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NameNegative AspectDescriptionApprovedProfessionArchetypeConnectionActive PCs with this Contact
"Adam"Maybe Gonna Give You UpDespite how many firm hand shakes and serious faces Adam gives, he is easily tempted by the prospect of new information, and is often more than willing to trade information on his clients for it if he thinks he'll get away clean. If such a situation occurs, roll 2d6. if the result is greater than or equal to 7 minus Loyalty, Congratulations! Adam is feeling professional or likes you enough to not sell you out. Otherwise, well, Adam learned some juicy new gossip and some not-so-juicy things are in store for you.YesInfobrokerNetworking50
"CIA Bill" CooperArm's LengthBill's loyalty can not be raised above 3, outside of a private run.YesCIA HandlerCustom (K,N,G,A)40
"Dirty" Hikari SeraEntrepreneurial ObligationsHikari is a master at the pop-up business, but it keeps her rather busy. When trying to contact her, make a contact availability test as though her connection were 3 higher than usual, before applying any additional modifiers.YesJoygirl/Noodle Stand OperatorNetworking20
"Happy" LombardoHard to Reach
Happy leads not a double, but a triple life, he keeps an old-school planner overstuffed with colorful tabs to keep it all straight. Always make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 than normal.
One ill-tempered customer could burn his entire life to the ground. Happy is sociable, but extremely cognizant of any poor reputation of those in his clientele. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with him: subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do.
Runners are dangerous people. The nuyen is worth the danger, but fraternization isn't part of the job description. Happy is outwardly friendly, but cold and calculating underneath the surface. This contact's Loyalty cannot be raised manually. The maximum loyalty upon purchase or reward of this contact is 2. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on their behalf.
Yes Smuggler Custom(G,K,N,A)40
"Lucky" Lucia CarinaCursed LuckLucia is under a luck curse from a dragon that she can't figure out how to break. Whenever she performs a check or uses her Lucky feature, roll a d6, on a 1 the check has the opposite effect than intended, similar to the "Bad Luck" quality.YesGamblerCustom(A,N,K,G)43
"Philip"Rambling StudyPhilip gets excited about the technical aspects of his work, and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting him, the GM secretly rolls a d6. If they roll a 1, Philip gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.YesFree SpiritLegwork20
'Princess' RosemaryIn HidingThis contact will not do any active checks that require her to leave her sanctum for fear of being caught.YesCelebrityService30
3310Too SpicyIf asked to research particularly covert topics like Dissonant groups, government organizations or secret societies, 3310 will refuse to not ruin her stable life. She'll only do Matrix Searches regarding more mundane topics like blueprints of public buildings, local cultures or peeping through public traffic cameras.Yes
Aaron KnightQuick to AngerAaron has a short fuse, and is a busy man. If your 'elevator pitch' takes longer than 30 seconds (timed by GM), you will be put on hold to 'verify' your story. This hold will last until Aaron has regained his composure, up to 1d6 hours.YesJournalistCustom(K,N,A,G)41
Abdul el-AswanMore Metal than ManAbdul is, by mass, far more machine than man. Unfortunately, this means lots of repair and tuning time. When you attempt to contact him, roll 1d6. On a 1, he is busy getting his 'ware retooled and cannot help you for the remainder of the run.YesFixerFixer40
AbuelitaNothing Left to LoseThis contact is constantly trying to kill you. However, she is exceedingly bad at it, and such attempts should be both hilarious and pity-inducing. She will not help anyone with anything while sober.YesForcefully Retired Grandmother.Custom(A,N,K,G)10
Agamemnon has been burned hard by allowing himself to get too close to people in the past, and he is slow to trust as a result - he cannot be taken as a contact with a starting loyalty rating of less than 3, and will burn a runner if his loyalty drops below this threshold.
Agamemnon works primarily through intermediaries, operating out of a fortified underground bolt hole which he is very reluctant to leave without a good reason – -2 on all rolls that require him to physically leave his sanctuary (though he can use astral projection without penalty), and he will refuse to do so at all during daylight hours.
