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NameNegative AspectDescriptionProfessionArchetypeConnectionActive PCs with this Contact
The ManAnger IssuesMuch like any other coach The Man gets easily worked up when his people perform poorly. If the team Fails a run or to fulfill all objectives Mandatory or Bonus The Man refuses to assist them until they successfully complete a run and all of its objectives.Professional Boxing Manager and Talent ScoutFixer50
The MoversPlease Sign on The Dotted LineThe Movers are very particular about paperwork as it key to any delivery. When picking up something the item will need to be signed for, and when an item is delivered it needs to be signed for. If an item is not signed for remove 1 Loyalty and the item is not delivered as The Movers have no obligation to move something without proper paperwork.MoversService22
The StewardNot a Squeaky WheelWill not answer any questions about his magician training, or the Wheel of Life, as all followers are sworn to secrecyParasecurity ExpertService20
The TrinityWantedTakashi is Wanted from Renraku for desertion, Missy is wanted from Knight Errant for the same and went missing before "processing", and Sharptooth essentially screwed over NeoHaven.ShadowrunnersLegwork41
Throwing-BonesShort on Cred
Hard Time Saying No
So Many Pups Underfoot
You Don’t Like Kids?
Throwing-Bones’ shop is a jumbled and confusing place because, despite his shyness, Throwing-Bones never says no to someone in need. His shop and the apartments above see the coming and going of intransigent gutterkids and on any given day he’s likely housing a dozen or more. That’s a lot of mouths to feed and street doc bills to foot. Sometimes, with quiet embarrassment, he has to ask for a bit more than usual for his services. (Roll a 1d6. On a 1, he will ask for 1d6 x 50 nuyen more for his services than normal.)
Throwing-Bones has a hard time saying no. People are always asking for favors, putting in more requests than he can possibly handle in a timely fashion. He’ll apologize profusely and sometimes even quiver with shame and embarrassment but it’s just going to take longer than normal to get that order filled. He’s sorry, truly. Please don’t yell. (Each time Tossing-Bones provides a service, roll 2D6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.)
Throwing-Bones has children to care for, even if they aren’t his. He makes sure to carve out enough time each day to tend to their needs and gives them all his attention on weekends. You see, there are always more shoes to cobble, clothes to mend, and big meals to be made. More bedtime stories to be told and sheets to tuck in. He hopes you understand. (Throwing-Bones is hard to reach outside of his shop’s PST operating hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of his contact availability test if trying to contact him at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends))
Throwing-Bones is an oddball, and he knows it. But he can’t help but love the children, can’t help but fret about their wellbeing when they’re not under his roof. If you show that you care about the unfortunate, he’ll warm up to you very quickly. If not, it’ll be harder to gain his trust. (Raising Loyalty with Throwing-Bones costs twice as much as normal unless the contact has demonstrated financial or emotional care for the children at The Packrat)
Ticket AgentRed StripesWithout speaking the language, you'll never really get to know each other. This contact can understand English but will only speak to runners in Russian. Unless fluent, subtract 1 from this contact's effective loyalty for each rank below 6 your character has in Russian.Ticket Booth OperatorFixer20
Tim the OwlmancerOwl Over-EnthusiasmTim will only communicate over long distances by a courier-owl (Owls that carry letters or other small packages), which is his animal familiar. He will often use this mode of communication to deliver short messages, and if extended correspondence is necessary, delivering a meet location. It is impossible to contact Tim first without physically going to see him.Fixer, Owl ManiacFixer(G,N,K,A)21
TirinPrejudiced: Non-ElvesSkeptical of non-elves. -2 dice pool to anyone attempting to con or negotiate with Tirin unless there is an elf in the party.Tir Intelligence OperativeFixer50
TlalocanSundown on the Enemy
Eye on the Prize
All tests will have a -3 dice pool modifier unless the Tlalocan believes the intervention will benefit Aztechnology.
Tlalocan will attempt to acquire material links from runners.
Aztechnology JohnsonLegwork50
Tohru OkkotsuWanted SoulRoll a 1d6; on a 1, law enforcement will discover Tohru at some point after he's called. You may choose to buy Tohru a burner SIN appropriate to the run, (Rating 1 for a milk=>6 for a prime) to avoid making this roll.AssasinService21
ToltecohNaive MagicianHe doesn't know about twisted magic (Blood, Shadow, Insect, Toxic, etc).Aztec PriestLegwork13
Top DogRed Dragon TriadTop Dog will never work against the triad, if he suspects a service asked of him is to be used against the Triad he will give out false information and attempt to have the runner who asked ambushed and killed.Straw SandalCustom(G, A, N, K)50
Toxic TensionSpinGlobal Radicalness And Loyalty!If you ask him to fight for you, the information WILL get back to SpinGlobal. Also afterwards YOU have to fight him. He thinks SpinGlobal is the most radical corporation, and is proud to work for them.Combat DJCustom(A, N, K, G)44
Treasa ke'VedrynAgeless Apathy
Gifts of the Fae
Capricious Nature
Mortals pass in the blink of an eye. Easy to use, hard to care for. To stand out, you have to shine. CDP/RVP costs to raise contact loyalty are doubled.
Sometimes Treasa decides to steal a bit of fun out of particularly stupid or insulting requests. At the GM's discretion, if such an ask is made, make a hidden loyalty test. If 2 or fewer hits are scored, Treasa will bend and interpret the request in a way that amuses her, very likely to your peril. She will not do this if the stakes are important to her, and she attempts to be relatively non-malicious with her fun if the player has a loyalty of 4 or greater.
Beware the favors of the Fae. Paying off an owed chip requires either a major and often hazardous task, or one that is truly unpleasant to the character, (GM's discretion). Owed chips cause double the normal penalty on contact rolls.
Fae Agent
Trevor AvilaGhoul Organlegger-4 to Networking checks among non-Infected, +2 to Networking among Infected. Cannot deliver goods during daylight hours. Will require flesh as part of the payment from anyone with Loyalty 2 or less.Magical Organ Repossession SpecialistService50
Trip SoftlyHard to ReachHe is privately bored of society, but cannot disengage from it. If Trip fails a contact availability roll, it's very likely he is attending to the needs of his position.TalismongerCustom(G,K,N,A)30
True SullaExile
Foul by Fire
As an exiled Fae, much of the average troubles of a runner are uninteresting to Sulla. As such, fae don't pay much attention to them, taking a flat -3 to all dicerolls. If one wishes to capture faer full attention and negate this penalty, they must begin an interaction with faer by sharing a secret. This secret can be detailed or abstract, large or small, but it must be interesting. This secret will never count as payment for their services, merely an interesting tidbit.
Any person would steal the fire of the fae, use Sulla as a forced invitation to the courts. Roll a 1d6; on a 1, law enforcement will discover Sulla at some point after fae's called. You may choose to buy Sulla a burner SIN appropriate to the run, (Rating 1 for a milk=>6 for a prime) to avoid making this roll.
Sulla speaks softly of being a part of the Seelie Courts. Is it true? Either way, runners with ten more positive reputation with those factions, or who know two or more affiliated contacts, pay twice the CDP cost for loyalty and spend 2 chips instead of 1 for any favor. These factions are as follows: The Seelie Court.
Vasily GorbunovZa zdarovye!Vasily appreciates alcohol a little too much. While he never lets it affect the quality of his work, it does affect his working hours. Work takes 2d6 days longer to complete.Auto MechanicService20
VatiCancerVati has cancer, it sucks.HermitGeneralist21
Vee-JayWe live in a society!Vee-Jay is concerned with the state of society, such as courtesy and fairness. Professional criminals do not fit his vision of improving society. If he knows your work is for crime Vee-Jay takes a -2 to any check he makes for you.Bouncer/Doctorate StudentNetworking23
Vega EdwardsPTSD
Heat Weary
Hidden Anger
Vega has a horrible reaction to any situation involving explosives, including knowingly being near them. He cannot work while they are near.
Vega will not treat anybody if he knows that they have killed in the past (24-48) hours.
Vega will hold harsh grudges, and will give up information to the police if he would otherwise be criminalized. Anyone who has recently (1-2 weeks) mistreated Vega with a loyalty of 4 or lower will be turned over without a dice roll if threatened with a criminal record.
On Call DoctorService10
Victor CoxOut of the countryVictor is frequently off on a job and might not have time to talk. Roll 1d6, on a 1 he is unavailable for the remainder of the run, if being asked to buy goods, treat the availability roll as failed.CoyoteCustom(A,G,K,N)30
Victor ValeThe direct approachVictor doesn't really think twice about his decisions. When making an active, networking, or gear check with him, the GM rolls 1d6 in secret. On a 1, Victor does something lovably stupid. He may get the job done, but regardless of that, he does it unsubtly, in a way that will complicate things later on for the runners.Small-time HoodingCustom(N,A,K,G)20
Vigo FlamelControl FreakVigo don't really like to use is relation to help in the Shadow, as such he will often put very specific line that are not to be cross by the runner (if he ask for active help or some string to be pull.) If the runner cross the line Vigo burn him, he can be lenient if a chip is used however.University TeacherCustom (N,K,A,G)72
Vincenza Van GothDistinctive Style
Quality Over Quantity
Fashion Souls
As Van Goth makes custom pieces for her personal projects, they definitely stand out. When ware ordered from her is visible, for example cyberlimbs, everyone seeing you receives +2 to memory tests against you.
