Captain Boomerang

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Jeremy "Captain Boomerang" Jones
Digger Harkness (Nick E. Tarabay).png
Mystic Adept
Throwing Weapons Specialist
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.January 11th 2048
Metatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - C
Resources - D

Character Information


Cold-blooded Mystic Adept with boomerangs and spells as backup.


  • Buy a boat
  • Buy an island
  • Live on the boat on the island where no corporation, mafioso, or anyone will ever bother him again


Captain Boomerang grew up in an area that was under "protection" from the mob. His parents ran a small franchise from Aztechnology, selling day-to-day necessities. Barely enough money was drummed up for them to live on, so when they, naturally, fell behind on their "protection" payments, the men came to visit the shop. Jeremy, as he was known back when, was about 12. and he decided he wasn't going to take it. He started grabbing objects and throwing them with uncanny precision. He injured two men before another managed to subdue him. He was beaten near to death, but one of the men, an adept himself, recognized the boy's awakening and natural talent. He trained the boy, eventually finding an odd affinity for boomerangs, leading to his new nickname. While Boomerang, also known as Boomer, was not willing to commit to the mafioso life, he helped out on odd jobs now and then. At first, he used the money to help out his parents now and then, but eventually he felt it would be better if they were separated from the world he was in now. He still helps out the mafia now and again, but primarily considers himself a shadowrunner. He took the moniker "Captain" Boomerang after being called Boomerang for a while and then discovering the 20th century character Captain Boomerang.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Antipathy: I don't give a drek how you feel about it. I want my payday and I don't want to get caught doing it. That's why I put the boomerang in his skull.
  • Computer Illiterate: Why does this Haven thing have to be matrix based? I can barely make a damn comm-call.
  • Insomnia (Basic): Since I was a kid, had trouble sleeping. I just deal with it now.

Run History

Looking Out For the Little Guy11 August 2081
How Much For A Dram5 August 2081
Cinnamon Buns and Cereal KillersBlood in the Machine5 August 2081
Walking the Path2 August 2081
Forget the Cage, We Know How to Make the KeyAdversaries31 July 2081
It's High Noon14 June 2081
Syndicate Synergy23 May 2081
My HeroShadow Heroes13 May 2081
Brother, Can You Spare a DimeProject Red Dragoon2 April 2081
The Siege on the New UniversaeumThe Reformation10 March 2081
Sound Check1 March 2081
Shadowhaven Combat Tournament21 February 2081
Growing DemenseCoronation18 January 2081
Bad BloodCoronation10 January 2081
A Taste of Corruption2 January 2081



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Katherine Curran 6 1 Fixer Fixer Talismonger, Reagents, Foci, Assensing, Fencing, Hermetic Mage, Formulas Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


Jonathan Cordon, UCAS, Rating 4

  • Bodyguard License
  • Mage Licesnse


Boomer is dark haired, with similarly dark eyes. He tends to keep the hair cut close, almost military, but almost like he's leaving it just a touch longer to not be military. He tends to have a 5 o clock shadow. Ultimately, he doesn't stick out and he does't blend in either. Well, unless you see him dressed head to toe for a mission. A dozen boomerangs (and that's just the visible ones) tend to stick out in the mind.


When he is going about his day to day, he tends to wear very relaxed clothes, sporting his coat over the top to act as daily armor. He always carries his cane and a few boomerangs (hidden inside his coat).

When he is going somewhere especially dangerous he dons the Big Game armor (which he has died black) and helmet and a lot more boomerangs. When dressed like this, he often strongly resembles a comic book villain, as though he had planned out the appearance, although he has not, in fact, planned it to be this way.

Matrix Persona

He uses the (almost) default matrix icon as his matrix persona when forced to interact with the matrix. He once tried to change it to an image of Captain Boomerang, but ended up really messing up the sliders and wound up with a default person with abnormally large ears.

Media Mentions

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