YesInfected Crime LordFixer(K,G,N,A)42
Aidan ByrneDamn thievin' dandelion eatersAidan's a bit paranoid about even his closest friends working with elves, and so always makes visual comm calls even if DNI or voice would be preferable. If you contact Aidan Byrne while on a run, all non-human passing elves with you must make a Threshold (8-Loyalty) Disguise + Intuition check, or else you roll a d6, adding the amount of elves who failed but subtracting your loyalty (with a minimum roll of 1). On a 1-2, he is reluctantly able to still fulfil the request asked of him. On a 3-4, he demands twice as much payment as he would usually. On a 5+ he outright will not work with whoever is contacting him, and attempts to call him in the same day fail.YesFixerCustom(G,K,A,N)20
Aisee YuunaoBetter Safe Than SorryAisee’s only got the one body handy, and it’s not exactly a tank on legs. Unless provided with a suitable drone (GM discretion) to perform its work, a Loyalty test is required to get Aisee to travel to you rather than coming to its clinic. Otherwise, you’re getting a delivery drone full of morphine and that’s it. Oh, and don't expect it to do anything that could risk its own code.YesRogue Surgeon AIService30
Aleshanee YoomeeSpirit ChampionAs a shaman, Aleshanee fully believes in the coexistence between metahumans and spirits. She will not knowingly aid anyone who abuses the latter or does something which could harm the balance she strives to protect.YesYakima Valley Museum Custodian ShamanService30
Alex "Good'ol" SamsonLoan SharkThe contact will charge 2 chips for the price of 1 if called upon for an unpaid favorYesFixerFixer61
Alexander Tyrell GatesHard To Reach
A Man of Principle
Corporeal Anxieties
Caped Crusader’s Creed
Look For The Helpers
Helping Hands
Between his work at Microdeck and his constant do-goodery, Tyrell Gates is a busy, busy man. Always make an Availability Test for Alexander Tyrell Gates with his Connection +3 than normal.
Tyrell Gates is selective about who he works with. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with him: subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do.
Tyrell Gates wore trodes before the first time he was laid to rest in a crib. The Matrix is reality to him; the real world, a bad dream. If it weren’t for the necessities of keeping his biological processes functional and his beloved garden, he’d never jackout at all. Because of his personal anxieties he is only willing to meet in meat-space with contacts at Loyalty 5+. Technomancers are an exception and can meet physically with a Loyalty at 4+.
Tyrell Gates will not knowingly give any assistance that will lead to the killing of a sentient being. Violence is acceptable if it is strictly subdual in nature. Tyrell Gates is not opposed to vigilantism, quite the opposite, but he will NEVER kill. If he finds out that he was intentionally manipulated into helping kill someone, he will immediately and irrevocably be burned as a contact.
Tyrell Gates is a busy man. There are a thousand injustices occurring every nanosecond around the world. Every moment he gives you his attention someone in need of aid is suffering. He knows he cannot save the world from itself but by Zero-One, he’s going to help as many as he can. Characters that solicit his aid must make a successful Social Test at a Threshold of 3 (Con or Negotiation) to convince Tyrell Gates that their work is worthy of his attention. At the GM’s Discretion the Threshold may be raised if the runners are engaging in some truly black-hearted work, or lowered if they are hooding.
Tyrell Gates has no time for blackguards. He’ll help anyone do a good deed, but if you want to become closer to the man you’ll need to prove your character. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on his behalf.
YesMicrodeck CTO and TechnoshamanGeneralist60
Alexander-James Brodrick Johnson IIIParty all Night... What time is it?Brodie J spends all of his time at various clubs, pumping his body full of every substance he can, so recovery periods are rough. When contacting Brodie J before 6PM in-game, roll 1d6, on a 5 or 6, he answers. Otherwise he is completely zonked out and can't help you.YesCorpKidNetworking412
Real World Naïveté
Alexandria thinks much faster than a metahuman mind and can easily process input from multiple sources thanks to the parallel node structure of her core source code - however this comes at the downside of being somewhat scatter-brained at times as well as frequently going down paths of inquiry which are tangential or even perpendicular to the initial query. Unless a player is very specific with their line of questioning, she will get lost in the weeds and come back with information which may be entirely unrelated to what they were looking for.
Alexandria lived in a black site host for a decade and has only recently become acquainted with the wider world. While she knows what meatspace is, and has even inhabited drone bodies to interact with it, she doesn't really understand it in the same way that metahumans do - it's more akin to something she's read about in a book. Thus, she has trouble understanding concepts which meatspace beings grasp instinctively. Whenever she acquires detailed information for a contact, the GM should secretly roll edge for the character (threshold 2); if the check fails, Alexandria has misunderstood or overlooked some critical element which would be otherwise obvious.
