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NameNegative AspectDescriptionProfessionArchetypeConnectionActive PCs with this Contact
NobodyExtremely DrivenRoll a d6, on a result of 5 or 6 Nobody is available to help the calling runner. Otherwise they're in the middle of a confrontation or chase with another member of their team and will be of no assistance for the remainder of the run.AssassinService22
Norville CraddockWanted
Hard to Reach
Silver Tongued Devil
The Vatican wants Craddock eliminated, due to his knowledge of their Aquinae vaults and their contents.
Despite his potential madness, Craddock is a charmer and expert negotiator. He always makes sure he comes out on top of any deal and is happy to use your mistakes against you: any favor asked of Craddock will cost an extra chip, and an additional chip will be lost if a character wrongs Craddock.
Between keeping himself occupied in brothels and drug dens, running a smuggling operation, dodging Vatican assassins, and exploring the metaplanes for more hidden lore, it's not easy to get ahold of Craddock. Always make an Availability Test for Norville with his Connection +3.
Elder Mage TalisleggerCustom(G,K,N,A)61
Nurse IsabelleWorking Hours
Busy work
A healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. Isabelle doesn't, so she tunes out of business matters outside of normal work hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).
During work hours she mite have her hands full with the said work and mite be unavailable, Roll 1D6. On a 1-2, Isabelle is busy with work and can't answer. On a 3-4, she answers but is distracted, taking 1.5 times longer to help out the runners. On a 5-6 she's available.
Nyon SalaineDevoted BFF (Boyfriend Forever)Argent and Nyon have an open relationship, but Nyon is an incredibly invested partner to have. He'll easily spend two thirds of each day attending to Argent and spending time with him, so as a result free time is not that common for him. Fortunately for him, he's perfectly fine with that since he enjoys every second. Unfortunately for runners, he's not always available. Always roll for Availability; the threshold is increased by 3.Hottest Elf AroundService22
Officer RavenHard To ReachTreat the contact's Connection Rating as 3 higher than normal for the purposes of Availability Checks.
UCAS Intelligence Officer
Old RedglovesGambling AddictRedgloves' habits frequently find him unreachable for long stretches of time. When you call Redgloves, roll 1D6: on a 1 or 2, Redgloves is unable to take your call.
Yakuza Associate Street Doc
Onyx BlackActive TerroristDue to their nature as an extremely active coordinator of Neo-A terror attacks close watch is kept by outside groups on who contacts or is contacted by Onyx Black. Interested parties will be aware of your ties to them, for better or worse.Neo-A CoordinatorFixer50
OrbweaverGanger-2 to Networking tests outside of the Seattle SpidersGangerGear20
Orianna CazadorUrubia's Bottom LineUrubia, for the time being, prefers the Barrens' power structure to remain stable. Calling this contact on a run that might destabilize the status quo in Redmond will have her dox you to KE IF she finds out.Urubia's SecretaryGear62
Our Lady of the Perpetual SaturdayIt's Always Friday Night SomewhereCommunion for the Children of the Longest Weekend can begin at any time, and usually ends once everyone has blacked out. Availability checks for Lady Saturday ignore Loyalty.Influencer, Not A Cult LeaderNetworking21
Paco HerendzHard to ReachAlways make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 than normal.Retired Decker / InfobrokerGeneralist20
Padre SummerHard to reach
Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.
Services may take longer. Every time the contact provides a service, roll 2d6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.
