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Frostbite SK 01.jpg
Sniper/Gun Slinger
Lobotomite that is trying to become human.
Discord@D U N E#6017
MetatypeSURGE Human
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.10th December, 2058
FolderFrostbite Drive
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - D
Skills - C
Resources - A

Character Information


Test subject that was freed from an Ares facility by a still unidentified group of runners, has only been in the shadows for 1 year - and is still very inquisitive on his new life.



  • Buy synthetic limbs and find a way to disguise his skin color, he wants to blend into meta humanity.
  • Obtain a Cyberspace Dragonfly to keep him company.


  • Seeks to pacify his curiosity and gain an understanding of the world he now lives in, is very much a tourist in the shadows.
  • Improve cyber-augmentation - (increase rating of limbs to allow better body-mind connection).
  • Find a group of people that he is comfortable to work with.


  • Get a larger (though still mobile) base of operation.
  • Find the original mole that planned the escape.
  • Rediscover the Ares research facility.


Born in a lab, childhood consisted of an empty white room, which the only social reaction was answering questions on current physical/mental state. “Do you have any pain in your arms?” “Can you feel your legs” “Does anything itch?” – Childhood was spent as a test bed for adaptable cyberlimbs, and learning more about association, and how it could be used to control subjects with minimal expenditure.

At the age of 18, the subject was no longer needed for testing, and for a period of time as transferred to aid in internal security – before later being assigned for recycling at another facility, him and others being transported with other assets of interest that the company wanted to bury. During “reassignment” the convoy was attacked while travelling on frozen roads, and among the chaos, the vehicle fell into a ditch. While they all possessed their basic armor – none possessed weapons – though once the truck door was opened after a amount of ‘recalibration’ time, runners in association with multiple rogue subjects entered and threw an assorted bag of weapons onto what was now the roof of the truck. Dazed, though following the lead of other subjects, the rogues in aid of runners applied lethal force to the remaining members of the convoy – securing confidential information on Ares in the process.

After a trek in the snow, groups being broken up into smaller squads to conceal their movements, they eventually made it to a convoy of assorted Ford trucks, each going in a different direction. He eventually ended up in Seattle after a 12-hour drive. They were to work on some low-level jobs for a year, giving a percentage of their earnings to the group that rescued them. After which if they proved themselves they could be given an opportunity to join, or find alternative work. He chose to separate, and eventually got into contact with Haruki Uchida, a fixer that seemed to cater towards his less… Organic composure.

He has been partaking in low level runs for half a year now as a “Samurai for hire” – still acquainting himself to his newfound freedom. This has been with its faults – anti-social tendencies have burned many bridges that could have been useful to keep.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Biosonar, Thermal Sensitivity
  • [Explanation] Possessing organs a normal metahuman does not have access to, I am incredibly perceptive of my surroundings, verging on paranoia when I lack my additional senses.

Man & Machine

  • Adept, Biocompatibility (Cyberware), Cyber-Singularity Seeker, Metagenic Improvement (Agility)
  • [Explanation] Probability dictated that some may awaken, and I happened to be a part of that percentile. Though I was also given cybernetic limbs, and awakened to the power of machine. I now stand the precipice of losing my awakened abilities, though also understanding that for me to improve, I must continue down this route of cyber-enhancements. I am to improve myself, and find ways to garner limbs that give me back the sensations I have lost, as well as find a way to continue unlocking the limits of my body.

Not a people Person

  • Nasty Vibe (1), Antipathy, Impassive, Impaired Attribute (Charisma)
  • [Explanation] Even by prefixing the goal onto my sentences, it appears my ability to commence in pleasantries always appears as hostilities. Being "sinisterly" monotone does not suit friendly communications. [Disappointment] I wish there could be an individual whom understood my intentions.

Bad Aura

  • Nasty Vibe (2), Critter Spook, Astral Hazing
  • [Explanation] It appears even my presence disrupts the flow of positivity, animals detest me - and I have been told by those with the ability to assense that I carry "negative energy", complicating the usage of magic.

Creature of the Night

  • Changeling (Class III SURGE), Striking Skin Pigmentation, Nocturnal, Insomnia (Basic)
  • [Explanation] I am not sure why, though daytime is a plague to me - I am restless, mentally I become duller, and my skin tone becomes more pronounced in the orange light. In night I can hide in the shadows and blend in with the moon, though at day I am an oddity that people actively revolt at my 'deformity'. [Frustration] If only I could walk among the populace without drawing attention to myself - though that is going to be a task if I am to ever complete it.