YesArtificial Intelligence ArchivistLegwork82
Alfred BesterThe Corps is Mother, the Corps is FatherBester is often busy with his associates' affairs. When contacting Bester for the first time in a run, it may take up to 24 hours for him to initially respond. Roll Edge+Loyalty, each hit subtracts 2 hours from this time.YesUCAS BlackopsCustom(K,N,G,A)60
Alfred RockbellBlissfully UnawareThis is someone who doesn't think that their contacts are runners and doesn't understand the whole runner thing. If they find out you are a runner, immediately make a test of loyalty. If you fail the test of loyalty, they will think you are a terrorist, burn you and contact law enforcement. If you succeed in a test of loyalty, they will be willing to listen to you explain yourself and even help you leave the runner life. You may be able to convince them to associate with the Shadows. Contact a GM or thematics if this happens as it may involve the removal of that tag. Gear contacts with this contact will only sell you legal gear, or restricted gear with the appropriate licenses unless you conduct a social test to convince them the lack of paperwork is for a benign reason.YesAztechnology Magical ResearcherCustom(K,N,A,G)20
Alligator JackPirate ThemeEverything will have a pirate theme, whether you like it or not.YesSmugglerService42
Amadou ZhengAll for the Bottom Line
The Boss is the Boss
The people who work for Zheng say that he'd feed his grandmother to a dragon for a new Concordant. While this is a bit of an exaggeration (Zheng quite likes his grandmother, and wouldn't sell her out for anything less than a Gladius), it definitely gets the point across. Zheng is out for himself, and will not hesitate to sell you out if he believes it will benefit him. He can be worked with, but he should never be trusted.
Zheng doesn't quite get the idea that shadowrunners are freelancers. When you are taking a job from him you are his employee, and can expect to be treated as such. Anything that you can do he can do better, and he'll always be willing to give you helpful advice (orders) that he expects to be followed exactly. Every time you bruise his ego, you must make up for it by sycophantically following his instructions on how to do your job. If he doesn't believe that this was done, lose one loyalty. If loyalty drops to zero in this way, he will consider you a worthless asset and sell you out to the highest bidder.
YesMCT's Magical Middle ManagerFixer50
Amelia "Millie" CarterAlways WorkingBetween 10am and 10pm, Millie is unavailable to answer your comm call. You could always head over, or wait a while and see if she calls you back on break.YesBartender/Waitstaff at the 'Bolt & Brew'Custom(N,K,A,G)20
Amia FinleyWorking MomAmia is a working mom, and doesn't always have time for runner's shenanigans. Roll 1D6. On a 1-2, Amia is busy with her kids and can't answer. On a 3-4, she answers but is distracted, taking 1.5 times longer to help out the runners. On a 5-6 she's available.YesParabontanistCustom(K,G,A,N)21
Amihan BayaniHuk Navy Veteran
Krime Loyalist
Bayani is a retired-with-honors ensign from the Huk Navy. He's not blindly loyal, but would prefer not to work against his war buddies. He will not work against the Huk if his Loyalty with you is below 4.
Bayani transferred his military drills with the Huk to Krime and really pushes the "Krime, Right or Wrong!" angle. He'll never work against Krime and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty with the corporation. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work against Krime, roll a Loyalty check. If it fails, he immediately burns you. If it succeeds, you owe him a chip to re-earn favor with him.
YesKrime Factory Head EngineerGear40
Amrei VeidtActually a SpyAn experienced espionage agent who is very talented at her job; there is a good chance any conversation with her is being recorded, and she hacks runner commlinks almost habitually.YesS-K Prime OperativeGeneralist610
Ana LagunaHatred of Black Hats
Ana hates all Matrix gangs and cyberterrorists with a burning passion. Every time she learns that a character has knowingly aided one of those types of groups, decrease her Loyalty by 1. If Loyalty drops to 0 in this way, Ana considers the character an enemy and becomes actively hostile.
Ana is taking powerful medications and continues experimental treatments to deal with her AIPS. She will never meet in the Matrix via VR, does not use AR, and will require visiting players to disable all their wireless gear in her presence to ease her symptoms (mild as they may be with her current treatments.) Characters may normally only communicate with her in person but characters with Loyalty 4+ may communicate with her via commlink audio/visual call.
