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GM Style Sheet
I haven't done enough runs to know my style. It could be everything from Lovecraftian "horror" to Hatecraftian "delight".
I generally expect players at my table to:
- I will try my best to pic suitable chars for the run, so that refusing the job isn't going to happen often. But if your char really can't take the offer walking away is fine. From my experience there is no shortage of players ready to spontaneously hop in.
- Not try and screw over the rest of the team. Derailing the run is fine for me. If I would expect you always to do what I want I would make a radio play.
- There are a lot of dark things in the 6th world, and some runs will contain them. When a run will likely contain dark themes I will try to make that clear in the run post. If you don't feel well about certain things, please tell me that and/or utilize the safety systems.
- Accept consequences and respect my decisions. I'm very new to running the game, so I will definitely make mistakes. When you notice one please contact me over Discord PMs, depending on the mistake I will try to fix it. But if I don't then please respect that
Here is my GMP Spreadsheet(credit goes to Teksura). My current GMP are: 4
and 1 freinship dollar
Retired Characters
Guides, Cheat Sheets, & Assorted Resources
The things in this list originate from Teksura.
Big Cheat Sheet
Contains a spreadsheet for Spirits, Drugs, and Toxins. Spirits contains entries that allow you to note services and force, and will calculate the attributes and dicepools of the spirit based on that.
Basic Roll20 Primer
Roll20 basics for GMs.
Advanced Roll20 Primer
Roll20 tips which are useful, but not entirely necessary.
Cyberdeck cheat sheet for Deckers. Very useful for keeping track of your dicepools.
As above, but for Technomancers
Critter sheet which prolly could do with the Animal Availability info now that I think about it...
Really cool Shapechange spreadsheet by User:Darklordiablo
Runs as GM
Sleeping Sun - A metaplot about the nocturnal folks of Seattle.
Wiki Accomplishments
I brought Teksura to discover darkmode, cause I wanted to know how the backend of the wiki works.
Page created with Tek Support. - Doing weird-ass obsessive shit because I'm bored since 1985.