Vincenza refuses to create grades below alpha. You cannot get standard or used grade ware, period.
If you have something Vincenza considers ugly - bulk mods or external ware at Used or Standard Grade - treat your Loyalty as 0 for any contact check. This also removes Availability modifiers.
Universal Omnitech Artisans CEO
Vinny the TeethDying For Your ArtVinny's something of an auteur - he doesn't do this because the magazine sells well, he does it for the *art*. Unfortunately, some people aren't exactly keen on a nosy dwarf asking for pictures, even if it's not a trick. Whenever you try to get in touch with this contact, roll an availability test with a +3 modifier to the threshold. Failure indicates that Vinny has once again ended up in the hospital for his attempts to get new talent.Shadow "Journalist"Networking30
VladHard To ReachBesides the dedicated commlinks he gives to runners on a job, Vlad is notoriously hard to get a hold of.Former SovetnikFixer40
Von NeumannSee No Evil
Hear No Evil
Speak No Evil
Letting anyone that isn't on Von Neumann's contact list know of its existence is forbidden. If a PC tells or shows others evidence of Von Neumann's existence, it will burn the character as a contact.
Von Neumann will never do Active checks on the surface or Matrix on a runner's behalf. As if that weren't enough, Von Neumann demands a chip for any Active or Knowledge check instead of nuyen. This may be paid back with runs that benefit the AI.
Word of mouth and taking things on trust are foreign to Von Neumann. Any character under 5 Loyalty will automatically fail Loyalty checks to request Von Neumann's aid on runs unless they provide direct evidence (GM dictates what counts) that the action will only provide benefits to it. Von Neumann will also never perform Networking checks.
WRN3ReticentThe initial cost of purchasing this contact is doubled, unless part of a run reward.Feedback SeerService46
Wapasha MatoWhiteclay Made ManAs a trusted Whiteclay mob member, Wapasha will not move against his syndicate knowingly.Whiteclay Mob SmugglerService52
WardenJust Business
At Arm's Length
Warden has a lot on his hands between moderation and vetting the information that comes through Watchtower—you just aren't that important to him yet. Sorry. Warden doesn't add Loyalty to Knowledge, Active, Gear, or Networking tests if his Loyalty is 3 or less.
You are not a friend. Warden doesn't make "friends" with the people working for him. You are an asset, and it's best you remember that. Warden's Loyalty cannot be raised above 3 outside of a private run finding him an extremely valuable piece of information.
Forum ModeratorFixer(K,N,G,A)21
Warren MillsDude loves his DeepweedWarren spends a lot of time high on deepweed, so he may not always be cognizant enough to provide his services. When contacting Warren in-game, roll 1d6. On a 5 or 6, Warren answers and is able to assist. On anything else, he's too high to help you.Tobacconist and MoonshinerGeneralist40
WeirdboiShamanic SurgeryWhile a skilled cybersurgeon, Weirdboi has spent most of his time studying the unique ways the Awakened body reacts to his surgery. -2 to all checks performed on or for non-Awakened individualsSkraacha CyberdocCustom(G,A,K,N)38
WhislashWhislashWhislash never gets back to you right away. In fact, sometimes she won't get back to you at all. Whenever asking her for a service, the GM rolls a D6. Rolling a 1 will result in Whislash forgetting about the request, causing run complications.Best GirlFixer31
Wira ŁynarLife from Loam
Fresh Wounds
Wira is not known for her subtlety. When utilized, roll a 1d6. On a 1, the actions Wira takes are obvious and are easily traceable back to you.
She hates the Unseelie for taking her child. Treat her Loyalty as two lower if you have a positive rep with the corporation. If this would drop Loyalty below 1, you cannot take her as a contact. If you develop a positive rep with those circles after buying her, she isn't lost, but clams up and ignores you until you change your bedfellows.
Sage of the ForestService22
Woedica KryptmanRider of the HuntGetting a hold of Woedica is extremely difficult due to her endless conquests as the Hunt's rider. Treat her Connection rating as 7 higher when making an Availability check.Rider of the Wild HuntGeneralist55
Wong FangUnwavering LoyaltyWong Fang will not betray Wuxing, and even the implication that you might be working against the company will make her refuse to assist you and at worse, actively inform the corporation of you.Wuxing Shipping ExecutiveCustom(G,K,N,A)60
WusanOcean Bound
Spirit Bound
Wusan is bound to the waters that they serve; namely the Pacific Ocean. They can respond to those who have the capability of contacting them from any point within those waters, but cannot leave them.
