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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.

Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "NegativeAspectDescription" with value "Placeholder text". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 25 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • NirvAnna  + (N̴i̶r̴v̸A̶n̵n̴a̴ remembers what it feels lN̴i̶r̴v̸A̶n̵n̴a̴ remembers what it feels like to die to dumpshock, and absolutely refuses to take any action that will inflict biofeedback damage to anyone. She will also become extremely upset if questioned on whether she's the original Alannah Evans or just a copy of her consciousness, and will lash out if the matter is pressed.nd will lash out if the matter is pressed.)
  • Satoko Obara  + (Obara has little time for pleasantries, or people who he can't use. Increasing His loyalty always requires a run.)
  • Lectric Kate  + (Of all the Corporations, Aztechnology is tOf all the Corporations, Aztechnology is the one that pisses Kate off the most. As such, even if the pay is good, Kate will never help find gear of the Aztechnology Brand even if it is related to Deckers. Additionally, while you are on a job for Aztechnology, all Rolls that Kate makes for you during the job take a -2 penalty. for you during the job take a -2 penalty.)
  • Kei  + (Kei will not move against any technomancerKei will not move against any technomancers or even technocritters knowingly. Ghost help you if you manipulate him into it and he finds out. (Let's face it: sooner rather than later, he ''will''.) Better prepare for living in a Faraday cage, because he's a man on a crusade and cares more than enough to troll you forevermore.more than enough to troll you forevermore.)
  • Patrol Officer Lau  + (Officer Lau is often responding to a call and that can make it hard to slip away to do crime. They want to, though: f-ck the police. (Always make an Availability Test for Officer Lau with their Connection +3 than normal.))
  • Rino Ozawa  + (Rino is a loyal member of the Yoshinaga-guRino is a loyal member of the Yoshinaga-gumi and will not aid runners in any actions that run counter to the clan's interests. Further, if she catches wind the runners are planning to cross the clan directly she is likely to discreetly feed this information to the oyabun directly before burning the contact once the attempt is thwarted. the contact once the attempt is thwarted.)
  • "Happy" Lombardo  + (Happy leads not a double, but a triple life, he keeps an old-school planner overstuffed with colorful tabs to keep it all straight. Always make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 than normal.)
  • Miss Lucy  + (One should be wary when speaking to Miss Lucy for she likes to make a recording of whoever calls her, she will only not make a recording if someone pays her 500 nuyen or if they have a loyalty of 5)
  • Russell Giles  + (Only Russell's older brother, Ronald, knowOnly Russell's older brother, Ronald, knows he's a technomancer. If Russell thinks any Active or Networking checks requested of him could out him as a techno (GM discretion), make a loyalty check with a threshold of two. If you fail, Russell won't help you for the remainder of the run. On a glitch, he won't help you, and you'll owe him for putting his life in danger. On a critical glitch, he'll burn you as a contact.tical glitch, he'll burn you as a contact.)
  • Cynthia Rochette  + (Only characters infected with HMHVV Strain I can raise Cynthia's loyalty past 2. Increasing loyalty on Cynthia costs twice as much.)
  • Madame Carmine  + (Madame Carmine is a busy woman and her work mostly begins once the sun has set. She can normally only be reached from 9:00 pm PT to 5:00 am PT. Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her during daylight hours.)
  • The Delightful Ophelia Cobb  + (Ophelia's pretty sure she doesn't remember that time you helped her out. To redeem a chip she owes you, you have to resist an Active (Con) check from her (subtract loyalty instead of adding it to the dicepool).)
  • Papa D. CiCi  + (Papa Cici is very picky about what people call him. The Papa will not respond)
  • Papa Jim  + (Papa Jim's shop keeps wildly inconsistent hours, opening and closing as he sees fit. Always make an Availability Test for Papa Jim with his Connection +3 than normal.)
  • Gransistor  + (Patience is a virtue, and you'll need quitPatience is a virtue, and you'll need quite a bit of it if you plan to shop at Silksoft. Gransistor isn't satisfied just selling poorly-tuned, inelegant garbage you can use off the shelf - each program she creates is a work of art, and while she works fast, she's still only one woman. When buying gear from this contact, delivery takes one day, minimum, for each item in the order. Especially complex or high-availability items may take even longer.h-availability items may take even longer.)
  • Kensei-Sensei  + (Patience is a virtue. At least, so Kenzo keeps telling you. Everything this contact does is undertaken with precision and care, meaning it takes twice as long. If you try to hurry him along, he'll reset the timer.)
  • Pelican  + (Pelican has an archenemy, the smuggler ScaPelican has an archenemy, the smuggler Scarab. Every time Pelican is brought in by a PC for any active check or gear acquisition check, roll 1d6 in secret. on a 1, Scarab has chosen this time to strike! While neither smuggler will bring in any outsiders into their conflict, Scarab still has plenty of resources at his disposal. This will usually take the form of an attack on Pelican's vehicle(s), theft of his property, or framing him for some sort of crime, but can be other things depending on what would make sense in the situation. While Pelican is too stubborn to call for help, if left unassisted he won't be able to complete whatever service he was called in for, and the PCs may be dragged in anyways depending on the anyways depending on the circumstances.)
  • Amadou Zheng  + (Zheng doesn't quite get the idea that shadZheng doesn't quite get the idea that shadowrunners are freelancers. When you take a job from him you are his employee, and can expect to be treated as well as your average unpaid intern. Anything that you can do he can do better, and he'll always be ready to give helpful "advice" that he expects to be followed exactly. If- god forbid- you bruise his ego, you must make it up to him with a long, sycophantic apology. If you refuse, lose one loyalty. If loyalty drops to zero in this way, you will be burned and have your information sold to the highest bidder.ur information sold to the highest bidder.)
  • Iyaki  + (People with a loyalty 2 or higher must use Iyaki at least once every other run, or they will loose 1 loyalty.)
  • Pete Lancaster  + (Pete is short tempered and hates amateurs Pete is short tempered and hates amateurs who can't get the job done (because Pete has worked with Shadowrunners in the past. He has trust issues of who he puts trusts with, and has a hard time of letting them off the hook for a missed opportunity of screwing up their last job). He's got a reputation to protect his business and his street cred if the law finds out. He won't give up information on you unless his reputation is on the line. If the job goes down south & turns into a complete failure, you'll receive +1 notoriety and lose -1 loyalty of your contact. You can pay a finder's fee to compensate his losses and avoid notoriety (up to GM's discretion). If your loyalty drops to zero, Pete will consider you a liability and put out a contract on you (Wanted Negative Quality).t a contract on you (Wanted Negative Quality).)
  • Repo Man  + (Phantoms are chained to a specific location and can very rarely leave it. If you need Repo Man's help, you'll need to go to him.)
  • "Philip"  + (Philip gets excited about the technical asPhilip gets excited about the technical aspects of his work, and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting him, the GM secretly rolls a d6. If they roll a 1, Philip gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test. Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.)
  • Everest Pike  + (Pike never, ever works for free. Even the smallest of favors will incur at least a 'standard fee' of 500 nuyen, but he strongly prefers connections or chips. Time is money!)
  • Pinkie M Hawk  + (Pinkie is a professional Friendship CounsePinkie is a professional Friendship Counselor! She knows what's best for helping her friends. And sometimes, they don't know what's best for themselves! When calling Pinkie for help, the GM rolls 1d6 in secret. On a 1, she has an idea for how to help develop the friendships between the PCs and will derail the run to ensure that they receive a Friendship Lesson by the end of the episode. This may result in a surprise encounter with a Monster of the Week, a runner having to deal with a lost pet, or some other Kids Show appropriate B plot for the run. Kids Show appropriate B plot for the run.)
  • Pitcher  + (Pitcher has recently tried to get into the music scene and they're taking it very seriously. Roll 1d6 and they will only answer on a 5 or 6, otherwise they're pre-occupied with their band.)
 (Placeholder text)
  • Pozemka  + (This contact doesn't know about your shadoThis contact doesn't know about your shadowrunner status. If they find out that you are a shadowrunner, run a Negotiation check with a threshold of 6-Loyalty with your social limit. If failed, this contact will proceed to call the authorities and you will lose this contact. If passed they will allow you to explain and possibly accept you, this aspect can only activate once.t you, this aspect can only activate once.)
  • Priest  + (Priest is extremely disapproving of drugs,Priest is extremely disapproving of drugs, believing them to be a tool of oppression. If you are on drugs while talking to Priest (even something like long haul), you must get at least three successes on a con check. If you fail, Priest will launch into a rambling sermon on the corrupting poison you've put in your body. If your loyalty is below four, he will refuse to talk to you until you're sober. If it's four or above, he'll listen if you can convince him that it's a matter of life and death. In order to keep the contact, you must spend a week volunteering at his congregation.d a week volunteering at his congregation.)
  • Prometheus  + (Prometheus does not find the additions of Prometheus does not find the additions of biological or genetic enhancements to truly advance the metatypes beyond their flesh-ridden limitations. To it, the only advancement comes from removing and replacing the body, not augmenting it whilst remaining weak. Prometheus will not make acquisition checks for any bioware or geneware for anyone without Loyalty 4 or greater, and even then with a -4 penalty to the check. even then with a -4 penalty to the check.)
  • Puff  + (For each time a Runner contradicts Puff, iFor each time a Runner contradicts Puff, immediately roll 2d6(+Deep Weed Addiction modification). If the result is greater than or equal to 7, the Runner immediately loses one point of Loyalty - if the Loyalty drops to 0, the Dragon breaks contact with that Runner and will do everything in its power to wipe out that insolent fly.n its power to wipe out that insolent fly.)
  • Ryan Mercury  + (Quicksilver will never go against the willQuicksilver will never go against the will of Dunkelzahn, as sometimes strange and nonsensical as it is, he seems to know more about the Great Dragon's desires than almost anyone else. If the request made would go against Dunk's will or not serve to advance the will then Ryan Mercury will not assistthe will then Ryan Mercury will not assist)
  • Quinn Connoway  + (Quinn's a made man in the Finnigan mob. WhQuinn's a made man in the Finnigan mob. Whatever the situation, his loyalty lies there first. If a runner takes actions that harm the Finnigan Family, make an immediate loyalty test. Failing the test results in the contact being burned. On a success, the runner instead owes Quinn a chip.ess, the runner instead owes Quinn a chip.)
  • Rachel Rosen  + (Will never work against Ares and will refuWill never work against Ares and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty with Ares. If you contact her during a run and use the information provided to work against Ares roll a loyalty check. If it fails she immediately burns you. If it succeeds you owe her a chip to reearn favor with her.u owe her a chip to reearn favor with her.)
  • Radio Head  + (Radio Head is no stranger to days-long talk-a-thons, because long haul is a hell of a drug. When you call him up, roll a 1d6 - if the result is higher than your loyalty, you're on air! Hopefully, you're not going to say anything incriminating.)
  • Ramon Stokes-Young  + (Ramon will take any opportunity to advance his own goals, damn the cost to others. Any time he is called during a run, make a loyalty test. On a failure, he sells you out to further his own goals.)
  • Randall Cage  + (Randall asks way too many questions, especRandall asks way too many questions, especially if you look remotely interesting when you stop by. If you call on this contact (for some ungodly reason), you'll need to make an appropriate social test to either spin him some bullshit or intimidate him into not asking. Otherwise, he'll leave out the juiciest bits of gossip.'ll leave out the juiciest bits of gossip.)
  • Raytheon  + (Raytheon was a soldier, enlisting to help Raytheon was a soldier, enlisting to help protect his family and the people of his community. Willing to go to hell and back to protect them and anyone else in a similar position. Raytheon will not accept any request that would harm or endanger innocent civilians either immediately or the near future.ans either immediately or the near future.)
  • Anhe  + (Reality just feels a little less real, makReality just feels a little less real, making priorities really hard to organize. Roll 1d6, in addition to her availability check. On a result of three or under, and if the request is not urgent or life threatening for her or the requester, Anhe will hear it out and get around to it later. Requests suffering from this penalty do not take priority, and whatever task is required, procurement, legwork, networking or otherwise, may not be completed in time for the required job. Rest assured that they *will* eventually be done (and payment required), but that it may not be in a timely fashion.ut that it may not be in a timely fashion.)
  • Old Redgloves  + (Redgloves' habits frequently find him unreachable for long stretches of time. When you call Redgloves, roll 1D6: on a 1 or 2, Redgloves is unable to take your call.)
  • Fonz  + (Refuses to assist any individual without style as well as anyone associated with them during a job in which one of his runners is involved.)
  • Jar Jar Binks  + (Refuses to go outdoors personally during sunny weather and will only go outside during daytime whatsoever if your loyalty is 4 or above.)
  • Sir Reginald Corgington  + (Sir Reginald takes Twice as long to complete any task, He is a busy man and often gets derailed by his own desire to tell stories of his friends and "the glory days")
  • Repo  + (Repo takes his job deadly serious. If you Repo takes his job deadly serious. If you owe anything to Red Ledger, he will not perform favors for you or work for you until you've settled your debts. There is one exception - if you have the Made Man quality with Red Ledger, he will begrudgingly assist.h Red Ledger, he will begrudgingly assist.)
  • Harvey Sanders  + (Requires a negotiation check to gain inforRequires a negotiation check to gain information, depending on how it affects criminal organizations and/or law enforcement. Thresholds start at 2 and are modified by how they affect gangs/syndicates (major damage, -2, mild/moderate damage -1) and law enforcement (mild threat to LE +1, moderate +2, major +4). He will refuse to give information that directly target law enforcement. See examples below.arget law enforcement. See examples below.)
  • Rino Ozawa  + (Rino is a loyal member of the Yoshinaga-guRino is a loyal member of the Yoshinaga-gumi and will not aid runners in any actions that run counter to the clan's interests. Further, if she catches wind the runners are planning to cross the clan directly she is likely to discreetly feed this information to the oyabun directly before burning the contact once the attempt is thwarted. the contact once the attempt is thwarted.)
  • Ritz Malheur  + (Ritz has no loyalty to the Haven. She's got better things to do. She never offers a service for free or reduced price. If you need it faster or better, you pay more--it doesn't matter WHAT you're doing or what your loyalty is.)
  • Tohru Okkotsu  + (Roll a 1d6; on a 1, law enforcement will discover Tohru at some point after he's called. You may choose to buy Tohru a burner SIN appropriate to the run, (Rating 1 for a milk=>6 for a prime) to avoid making this roll.)
  • Nobody  + (Roll a d6, on a result of 5 or 6 Nobody is available to help the calling runner. Otherwise they're in the middle of a confrontation or chase with another member of their team and will be of no assistance for the remainder of the run.)
  • Sarah Snow  + (Roll an edge test when contacting Sarah Snow. On no hits, she's coked up in a fancy bathroom somewhere and is of no use to you. That doesn't mean she won't answer her phone and waste your time (at the GM's discretion.))
  • Yogesh Weaver  + (Roll an edge test when contacting Yogesh. On no hits, remotely, he's extremely drunk and is of no use to you. In person, he takes a -6 to any checks unless he's given time and a chip to sober up.)
  • Mr. X  + (Roll edge when you contact this NPC. On what would be a critical glitch for other tests, Mr. X's cyberarm has been reclaimed by Tamanous. Swap this quality for the "disarmed" quality.)