SpinGlobal Gameshow HostCustom(K,N,G,A)60
Papa D. CiCiCall Me PapaPapa Cici is very picky about what people call him. The Papa will not respondPizzarun ManagerFixer20
PatchesGhoul Organlegger-4 to Networking checks among non-Infected, +2 to Networking among Infected. Cannot deliver goods during daylight hours. Will require flesh as part of the payment from anyone with Loyalty 2 or less.Independent JournalistFixer22
Patrol Officer LauResponding OfficerOfficer Lau is often responding to a call and that can make it hard to slip away to do crime. They want to, though: f-ck the police. (Always make an Availability Test for Officer Lau with their Connection +3 than normal.)Knight Errant Patrol OfficerService20
PelicanVehicular VendettaPelican has an archenemy, the smuggler Scarab. Every time Pelican is brought in by a PC for any active check or gear acquisition check, roll 1d6 in secret. on a 1, Scarab has chosen this time to strike! While neither smuggler will bring in any outsiders into their conflict, Scarab still has plenty of resources at his disposal. This will usually take the form of an attack on Pelican's vehicle(s), theft of his property, or framing him for some sort of crime, but can be other things depending on what would make sense in the situation. While Pelican is too stubborn to call for help, if left unassisted he won't be able to complete whatever service he was called in for, and the PCs may be dragged in anyways depending on the circumstances.SmugglerService20
Penne AldenteUnreliableThe GM rolls in secret a 1d6. If the roll a one the contact will say, with complete confidence, that they will do the request or that they have the right information. They will then flake out or their information will be wrong. They will say they got the gear then accidentally sell it to another person.Street Doc/Drug DealerService30
Perfect Authentic CadenceMonadThis contact is infected with CFD. Because no one trusts them and they have difficulty understanding metahumans, they may not be used for networking tests. They may also have trouble providing information from knowledge skills or performing active skills as the GM sees fit based on this naivete, which could incur a dice pool penalty or disallow the test in extreme cases.CybersurgeonCustom(G,A,K,N)54
Pete LancasterI Don't Work for Free, This is All on You. I'm No One's Errand Boy.Pete is short tempered and hates amateurs who can't get the job done (because Pete has worked with Shadowrunners in the past. He has trust issues of who he puts trusts with, and has a hard time of letting them off the hook for a missed opportunity of screwing up their last job). He's got a reputation to protect his business and his street cred if the law finds out. He won't give up information on you unless his reputation is on the line. If the job goes down south & turns into a complete failure, you'll receive +1 notoriety and lose -1 loyalty of your contact. You can pay a finder's fee to compensate his losses and avoid notoriety (up to GM's discretion). If your loyalty drops to zero, Pete will consider you a liability and put out a contract on you (Wanted Negative Quality).Entrepreneur BusinessmanFixer30
Peter SolemnusHard to Reach
As part of a secret organisation, Peter often goes off the grid for prolonged periods of time. This results in him being rather challenging to get hold of.
Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.
Due to the fact that Peter is a valuable asset to whichever corporation has possession of him, several powerful corporations have valuable kidnap bounties on his head.
This contact has a bounty of up to 50,000¥ on his head, offered separately by many different corporations.
Phantom OChaos for ChaosThey are not interested in non-chaos related activities, so -2 to all checks when contacting them for non-acts of chaos.???Service40
Pierce RogersHard to please
Easy to anger
Speaking to the Arena master in a tone he views as improper to a man of his station is a great offense. If you slight the Arena master be prepared to offer up a favor before he will regain his composure.
The Arena master's wants and needs are somewhat fickle. When contacting him for a favor roll a 1d6. On a 1 he will fake a headache and refuse to communicate with you. On a 2-3 he will charge double for his service, on a 6 he will charge half if you are "favored"(loyalty 3+). Note: The price modifications are to non-gear acquisition services only.
Arena Master and OwnerFixer(G,N,K, A)30
PitcherUp and Coming MusicianPitcher has recently tried to get into the music scene and they're taking it very seriously. Roll 1d6 and they will only answer on a 5 or 6, otherwise they're pre-occupied with their band.Fixer20
Pitty 'Grease Lightning' McShaneHard to reachAlways do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.MechanicGear511
Poldi BargleHard to ReachThese band guys are busy. Always make an Availability Test against connection +4.MusicianLegwork40
PozemkaErika Thoroughbred
The Light I can't see
This contact doesn't know about your shadowrunner status. If they find out that you are a shadowrunner, run a Negotiation check with a threshold of 6-Loyalty with your social limit. If failed, this contact will proceed to call the authorities and you will lose this contact. If passed they will allow you to explain and possibly accept you, this aspect can only activate once.
Pozemka just doesn't care about most runners enough to risk a healthy balance between work and private life - after all, it is paramount if you don't want to burn out. He tunes out of business matters outside of normal Eastern European Standard Time (GMT+2) office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of his contact availability test if trying to contact him at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends). Prepare for much passive aggressiveness even if he does pick up.
Black Ops MagicianLegwork21
PramanixPersonmal Vendetta: YakuzaIt's no longer just business. Pramanix revears the Finnigan family for saving him. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work with the Yakuza, roll a Loyalty check. If it fails, he immediately burns you. If it succeeds, you owe him a chip to re-earn favor with him.FixerFixer31
PriestTemperance is a VirturePriest is extremely disapproving of drugs, believing them to be a tool of oppression. If you are on drugs while talking to Priest (even something like long haul), you must get at least three successes on a con check. If you fail, Priest will launch into a rambling sermon on the corrupting poison you've put in your body. If your loyalty is below four, he will refuse to talk to you until you're sober. If it's four or above, he'll listen if you can convince him that it's a matter of life and death. In order to keep the contact, you must spend a week volunteering at his congregation.Activist FixerFixer31
Project AuroraHunted by G.O.D.As a renegade AI with extremely powerful inbuilt backdoors into many UCAS systems and matrix capability, she is one of the Grid Overwatch Division's priority targets. She may only be called on for knowledge tests, and only then in the form of asking up to three questions per run. If you ask more than three, you are converged on by G.O.D. and if identified by dispatched forces gain the Wanted Quality (250,000 Nuyen). If you already have Wanted (G.O.D.) and are converged on because of this negative, and are in an area with no SINners, a NeoNet Avenging Angel (R5 145) will be dispatched to your reported location. Treat the thermobaric warhead as an effective rating 85 explosive charge, -1/m, AP -5 against creatures and vehicles. Against buildings, assume it will destroy one city block or large office building. It arrives 2d6 seconds after convergence in an urban area and otherwise travels from the nearest city at Mach 2. This drone is intelligent and will not act as artillery for runners, confirming that targets are in the area and loitering until the connected G.O.D. rigger authorises the strike and switches it to autonomous mode. If you would reach the limit and be converged upon, you may instead pay a number of chips equal to questions asked if that would not put you at loyalty 0 or below.Renegade AILegwork100
PsychonoiseMonadThis contact is infected with CFD. Because no one trusts them and they have difficulty understanding metahumans, they may not be used for networking tests. They may also have trouble providing information from knowledge skills or performing active skills as the GM sees fit based on this naivete, which could incur a dice pool penalty or disallow the test in extreme cases.Weapons ResearcherCustom(G,A,K,N)50
PsychopompDogmaticA true believer in the Psionic tradition, Psychopomp doesn't respect other magical traditions or their perspectives. At the GM's discretion, he may receive penalties to tests involving magic or magi of other traditions if he even bothers to entertain the player's request.TalismongerGear30
Deep Weed Addiction
Dragon connection
For each time a Runner contradicts Puff, immediately roll 2d6(+Deep Weed Addiction modification). If the result is greater than or equal to 7, the Runner immediately loses one point of Loyalty - if the Loyalty drops to 0, the Dragon breaks contact with that Runner and will do everything in its power to wipe out that insolent fly.
When a Runner makes contact with Puff, determine if he is drugged. Roll 1d6 on a 5 or 6 the Dragon is going through one of his withdrawal phases and is extremely edgy. Add +1 for a 5 or +2 for a 6 to the result of the Temper test.
Puff wants to rise in the web of dragons and is well networked with the dragons of Aztlan. If a runner has a bounty from Aztlan or Aztechnology and Puff finds out, he will do everything he can to trap the runner and exchange him for a favor with one of the dragons from Aztlan.
David Cartel North America BossFixer93
Pump King JackExtraplanarJack swore to never enter the plane of mortals again. As a result, he can't do any Gear checks at all and any Networking or Active checks must be related to metaplanes.Halloween SpiritLegwork512
Quan SeghiHard to ReachAlways do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.Secretary at Wuxing SkytowerFixer60
Quanah Mac SuibhneGotta make sureAfter her childhood friend was Infected and managed to both stay incognito and kill several people, Quanah is vigilant about with whom she deals. She takes -4 to any active, networking, or knowledge check that involves interacting with someone she hasn't personally verified to be Clean.Paranoid RiggerGear10
QuanxiWanted - TriadsThey currently have a 75,ooo nuyen bounty by the Yellow Lotus TriadTranslatorNetworking51
Queen Elizabeth XXIIIHungry Free SpiritFor every full increment of ¥4,000 owed to her for services rendered, Queen Elizabeth demands at least 1 karma, replacing nuyen at a rate of 1 karma for every ¥2000. EG, a debt of ¥6,000 could be paid a 1 karma and ¥4,000, 2 karma and ¥2,000, or 3 karma, but not with nuyen alone. This has no effect on debts below ¥4,000. The karma is delivered via a ritual conducted by the Queen's Steward, Tatsuo, who holds her spirit formula and will defend it with his life. Lizzy does not expect payment up front, and will happily wait until a run is over to take her due, but any unpaid debts decrease Loyalty by the amount of karma owed if they are not paid back after the end of a run.Free SpiritLegwork63
Quinn ConnowayMade ManQuinn's a made man in the Finnigan mob. Whatever the situation, his loyalty lies there first. If a runner takes actions that harm the Finnigan Family, make an immediate loyalty test. Failing the test results in the contact being burned. On a success, the runner instead owes Quinn a chip.Finnigan LieutenantFixer31
Rachel RosenAres Loyalist
I have work to do
Bugs everywhere
Will never work against Ares and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty with Ares. If you contact her during a run and use the information provided to work against Ares roll a loyalty check. If it fails she immediately burns you. If it succeeds you owe her a chip to reearn favor with her.
