Pump King Jack

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Revision as of 15:06, 22 January 2021 by Asmodeus (talk | contribs)
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{{Infobox |title = Pump King Jack |image= File:KingJack.png |header1= Halloweener Usurper |header2= Nightmare of Man |header3= |header4= |label5 = Contact Owner |data5 = Archdevil_Asmodeus |label6 = Connection |data6 = 4 |label8 = Public Contact? |data8= Yes |label9 = Archetype |data9 = [[Archetype::Custom(N,K,A,G)] |label10 = Location |data10= Redmond Barrens |label11 = Metatype |data11 = Free Spirit |label12 = Sex |data12 = None; male voice. |label13 = Age |data13= N/A |label14= Preferred Payment Method |data14 = Services (Shadowrunning) |label15 = Hobbies/Vice |data15 = Terrorizing |label16 = Personal Life |data16 = Single |label17 = Faction |data17 = None... yet. |label19 = Aspects |data19 = Herald of Halloween
Spirit Savvy
Hella Halloweeners
Goodnatured Guide
Formula One
Ritualist }}


This is where you would write a blurb about the contact.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Astral Taint Having Jack personally help with anything will taint your character's aura for the remainder of the run and make other spirits wary of you. This usually extends to Awakened NPCs as well; madmen and shadow cultists are exempt from this.
No Mercy Despite his jovial nature and redefined perspective on metahumanity, Jack is still at his core a shadow spirit and feels little empathy or remorse, choosing to concentrate on his own goals. He'll refuse to do any contact services at all, regardless of reason, if you're less than even in chips with him. Even or positive chips will remedy this!
Fearmonger When it comes to getting people so scared they'll tell you anything, this guy has it on lock. Need ideas? Get in touch.
Herald of Halloween He hasn't been in the physical realm long, but Jack's taken a liking to the Halloweeners. He's done his homework and knows a fair bit about them.
Spirit Specialist Anything related to spirits, he can probably give you a heads-up. Hell, he might even know one if you need a hand.
Malevolent Mentor Jack isn't the type of spirit that can be summoned, but he's an exceptionally insightful spirit to talk to if you want to learn spirit summoning or binding.
Disappearing Act Need someone to vanish? Jack can take living captives and make sure they don't cause trouble ever again by drafting them into his personal Halloweener sect. Admittedly, this will make them wish they had been slotted.


Knowledge Checks 13 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 9 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

Cleaner Cleaner1Even
Katherine Tyler3Even
Sweetie Sinful5Even
Ty Vallynn1Even

NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Ghost of Halloween PastAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking31 October 2085
Jack's BonanzaAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking18 June 2085
This Is Halloween H20AsmodeusHail to the Pumpking31 October 2084
Halloween KittyAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking6 October 2084
Growing StaticAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking9 February 2084
See-lie You LaterAsmodeusThe Crow of Seattle4 January 2084
This is the Hour of JackAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking31 October 2083
This Is MidnightAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking24 October 2083
This Is Halloween, Part 2AsmodeusHail to the Pumpking17 October 2083
This Is HalloweenAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking31 October 2082
Just The Right ColourAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking17 October 2082
Gangster Life, I Choose You!AsmodeusHail to the Pumpking13 October 2082
Infrastructure TheoremAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking11 October 2082
Recruiting For The Skeleton WarAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking3 October 2082
Thirty pieces of silverAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking6 August 2082
All Paths Lead to YellowstoneAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking25 June 2082
Dernier Saut sur l'EnferAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking24 June 2082
The Consequences Of Her ActionsAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking29 April 2082
Lip serviceAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking25 April 2082
Face Your FearsAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking15 April 2082
Burn Through The DitchesAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking2 April 2082
The Bell TollsAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking26 March 2082
The VantablackAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking13 March 2082
Trick or TruceAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking8 March 2082
Helping Hands, Salivating GlandsAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking1 March 2082
Back From Darkness, Away From LightAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking17 February 2082
My Burning Flamesaw of LoveKaylaidoscopes14 February 2082
Unfortunate SonsAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking12 February 2082
To Usurp the KingAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking21 January 2082