  • Despite being an escaped experiment, at least to his current knowledge - there are no public warrants for his capture due to the - illegality - of the tests - Ares may have organized bounties with private groups on the subjects heads, though at time of writing, he has no knowledge if that is the case.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
In The Plastic JunglesAurora23 August 2082
A Meatcar Named DesireCutier Than Thou2 August 2082
Where Lobsters Spend the WinterOrionsRequiem10 February 2082
There's No Business Like Snow BusinessSi1asWhen You Reach Me3 February 2082
Crossfire: Local OffensiveAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking1 February 2082
Very (Un)Serious BusinessIsaac31 January 2082
Cutting It CloseSarcarian28 January 2082
Spark of the Waiting HorrorDraknic21 January 2082
The Big CheeseShadowhandTaking Back Tacoma19 January 2082
WHO WANTS SOME GEAR?!Isaac9 January 2082
We Got Ourselves A Convoy!OrionsRequiem7 January 2082
State of DecaySarcarianFestering Infestation6 January 2082
Enemy of my EnemyAsmodeus1 January 2082



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Haruki Uchida 5 1 Fixer Fixer Cyberware, Bioware, Fake SINs, Infobroker Contacts, Armor Accessories, Shiawase Brand Equipment Even




In Character Information


  • Order & Logic
    • [Explanation] The world while ordered and a continuation of a stream of events, particles falling into a domino effect that makes us perceive free will - can seem like chaos. It is only perceivable as chaos due to the lack of proper information, I lack that information and therefore have a distaste for the natural, and enjoy it when a decision is based on cold, bias-less facts, untainted by an outside influence.
  • Contractual Safety
    • [Explanation] While I have been noted to break trust, it is only if my assignment required it - though I always do my best to complete a contracted agreement, and prefer others to abide by the same restrictions.
  • Drones/AI
    • [Explanation] Similar to me, they are usually bound to a set of parameters that can be viewed or encoded - They seem unaffected by my natural characteristics, and therefore I feel I can actually enjoy within their company; without fear of betrayal or deceit.
  • Plans
    • [Explanation] While a plan ceases rigid effects after engagement, it enables everyone to be in the proper locations - allowing things to be ordered, and less based on chance


  • Drugs
    • [Explanation] While they can provide a boost to ability, I prefer consistent ability over the highs - and given the potential for addiction, I would rather continue pushing my physical limits in a permanent capacity, than rely on a momentary boost - I am not adverse to using them if the situation requires it, I just would rather not use it in general.
  • Chance/Luck
    • [Explanation] While probability has gave me gifts, it is not a consistent factor of my life - And due to the fact I can't control it, or even research it to create usable data - I am therefore adverse to it and it's pleasures. While many situations can become luck based, I prefer taking out the chance when applicable.

Symbols and Signatures

Frosted Δ

  • Frosted Delta - This is stamped onto his equipment, or things that he has personally had a hand in producing (example could be if he makes his own bullets).

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 "If you can get past that uncanniness - seems to do the job you tell them to."
3 "Seems like a psychopath, though apparently there is a person under that chrome... Apparently"
5 "Him and others were rescued by a mole, don't know who - though they got 16 people out of an Ares convoy. - Keep your eye on him, because Ares has been quiet about reclaiming their property."


R4 - Zen Fro - Bounty Hunter (Fake-Legal)

  • R4 - Profession: Private Bounty Enforcement Officer
  • R4 - Driving License
  • R4 - Concealed Carry Permit
  • R4 - Possession of Non-Automatic Rifles
  • R4 - Possession of Non-Automatic Pistols
  • R4 - Possession of Restricted Cyberware Augmentation

R3 - Ermia Hypoth - Private Investigator (Paper-trail)

  • R3 - Profession: Private Bounty Enforcement Officer
  • R3 - Concealed Carry Permit
  • R3 - Possession of Non-Automatic Pistols
  • R3 - Possession of Restricted Cyberware Augmentation

Matrix Persona

Ninja (Stock)


Nude/Base form

Body is a icy blue, limbs while the generic shape of muscles are blocky and matt black - the legs have been altered to be that of a cats hind - and joints ready to be removed for more fitting disguise. Eyes have a red iris with black sclera's.


Combat Gear: Armored trench coat with a pure white, almost ceramic looking mask. A blank expression with 3 eyes. The armor is clear, plates can easily be observed on the body - and subtly is forgotten.

Personnel ware: Leather trench coat, a balaclava with a respirator attached and a light armored vest. Weapons are on show, thought it blends into the scenery if it weren't for his odd stature, interesting legs, and general demonic presence.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments