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'''Alyssa Beaton (Fake Rating 4, UCAS)'''
'''Cassandra Slaughter (Fake Rating 4, UCAS)'''
* Fake Restricted Augmentation License (Rating 4)
* Fake Restricted Augmentation License (Rating 4)
* Fake Weapon License (Rating 4)
* Fake Weapon License (Rating 4)

Revision as of 07:42, 7 July 2024

Saint portrait.jpg
Razorgirl Street Ronin
Righteous Blade for Hire, Fight Pit Ringer
Has Done a Kickflip on Like Three Runs Now
Street Cred11
Public Awareness1
D.O.B.October 14, 2063
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - C
Resources - A
Ascension Counter6
Theme SongSlim Pickens Does the
Right Thing and Rides the
Bomb to Hell - The Offspring

Character Information



  • Identify, Find, and Execute the Person or People Who Killed Her Family
    • Kill Red Ribbon, and whatever dregs of Chrome Crash might still be left.
      • People change, and Saint cannot reach her blades through time. Red Ribbon is no longer marked for death, because the girl who killed her family is no longer here.
  • Find and Execute the Woman and Gang Who Sold Her Body and Soul When She Was No Longer Useful
  • Find and Execute Liam McAllister the Organizer of the Fight Pit that Converted Her to an FLR Razorgirl
    • Liam McAllister is dead - any Finns that come after her now are icing on the cake.
  • Help Neznayka Kill Whatever Vory She Wants Dead
    • Additionally, Protect Neznayka With Her Life
  • Cry, Just One More Time, So She Knows She Still Can
    • Saint has learned that tears can quench flames.


Summary: Very angry razorgirl who's trying her best. Her best often consists of callous murder, if she thinks the target deserves it. Someone should probably give her a hug.

Patricia Love never knew what her mother did at her corporate job, save to know that it made some very rich men much richer, and that it made their cozy little family life possible in the hellscape of the DFW Sprawl of the CAS. Unfortunate, then, that internal politics began to fall unfavorably against an elf in the workforce. Even more unfortunate that these culminated in a one-way transfer to a sister-branch in the UCAS, the Seattle Sprawl, and yet more misfortune as her employment was terminated scant months afterward, her corporate SIN and those of her family burned, her options depleted immediately to none. The Redmond Barrens were the nearest refuge for SINless she could find, at least among several of the overtaxed shelters and soup kitchens of the area.

Patricia, nearly eleven by that point, did not adjust well. Dropped suddenly into the life of a Redmond street rat, she began to lash out, blaming her mother unjustly for the harm done to her. Sneaking out, fist-fighting those who cat-called her, or reserving blades for those with even harsher words for those with pointed ears. Even this, however, eventually became comfortable. She made some few friends of convenience, the kind often found on the street. She tagged walls and learned to skateboard and picked up quickly where the worst of Redmond lived and what the boundaries of her new life were. She was a blossoming street urchin, destined for mediocre things.

It was by chance that she lived near quite a few other street rats vying to be kings of Redmond. Violent clashes between Chrome Crash and Red Ledger were a regular occurrence, and it wasn't uncommon for her little crew to be tapped every now and then to run as gophers for either side, dead drop delivery girls, and so on. She stayed always at a distance, though. It was someone else's fight, and never her own.

Of the two though, Red Ledger paid more, and had better drop points too, and so Patricia often found herself doing drekwork for them rather than Chrome Crash or other street gangs. From an outsider's perspective, the sloppy chrome of a ragtag street gang was being rapidly outpaced by a loan shark's burgeoning enterprise. Additionally, Red Ledger had been cunningly operating out of a homeless shelter for some of their operations, by chance one that Patricia's family often used. Bribes kept the staff quiet and the users clothed, and gave good optics in the community beside. In return, they received a convenient place to stash goods for drop-off and pick-up, guarded almost entirely by a saint-like public image.

When Patricia was fifteen, a girl not that much older than her made a decisive call. Spying Patricia's face entering the shelter, and knowing of her past work with Red Ledger, she told her crew what she knew was true, (that Red Ledger had been operating a good chunk of their drug trade using this shelter as a key node in their distribution network), and what she only suspected based on Patricia's presence, (that Red Ledger was also utilizing residents to get cheap and easy eyes-and-ears on the ground and into Chrome Crash's own affairs). Despite her reluctance to move ahead with that information, the call was made by her adopted father and those above her to act.

Patricia Love returned from a night of raising Hell to the smoking crater of a shelter. Even now, she doesn't know the final resting place of her family.

Despair made her weak, and the Barrens eat the weak alive. So, instead, she turned to rage, her oldest friend.

She joined Red Ledger, who were happy enough to have her on full time. Feisty though she was with her hands and a knife, she still had the benefit of youth and the veneer of innocence to lower peoples' guard. She was given a handgun, "What real gangers use," she was told, and given assignments between her drekwork. Track down this person here. Lure them out - lie about missing a cat, or losing an older brother. Shoot them as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Red Ledger would cover her. Windfall would protect her. And she would be empowered to fight those who had taken the lives of her family and the last of her former life away from her. For years she operated this way, doing as she was told, and though she sometimes suspected she was being used to hit those other than just Chrome Crash, she never questioned it in light of her single-minded quest to put them all in the ground - until Chrome Crash caught on.

One evening, she came away from a hit not with shaking hands and a smoking barrel but with a trauma patch slathered across her shoulder. Waiting for her at the designated location for her current target wasn't the man himself, but an IED concealed in a dumpster. The explosion had taken her right arm clean off, and shredded her right leg. Ledgers street docs stabilized her, though couldn't save her limbs. At eighteen, she had become worthless to the crew that had saved her, and though this woman had sworn to protect her, Windfall's loyalty is only as strong as can be bought. Under the table, Patricia was sold, and put into the care of an enterprising fight pit ringmaster.

Liam McAllister had a vision - a razorgirl to call his very own. A pretty thing, like a rose with thorns, that could draw the crowds and stack the deck in his favor. A ringer he could put in whenever he wanted, to make sure the house could always win. She was gorgeous, if a bit fiery when not doped up on pacifiers, and already missing limbs too. What a bargain, to make his FLR dream reality, ne?

The next years were a blur for her. A whirlwind of surgery and pain and memoryless violence. Though they'd fitted her with a skilljack, it was barely needed - she picked up old street fighting habits as though she'd never needed a gun at all. As an attraction in the Barrens and occasional enforcer, O'Malley could have done no better, so long as their chrome rose never fell short of the personafix used to make her dumb and compliant.

Three years is all it took her to break free.

Shipments are delayed sometimes, especially in the Barrens, and even those within the tightly coordinated supply lines of the Finnigan Family. Rations need to be made, and even the strongest pfix won't last forever.

A troll who had been dominating the ring begged for her mercy. He needed to feed his family, he said. She didn't know if it was true - and in fact, the chip in her brain was telling her for sure that it wasn't. She told her implanted-self, for the first time she could manage to brace her psyche against it, to shut up. The waning persona in her brain snapped under the pressure of her will.

She tore through the steel cage, through the crowd, and into the bouncers, smashing skulls against brick. She twirled, and her sharpened eyes glared straight for the organizer's office. A monster's chrome hands shredded straight through a harried ocean of flesh and credsticks until she reached the office - and found no one. A swinging back door, labeled "FIRE ESCAPE," painted an obvious trail to follow, though no alarm sounded, and a quick dash outside revealed nothing of where the man may have gotten away to.

She ripped open the safe, carelessly dropped the credsticks at her would-be opponent's feet, and walked away with only one driving thought in her heart. Her work from all those years ago wasn't over - and now, it only had a few extra targets. Not vengeance, but justice.

