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NameNegative AspectDescriptionApprovedProfessionArchetypeConnectionActive PCs with this Contact
Julie d'AubignyFrench PatriotJulie is a true patriot of her home country. She loves France and all of its culture, and will not tolerate any form of dismissal or disparagement of France or its people. Any act that goes against France or its people will result in her immediately burning a runner.YesNoble Woman & DuelistGeneralist31
Juliette BartletBlissfully UnawareJuliette knows her sister's a reporter, but not that she routinely puts herself in danger and is also a runner.YesStudentGeneralist10
KAPTAIN KILLDOZERRAISE THE FLAG!KAPTAIN KILLDOZER does not know the meaning of the word "subtle." He's a crazed troll ganger dressed like an Age of Sail-era pirate who drives converted boats through the street. When utilized, roll a 1d6. On a 1, the actions KAPTAIN KILLDOZER takes are obvious and are easily traceable back to you.YesStreet Pirate KaptainService20
KalanyrNot Worth His TimeIt's practically impossible to raise Kalanyr's Loyalty above 1. He just doesn't care about runners that much.yes
CEO of Stonehome
Kate 'Lanza' MarksonI believe in usKate can't work with players with a known negative relationship with S3I. He also will not perform services that he thinks will harm this relationship, or that would cause undue attention from law enforcement around him.YesInstructorGeneralist60
Kathryn "Aphrodite" RivieraAbrasiveKathryn has never been the most social of people, and given recent hardships that's only gotten worse. When making a Contact Availability test to determine if she is available treat her Connection as 2 higher after adding any other modifiers.YesDeckerCustom(A,K,N,G)40
Katrina Smythe-JonesHard to ReachKatrina is a busy professor. Between research and teaching she's hard to reach during normal work hours. Always make an availability test for Katrina with her connection +3.YesUniversity ProfessorLegwork61
KeiPro-Techno Crusader
Deep-Entrenched Grudge
At Arm's Length
Rambling Study
Iterative Collaboration
Kei will not move against any technomancers or even technocritters knowingly. Ghost help you if you manipulate him into it and he finds out. (Let's face it: sooner rather than later, he will.) Better prepare for living in a Faraday cage, because he's a man on a crusade and cares more than enough to troll you forevermore.
A survivor of an EVO technomancer experimentation black project "White House", he doesn't forgive those who would take advantage of "his people" (the Emerged). Treat his Loyalty as two lower if you have a positive rep with EVO (one if it's with a Japanocorp - Renraku, MCT or Shiawase - or with Wuxing). If this would drop Loyalty below 1, you cannot take him as a contact. If you develop a positive rep with those circles after buying him, he isn't lost, but clams up and ignores you until you change your bedfellows.
Of the opinion paranoia means survival, he prefers to cover his tracks on the Matrix and in meatspace. Only those with a Loyalty 5+ can physically visit him. Technomancers are an exception and can do so with Loyalty 4+. Use the Matrix, chummer.
"Not all those who wander are lost." Kei shamelessly abuses this Tolkien quote to wander off the topic you want him to talk to you about in favor of what interests him (conspiracy theories, all things technomancer, indie game design, anime and manga). He will talk your ear off at any opportunity and be offended if you don't share his proclivities. When contacting him, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, he gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.
It's not that he knows what's best for you: him believing he does is enough. He tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of him might "evolve" in a direction that he feels is either more effective, interesting or profound (almost always with some tinfoil hat theory, bonus points for involving technomancers against all good reason). Prepare for a great deal of long-winded updates, whether the contents are actually useful to you or not.
YesChicago State Hospital Head of Matrix SecurityLegwork51
Keisha JacksonHyperfixation
Passionate and Rambling
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
Woman of Principle
Keisha manages her ADHD very well. Sometimes, though, she doesn't take her meds and her emotions can run away a bit away on her. If Keisha fails an Active check on behalf of a player, or a player rejects her advice/disagrees with her assessment (Legwork checks) or doesn't follow up with a shared contact (Networking check) there's a chance her feelings are hurt in a way that just won't fade. A player must make an Etiquette (3) check after any of the above scenarios or she'll become wracked with feelings of inadequacy and uselessness. On a failed Etiquette check, she will take a -4 dice pool penalty on all checks for the seven days it will take to see her therapist.