YesHorizon Talent ScoutFixer20
Anderson SilversI Got Places to Be, PalSilvers is a busy man, and has no patience for time wasters. When you call him, you will have thirty seconds to make your pitch (the GM should time this). You must tell him what you need and what you can offer him, either Nuyen or valuable favors. If you haven't piqued his interest by the time your thirty seconds are up, he will hang up on you. To get back into contact with him, you must call his office and sit on hold for a full hour.YesLawyerCustom(A,N,K,G)32
Andrew ColeDweller of NightAndrew kept a very strict sleeping schedule his entire life, and that hasn't stopped with his infection. He is exclusively active between the hours of 8 PM and 8 AM, and will not answer any calls outside of those times.YesFormer Ship SecurityService20
AngelaA Bird in a CageDue to being developed in a Renraku host, the corp almost always has their eye on Angela. It's extremely risky for her to leave her host, and usually can't for long. Angela will not leave her host unless her contact is loyalty 3 or higherYesLibrary Organizer and TeacherFixer(K,N,G,A)42
Angi HarrisStay outa the fireAngi had a rough time as a runner, so much so that she doesn't really appreciate being put in danger anymore. If things get too spicy she panics. Roll 1d6, on a 5-6 she is doing fine and requests normal pay, on a 2-4 she will demand double her normal pay for the job, on a 1 she will just hit your ejection seats and get the hell out of there.YesRetired RiggerService34
Angélica CabralFor The Cause: OHK
Unbending Morals, Trying Times
Hang on, I've Heard of Them
The Knights are nothing if not dedicated to their cause. While charitable and happy to make friends, their resources are limited, and strictly allotted to those who contribute in turn. This contact's Loyalty cannot be raised manually. The maximum loyalty upon purchase or reward of this contact is 2. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on their behalf.
Members of the Order of Hospitaller Knights have earned their place in the organization through unflinching moral character. Learning that their work has been turned to evil ends or that they may have made an enemy of a major faction decreases any member's Loyalty by 1. If Loyalty drops to 0 in this way, the member will burn the runner in question. The contact is lost, and they will take -5 reputation with the OHK.
Angélica has her ear to the ground in Seattle - and she won't lift a finger to help runners who're known for causing trouble or committing grossly excessive violence. Any party member with at least one point of notoriety must roll edge, with a threshold of their current notoriety. Using Angélica's services for this run will require one additional chip per runner who fails this check.
Lore Hunter
Chronically Online
Reality just feels a little less real, making priorities really hard to organize. Roll 1d6, in addition to her availability check. On a result of three or under, and if the request is not urgent or life threatening for her or the requester, Anhe will hear it out and get around to it later. Requests suffering from this penalty do not take priority, and whatever task is required, procurement, legwork, networking or otherwise, may not be completed in time for the required job. Rest assured that they *will* eventually be done (and payment required), but that it may not be in a timely fashion.
This contact will, under no circumstances, meet in meat, or assist in a way that requires physical interaction. Legwork checks that require a physical presence automatically fail.
In addition to standard payment, Anhe may optionally require that a runner requesting help from her brief her on the job in unnecessary detail, before or after the fact. This information may be sold and disseminated across the Matrix, although never in a way that deliberately or directly threatens the runner's identity and safety - however, be warned that secrets may not remain so when asked for lore as payment. Anhe may reject requests where lore is asked for and not given - or, if requested and denied after a service has been provided, may result in a chip. Players may make a Con check to deceive her, however players will accumulate one chip if this attempt fails, or if she uncovers the deception later on.
YesMatrix Information Specialist and FixerFixer(K,N,G,A)32
AnielaOn Vacationthe GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll a one, The contact cannot be reached, She's busy being a tourist.YesService30
Annabelle CadeHard To Reach
Ares Loyalist
This character's Connection is 3 higher when making an Availability Check. Annabelle spends most of her waking hours working.
More out of necessity than personal choice, she won't work against Ares and will try to capture any runners who have a bounty with Ares. If you contact her during a run and use the information provided to work against Ares roll a loyalty check. If it fails she immediately burns you. If it succeeds you owe her a chip to re-earn favor with her.
YesAres Penal RegimentLegwork20
ArgyleParanoiacArgyle is paranoid and doesn't trust anyone. Double the cost to raise his loyalty with CDP. Moreover, it can't be pushed over loyalty 3 without a dedicated run due to this innate lack of trust.YesLeader of the Pale HerdCustom (A,K,N,G)21
Ariel LopezPoor Networker-2 to Networking testsYesShamanic TalismongerGeneralist40
Arma RemingtonCards close to chest
Unclear Data
Constantly up to something
Arma's plans and ambitions are calculated yet vast in scope. Being VERY particular about who he trusts and allows to be a more active part in his day to day ventures. Arma's loyalty cannot be raised above 2 outside of runs, and can only be raised by 1 loyalty at a time.