There are just some people who should be dead.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Indomitable / Redliner - When she hits the brink, she pushes harder. Her body is a tool that she will happily break, if that's what she needs from it.
  • Animal Empathy - She's learned a lot about animals lately! They're just little guys. They don't know what they're doing. And they don't usually yell at her for killing people either.
  • Master Brawler - Violence is a first and final resort for Saint, most of the time. The upside to that is, at the very least, she's gotten pretty good at it.
  • Way of the Samurai: Ronin - There are things more important than revenge.
  • Sensei (Neznayka) - The two are close! Saint teaches Nez the blade, and Nez teaches Saint the bow, which she finds therapeutic compared to the noise and shock of guns.


  • Code of Honor: Avenging Angel - See her goals above. She will also pursue this in regard to anyone else participating in exploitative hierarchies of power and exploitation of the powerless. She'll claim it's for a greater good, and she'll even try to adhere to it, but the truth is that she is an angry child lashing out.
  • Impassive - It might be the years of being drugged up on BTLs and personafix to keep her docile, or it might be the trauma of back-to-back life-changing violence, but either way, she's basically numb to the worst of it now, and kind of forgets what it's like not to be.
  • Phobia (Common, Mild) (Using/Holding Guns) - Her hands shake when she does, and she doesn't really know why, other than to know for sure that she doesn't like using them. Tell her that it's because they're what she used when she first took a life, and she'll show you what she plans to use when she takes her next. (NOT MECHANICALLY ENFORCED)
  • Social Stressor (Cyberware Clinics/Ripperdocs) - Though the memories are blacked out, she'll often dream of being cut apart, arms and legs and eyes. Dissected like a frog to intertwine her nerves with wires. Street docs aren't well known for their bedside manner after all, least of all those on a ganger's payroll. These places put her on edge.
  • Wanted (Finnigan Family, 70,000 Nuyen) - She is an expensive bit of hardware, and an experiment in fight pit publicity that's gone completely rogue. If nothing else, Liam McAllister needs to save face and put her down - or, well, he would, if Saint hadn't beaten him to the punch. The Finns, to save their own face and obey the code of the Omerta, would now like to put her down even more, ideally also while recovering the ware that makes her deadly.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
The Persistence of MemorySarcarian28 September 2085
The Barons of the BarrensSarcarian2 September 2085
The Bear and the NightingaleSarcarian24 July 2085
Vaults Are SafesAsmodeusMeatgrinder12 July 2085
Surveying the SituationSarcarian4 July 2085
The Princess of FriendshipLHog21 June 2085
RIP BozosleeveyThe Name of Heaven16 June 2085
Piscine Plunder for Gator!Elayne12 May 2085
Wrong place, fight timeTidanShock4 May 2085
The Fire UndyingSarcarian17 April 2085
Hold on for meTidanShockThe Arrival4 April 2085
Thin Thread and LinesZerre9 March 2085
El Diablo Cazador De HombresAsmodeusMeatgrinder2 March 2085
Orc EO EvictionLHOG1 March 2085
Medicinal MysteriesLotus25 February 2085
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your BearSleeveyCompound Interest23 February 2085
Chain MailSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre10 February 2085
Finnigan's WakeLHOG25 January 2085
Working for the Man's WidowLHOG22 January 2085
Herding a BearLHOG8 January 2085
A Wolf In Wolf's clothing?BulldogcTrophäenjagd6 January 2085
Redmond RageSample TextCompound Interest31 December 2084
OMEDETOU+55Fangblade_29 December 2084
Another Gear run 1Draknic26 December 2084
The Shadowrun Before CorpmasOrionsRequiem24 December 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Alex "Good'ol" Samson 6 1 Fixer Fixer Money Laundry, Haggler, Word On The Street..., Antiques, I Know An Expert, I Have A Bridge To Sell Ya!, Debt Collector, Loan Shark, Take No Wooden Nickles Even
8ball 1 2 Service Decker Data hoarder, Metahuman Interest Even
Exeunt 1 2 Service Street Doc Past Paranoia, Critical Condition, Metahuman Jury-Rigger, Cyberdoc Even
Saint Nick 2 2 Gear "Santa Claus" Blissfully Unaware, KRIME Konnections, Milk and Cookies, Spirit of the Season, We Got Guns Even
Gator 4 3 Custom(A, N, K, G) Biggest, Baddest Alligator this side of the Equator See you later, Alligator, Learned From The Best, See You, Swamp Cowboy, “Is that a gator with a sniper rifle?”, “Is it wiring an explosive??”, “Why won’t it die?”, “Did it bring friends?”, “Holy Dre-”, "It's like there's an army of them!", "They're in the lake! Get away from the shore!" 0
Vee-Jay 2 1 Networking Bouncer/Doctorate Student We live in a society!, The List, Sociological Education, Bullied Bouncer, Versed in Venues Even
Lee Owens 2 1 Legwork Food Truck Owner All Over Town, Lord of the Line Cooks, Catering Capers -1
Kenneth "Flamesaw" Murphy 2 3 Custom(A,G,N,K) Ganger / Tough Guy Not the Brightest Bulb, Firesaw, Fraggin' Handsome, People Pleaser, WAIT I'm a runner too! Even
Mr. Neil 3 1 Fixer Fake Businessman Ratdept, Diversity is Strength, Scrounging the vital stuff, Rat Communication Network Even

Relationships with NPCs

  • Alex "Good'ol" Samson: A louse. A useful one, though. He tells her what to do and where to go when the money gets tight. Completely impersonal - she is a tool to him, and she is not yet a sharp enough tool to take his hand when he slips.
  • 8ball: Some dork she ran into on the street. She's not so up to date on computers, and so was introduced through a mutual contact. He's come in handy finding people, just not the ones she wants. Largely cold and barebones toward one another.
  • Exeunt: An old Chrome Crash street doc she tracked down with the intent to dispense justice. After hearing his pleas and his commitment to having changed his ways, she took pity on him and let him live. They now enjoy a largely businesslike relationship with few pleasantries - still, their shared past, however slight, lifts their bond.
  • Saint Nick: The old man's off his rocker, but his heart's in the right place. Saint vaguely admires him as one of the only decent people in the world.
  • Gator: Gator's so cool. She has yet to see the full extent of his power, though. The extent of his collateral damage is yet unknown.
  • Vee-Jay: God this nerd talks a lot. She vaguely agrees with what he's saying - she thinks, anyway - but why's he gotta be so boring about it? "We live in a society," yeah, obviously, whatever man. You do the book thing and she'll do the sword thing.
  • Lee Owens: An ally in the fight against Red Ledger, and he makes pretty solid pizza too. She doesn't mind him.
  • Kenneth "Flamesaw" Murphy: Potentially the only person she's met dumber than herself. Even Saint wouldn't have gone so far as to graft a chainsaw directly to her arm. He also, uh, doesn't know she's an elf, given she was physically masked as an orc when they met.

Organizations and Reputation


Faction Reputation Related Run(s)
TerraFirst! 5 Herding a Bear, Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Bear
The Ancients 2 RIP Bozo


Faction Reputation Related Run(s)
Black Chrysanthemum Triad -5 OMEDETOU+55
Finnigan Family -10 Finnigan's Wake
Humanis Policlub -10 RIP Bozo
Night Hunters -20 RIP Bozo
Red Vory -10 Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Bear
White Vory -10 Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Bear

Street Cred


  • N/A

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 A feel good story of several soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and food banks in the Redmond area that have received thousands of nuyen in donations in recent months from a mysterious girl decked out in chrome. She does so without a word, apparently - organizers have taken to calling her a saint for her selflessness.
3 Records of a matrix marketing eyecatch on the seedier parts of the web advertise a fight pit's newest attraction, a chromed out cutie elven razorgirl polished to the nines. Her expression is blank, dissociated. Knowledgeable eyes can guess the influence of various BTLs meant to pacify users.
6 Records of an old corporate picture on "Bring Your Daughter to Work Day." One of the little elves, no older than eight or nine and perched on her mother's shoulders, would bear a shocking resemblance to Saint herself if she weren't smiling so brightly. Her face is tagged in the metadata as 'Patricia Love.'