Keisha is by nature too trusting so to compensate, she tries to be selective over who in the shadows she will work with. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she is asked to do.
Keisha is constantly chasing stories down. Out in a warzone, down in the slums, getting herself temporarily kidnapped (only temporarily!)...she's always on the go-go-go. When contacting Keisha for the first time in a run, it may take up to 24 hours for her to initially respond. Roll Edge + Loyalty with each hit subtracting 2 hours from this time. This can always be avoided by taking on an automatic chip (she's not going to turn someone away in a crisis.)
Keisha has ADHD and is energized when pursuing her passions and current hyperfixations. Roll a 1d6: on a 5 or a 6 she is hyperfixated currently on the topic and will gain +2 dice on any related skill check. On any other number she takes a -2 die penalty due to lack of personal interest. She'll still tackle the topic but won't do so with her usual gusto.
Keisha gets very excited by her current hyperfixation, which will usually be the story she's working on or the leads she's chasing or the archives she's rummaging through. She will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, roll a d6. If you roll a 1, Keisha gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test. If an Intimidation test is used, regardless of failure or success, an Etiquette (3) test must follow to make sure she doesn't have a flare up of rejection sensitive dysphoria or she will take a -4 dice pool penalty on all checks for the seven days it will take to see her therapist.
YesKSAF JournalistCustom(K,N,A,G)41
Kenneth "Flamesaw" MurphyNot the Brightest BulbIf you're not very, VERY explicit, Kenneth is likely to do the wrong thing. If possible, Kenneth will complete the action as requested, but not as intended. Additionally, if you don't meet the required hits for an active check, he may--at GM's discretion--botch the action entirely to the detriment of the players. When possible, this should happen in the least opportune, and most hilarious, manner.YesGanger / Tough GuyCustom(A,G,N,K)219
Kensei-SenseiMeasure Twice, Cut OncePatience is a virtue. At least, so Kenzo keeps telling you. Everything this contact does is undertaken with precision and care, meaning it takes twice as long. If you try to hurry him along, he'll reset the timer.YesYakuza Patriarch (Retired)Fixer (N,K,G,A)41
Keora PuccaPlease, No More Killing!Keora hates seeing people get hurt over a big misunderstanding and has became a pacifist despite her fellow changeling friends with a strong hatred against the humans and metatypes. Whether you stand her beliefs or not, her intentions to defuse the situation between peace and violent acts (whether you choose to kill them or not) she would prefer ask you to let them live.YesAccountant & Info BrokerLegwork21
Kiefer BargleHard to ReachThese band guys are busy. Always make an Availability Test against connection +4.YesMusicianCustom(A,G,K,N)40
Killa QuispeFor The Cause: OHK
Unbending Morals, Trying Times
Hospitaller Errant
The Knights are nothing if not dedicated to their cause. While charitable and happy to make friends, their resources are limited, and strictly allotted to those who contribute in turn. This contact's Loyalty cannot be raised manually. The maximum loyalty upon purchase or reward of this contact is 2. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on their behalf.
Members of the Order of Hospitaller Knights have earned their place in the organization through unflinching moral character. Learning that their work has been turned to evil ends or that they may have made an enemy of a major faction decreases any member's Loyalty by 1. If Loyalty drops to 0 in this way, the member will burn the runner in question. The contact is lost, and they will take -5 reputation with the OHK.
Killa travels aboard the New Rhodes - a former aircraft carrier turned home base for the Knights. As such, she may be anywhere in the world serving their interests. Every time Killa provides a service, roll 2D6, then subtract loyalty. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number (minimum multiplier 1). Note: This aspect may not apply when performing services on behalf of the Knights at GM discretion.
YesMedical ResearcherCustom(K,G,A,N)50
Kiri NikoraDraco Foundation Loyalist
Everybody gets one. Only one
Kiri owes the Draco Foundation a lot. If you contact her during a run and use the information or gear provided to work against them, roll a Loyalty check. If it fails, she immediately burns you. If it succeeds, you owe her a chip to re-earn favor with her.
Kiri gets bored working on the same things over and over. Once she has made a focus of a given type for a character, trying to get her to make a different focus of the same type requires the Availablity Roll to be treated as 4 higher. (This does not count for upgrading an existing focus, but will for replacing a lost focus)
Most of the resources that Kiri has access to are earmarked for existing or future projects for the Draco Foundations. If you want a focus or imbuement above Force 3, you will have to provide your own reagents to her. This also helps give the focus a personalized touch.
YesDraco Foundation ArtificerCustom(G,A,K,N)60
KnifeA Healthy ParanoiaKnife will never meet with a runner in-person, unless they have a loyalty of 5 or more with him, or unless he is absolutely required to by Black Lodge mandate. Additionally, measures to reduce traceability inhibit communications. When contacting Knife for the first time in a run, it may take up to 12 hours for him to initially respond. Roll Edge+Loyalty, each hit subtracts 2 hours from this time.YesBlack Lodge InitiateFixer71
Knight ErrorFresh Faced CorperHe desperately wants to make a good impression toward his new employers. If you're working against Ares, best not let him know about it. When asked to perform a task or provide information that may hurt Ares Macrotech, Knight Error will outright refuse the request.YesStudent Hacker at Ares MacrotechnologyLegwork12
KoggiSensitiveKoggi is thin-skinned and always looking for an excuse to quarrel. If he detects even the hint of a slight against him or his "tribe", he refuses to deal with you until you apologize and make some form of amends. A slight against Koggi or his kin requires a favour or a monetary gift to make amends.YesGo-Ganger LieutenantLegwork20
Kon KonKon Kon! Konection!She never offers a service for free or reduced price. If you need it faster or better, you pay more--it doesn't matter WHAT you're doing or what your loyalty is.YesKon-Sultant!!!Networking60
KrimelinAlbinismKrimelin refuses to go outdoors personally during sunny weather and will only go outside during daytime whatsoever if your loyalty is 4 or above.yesFBI's Most WantedCustom(K,A,G,N)33
Kyoko "Wholesale" Nakajima"Booooriiiing"Kyoko has a difficult time caring about the mundane, the low-key, or the squeaky-clean professional. She's after the excitement and adrenaline of infamy, and unless you've got it, she's not interested. Characters without Notoriety points cannot take this contact, and if your Notoriety ever reaches 0 while you have her as a contact, immediately drop her Loyalty to 0. Additionally, if a roll calls for Kyoko to handle a request for particularly dull information, gear, etc., the GM may apply penalties to the roll as they see fit.YesTotally A Professional ThiefCustom(K,G,N,A)14
Kyra SamarasCollaborative IterationWhile quite excited to work with runners, she tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of her might "evolve" in a direction that she feels is either more effective, interesting, or profound. Sometimes she even remembers to call back to update the team.YesSpinradical ScientistGeneralist56
L0W-K3YAngeli Populi, Mitis SalvatorisDeszcz refuses to do anything that would benefit the N-51. If she is deceived into doing so, immediately lose a point of Loyalty. If this reduces Deszcz's loyalty to zero, permanently lose her as a contact.YesDeckerNetworking20
LAURAMatrix-MadLAURA, as both a poorly-socialized AI and a barely sane one, has understandable difficulty communicating with 'normal people', even those who are fairly well-experienced with the matrix. As a result, she cannot get in contact with individuals who are not AIs, for the sake of Networking or otherwise.YesManic AI Dream GirlLegwork10
LBTamanous Made Man
Goes Loud
LB is not known for his subtlety. When utilized, roll a 1d6. On a 1, the actions LB takes are obvious and are easily traceable back to you.
