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Zilvra Oki
"Your just number, noting more"
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
Metatype - B
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - D
Skills - C
Resources - E


Character Information=



Make enough to survival. and learn whatever happened to her mother and father.


(Working on improving her background. making it flow better)

It was around 7:00 o'clock PM and two people are having discussion a man wearing the uniform of a doctor and the other a young boy maybe at the age of 18 dressed like some gangster wannabe trying to intimidate of much older Gentlemen. "So let me tell you of Rougarou. not the werewolf that hunts in the swamp, the young lady who stalks in the night and brings death to those who need killing...I'll tell you a little bit of her past but boy, You're sort of fits those she hunts. "His back was facing towards the boy, and staring out a large window at the busy city. In his right hand he held a glass of whiskey bringing up to his lips and taking a faint sip before he began to speak again his mind contemplating and wondering over the possibilities that will be fall him at the end of the conversation.

"Luck wasn't really on her side and well sometimes it just deals a bad hand to people she just got it early on ,The reason why no one truly knows the young lady, is rather shut in and but she does have a fire that burns in her keepsake, so don't make her mad and face the wolf . Boy I still believe you're making a poor mistake trying to figure about her but I'll leave that up to your own devices. So what's asking how she ended up in her current spot...what thinking that could use back-mail against her? she likely know on those facts, but seeing how they up and vanished one day." His movements were slow not trying to raise any form of alarm around the boy as he gently taps something on his wrists sending a message out maybe he could escape from this ordeal if he managed to keep speaking and does not allow the young one behind him to figure out what's going on .took another drink once more using that opportunity to calm his nerves and focus.

"Both of them left one day to meet her Uncle William and never showed up back home later that night, following what they told her, if they ever went missing, she stayed for 3 days before she was thrown out onto the street as a urchin. Some young elven child on the streets of Seattle...It's like any other story. some kid alone in this world, poor thing and so many monsters with masks, lurking around the corner...You're Blacken heart likely not move about this sob story." The uncomfortable nature began to rise he know that the boy was starting to become agitated and raising up his pistol so he would have to hopefully provide information that could calm this young man. "Of course that doesn't mean the young lady didn't make out of that entire ordeal without being a bit screwed up in the head, developed some minor quirks and appears to have a minor dislike towards orc likely from a incident that occurred when she was trying to survive but you likely don't care about that you only likely want to know why she's so preoccupied with old reports"

This wasn't the first time he heard a story similar to this it was almost like it was somewhat commonplace individuals missing family and the entire thing of them trying to come to terms with this missing person or loss of them ,missing personal loss due to some random crime committed or Corporation deciding to end a life. it was all commonplace, there's no heroes left in this world only people trying to survive or so the doctor thought. "Her Folks, her father from what i recall was name Kezmyr, and He was a wage slave for Ares, and for her mother...some could say she was like a ghost in the system, living a double life and i guessed it runs in the blood . HAHAHAH"

This possibly could be his last drink the final sip an filling the enjoyment of it a sweet flavor to it maybe 100 years old at best and then he sighs before looking towards the young man .the door to the office was slightly open someone was lurking in and he sees the glow in the eyes he held back his smile knowing that would give away at who just arrived from the shadows. "She both quick with her rifle and those blades she carry around. from spraying n' praying up a low scum thug to slicing up some killer with her sword, everything that makes a Sam deadly without any of those chorme up parts, like me and you have...her magic, She calls it that it's her faith in the old Christian God praying to him and asking for assistance and guidance ,personally i don't care about her philosophy or why she believes in it But it allows her some closure and better understanding, and who knows maybe I could be wrong and there is just a divine intervention waiting around the corner for her to learn all the secrets locked away..."

It was at that moment, the young man realized he was set up, his trigger finger would start to pull on his cheap holdout gun, but before he could fire a shot, a red mist filled the air as his arm was severed by a quick slash and then he was spanned around to only to have the blade pierced through his heart .and the look of terror as he was  forced to stare into the eyes of the person he was trying to hunt down, One fast motion dropping his corpse to the ground. Her gaze finally turned to the doc and he nodded his head. “Fine…we can talk….”

Narrative Significant Qualities

Day job (10 hours) (Gas Station Clerk)

Social Appearance Anxiety

Driven (To learn the truth of her missing parents)

Code of HonorAvenging Angel

Prejudiced (Common,Biased) (Orc)

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
An average Ohio exterminationTidanShockArma Ex Machina26 October 2084
BugBearsEva3 December 2083
Don't Mess with Raccoons, EitherEva30 March 2083
Candlemas RunAurora2 February 2083
One night in Neo-TokyoKaterSalemEnemy within28 November 2082
Worming Into Malleable MindsAurora14 June 2082
Take Back the NightSarcarianTemple in the Shadows28 May 2082
Smash n' SmashDisco19 May 2082
What Lies BeneathMursey2 April 2082
That Seems a Little KRIMinal, Wouldn't You Say?Aurora16 February 2082
Cutting It CloseSarcarian28 January 2082
New Year, nuYouSarcarian31 December 2081
Out Of Place, Out Of OrderAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking26 December 2081
Minor ArcanaSarcarian2 December 2081
The VaultSi1asWhen You Reach Me7 November 2081
The Parent TrapSi1asWhen You Reach Me17 October 2081
Don't Threaten Me With a Good TimeSedatedAlice12 October 2081
Giving the RougaroundSi1asWhen You Reach Me3 October 2081
... Bushy TailedChrisst111Against all odds - The OtherCon story28 September 2081
A Haunting ExperienceNick.Spry23 September 2081
Shadow Uni: Combat 101Doom28 March 2081



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Alessa P 4 1 Fixer Owner of The Daze The Daze, Shadow Connections, Ear to the Ground, Punk Rocker, Bootleggers Even
Zok (Street Doc) Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 3 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even




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++++Calitln Stephens



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