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 "Some razorgirl. Hates guns apparently - one of those psychos that gets in close and cuts people open."
3 "Yeah, apparently they started calling her that after moneybags started throwin' nooj at soup kitchens all Scrooge McDuck style. Scary razorgirl though. Used to be a fight pit regular down at Liam McAllister's joint. That was before she went berserk the first time, yknow - did you know this nutcase staged a hit on him? A made man for the Finns! And she fragging got away with it, too - went right in and cut him up with some other druid, 'friend of the animals' type."
5 "Before the fight pit? ... Look, I heard this from buddy of mine what worked close with Liam and his goons, so this ain't exactly public information, but truthfully she was a lame duck before. Used to be a pretty face and finger on the trigger for some small timers called Red Ledger. Heard the Finns got her for a bargain from 'em after some accident, some go ganger turf war drek. You keep that to yourself though, alright? I don't need any flak for letting that slip."

Assensing Table

Saint's essence is somewhat thin and does not extend far beyond her body, though reads as searing hot near her skin. The light around her twists and warps with the heat of her aura, and the audible crack of flames roars within her.

Threshold Result
1 Saint is fit and healthy, the parts of her that aren't kitted out in chrome anyway. She almost always projects only a sliver of dull, almost numb annoyance, with less common bursts of outright fury. She is not awakened. If Neznayka is around, she will project protection and care as well.
2 No cyberware? No way, just look at her. The gear must be a pretty decent grade for her aura to seem so natural, despite being so thin.
3 Saint's ware all reads as alphaware. Her arms and legs, much more obviously noticed by plain sight, are both fully custom fitted, as is the R1 Wired Reflexes intertwined with her nervous system and the dull, orange eyes she stares harshly back toward you with. Two ports sit at the back of her neck along her spine, a datajack and a skilljack. Her essence is thin.
4 Her brain has an abnormal mass. A tumor? No, it's located specifically in her sensory region - a pain editor. Essence 0.900, Magic N/A, Force N/A
5 Saint appears to have no deltaware, gene treatments, or nanotech. Her lungs and liver are enflamed, indicating heavy recreational substance and alcohol abuse. She is not a technomancer.


Cassandra Slaughter (Fake Rating 4, UCAS)

  • Fake Restricted Augmentation License (Rating 4)
  • Fake Weapon License (Rating 4)
  • Fake Bounty Hunter's License (Rating 4)



Matrix Persona

She has not bothered with customization for her MCT Blue Defender. The default persona is a sapphire blue knight.


Saint token.png

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Ledger's in the Red Red Ledger has made hefty strides since she's been away. It'll make it a lot harder for her to cut her way toward revenge, not that she won't try. Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Bear
Whither the Black Flower Blooms The Black Chrysanthemum is actively looking for Saint, but doesn't know who she is. Though rash, she shockingly does take basic steps toward opsec, though a driven triad such as the Black Chrysanthemum may be able to make headway. OMEDETOU+55
Finn-again Liam McAllister is dead by her hand. She's happy. Others are not. In particular, Liam McAllister's boyfriend, a divination mage, may have some specific objections in addition to the bump to her Finnigan bounty this assassination has brought. Finnigan's Wake
Battle Not With Monsters... "... lest you become one." Saint has done something terrible. She questions, for the first time in her adolescence, the righteousness of her flame. Her overt guilt may haunt her and make her lose the certainty in her step. Thin Thread and Lines

Media Mentions


I am completely fine with long term consequences for my characters, as long as it doesn't feel unannounced or forced. Long term changes to a character make more opportunities for interesting roleplay, and so don't be afraid to give them out if they are deserved.