No Legion But Still Deadly

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Warning: this metaplot contains racism and inhuman behavior.

The Japanese corporations Shiawase, MCT, and Renraku began joint research in the 2050s to improve the metahuman with the goal of creating a legion of super-soldiers to serve their purposes and ensure the dominance of the Japanese Empire in the world. To this end, three secret facilities (designated Red, Blue, and Purple Ant Hill) were built outside of Japan (to keep any side effects of extreme experimentation away from Japan) with each corporation taking control of one of the facilities and its research. A fourth facility (designated Morning Light Mountain) was established in Japan to consolidate the knowledge of each research area.

Background --Spoiler alert from here--

Before the crash of 2064, all facilities were interconnected and an extremely advanced software was involved in coordinating and documenting the experiments. After the wireless matrix was established, scientists noticed changes in the software that led to the conclusion that the software had evolved into an AI. In a coordinated effort, the AI was deleted from the Red, Blue, and Purple facilities and transferred to an old offline host at the Morning Light Mountain facility. This offline host was then disconnected from the matrix. The AI, which calls itself MorningLightMountain after its current location, managed to upload parts of itself to the Matrix, which led to the development of an independent but much simpler AI whose purpose in life is to free MorningLightMountain. Since MorningLightMountain is invaluable for conducting the experiments, it will continue to operate in the offline host.

The following research is being pursued at the respective facilities:

  • Red Ant Hill (Renraku): Researches experimental cyberware with the focus on either making it more compatible for the body (lower essence loss) or achieving higher effectiveness. Experimental cyberweapons are also being researched. Renraku obtains the victims of its experiments in the first studies from unpopular metahumans who are "disposed of" after the end of the study. Only if the studies achieve promising results, selected specialists from the ranks of Renraku Samurai, Red Samurai or Red Ninja are used for active field studies. It is considered an honor to be involved in such a study.
  • Blue Ant Hill (Shiawase): Operates their facility as a classic Prototype Transhumen soldier rearing program with a focus on researching better bioware. Shiawase likes to simply kidnap or fly in the "recruits" from the surrounding area in the form of children. After the usually very unpleasant procedure of implantation and modification of their genome, a psychological brainwashing program built up over several years takes place to form the perfect soldier. Those who survive the procedure are either used by Shiawase himself in their corporate security or transferred to the army of the Japanese Empire. Metahumans are seen more as extremely powerful cannon fodder. Humans and elves, on the other hand, receive very qualified training that allows them to accompany even very high-ranking positions.
  • Purple Ant Hill (MCT): Is driven to find the most efficient connection between magic and technology. Considerable efforts have been made to advance nanotechnology so that it can be used as a substitute for normal cyberware or bioware without the disadvantage of an essence loss. MCT ruthlessly uses the poor and weak for its experiments in the experimental stadium. Preferably metahumans are abused. The experiments are "disposed" afterwards. Successful procedures are tried to use within the rows of MCT. There are two difficulties. First, the procedure is very expensive especially if it is not supported by an implant like a nanobot hive. Second, unfortunately, it has been found that only candidates with rare immune deficiencies can really benefit from the procedure (without loss of essence). MCT has succeeded in developing a gene treatment to artificially create the immune deficiency. Currently, however, only a very select few are "blessed" with the procedure. In secret, MCT is also researching the effects of CFD in the facility and is trying to develop a procedure to specifically overwrite people in order to be able to take over important people. This research is not known to the other two corporations involved.



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Japanese Empire

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Anata ga tsuyokunainara - kashikoku nari nasaiKaterSalem11 February 2083Rabbit
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