Rachel is a very busy woman. Getting her on the phone can be an exhausting effort. If loyalty is less than 5, roll a 1d6 to determine when the phone call will be returned - on a 1 or 2, 12 hours, 3 or 4, 3 hours, 5 or 6, fifteen minutes. Rachel always picks up immediately for those of loyalty 5 or more.
Rachel is paranoid that she is being attacked by bug spirits and with good reason. Countless attacks on her life and attempts to take her over prove her right and feed this paranoia. That's why she has an elaborate file on all her contacts to detect any deviation in their behavior. Whoever chooses her as a contact automatically receives the negative quality "Records on File (Ares)" and cannot remove it as long as he holds this contact.
Ares Firewatch ManagementFixer(N,G,K,A)61
Radio HeadGood Morning, Seattle!Radio Head is no stranger to days-long talk-a-thons, because long haul is a hell of a drug. When you call him up, roll a 1d6 - if the result is higher than your loyalty, you're on air! Hopefully, you're not going to say anything incriminating.Radio DJFixer21
Randall CageNosyRandall asks way too many questions, especially if you look remotely interesting when you stop by. If you call on this contact (for some ungodly reason), you'll need to make an appropriate social test to either spin him some bullshit or intimidate him into not asking. Otherwise, he'll leave out the juiciest bits of gossip.Nosy Stuffer Shack CashierLegwork11
RaytheonLove what is behind youRaytheon was a soldier, enlisting to help protect his family and the people of his community. Willing to go to hell and back to protect them and anyone else in a similar position. Raytheon will not accept any request that would harm or endanger innocent civilians either immediately or the near future.
Re:GulusAspiring LeaderHe's new to his job, but reluctanct to be a leader. Given his lack of skill and lack of faith, Re:Gulus has an extra -1 on Networking tests testsClocktower LeaderFixer32
RehrUnseelie AgentFundamentally, Rehr is here to seek motivations unseen they must indulge in, not to stick out their neck too far for some fragile mortal runners. As such, they will not perform game actions at significant risk to themselves or their standing for any runners with fewer than 5 loyalty. Additionally, they will always ask for karma, favors, or tangibly useable information and is not above talking runners into spirit pacts to cement those things.Unseelie AgentFixer53
RepoPay up or shut up.Repo takes his job deadly serious. If you owe anything to Red Ledger, he will not perform favors for you or work for you until you've settled your debts. There is one exception - if you have the Made Man quality with Red Ledger, he will begrudgingly assist.Red Ledger Second-In-CommandCustom(A,G,K,N)20
Repo ManChained HauntPhantoms are chained to a specific location and can very rarely leave it. If you need Repo Man's help, you'll need to go to him.Lonely PhantomCustom(A,K,N,G)11
Ret. Adjutant-General Joseph HodgeSo Terribly LonelyJoseph Hodge has lost his family to time, his friends to his reputation, and his reputation to misfortune. It is not possible to conduct business quickly with him. He wants to talk, to hear how you are doing, how the weather is where you are at, and so on. Every call for information or networking takes twice as long, as does any request to acquire gear.Retired UCAS Adjutant-General of the Former US Virgin IslandsLegwork30
RexCat Living in a Metahuman's World
Shit Stirrer
Since he's a feline, his knowledge on the world of metahumans is limited at best. He will Glitch any Knowledge or Networking Checks unrelated to animals, shifters, or the Seattle Animal-Metahuman Alliance.
Despite his lovable demeanor, Rex tests the boundaries of those around him. When he is faced with a Networking, Etiquette, or Negotiation check, the PC must first roll Edge+Loyalty. If the result is 0, he will purposely glitch by insulting the person he's conversing with.
Magic CatCustom(A,N,K,G)10
Rick RolledShort on CashTaking care of a whole community is hard work and very expensive, sometimes he will need to ask for a bit more than usual. (roll a 1d6, on a 1 he will ask for 1d6 x 50 Nuyen more to help)FixerNetworking30
Rino OzawaLoyalist
Clan First
Rino is a loyal member of the Yoshinaga-gumi and will not aid runners in any actions that run counter to the clan's interests. Further, if she catches wind the runners are planning to cross the clan directly she is likely to discreetly feed this information to the oyabun directly before burning the contact once the attempt is thwarted.
On all checks not directly related to clan affairs (i.e. a run on their behalf), roll 2d6 and subtract loyalty. The normal time taken to provide the service is multiplied by the result. This penalty may be bypassed by spending one chip for members of the clan, or two chips for runners who are not members.
Head of Logistics and material acquisitionsGear12