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Obsidian 1.jpg
Mystic Adept
Guns, Magic, and Charm~
RedditKisa's Reddit
Street Cred17
Public Awareness2
D.O.B.March 31, 2057
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - C
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension4
# Optional Infected powers allowed0

Character Information


An Elf from Tir Tairngire, Obsidian once had dreams of joining the legendary Ghosts of the Tir Tairngire Peace Force. However, life had different plans for her. Now an exile attempting to find a new life for herself, with only the tools she carries, her talents as a Mystic Adept, her Dryad charms, and her mentor spirit: The Spider. Obsidian juggles her ideals as a Paladin and the ruthless teachings of her mentor. Only time will tell what path she ultimately ends up on.


Discover who she is: My memories...they no longer feel like mine. Who was she....who am I?

Realize her potential: People called me talentless before, and now they call me 'special' with jealous eyes....I could say it doesn't affect me but that'd be a lie. But a whole new world opened up for me after breaking free...let's see it~


Yingli Wong, Ghost Hopeful

Born in the halls of Tír Tairngire to Dryads Xi An Wong and Yang Long Wong, Yingli was always enraptured with the Paladins. Following in her father's footsteps, she joined the Military with dreams of joining the Tir Tairngire Peace Force and become a Ghost. Though she lacked the physical and learning aptitude that others had, she never-the-less gave it her all, learning etiquette, leadership, art, military techniques, and other skills and philosophies a Paladin would be expected to know. Despite this, she simply lacked the physical and magical (she had none at this time) aptitude of being a soldier of the Peace Force...and it seemed her dreams were never to be

As Things Fall Apart

Yingli's hopes were crushed, though not in the way she expected. An instructor at the academy, Paelius Anastastia, pointed out her lack of aptitude, but promise to approve her for the Peace Force--if she devoted herself to him and his goals. Perhaps in a spur of naivety, Ying accepted and took the Paladin's Code. Yingli was happy, but in the end, a member of the Peace Force, perhaps a Ghost one day....this was never to be her fate. On her first action as a high threat responder and negotiator, a hostage rescue in a museum to Tir Tairgngire's history, her lack of experience and skill resulted in several dead hostages and destroyed relics, which stick to her to this day. To make matters worse, Paelius finally sprung his trap--her named was changed to Caelynn Anastastia and she was to married to him and serve him for eternity as payment for his approval. On paid leave and now forced to live in his estate, Yingli's hopes dimmed.

The Spider

Yingli does not know exactly when The Spider came into her life...but the strain of her despair....awakened something within her, and attracted the spirit's attention. However, Yingli's psyche was on the verge of collapse, and so the Spider weaved an anchor, a personality for the elf to cling onto, and to wear in order to face the cruel world she now found herself. With The Spider's guidance, she formed a plan to expose Paelius and bring justice, using techniques not standard of one who wishes to follow The Paladin's Code. With expert cunning, Yingli deceived the guards, manipulated their minds, and slipped unnoticed into Paelius's room. However at the last moment, Paelius found out and tried to kill her--but Yingli had manipulated a security guard into giver her a sub-machine gun, and with The Spider's Power, she gunned him down. With Paelius dead and evidence in hand, she ignored The Spider's advice and tried to reveal his wrongdoing to the authorities

The Last Light Reveals a Heart of Obsidian

Yingli always figured that in the end Good would prevail--she knew she would be punished for joining The Peace Force under false pretense, but she was more than happy to take the fall if Paelius's crimes were exposed and justice seen. The Spider warned her that the corrupt elements would sweep her under the rug and redact many of Paelius's crimes. In the end, The Spider was right: "Caelynn's" evidence was taken in and filed away from all eyes, and "Caelynn" was placed on permanent leave and exiled, sworn to never return. As the exiled elf moved to Seattle with a new identity,The Spider hoped that this revelation would turn Yingli into a scheming trickster, and he was mostly right. Wearing the persona crafted by her Mentor--codenamed Obsidian-- Yingli is more willing to bend the rules, more careful of her friends, and is unafraid of utilizing manipulation, deceit, and violence. However, to The Spider's dismay, Yingli never truly gave up on The Paladin's Code and stubbornly refuses to completely let go of the romantic notions she held as a young teenager dreaming of being a Ghost.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Mentor Spirit, The Spider (Alt): Perhaps one day, history will know whether The Spider's arrival into Obsidian's life was the start of a bright rise, or a tragic fall. While The Spider's teachings conflict with her Paladin's Code at times, The Spider is also the only living thing other than her parents who truly believed in her potential and sought to cultivate it. Obsidian will always appreciate her mentor and will always consider his advice; though she may not take it.