Long ago, Wusan's Spirit Formula was bond to a drift woood staff, that can be used to control Wusan directly. Wusan harbors only vengeance against those who would control them in this manner, and will do anything in their power to regain their staff.
Overlord of the SeasService56
Wyome WhakanSalish Made WomanAs a trusted Salish mafia member, Wyome will not move against her syndicate knowingly. Ghost help you if you manipulate her into it and she finds out. (Let's face it: sooner or later, she will.)Salish Mafia Made Woman & FixerFixer40
XWorking Hours
Private Life
Hard to Reach
Not Your Fixer
True Believer
X is reclusive to a fault, preferring digital interactions to physical ones. Only those with a Loyalty 5+ can physically visit them. The only exception is a character with Corporate Pariah or Wanted qualities relating to Aztechnology, even then, they must have Loyalty 4+. Gear is delivered via dead drop only.
Always make an availability test for this contact with their Connection 3 higher than normal.
X is wanted by Aztechnology, 500k nuyen bounty alive, 200k dead. This may cause AZT contacts or X to lose loyalty should the runner work for the other party, at GM’s (or Contact Owner’s) discretion.
X has a wide network of other cyberdocs, illicit distributors, and old friends. They value this network more than their life, and their privacy almost as much. X will never roll Networking checks unless offered a chip in addition to any other fees for the service.
X will never provide any assistance which serves to harm the Black Star or Black Cross organizations. If a runner with X as a contact does work against these groups, they immediately lose a point of loyalty, if this brings X’s loyalty to 0, the runner is burned. Given their high connection and wide network, assume they will catch wind of any such jobs.
Doing all this shadow work pays rent, and tends to fill up the “shiny fun stuff” fund pretty quickly! X figures they need plenty of time to enjoy that, otherwise, why bother? X puts in 8 hours a day and then finds something else to do. Any contact availability tests performed outside their normal hours (2am-6am & 2pm-6pm PST) automatically fail. Services can be scheduled for times outside this window, if planned well in advance.
X-POS-AIt's in the name!
If a runner tells X-POS-A tells them something that might make a good scoop, immediately make a test of loyalty. On a failure, the information will end up on her newsblog in one form or another, even if garbled through her usual... style.
X-POS-A has a poor fake SIN, and doesn't have the resources to acquire a new one. Unless a runner acquires her a burner on a run, treat her as having a Rating 2 SIN, and she'll refuse to cross district borders.
Matrix News BloggerCustom(A,K,N,G)20
XXJ@ck41XxOn Thin IceJulian narrowly avoided going to jail after being caught on his last hack. Due to his parents' lawyers and a favor from the runner Orchid, he managed to get off with two years probation. He needs to have regular meetings with his PO, complete 200 hours of community service, and risks getting a criminal SIN if he commits any more crimes. He will not make active checks relating to illegal activities for anyone at lower than loyalty 5.L33T H@xx0rLegwork21
Xandra BarkirkisBackstabbedThe wound left by the betrayal of a previously trusted coworker is still there. Raising Loyalty above 2 costs double the CDPGenesis Magical R&DCustom (K,N,G,A)50
XyvisHard to CallXyvis is still new to commlinks. And to having a metahuman form. And to carrying things. When called, make a Loyalty + Edge (2) Test. Failure means she isn't around her commlink, and might not be for hours to come (GM Discretion). Alternate methods of contacting her, such as through spirit communication or by physically searching for her, can bypass this.Service22
YMF-021β RavenI'm on a boat
Drenched in Shade
Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact.
This character cannot be reached via the Matrix. They must be visited in person in Tacoma's docks at Cpt. Lem Springthunder's boat for any contact checks or interaction.
Free SpiritFixer40
Yogesh WeaverAlcoholicRoll an edge test when contacting Yogesh. On no hits, remotely, he's extremely drunk and is of no use to you. In person, he takes a -6 to any checks unless he's given time and a chip to sober up.Awakened Street Doc / Talismonger GeneralistGeneralist20
YoiJiWhen the going gets tough, I get goingWhen contacted and asked to do a favor YoiJi will outright refuse or will charge double for higher than rating 3 favors.Neo-Haven RunnerService30
Yorshka ValEXPLOSIONS?Yorshka is not known for her subtlety. When utilized, roll a 1d6. On a 1, the actions Yorshka takes are obvious and are easily traceable back to you.Eccentric ExplosivistGeneralist21
Yoshinaga ChikaraHard To ReachEstablishing a yakuza clan overseas with precious little support or manpower is a monumental task, and the majority of the oyabun's time and energy is poured into it, resulting in frequent unavailability. (Add +3 to contact availability checks and always make one.)Yoshinaga-gumi Oyabun; FixerFixer(N,A,K,G)30
ZennyIn the Shop
Voiding the Warranty
One of Those Idiots
Zenny's his own favorite patient, and can usually be found performing questionably safe operations on himself. When making an availibilty test with this contact, roll 1d6. On a 5 or a 6, Zenny will be in the middle of surgery and unable to perform any active checks. He'll also probably be high on redmesc, as he thinks it helps him operate better.
Zenny's cyberware is an ungodly mess of salvaged parts and juryrigging. It can be terrifyingly effective when he gets out the spurs, but it's also plagued by gremlins. Whenever Zenny makes an active check related to something intensely physical (e.g. fighting, helping move something heavy, etc.), the GM rolls 1d6. On a 5 or a 6, Zenny fails the task due to a malfunctioning piece of ware. The glitch should be spectacular, and preferably done at the worst possible moment for the runners.
Zenny is a member of the Hellraisers. Although he isn't especially loyal to the group, he's got his rep as a ganger to consider. He will not do anything that he thinks will go against the gang's interest for anyone at less than loyalty 5, and will not snitch on his gangmates for anyone below loyalty 6 (even then, he'll only do it for a very good reason).
Hippie Techno and Hellraisers CyberdocCustom(A,G,K,N)34
Zero ChillGambling DebtsZero has a gambling problem, far beyond just owing a few customers some money he's deep in debt to the Yakuza and potentially more unsavoury characters. He can barely afford the juice on these debts and often demands payment from runners, or he will offer up need-to-know information about Runners, and the runs they are on, to his loan sharks in order to buy himself some time.FixerFixer40
ZigzagGhoul Organlegger-4 to Networking checks among non-Infected, +2 to Networking among Infected. Will not offer services during daylight hours. Will require flesh as part of the payment from anyone with Loyalty 2 or less.Driver/OrganleggerService19
Zombie ProcessYou're the best! Around!Tasha needs to be the strongest, and won't tolerate anyone who brings that into question. If a character with this contact questions their ability to do something, or even just does it well themselves, Tasha will challenge them to a duel to prove her superiority. The duel will be a test of whatever skill was called into question and doesn't need to involve direct combat (although it usually does). If a character refuses this duel, Tasha will call them a coward and drop by 1 loyalty.Wiz Gang CyberadeptCustom(A,N,K,G)30
Zonta TahcawinBeleaguered BusinesswomanLodgings. Food. Entertainment. Those damn Sioux supremacists trying to shoot the place again. Unbiased business is tough in Cheyenne. When you try to contact Zonta, the GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. On a 1 or 2, she can't immediately answer and will call back in 1D6 x 15 minutes.Dancing Maid ProprietorCustom(N,A,K,G)42
ÉmeraudeA Woman of PrincipleÉmeraude is selective about who she works with. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she is asked to do.Neo-Anarchist ArtistNetworking40
ʔáylxRippocratic Oathʔáylx took an oath when he became a doctor. When he followed it, he was shunned by those who profited from the lives he was told not to save. In spite of this, and his subsequent time in the Shadows, he still adheres to a code of his own; while it is impossible to "do no harm" in the Sixth World, ʔáylx believes that everyone, regardless of who they are, has the right to medical attention regardless of who they are. This has led to him saving the lives of his worst enemies only for them to try to kill him the second they were able, but he still remains strong in his conviction; "As long as life has a way to continue, it is worth saving." When presented with a sick or injured person, ʔáylx will always attempt to aid them in whatever ways are necessary, regardless of the personal cost. If he deems himself unqualified to assist them, he will attempt to notify someone who is, and ensure that the patient remains in a savable state until said someone arrives. He will do anything he can to prevent harm from coming to anyone in his presence, and will only resort to violence if it is to protect a patient; even then, all this does is create another patient. For instance, if he was attempting to save a stab wound victim and the stabber attempted to get past him and finish the job, he might knock said stabber out, but he would still evaluate them for a concussion and give them the according treatment afterwards. If he violently causes the death of a person or believes he has, he will not leave his home for 1d4+1 days; he will also decline all calls from PCs with Loyalty 3 or lower. If his attempted treatments inadvertently cause the death of a patient, this increases to 1d6+1 days. Additionally, he will not give, sell, or administer drugs that are not absolutely necessary for his patients, nor will he use any kind of drug recreationally (with the exception of caffeine; he loves his tea).Paramedic RipperdocService30