Arma is very much a man with big ambitions, and as a result of that every move he makes is precise and calculated. Anything that would hinder him enough as to where his plans would suffer (GM discretion) is an action he will not take. (His plans are detailed in Notes for GMs.)
Arma is a man who does things old fashioned. Sometimes to his detriment since as a result of this his schedule is often incredibly packed. Always roll availability when contacting Arma, treating his connection as 2 higher than usual for the roll. However, for each point of loyalty above 2, the additional availability decreases by 1.
Ares Arms Seattle Chief Financial Executive
Asahiro KunitoshiFor The CorporationAsahiro will not aid you with anything that he doesn't see benefiting the corporation. If he sends you to do a job, it's because he has a stake in it going in a particular direction. He approves of putting down crime, striking against other corporations or furthering Shiawase's influence, but disapproves of anything that risks his standing, deals with malign, unnatural forces or is of no direct use to Shiawase or himself.YesVice-President of Imperial Kami ServicesFixer67
Ashe VanderlineGirl's Gotta EatAshe is out to make a profit, and will charge a 25% commission (rounded down to the nearest whole number) on any gear acquisition checks that she makes. Through negotiation and haggling it's possible to bring it down to 15% (Ancients members get +2 to their rolls). When trying to get gear off table, roll your negotiation pool against hers (12). If you tie or get higher hits, you have succeeded and can bring the commission down. If not, you failed and must pay the full 25% extra.YesChainsmoking Ancients SmugglerGear32
Ashley DavisWorking HoursA healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. Ashley doesn't - who will take care of Mr and Mrs Davis Senior otherwise? - so she tunes out of business matters outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).YesLawyerService51
Asuna InoueFamily ObligationsThe GM rolls in secret a 1d6, if the roll is a one, Asuna will tell the player they are busy taking care of family matters.YesAntidrek's Waifu
Azra KaplanWait in LineServices from Azra may take longer. Every time Azra provides a service, roll 2D6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.YesSalish Border Patrol AgentService22
BeastmasterHard to ReachLiving a fairly nomadic lifestyle on the edge of Salish makes contacting Beastmaster troublesome at times.YesParabiologistCustom (G,K,A,N)61
Beatrice VeronicaCompany Woman
At Arm's Length
Working Hours
She's not interested in "fraternizing" with runners, viewing most as just business. Good they buy her guns, she doesn't mind selling them even forbidden ones as long as they pay, but more? Try harder, chummer. Her Loyalty cannot be raised above 3 outside of a private run advancing her career or getting her an interesting gun.
Betty just doesn't care about most runners enough to risk a healthy balance between work and private life - after all, it is paramount if you don't want to burn out. She tunes out of business matters outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends). Prepare for much passive aggressiveness even if she does pick up.
Betty is an Ares yes-woman through and through. Her primary focus is her career… err, the success of the company! She will not accept requests obviously against Ares Macrotechnology or Weapons World (GM discretion), and might request "favors" (chips) in return for her help if your Loyalty with her is 3+.
Weapons World Seattle R&D Executive OfficerGear63
BenjaminNot Getting Paid Enough For This ShitBenjamin does not get paid enough for this shit. He's a big strong adept but for some reason, no one fucking pays him enough. If, at the GM's fiat, he's placed in situation's that he's not getting paid enough for, he will just fucking leave. Situations might involve getting shot with multiple bursts of APDS or overwhelming magical threats. If you pay him enough (6000 is a good start), he'll fight harder and stick around.YesProfessional BeefcakeService10
Biggie BeefcakeIterative Collaboration
Berserk Button
While quite excited to work with fellow runners, he tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. After all, he knows what's up. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of him might "evolve" in a direction that he feels is either more effective, interesting or profound. Sometimes he even remembers to call back to update the team without needing to be called back.
His berserk button is called Biggie Bun, his Syrian hamster. Requesting anything, roll an Etiquette test with the threshold of 6 - Loyalty, minimum 1. If you fail, he believes that his pet was slighted and refuses to help you without owing them (this is important) a chip or paying the relevant service costs where the threshold is equal to your missing hits.
YesEx-Runner-Turned-Uber & Wannabe FixerFixer(A,N,K,G)11
Bilge-Rat JonesShady Smuggler
Covered In Rats
You probably don't want to smuggle yourself or anything else with this guy. He's not named Bilge-Rat for nothing.
He's... not very good at social things with people. Something about all the rats.
Black PaladinHard to ReachBlack Paladin does bounty work all over the world - there's no guarantee he's going to be nearby. Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.YesBounty HunterService62