Mystic Adept: When Obsidian Awakened, at first there was no one to guide her. Then one day, The Spider came and taught her to harness her new skill. She focuses her senses with the innate power, and she used her spells for subterfuge and manipulation.

Glamour: With her tall and thin elvish features, her smooth gait, and the silk-sheen of her red hair. Obsidian always has a knack for charming those who meet her.

First Impressions: Equal parts Dryad beauty and charm and the teachings from The Spider, Obsidian leaves a lasting impression on those she interacts with for the first time.

Too Pretty to Hit: Despite her ruthless efficiency with her guns and spells, enemies still sometimes cannot bear to hit the red haired Dryad before them, a trait she uses to her advantage when the need arises. Some Paladins may call it dirty, but then again, not getting wounded does preserve the beauty that is Obsidian herself~

Sharpshooter: When Paelius tried to grab her in his bath gown. Ying used the gun skill developed by her family line since long before the birth of the first elves, and honed by her time training in secret with The Spider. Six bullets right into the heart was all it took. The Paladin's Code may say that it minimizes suffering, The Spider says it maximizes efficiency. For Obsidian, it gets the job done and satisfies both sides.

Chain Breaker: Obsidian's Mentor Spirit despises Spirit binding, and was pleased when Obsidian swore an oath to never bind a spirit she summons with her power. That in combination to her service, Obsidian's Mentor gifted her two of his most loyal subjects: He Who Wanders Between Wars, a spirit of War (Guardian) and The Weaver of Civilizations A spirit of Creation (Task)


Distinguishing Features: The result of her Glamour and eye catching flair does have downsides; her striking red hair is the most distinguishing feature, though people may also notice her deep green eyes, elegant gait, and white skin.

Code of Honor, The Paladin's Code: To The Spider's dismay, Obsidian has not given up on The Paladin's Code. Obsidian's word, when given out, is as pure and clear as her namesake, though those who break and abuse it will know just how sharp broken obsidian can be. Obsidian also does not allow the harming of innocents, and she will respect a heartfelt surrender, though those who abuse the white flag will run out of chances. Finally, Obsidian fully engages in the preservation of art and beauty, a dying concept in this world of corporations and monochrome, but to Obsidian it makes such acts all the more important.

Narratively Impactful Oaths - Exiled from Tir and cannot return.

Flashbacks (Deaths of Innocent Elves, the Desecration of Art, History, and Beauty): Obsidian suffers from PTSD from her first action as a Police Officer, where she failed to rescue hostages from an art museum. The deaths of innocents and the destruction of art and historical relics still clings to Obsidian's Heart.

Symbiosis: Obsidian used to attune to her parent's house in Tir Tairngire, though that is no longer a possibility. She is starting to attune to her surroundings in The Plastic Jungle, though with her frail constitution...it may take awhile.

Prejudice to Trolls: Her first experience with Trolls came in Seattle's seedy underbelly. Her limited experience with them combined with Elven propaganda that Trolls are incapable of Beauty and Honor has left a negative impression of them in her mind. While she rarely if ever voices them, as it would not be becoming of one who follows The Paladin's Code to say such things, she is none the less eternally wary of working with and against Trolls.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Peace: Noblesse Oblige 1RobintonUnto the Furthest HorizonExtreme25 February 2086
Pigeon Town SteppinJ.R.City that Care ForgotDeadly26 January 2086
Semi-legal ExfiltrationEddrenHigh19 January 2086
Ballroom BlitzRobintonMilk23 December 2085
Why did the Runner cross the road?EddrenMedium20 December 2085
Dumb Wednesday Night Impromptu number forty sevenJ.R.Deadly18 December 2085
Ashes of HopeBungusMedium11 November 2085
Magic IncVilliersDeadly9 November 2085
Crashing FootfallssleeveyHigh7 November 2085
True Crime ThrillerElayneMedium4 November 2085
Fighting FiresSarcarianMedium31 October 2085
Kyoukai no KanataFangblade_High11 October 2085
Purity At Any CostAsmodeusHail to the PumpkingMedium5 October 2085
Too Hot to Hana-dleLHOGDeadly28 September 2085
Muck HuntRobintonHigh13 September 2085
Commando's Rebirth : Green TeamZerreContre-RévolutionDeadly24 August 2085
DisembodiednivenbeeMedium16 August 2085
Repairing the Supply ChainVilliersHigh10 August 2085
Hunter and the HuntedRobintonMedium9 August 2085
Derailed DeliveryJ.R.1 August 2085
Hell on WheelsdiscogoblinMedium29 July 2085
Yesterdays House of TomorrowJ.R.High26 July 2085
Ruby's Gauntlet and Call for AssistanceJ.R.Plastic JunglesMedium24 July 2085
You Orca Know BetterEvaHigh22 July 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Madame Butterfly 4 3 Fixer Fixer/Club Owner Club Owner, Elven Blood, High Society, Protector, Secretive Even
Zion 3 4 Gear Talismonger Talismonger, Foci, Formulae, Enchanting Even
G01bez and 0-MUS 2 1 Service Matrix Siblings

Decker and Technomancer Tag Team Duo

Overprotective, Technology Connections, Technomancer, Double Trouble, Sibling Synergy Even
Scheherazade 2 4 Legwork High End Escort Blackmail, Word on the Street, Exquisite Tastes, Storyteller of a Thousand and One Nights, Loose Lips for Me, but not for Thee, Renraku Preferred Customer, Tir Tairngire Citizen -1
Angélica Cabral 4 2 Fixer For The Cause: OHK, Unbending Morals, Trying Times, A SURGE of Empathy, Breaking Cycles of Violence, Viewed from the Ground, Wide Awake, Striking Cycles of Violence, Still a Hospitaller, Blocking Cycles of Violence, Hang on - I've Heard of Them, Oh - I've heard of Them! Even
Inle Beoulve 4 1 Fixer(Generalist) Lord of the Beoulve Household Metaplanar Navigations, The keen do not act, From Eye to Eye, Through court and Highwater, A flash to the end of space Even
Reina Taylor 2 1 Fixer Extralegal Talent Manager Industry Connections, Local Scene, Legal Team Even
Fogerty 3 1 Service Rogue A.I. On the Go, Hot Drop/Hot Pickup, Pals, CAS Native, Example Positive Aspect Even
Miss Hattie 4 1 Gear Talislegger Holds a Grudge, Premiere Talislegger, Borders are really just suggestions, Objects of Power, Horse in that race, Actual Horse in that Actual Race, Mistakes were Made Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
Seattle Volunteer Fire Department Member 1 27 Volunteer Fire Department Maintaining Seattle


+2 Reputation for everyone: Plastic Jungles
+5 Rep Crimson Crush
+5 Rep Skraacha faction
+2 Rep SVFD
+5 Reputation: STreets of the Big Easy
+5 Reputation: Pigeon Town Steppers Social Aid andPleasure Club
+2 Reputation Mardi Gras Santaria Gangs
Spirit Index: 21


-130 Rep Hollweeners

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 A Striking Beautiful Dryad with Long flowing Red Hair as smooth as silk, white skin with a touch a pink, and an elegant gait can be seen occasionally in clubs, shooting ranges, and art museums and concerts. Despite never being the center of attention in shots, this Dryad seems to end up certain frame....
3 Some Reference in circles mention Tir Paladins and "The Knights of Beauty"-- a chapter of Paladins that emphasizes the exploration of the self and one's unique relationship to beauty. Knights of Beauty often post the newest revelation of beauty from their journey on the "road of self discovery", with results from the breathtaking to the bizarre. Despite the search revealing that Obsidian is definitely a member, specific details about her and her journey are suspiciously missing
6 Heavily Redacted reports from the Tir Tairngire Peace Force. It appears that Obsidian was an applicant for Ghost Training before being exiled. The exact details of her exiled are locked behind Ghost encryption. Delvers who continue further will learn that she killed an influential Officer in the Peace Force--her husband. Ying Li Wong, Elven name "Caelynn Anastastia". The report will also reference sealed away evidence of high crimes committed by this officer and the decision to bury it in order to avoid political fallout.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Joined late July of 2285, Only a week or two after arriving in Seattle. The notes reference surprise at the speed of Which Obsidian was able to obtain the prerequisite recommendations.
3 Was on TV for a professional Roller Derby match as one of her jobs required her to sub in for the team.
5 Rumors abound that she may have pissed off a Knight Errand on some Monkey Business...whatever that means

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Healthy. Calm and Confidant Aura. Enthralling Spectrum of colors, But a pitch black center. Awakened
2 No Cyberware. A Purple Web Envelops her Body...and sitting above her in the center of the Web. A single black spider, carefully watching for threats (that means you). Attuned Focus on her Belt
3 Healthy, no diseases or toxins. Ask for her Essensse/Magic compared to yours
4 No Bio/Betware. 6 Essence and 7 Magic. Good chance there is a Rank 4 Improve Intuition spell being sustained by the Focus
5 Not a Technomancer, Good Health, No high end Ware (Completely natural)


Anna Tseng (Rating 6)

Fake Licenses:

  • Mystic Adept License
  • Firearms License
  • Private Investigator License
  • Driver's License
  • Marine License
  • Pilot License
  • Armor License
  • Bodyguard License
  • Explosives License



Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments