Cleaner Cleaner

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Cleaner Cleaner
Burnout Adept Gun Muscle
White Vory Bojevik
Professional Cleaner, Both Kinds
Discord@Suit Guy#9831
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.December 11th, 2059
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - C
Resources - C

Character Information


White Vory soldier trying to carve a niche for herself and kill the next biggest target, whatever it may be.


- Figure out what happened to Uncle Gabriil - Increase local White Vory power - Beat continually more deadly things; paracritters mostly - Figure out why it never feels like she's good enough


Child of Russian expat business magnates that died in the Crash 2.0. Adopted by her estranged uncle Gabriil as the only living blood relative - a former White Vory associate who had since moved to a cabin in the Rockies. Emilia learnt how to hunt up there, and Awakened as a physical adept. Soon enough, Gabriil reveals this whole "hunting paracritters in the woods with suspiciously high power rifles" thing is training for being a professional assassin to carry on the family legacy or something. She takes this astonishingly well. A few years later, Gabriil goes missing, and Emilia gets in contact with one of his old coworkers, Akilina Mikhailov, to try to figure out what's happened. She agrees, but only if Emilia joins the White Vory and in particular join Akilina's little "project" of slowly reinstating White Vory control over Seattle. Picks up the alias "Cleaner Cleaner" and the armored maid costume aesthetic from one of her new Vory friends who made a joke about her being the perfect maid, capable of cleaning anything.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Made Man (White Vory Bojevik), Mentor Spirit (Eagle)


Prejudiced (Specific, Outspoken) (Red Vory), SINner (National, SSC) "Emilia Sokolov"

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
30 Seconds To MARSDiscogoblin15 July 2085
Pawn Takes BishopAnumati23 June 2085
Fish in a BucketAnumatiDeep Hunting30 March 2085
Bottom Barrel TheftAnumati10 March 2085
RevolutionsFangblade_Amatsu Kaze19 November 2084
OmenbearersAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking27 October 2084
Eye of the FirestormLHOG16 September 2084
Cake is so Vanillalov.euphoria8 September 2084
Werewolves & CIcadasAsmodeusSwarming Season21 August 2084
Metallican InterviewAsmodeus4 June 2084
Let the Hunt Begin!BulldogcTrophäenjagd28 January 2084
Remnants of an OmenZerreContre-Révolution22 January 2084
Bearly ToxicEva8 January 2084
Crusading on ToxicsEva22 December 2083
Non-Hostile CommandeeringAsmodeus19 November 2083
Just a Peaceful TalkZerreThe Burning Star of Redmond24 October 2083
Fertilizer 2.0Syphilen22 October 2083
This Is Halloween, Part 2AsmodeusHail to the Pumpking17 October 2083



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Akilina Mikhailov 4 2 Fixer Chrome Enthusiast Fixer Eccentric Equipment Enthusiast, Cyber-Fashionista, Kovert Ops, The Drug Trade, Tattoo Artist Even
Scrapjaw Sam Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 1 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
White Vory [[Contact_Rules#Group_Contacts|]] 3 19 Organized Crime Syndicate Maintaining see Major Location


Akilina Mikhailov, an old associate of her uncle and Cleaner Cleaner's current fixer.


Nobody in particular, but she won't operate well with Red Vory on the basis of simultaneously buying into them all being traitorous shits and also trying to not blow her cover - White Vory aren't supposed to be in Seattle at all.

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments