the targeted killing of metahuman civilians (even elves!) the contact is immediately burned and becomes actively hostile.
YesSons of Sauron Fixer and Black ClinicianFixer(G,N,A,K)50
His Beardliness Belegar son of Gotrek son of ThorMagnificent BeardWhenever you call His Beardliness, make a Loyalty + Edge (3) Test. On a failure, he is too busy taking care of his magnificent beard to be helpful.YesTalismongerCustom(G,A,K,N)31
Holly GardnerGhoul Organlegger-4 to Networking checks among non-Infected, +2 to Networking among Infected. Cannot deliver goods during daylight hours. Will require flesh as part of the payment from anyone with Loyalty 2 or less.YesGhoul OrganleggerService31
Holly Rogers And CrewPirate-Themed
Drunken Pirates
Everything will have a pirate theme, whether you like it or not.
Before noon, they're sleeping off their hangovers.
YesPirate ShadowrunnersService52
HoneyBusy BusinessWho knew that baking baked goods and baking "baked" goods took so much time, roll 1d6 and on a 3 or higher Honey will prioritize your call, on a 1 or 2 she's too busy baking and prioritizes her business' clientele for the duration of the run.YesBakerFixer20
Honnie "Hun" RoganOf the People
Rambling Study
Iterative Collaboration
She will not knowingly aid anyone going against her neighbors, including those in local gangs or syndicates.
Hun gets excited about most of her cases and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, she gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.
While quite excited to work with runners, she tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of her might "evolve" in a direction that she feels is either more effective, interesting or profound. Sometimes she even remembers to call back to update the team without needing to be called back.
YesPrivate Eye & Wannabe FixerFixer(K,N,A,G)10
Hotah MahkahWhiteclay Made ManAs a trusted Whiteclay mob member, Hotah will not move against his syndicate knowingly.YesWhiteclay Mob FixerFixer64
Howard SawyerHeadbutting the Bull MooseDealing with Howard and the Union can be bad for business for those who intend to work with the corps on the regular. Treat your loyalty as 1 less with corporate contacts if you've called Howard on this or your last job.YesMoonshine SmugglerNetworking40
Hyden JonesConscientious ObjectorHyden isn't exactly a pacifist, but he doesn't like violence. If you use information or services that he grants you for wetwork or other violent acts (including unnecessary violence enacted on a job), reduce Hyden's loyalty by 1. If this would reduce Hyden's loyalty to 0 or below, you instead owe him +1 chip.YesCasino Floor ManagerLegwork40
IktomiI got a Life, yknow?Iktomi will not be available on specific days of the week, those being Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2 PM to 7 PM. If you call him during those times, roll a 1D6. On a 1-2 he will simply not respond. On a 3-4 He will answer only if you have a loyalty 2 or higher but will give you less info than normal, on a 5-6 he will respond and abandon whatever he's doing only for the time needed to help you out. You can only call him once unless you call him outside his schedule.yesDeckerLegwork41
Ina LiuArm's LengthIna’s Loyalty can not be raised above 3, outside of a private run.YesShark LawyerNetworking61
Inari ŌkamiOverworkedServices may take longer. Every time the contact provides a service, roll 2d6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.YesEmotional Support FoxFixer51
Irena TachikovWorkaholicIrena doesn't have time for nonsense, attempting to contact her requires a loyalty check with a Threshold of 2 for her to pick upYesEVO Acquisitions ExpertGear63
Jack RodriguezHard to ReachAlways roll an availability test on this contact with their connection 3 higher than normal.YesMechanicCustom(A,G,K,N)30
Jack SteberBlissfully UnawareThis contact doesn't know about your shadowrunner status. If they find out that you are a shadowrunner, run a Negotiation check with a threshold of 6-Loyalty with your social limit. If failed, this contact will proceed to call the authorities and you will lose this contact. If passed they will allow you to explain and possibly accept you, this aspect can only activate once.YesCorporate Wage SlaveLegwork20
Jack da RabbitUnreliableThe GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll a one, Jack da Rabbit will say, with complete confidence, that he will do the request or that he has the right information. He will then flake out or their information will be wrong. They will say they got the gear, then accidentally sell it to another person.YesDrug CookCustom(G,K,N,A)10
Jackson LeeCAS VeteranJackson retired from the CAS Navy. He doesn't have blind loyalty to them, but would prefer not to work against his home. Jackson Lee will not work against the CAS unless your loyalty is 4 or more.yesSalvage Yard OperatorCustom(G,N,K,A)31
JadeActor LifeAs the main actor in a Trid Series that is working pretty well, Jade is often unavailable. When you try to contact her roll the contact avaibility like she had a connection rating of +2YesActress/TechnomancerCustom (A,K,N,G)41
