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|'''Technomancer in Hiding'''
|'''Technomancer in Hiding'''
|She is a Technomancer in hiding, meaning that she takes care to disguise herself as a decker. It's possible that this ruse could be revealed. (Trode Patch, Trode Patch Cover, C-K Analyst is currently her cover to present as a decker on the meat. She also utilizes SINs [listed above] to sell this illusion, in particular that of Yuuki Love, private investigator.)
|She is a Technomancer in hiding, meaning that she takes care to disguise herself as a decker. It's possible that this ruse could be revealed. (Trode Patch, Trode Patch Cover, and a kitbashed deck in a C-K Analyst shell is currently her cover to present as a decker on the meat. She also utilizes SINs [listed above] to sell this illusion, in particular that of Yuuki Love, private investigator.)

Revision as of 23:27, 6 January 2024

Bunny Hop
Techno Hacker
Matrix Freeter, Tool of the Kanaga-gumi
Self-Proclaimed 世界一かわいいハッカーです~
Street Cred19
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.March 03, 2064
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - C
Resources - E
Theme Songanybody can find love (except you) - hkmori

Character Information


Sad brat of a technomancer with a chip on her shoulder and a grudge against her dad and the Kanaga-gumi. Currently working her way toward freedom from the Yakuza.


  • A Secure Identity Unknown to and Unexploited by the Yakuza
  • The Professional Downfall and (Probably) Death of Her Father, Takashi Kurosawa
  • Explore the Resonance Realms, and Become Attuned with Other Technomancers and the Deep Resonance
  • Continue to Hone Her Hacking Skills


BHop, born and raised in the Seattle area, is the first child of Takashi Kurosawa, then a rising star of the Kanaga-gumi. Though groomed from childhood to follow in her father's footsteps as part of the gumi's Kumi-in, her poor aptitude for such things and her apparent dissociative PTSD from the death of her mother at a young age led to her being passed over as her father's favored heir. Her awakening as a Technomancer around the same point in time gave her the independence and rebellion she craved to discover herself along the fiber optic roads of the Matrix.

She made small waves, vandalized some hosts and competed in some duels and played at being an activist, though here too she quickly realized that she was in some way aberrant compared to those around her, just like she was in the meat. While proper deckers talked shop and hardware in precise and learned terms, Bun compiled sprites in code that she felt more than understood. Deckers talked marks on devices, and Bun instead simply reached in to feel the souls she swore were there. Small wonder, then, that she fell to obscurity, unwilling to out herself and unable to match more capable codeslingers in brute strength alone. Competitive games were her salvation instead - in the Matrix, a place that felt more real than her own meat, running and gunning and fighting in ways without blood or death, in ways where she could dream of going pro and being free, were her hope in the face of worlds that couldn't understand what she was and didn't want to try.

The meat, however, was unfortunately an inescapable hole. When hotsim was not an option, she was made to fight, to bleed, to hurt, against her brother, her father, and other Yakuza. She was told that this made her strong, though she only remembers the hurt it brought. When she was given up on as a proper heir, she was still made to work for the gumi, delivering packages and messages on the meat, and occasionally spotting for the group while more illicit activities were performed. Even more occasionally, she would be made to perform more grisly tasks herself as a way of hardening her and making her complicit - especially to those around her age, who many even in the gumi couldn't stomach hurting themselves.

On her twentieth birthday, during her own Seijin no Hi celebration, she thwarted an attempted hit on her father from as yet unknown operatives, disabling their weapons. Rather than praise, she was beaten and berated by her father for both being a Technomancer and for concealing her power from him. He told her, in a fit of reckless rage, that the hitmen should have killed her too, so that at least her death would have honor unlike her life.

She snapped. With impotent balled-up fists, she spat that not only was she a Technomancer, but that she, his first son, was a woman as well, and was instantly disowned. She was given two options - with a blade at her neck, she could die, either here or as an MCT lab rat, or she could become his tool, another pawn in a game of power. He could use her - and more importantly, could not stand the familial shame were all her truths made light. She would be silently disposed of, or made into a tool more useful than the liability she brought. With gritted teeth and salted tears, she accepted. Even as she said it, however, gears of desperate rebellion turned in her head. She knew people - years of living on the Matrix can give a girl access to all sorts of people and places, even those outside the powerful grip of the Yakuza.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Bilingual - BHop is Japanese-American, and frequently plays up her Japanese fluency for its cute-factor.
  • Instinctive Hack / One With the Matrix / Hi-Rez / Etc. - As a Technomancer from a young age, and with a past of dissociation from meatspace, the Matrix is intimately entangled with BHop's brain structure and way of thought. Far from being a first resort, it is often the only one in her head.
  • Analytical Mind / Speed Reading / Brilliant Heuristics - She's had a lot of practice needing to read through files and metadata very quickly in order to safely do her job. She's picked up a knack for seeing patterns in these things by now.
  • Unique Avatar - After an eye-opening experience with a physical mask spell of her persona(Hot Potato (Chips)), she's managed to build an unbelievably realistic Version 2.0 of the Bunny Hop branded Matrix presence! After some frank discussions and solid performance on the job, she's started to garner a small reputation in the shadows.


  • Basement Dweller - See above; BHop has spent the majority of her life online, and does not feel comfortable in her skin on top of that. It's only by the miracle of needing to work that she can bring herself to speak with strangers in person at all.
  • Driven (Downfall of Father) - See above; if Takashi Kurosawa loses his standing with the Kanaga-gumi and therefore his connections with MCT - better yet, if he loses his life, though this is a grisly detail she has not yet fully processed - then the only man who knows she is a technomancer is dead, and BHop starts on the path of freedom from the Kanaga-gumi.
  • Emotional Attachment (Dodge Scoot [Haruko-chan]) - It was her mom's. She's overhauled it with maintenance and customization since then, however.
  • Phobia (Uncommon, Moderate) (Clowns [Halloweeners]) - Nightmares after the death of her mother left their scars, exacerbated by early experiences on the Matrix. The fear of Halloweeners as a child quickly morphed into a broader fear of these apparent harbingers of death. Halloweeners specifically do have a stronger impact narratively if not mechanically.
  • Social Appearance Anxiety 1 (Gender Dysphoria) - She girl. She doesn't look it, though. Androgynous at best. She's sensitive about that. If she's in a position where she has to dress or identify as male, this applies. Androgyny skirts by without penalty (as with dysphoria hoodies to disguise her silhouette, face-masks to cover up, etc).

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
HopquestLHOG7 August 2085
Into the VoidSarcarian25 July 2085
Not Onotari's armsBulldogc19 July 2085
Better Living Through ChemistrySarcarian22 June 2085
HeartacheOrionRequiem22 June 2085
Out of the BlueSarcarian17 June 2085
Family BusinessOrion1 May 2085
Front Point & CenterAsmodeus24 April 2085
Invasive SpeciesSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre11 April 2085
Gojira Drinks Bleach and Fucking DiesAsmodeus6 April 2085
Dusk's MessengerLemon24 March 2085
Memitim's TombSleeveyDead Gods Stir
The Name of Heaven
10 March 2085
Runnin' from the Dock of the BayLHOG27 February 2085
Graduation DayAsmodeus13 February 2085
Budding HeavenseekerSleeveyThe Name of Heaven26 January 2085
Third-Story MalpracticeSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre11 January 2085
Encroaching ViscosityAsmodeus8 January 2085
Guerilla GangoonsAsmodeusThe Arrival3 January 2085
Party BalloonSyphilen29 December 2084
Ash ReplevinSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre27 December 2084
Hot Potato (Chips)Sample Text9 December 2084
Matrix MedicineLotus8 December 2084
Tying A Yoke to YamadaLHOG30 November 2084
Jumping Jimmy GLHOG29 November 2084
Go big, go loud, or go home!TidanShockThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes18 November 2084
Diggin'Fangblade_15 November 2084
Knock KnockAsmodeusSwarming Season10 November 2084
Move Ahead, Lay Down Dead, or Slip on ByFangblade_Sign of Zeta8 November 2084
BANGYOURHEAD+55Fangblade_2 November 2084
Little Rat, Big HoleLHOG29 October 2084
DuvetFangblade_And Love You Shall Find
The Light Before We Land
24 October 2084
Fort DumbassFangblade_And Love You Shall Find20 October 2084
Our Fellow Sorcerer's Corpses Part 1Fangblade_16 October 2084
Falling Dusk, Part 2 (Midnight)Açai.015 October 2084
Falling Dusk, Part 1Açai.08 October 2084
Building on BiometricsLHOG1 October 2084
As Goes LightFangblade_When the hunters came to town
And Love You Shall Find
30 September 2084
10 Byte CrooksLHOG27 September 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Anhe 3 5 Fixer(K,N,G,A) Matrix Information Specialist and Fixer Detached, Lore Hunter, Chronically Online, Shadowrunning, "Oh? Tell me more.", Information Specialist, Fact vs. Fiction, AI "Ally", Protosapients and Technocritters, Digitization and Archival Even
Takashi Kurosawa 4 0 Custom (A,G,N,K) Shategashira of the Kanaga-gumi Cyberware, Automatic Firearms, Handguns, Long Arms, Blades, Don't Talk Back, Yakkity Yak -1
Re:Gulus 3 2 Fixer Clocktower Leader Aspiring Leader, Magician, Magical Theorist, University Degree, Astral reconnaissance, It's Always a Game Even
Skinshedder 4 3 Service Free Sprite Sprite Fragile, Skinshedder, Matrix Denizen, Favored Gremlin, Loyal Friend, Untiring Even
WRN3 4 4 Service Feedback Seer Technomancer, Matrix Search, Electronics Hardware, Reticent, Hosts, Infected Sympathizer, Vision through the feedback Even
Alias 5 2 Gear SIN Forger SIN Forger, Police Contacts, Disguise Enthusiast, Hacker, Infiltrator, College Educated Even
Taina Kauhava 5 1 Gear
Corporate Loyalist, Accessory Maniac, Corporate Roots, Matrix Expertise, Software Engineer, Personal Assistant, Backroom Nokia Consultation, Personal E-Security Even
Greg 3 1 Fixer Skraacha Gumshoe Skraacha, Ork Underground, Gumshoe, Drugs, Ex Renraku Neo-PD, Orc Family Man Even
Jackie Jack 5 1 Generalist
Retired Prime Runner and Therapist
Example Positive Aspect, The big leagues, Stick it to them, In the shadows, Gonna need something bigger, Don't sell your soul kid., History best left forgotten Even
EN-Z-0 Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 5 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even

Relationships with NPCs

  • Anhe: Met her as a teenager during her hiatus from hacking to pursue Matrix Games. Anhe sees her a bit like a little sister to be protected, though trusts her skill and likes to rib her even still. Their relationship is softly antagonistic in the way siblings frequently are.
  • WRN3: Met during the events of As Goes Light and has had subsequent interactions through Fort Dumbass and Duvet. Again, a sibling energy exists between the two, thought his time BHop takes the smug, teasing older sister approach to WRN3's brattiness.
  • Takashi Kurosawa: Antagonistic, bluntly speaking. Takashi Kurosawa is using Bunny Hop for his own means, and as a way to rise within the ranks of the gumi and sus out his supposed enemies. Kurosawa is at present unaware that Bunny Hop is shadowrunning on the side, but has his suspicions. If discovered, he would likely burn her, and sell her out to MCT while hiding that information from the Kanaga-gumi, in order to avoid the familial shame.

Organizations and Reputation


Faction Reputation Related Run(s)
AllWire, Inc. 2 Hot Potato (Chips)
Erika 1 Knock Knock
Farraday's Clinic (DEFUNCT) 5 As Goes Light
Finnigan Family 10 Building on Biometrics, BANGYOURHEAD+55
People of the Orc Underground 2 Diggin'
Skraacha 5 Diggin'
West Coast Monolith 1 Guerilla Gangoons


Faction Reputation Related Run(s)
Compulsory Execution Unit -10 As Goes Light
Cutters -5 Go big, go loud, or go home!
High Society -5 Ash Replevin
NTerLOK Production -2 Hot Potato (Chips)
Kenran-Kai -5 Building on Biometrics
Yellow Lotus Triad -7 BANGYOURHEAD+55

Street Cred


  • N/A

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Junk: "Bunny hopping (bhopping) is an advanced movement technique used in some varieties of pre-Matrix first person shooters. To perform a bunny hop..."

Bunny Hop keeps a low profile online, for the most part. Some known aliases are BHop, Bun, and Hops. She's had some good results in amateur leagues for Shadowrun Online and Road Fighter as recently as three years ago, but seems to have dropped completely off from the competitive circuit since then. She has public accounts on anime and game discussion sites, as well as cooking forums, art discussion groups, and others, all with relatively sparse public post histories.

3 Some details begin to add up in seedier parts of the web - common elements from her more public and innocuous profiles can be pieced together, giving a probable link between them and some Matrix vandal going by a variety of ascii rabbit emojis. Examples include: ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎, ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა, ૮₍ ´• ˕ •` ₎ა, and others. The bunny face vandal has been inactive for several years, however, and has not made a marked impact on either commonly shared blacklists or in other decker circles. Descriptions matching Bunny Hop's red rabbit persona have been noted in a few places they probably shouldn't be.
6 A name appears, associated with the bunny face vandal: Akiha. Those few who are familiar with the bunny face vandal's techniques and MO remember her taking a peculiar approach to decking, one that was indirect and seemed to flow with the Matrix rather than imposing upon it, like a digital Aikido. She spoke briefly of spirits in the wire. Disturbingly, some unrelated deckers in unrelated incidents have reported similar techniques used by a Yakuza spider in recent months, a nameless and textureless silhouette of an oni, appearing as negative space, like a hole cut into the Matrix.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 "Bunny Hop? She's a decker, right?"
3 "You know, come to think of it, there was that bunny face vandal a few years back too. Cheap way to pwn a smalltime host. Did decent work but the other deckers seemed to think her style was real weird. Seems to match up with her current work - think they might be the same person?"

Update: "If they are, she's really upped her game. She's got a solid track record over the last few months. I hear she even did an op with Wychking at some point."

5 "Actually, this just occurred to me - and this is strictly between you and me - some of the Yak hosts have been harder to hit on the Matrix lately. New spider or somethin'. Some of the cowboys seem to think they're not using your standard hardware or running some new IC or something weird like that - I wonder if she was closer to whatever that guy's doing now."

Update: "Some whispers crawling down the grapevine kinda suggest they might be the same after all. If they are, she's definitely double-crossing the yaks. The Kenran-kai especially are pissed. I'd be a lot more careful going forward if I were her."

Assensing Table

Bunny Hop's aura peels away from her in wispy, vaporous strands, barely visible, though easily felt as a shell of frigid, stagnant air. Close to her body, the shell suddenly breaks, and she is radiates a sweet warmth, scented like Spring. The fuzzy, shadowed silhouette of two rabbit ears rest on top of her head. Gentle whispers surround her - on five hits, the assenser can just make out that the whispers seem to be reciting blocks of raw assembly code.

Threshold Result
1 Bun is generally healthy - not a specimen of particular physical value, but someone who is reasonably fit despite appearances. No matter what her outward expression and mood, an undercurrent of hurt and longing bleeds through, beneath her other emotions. She does not appear to be awakened.
2 Bun appears to have no cyberware.
3 Bun appears to have no alphaware, and an untouched Essence.
4 Bun appears to have no bioware or betaware. Essence 6, Magic N/A, Force N/A
5 Bun appears to have no deltaware, gene treatments, or nanotech. No chronic illness seems to afflict her physically. She is a technomancer.


Yuuki Love (Fake Rating 4, UCAS)

  • Fake Firearms License (Rating 4)
  • Fake Cyberdeck License (Rating 4)
  • Fake Private Investigator's License (Rating 4)

Yuuji Akasaka (Fake Rating 4, UCAS)

  • Fake Firearms License (Rating 4)
  • Fake Cyberdeck License (Rating 4)
  • Fake Bodyguard License (Rating 4)
  • Note: This SIN is used exclusively for when BHop is doing work for the Yakuza.

Kei Kisuke (Fake Rating 4, UCAS)

  • Fake Student ID for Seattle Central College (Rating 4)


On the meat, BHop is short and lean for a boy at only 5'8", but gargantuan for a woman, which she's of course very self-conscious of. Her dark hair curls softly around her face, framing it well and lending it a round femininity, even as her shoulders flare on the masculine side of androgynous. She is pale, leaning more closely to her American heritage than her Japanese. Her dark eyes bounce between the bratty mischief she tries to play up online and the riptide of dull, bitter fury that swirls underneath. Overall, she is a woman of opposites struggling to reconcile.

On the impossible occasion Bun can be made to undress, a myriad of scars, those caused by burns and those caused by blades, mar her entire body, her torso especially. On her back, in the ukiyo-e style, a large tattoo of a torii gate spans from shoulder to shoulder - an eastern dragon of a deep violet color passes through and coils around her spine. Touches of blue bioluminescence glow within its eyes and beneath its scales.


Doing Yak work, her outfits are decided for her. Button ups and blazers and belts. Her hair is done up in a top-knot. Her shoulders visibly slump in these scenarios.

Most other times, BHop covers up in facemasks, baggy hoodies and jeans. Goofy bunny faces and ironic Japanese written in gana and kana are printed all over her mask and clothes, and augmented by AR tags with light-up decorations surrounding her - speech bubbles, moving cat ears, and so on, provided neither stealth nor tact are needed. On runs, she also sports a pair of red reflective goggles to cover her eyes, and a little side-satchel to carry her gear.

Bun always has some kind of corrective vision on - typically a proper pair of glasses.

Matrix Persona

On the wire, Bun is much more plainly herself. She flits between personas, though typically sports two large bunny ears, whether anthropomorphic or purely fashion. Her hair is typically bright and long, defaulting to a blonde red, and her height a meager 5'1" on average, though she'll sometimes adjust to at least try to be the shortest in the conversation by a centimeter or two (with the largest chest to boot, if she's feeling jealous). Her eyes are bright and playful, mischievous and fun, always shimmering in whatever color she chooses to match her aesthetic that day - though defaulting to a deep purple. Her outfits are copious: lolita fashion, stylishly baggy street wear, promiscuous bunny outfits, and so on - she always attempts to coordinate these outfits with the body of her persona, and will adjust the color of her hair and eyes to match if needed.

In rarer moments, when her guard is down, she may even dress down. She holds in reserve a lovingly crafted render of herself, her real body, edited only far enough to become what it always should have been. This persona is only ever shown to those she trusts.

When doing Yak work, she limits herself. A simple, textureless mesh with only the silhouette of an oni to give it shape are all she needs to please the Kanaga-gumi and disguise herself from the other side of her work.


Yakuza Work Casual Obvious Runner (ID Concealed) Matrix
Bhop token meat.png Bhop token meat 2.png Bhop token meat shadowrunner.png Bhop token matrix 2.png

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in content unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
A Yak in Sheep's Clothing As the "son" of the Kanaga-gumi's shategashira and an active spider for the organization, her face on the meat is known to those in the gumi and likely to some Yakuza outside of it. Though she always covers her face on runs (Hood, Sick Mask, Goggles, Ballistic Mask, Synthskin Mask, etc.), refuses to speak with her real voice, instead opting for DNI and using the speaker of her comm, and utilizes separate Matrix personas and broadcast SINs, it is possible that close contact with Yakuza personnel may reveal her identity, especially to those of the Old School. This would snowball into potentially dire consequences, especially if this information gets back to Takashi Kurosawa. Building on Biometrics, Fennec Bueller's Day Off
Hacker on Steroids Though she prefers stealth, brushes against a former demiGOD and other heavy hitters wearing both white and black hats have revealed her persona's icon to potentially powerful users in the Matrix. If her unaltered persona is spotted, it's possible that she may be recognized as a known quantity in the shadows. Recently, it has qualified her for the Unique Avatar quality, furthering her reputation in the shadows. As Goes Light, Knock Knock, Go big, go loud, or go home!, Hot Potato (Chips)
Technomancer in Hiding She is a Technomancer in hiding, meaning that she takes care to disguise herself as a decker. It's possible that this ruse could be revealed. (Trode Patch, Trode Patch Cover, and a kitbashed deck in a C-K Analyst shell is currently her cover to present as a decker on the meat. She also utilizes SINs [listed above] to sell this illusion, in particular that of Yuuki Love, private investigator.) N/A

Media Mentions


I am completely fine with long term consequences for my characters, as long as it doesn't feel unannounced or forced. Long term changes to a character make more opportunities for interesting roleplay, and so don't be afraid to give them out if they are deserved.