For each -5 rep your character accrues with Tamanous after taking LB, reduce LB's loyalty by 1. At 0 loyalty, you may choose to burn this contact. If your loyalty becomes negative, not only will LB not help you, but he will actively attack you on sight.
YesTamanous Dumpster FireCustom(A,N,K,G)23
LachanceNocturnalHe is neither available, nor will he do any tasks during the day. Treat it as if the contact does not exist during the day.YesHitman TrainerLegwork51
Lacy, the Worst Employee EverI'm on my breakIf you call when lacy is not working, roll a 1d6. She will not answer on a 1-4. You may try this check twice per run. She will always answer at work because she is the worst employee ever.YesStop Quick CashierGear12
Lady of PainMatrix Offline
Honor First
This character cannot be reached via the Matrix. She must be visited in person in Everett for any contact checks or interaction. The Astral Message spell is ignored.
Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact.
Death God
LamashtuHighly Flammable
Hard To Approach
Any Means Necessary
Upgrading Lamashtu's Loyalty costs twice as much.
If your Loyalty with Lamashtu is 1 or 2, asking for her help during a run and not doing what she wants is likely to make her tip off the op-for or KE to curry favor from them instead.
Lamashtu is hellbent on surviving after betraying Ghostwalker. Roll Loyalty + Edge (1) if you contact her during a run for help. Failing the check means she has something to gain by working against you and will tip off any potential opfor of your involvement in order to gain further security herself.
YesEx-Prison Warden DrakeGeneralist62
Lectric Kate"The Corporations want to control you, Man..."
"I hate Aztechnology"
Of all the Corporations, Aztechnology is the one that pisses Kate off the most. As such, even if the pay is good, Kate will never help find gear of the Aztechnology Brand even if it is related to Deckers. Additionally, while you are on a job for Aztechnology, all Rolls that Kate makes for you during the job take a -2 penalty.
If you are on a Run sponsored by a Corporation in some way, there is a chance Kate will find out and mess with you. Roll 2D6 - Loyalty. If the result is 7 or greater, Lectric Kate finds out you are working for "The Man" and will Prank you (as per the Prank Warrior Negative Quality) as she wants to teach you a lesson about working with Corporations, but not actually completely ruin your day. The only way to avoid this is if you are on a Run that that is not for Aztechnology and that has the goal of messing with a Corporation in some way even if it is a job given by a Corporation (the irony amuses Kate).
Leonard MacLainnFinancial InstabilityLeonard values his job above all else. Attempting to have him do anything that might put him or his employer at risk (regardless of loyalty or chips) will require a negotiation or intimidation roll with a threshold of 5-loyalty.YesLegwork and InformationCustom(K,N,G,A)31
Lewis FryIterative Collaboration
Untimely Joke
Maleficarum Phobia
Working Hours
While quite excited to work with runners (it makes him feel like a vigilante who can actually make a little difference for the better instead of a beat cop with the label of "that <REDACTED> trog lover"), he tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of him might "evolve" in a direction that he feels is either more effective, interesting or profound. Sometimes he even remembers to call back to update the team without needing to be called back.
Lewis is no social butterfly - he's got the unfortunate habit of making nerdy jokes at the worst of times. Lower the amount of 1s required to glitch or critical glitch when applicable by 2.
He's got a serious fear of magic. While not hateful, he panics around displays of mojo. If on a job, treat this as the Common Moderate Phobia quality. If you're Awakened and loyalty is not 2+, treat it as one point lower for the purpose of rolls and one point higher if you need to roll a test of loyalty as he's distracted by worrying when a stray Flamethrower hits him.
A healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. Lewis doesn't, so he tunes out of business matters outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of his contact availability test if trying to contact him at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).
YesLone Star Beat CopCustom(K,A,G,N)30
Liam BorrineaS3I CEOLiam is always, always busy. Weather its inspections of the facility or government meetings or staff meetings, Liam never has a moment to rest. Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.YesPrivate Security ContractorService50
Liam MontgomeryCui BonoLiam will not litigate or make connections for a player unless it is to his benefit or the benefit of his wife. Unless the action otherwise assists Sarah Snow or himself, Premium (50% higher) payment rates or favors are required for Liam's assistance.YesLawyerService40
LiandraNerdrageLiandra will NOT shut up if you fuck up on your manga facts. (this is not a real flaw and no Positives were taken for it)YesHead Maid for the Corgington Estate.Custom(N,A,K,G)31
Linda DenmanManners Maketh Man
Woman of Principle
Linda is an old-school lady, first and foremost, and will not tolerate breaches of common courtesy or hospitality in her presence, real or imaginary. After all, what example would it set for her students. When attempting to contact her, make an Etiquette test. On no hits OR a glitch, she'll refuse to work with you until appropriate amends have been made, subject to GM discretion.
Linda is fussy, ahem, "selective", about who she works with. She fancies herself the guide for those she teaches. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she's asked to do.
YesMathematics Teacher & FixerFixer31
Lisa "Lady J" JenkinsMy Grandchildren Are VisitingThe GM rolls in secret a 1d6, if the roll is a one, Lisa will not answer the call. Later she may hint that her grand children were in town.YesTalismongerCustom(G,K,A,N)40
Lisa CuttyA Woman of PrincipleLisa grew up in the business and understands you need personal standards to survive it. The ones she holds herself and her allies to are high. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she's asked to do.YesChicago State Hospital Administrator & FixerFixer63
Lord Aubrey DarlingUnbearably Twee
Manners Maketh The Man
Greenwich Mean Time
Lord Darling has been cosplaying as a gentle old blue-blood for so long that he has (mostly) become one. He’s old and sentimental and doesn’t take kindly to rough language or impatience. He operates on his own clock, unless you can speed him along. To conduct business with Lord Darling requires a successful Etiquette (1) test otherwise it takes twice as long as it would otherwise.
Lord Darling is an old-school gentleman, first and foremost, and will not tolerate breaches of common courtesy or hospitality in his presence, real or imaginary. He is a Lord, after all. When attempting to contact him, make an Etiquette test. On no hits OR a glitch, he'll refuse to work with you until appropriate amends have been made, subject to GM discretion.
Without spending a chip or taking on on, Lord Darling can typically only be contacted between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm...local time. Plan accordingly!
Lord EmberrageBY FIRE BE PURGED !Lord Emberrage is having a grudge with Toxic Mage and don't usually like to work with people. As such if it don't owe you a chip he will generally ask if the runners could kill some toxic mage or cultist, if they can't he'll have a tantrum and inflict an unsoakable physical damage. Thought he'll still do what he was asked for.yesForce 12 Fire SpiritService59
Louis XXII de BourbonFrench Nobility RivalryLouis XXII de Bourbon is not really happy to be in collaboration with the other two claiment, while he host the event he await from runners working with him some kind of loyalty in that regard. (He will burn any runners that work for Marie-Claire d'Orléans or Edouard Napoléon Bonaparte)YesHeir of the BourbonNetworking61
LoyellCat Nap
Language Barrier
Loyell doesn't speak and has no ability to cast Mind Link or similar spells for communication himself, instead communicating in hisses, yips, coos, and purrs.
Loyell is a Beast spirit, which comes with some animal tendencies that can be inconvenient, such as napping or playing when he should be doing something. When attempting to get Loyell to perform anything that requires an Extended Test (Such as using the Search power), you must make an Animal Handling (3) test to keep him on task for each interval of the test
YesSpirit PalGeneralist10
MENG XIAOSHUOWuxing AssetUnder no circumstances will Meng take an action that goes directly counter to Wuxing's corporate interests. If such a request is made, immediately make a test of loyalty. If the test fails, Meng will immediately cut all ties with the runner, and notifies her immediate superiors.YesWuxing Project ManagerFixer60
Mack and HackThose Two IdiotsMack and Hack aren't the brightest of the bunch, and working together rarely means they'll be any smarter. In fact, they tend to urge each other towards more and more dangerous, stupid behavior - which, while fun to watch, isn't always productive. If the pair is ever called upon to work together at the same time, make a test of loyalty. If you fail, the pair have gotten distracted from whatever task you put them up to. The exacts are up to GM interpretation, but the consequences should always be at least inconvenient for the runners that tapped them. Bonus points if the duo is later encountered doing dumb shit and egging each other on.YesHalloweener TroublemakersCustom(A,K,N,G)15
Madame CarmineNocturnal Animal
Predator's Predilection
Us or Them
Madame Carmine is a busy woman and her work mostly begins once the sun has set. She can normally only be reached from 9:00 pm PT to 5:00 am PT. Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her during daylight hours.
Only characters infected with HMHVV Strain I can raise Madame Carmine's Loyalty past 2. Increasing Loyalty on Madame Carmine costs twice as much as normal.
Under no circumstances will Madame Carmine do anything they believe will harm vampires, banshees, or non-feral ghouls. If they learn that a character has dealt a significant blow to a majority vampire, banshee, or ghoul organization (gang, policlub, place of business, et cetera) decrease their Loyalty by 1. If Loyalty ever drops to 0, Madame Carmine considers the character as an enemy. If they find out that a character has assisted with the targeted killing of vampires, banshees, or non-feral ghouls for no reason other than their Infected nature the contact is immediately burned and becomes actively hostile.
YesMadam of The EmbraceCustom(A,K,N,G)60
Maisy GardnerVery OldRoll on the contact availability table (counting connection as 3 higher than normal) to determine if this contact is available at any given time.YesFixerFixer21
Makhmud KadyrovFor The Cause: OHK
Unbending Morals, Trying Times
Hospitaller Errant
The Knights are nothing if not dedicated to their cause. While charitable and happy to make friends, their resources are limited, and strictly allotted to those who contribute in turn. This contact's Loyalty cannot be raised manually. The maximum loyalty upon purchase or reward of this contact is 2. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on their behalf.
Members of the Order of Hospitaller Knights have earned their place in the organization through unflinching moral character. Learning that their work has been turned to evil ends or that they may have made an enemy of a major faction decreases any member's Loyalty by 1. If Loyalty drops to 0 in this way, the member will burn the runner in question. The contact is lost, and they will take -5 reputation with the OHK.
Makhmud travels aboard the New Rhodes - a former aircraft carrier turned home base for the Knights. As such, he may be anywhere in the world serving their interests. Every time Makhmud provides a service, roll 2D6, then subtract loyalty. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number (minimum multiplier 1). Note: This aspect may not apply when performing services on behalf of the Knights at GM discretion.
YesAuxiliary Forces LiaisonCustom(G,A,N,K)50
Malia StrongoakHard to ReachLives in the woods, and tends to be difficult to get ahold of as a result. Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.YesWood ElfLegwork31
Manmeet SinghBlissfully Unaware
Date Night
If Manmeet finds out you are a shadowrunner, immediately make a Test of Loyalty. If you fail the Test of Loyalty, they will think you are a terrorist, burn you, and contact law enforcement. If you succeed in a Test of Loyalty they will be willing to listen to you explain yourself and even help you leave the runner life. You may be able to convince them to associate with the shadows. Contact a GM or Thematics if this happens as it may involve the removal of that tag.
The GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll is a one, Manmeet will not answer the call immediately. When he calls you later, he'll explain that he and Rohit were out on a date.
YesInvestment BankerCustom(G,K,A,N)21
Mano RingoBetrayerThe GM secretly rolls 1d6. On a result of 1 Mano will attempt to betray the person who contacted him, creating a run complication.YesShiawase Corporate ExecutiveCustom (N, A, G, K)60