Jake "The Captain" ElliotOn The Far SideAs Jake is the captain of a vessel on the Atlantic, getting goods to or from Seattle directly can take some time. Add 1 day to the base delivery time for any goods, on or off table. (Notably this means if he fails to acquire something for you, add one day and then double the time before you can have him try again if it's off table.)YesShip CaptainCustom(G,A,K,N)21
Jane FosterPoor Networker-2 to Networking testsYesStreet docCustom(A,G,K,N)40
Jayden AndrewsYoung Children: TwinsWhen attempting to contact Andrews, roll 1d6. On a 1 he can only talk for 5 minutes to help with Knowledge skills as he is actively caring for his children.YesSecurity Guard/MuscleService22
Jea Eun Red-DeerHard to ReachAlways roll an availability test on this contact with their connection 3 higher than normal.YesFixerFixer62
Jenny RiversMeatheadIf jenny meets you in person, she will challenge you to an arm wrestling contest. Roll BOD+STR, if you fail to meet a threshold of 3, she charges a favor for her services and embarrasses you for having noodle arms.YesConstruction WorkerService11
Jenny SmokesSmall-TimeBecause she is relatively unknown she has a hard time connecting to hob-nobbers and prissy corporate types. -2 for Networking checks involving high-society.YesSmall-Time ReporterLegwork12
Jet SetTime/DistanceJet Set is normally not one to stay idle, especially considering the upkeep costs for his ancient C-5 Galaxy. Most of the time he's running long distance routes in the Pacific. He is easy to contact at all times via satellite uplink but active and gear checks require a minimum 24 hour lead.YesC-5 Galaxy Owner/OperatorCustom(A,G,K,N)66
JewelsProfessional People Stabber, Unprofessional People Pleaser.Jewels is a nice guy, but often misunderstands their goals. When called, roll 1d6, on a roll of a 1, Jewels will do his best to do what you ask, but will do so with violence and intimidation at best, and deadly force at worst.YesPeople StabberService23
Joe "Chops" BurtonUnreliableChops is pretty much always at work on something, so he tends to get a little frazzled. Being stuck in a smelter all day probably isn't good for your brain cells.YesModern-Day BlacksmithCustom(K, G, N, A)10
Joe CoolHustler
Man of The People
"Your reputation precedes you."
Joe is always working, if not for him, then for the people of Redmond. Always make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 than normal.
The Street has a long-term memory, chummer. When you flubbed that job or got hooked on nose candy, someone took note, of that you can be sure. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with him: subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do.
The Sprawl is tough, but we'll get through it together. Joe may have a runner's discretion, but he knows where he lays his head at night. He will never go against the people of Redmond, this includes local gangs and syndicates (Red Hot Nukes, The 162s, Rusted Stilettos).
Yes Plug Custom(G,K,N,A)40
Johnson the JohnsonNot Above the LawThis contact refuses to do anything illegal. Anytime she is asked to, make a Negotiation check with a Threshold of 6-Loyalty (minimum 1). If failed, this contact proceeds to call the authorities discreetly and you lose 1 Loyalty. She still won't help if you pass, but she at least won't call KE. This aspect does not trigger if Humanis Hunter applies.YesKE Investigator (Possibly?)Generalist51
Jorgy PetersonProsperity GospelThe Lord provides to His faithful, granting wealth and success. For those who lack, well... It doesn't send a good message. Jorgy requires payment in nuyen for all services.YesEvangelist Car SalesmanGear31
Joseph JacobyMy Grandkids Were Visiting
Team Tusked
A Man of Principle
The GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll is a one, Joe will not answer the call immediately. When he calls you later, he'll explain that he and his wife were busy babysitting their grandkids.
As a key community figure for orks and trolls, but also metas prejudiced against as a whole, Joe not only won't move against them, with exceptions like Sons of Sauron, the Spikes or the Mistish Farad, but he'll also immediately burn whoever develops positive rep with Humanis Policlub, the Night Throne, Winternight etc.
He's got standards. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she's asked to do.
YesUniversity Professor and Political ActivistLegwork62
Joshua CalvertEx Agent of the Federal Office of Homeland SecurityGiven his past and as a former intelligence officer, Joshua finds it very difficult to maintain friendships beyond a certain level. Loyalty higher than 4 costs triple with this contact.YesEx Spy and Special ForcesLegwork60
JoyrideWe Like to PartyThe "Vengabus" (a modified omnibuss) is permanently blaring the Vengaboys famous hit, "We Like To Party". As such, Joyride cannot stealth. Literally anyone in the immediate vicinty will hear "We Like To Party" at full blast. If you are in the Vengabus, everyone is looking at you.YesParty Bus DriverCustom (A,N,G,K)50
Juan "Guapo" ManuelNot a morning personJuan likes to sleep in and is rarely up before noon. Don't expect him to pick up his commlink between 4:00 and 12:00 after a big job or a night on the town. If you insist on meeting with him in the morning, bring soykaf, and make it a double.YesService10