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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.

Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "NegativeAspectDescription" with value "Sylphiette won't work with people who are homophobic.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 25 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Flavia Rodriguez  + (Flavia is an Aztechnology yes-woman through and through. She will not accept requests obviously against Aztechnology, Trés Chic or Armanté (GM discretion), and might request "favors" (chips) in return for her help if your Loyalty with her is 3+.)
  • Shi Hakase  + (Shi is always busy on either their own expShi is always busy on either their own experiments, or pre-paid assignments from a wide array of less-legitimate clients. As such, free time for runners is a premium, and if help is offered, it usually has a additional cost.</br>{Roll loyalty at a threshold of 3(2 if in person) to see if Shi is currently assigned to a clients task. A increased threshold at the GMs discretion (Example, working with uninteresting clients) can be chosen alongside to see if Shi requires additional aid/resources to offer their assistance.} aid/resources to offer their assistance.})
  • Anderson Silvers  + (Silvers is a busy man, and has no patienceSilvers is a busy man, and has no patience for time wasters. When you call him, you will have thirty seconds to make your pitch (the GM should time this). You must tell him what you need and what you can offer him, either Nuyen or valuable favors. If you haven't piqued his interest by the time your thirty seconds are up, he will hang up on you. To get back into contact with him, you must call his office and sit on hold for a full office and sit on hold for a full hour.)
  • Rex  + (Since he's a feline, his knowledge on the world of metahumans is limited at best. He will Glitch any Knowledge or Networking Checks unrelated to animals, shifters, or the Seattle Animal-Metahuman Alliance.)
  • Sir Reginald Corgington  + (Sir Reginald takes Twice as long to complete any task, He is a busy man and often gets derailed by his own desire to tell stories of his friends and "the glory days")
  • Tirin  + (Skeptical of non-elves. -2 dice pool to anyone attempting to con or negotiate with Tirin unless there is an elf in the party.)
  • Solarian  + (Solarian's rule is undisputed. Runners will have to prove they are worthy of his loyalty. Increasing Loyalty with this contact requires the following equation: New Rating x 4 CDP.)
  • Treasa ke'Vedryn  + (Mortals pass in the blink of an eye. Easy to use, hard to care for. To stand out, you have to shine. CDP/RVP costs to raise contact loyalty are doubled.)
  • Blaz BLUESCREEN  + (Sometimes he can sneak his way onto the good deck! Sometimes he can't. Roll a d6 - On a result of three or lower, any checks related to Matrix activity suffer a -2 dice pool penalty.)
  • Chipper  + (Sometimes the team isn't all assembled a random aspect is ignored. Roll a 1d6 and ignore the corresponding number'd member on a 6 the whole team is there.)
  • Shroud  + (Sometimes, Alejandra's really just not feeSometimes, Alejandra's really just not feeling it. Every day she's around, roll 1d6. Alejandra will be:</br>1: Despondent (All dicepools are halved.) / </br>2: Lethargic (Everything takes twice as long.) / </br>3: Noncommittal (She's just kind of vague and uncertain about everything.) / </br>4-6: Fine.uncertain about everything.) / 4-6: Fine.)
  • Pierce Rogers  + (Speaking to the Arena master in a tone he views as improper to a man of his station is a great offense. If you slight the Arena master be prepared to offer up a favor before he will regain his composure.)
  • Spex  + (Spex refuses to give up her mornings (commSpex refuses to give up her mornings (community service) and her nights (night life). She puts in her 8 hours and then clicks her work comm off. Add +5 to the threshold of the contact availability test if trying to contact Spex outside of her normal hours (11am-7pm PST).utside of her normal hours (11am-7pm PST).)
  • Spinne  + (Spinne owes the Draco Foundation a lot. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work against them, roll a Loyalty check. If it fails, he immediately burns you. If it succeeds, you owe him a chip to re-earn favor with him.)
  • Springtime Birch  + (Springtime Birch is a prodigy. Beyond ordiSpringtime Birch is a prodigy. Beyond ordinary book smarts he has an innate connection to wildlife that is preternatural. Simply put: he’s incredible. And he knows it. He’s going to make sure you know it, too. Players must succeed on an Etiquette (1) test to display appropriate layperson awe at his knowledge and talents or, out of petty irritation, his services will cost twice as much.ion, his services will cost twice as much.)
  • St1tch  + (St1tch is a carrier of HMHVV, and is extreSt1tch is a carrier of HMHVV, and is extremely cautious about preventing infection. She will not meet in person for anyone below loyalty 4, and will absolutely refuse to go anywhere with a large number of people. She's a hypochondriac, and carries around cleaning supplies to disinfect nearly every surface that she touches. Any active checks made in meatspace will take a -4 due to the difficulty of staying clean in a city as dirty as Seattle.aying clean in a city as dirty as Seattle.)
  • St@b  + (St@b didn't make it this long giving out sSt@b didn't make it this long giving out stuff for free. Everything in the sixth world has a cost, and if you want her help you're going to have to pay in full. She will not work for anything less than complete, up front payment; asking for a favor or talking up potential rewards is a quick way to get yourself hung up on. She may accept payment in something other than cash, but it'd better be a damn good offer.ash, but it'd better be a damn good offer.)
  • Stella  + (Stella is a full-time student and sole proStella is a full-time student and sole proprietor of a business; as such she tends to be a bit overworked. Services may take longer. Every time the contact provides a service, roll 2d6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting is multiplied by the resulting number.)
  • Felix "The Owl" Smith  + (Stole from Wuxing in Hong Kong and was able to escape to Seattle and is being actively hunted.)
  • Storch  + (Storch will never do Active checks on the surface or Matrix on a runner's behalf. As if that weren't enough, Storch demands a chip for any Active or Knowledge check instead of nuyen. This may be paid back with runs that benefit the AI.)
  • Styyles Flamingo  + (Styyles is easily insulted, if he detects even the slightest slight against his quality work, he will be sure to mention it to his other contacts and retract his work, and he knows Vory contacts.)
  • True Sulla  + (As an exiled Fae, much of the average trouAs an exiled Fae, much of the average troubles of a runner are uninteresting to Sulla. As such, fae don't pay much attention to them, taking a flat -3 to all dicerolls. If one wishes to capture faer full attention and negate this penalty, they must begin an interaction with faer by sharing a secret. This secret can be detailed or abstract, large or small, but it must be interesting. This secret will never count as payment for their services, merely an interesting services, merely an interesting tidbit.)
  • Sylphiette  + (Life can be hard when you're living on theLife can be hard when you're living on the street. When Sylphiette reaches out to a contact, roll a D6. If the number rolled is equal to or lower than your loyalty, Sylphiette will feel confident enough in your relationship to ask for a favor. This could be anywhere from money to transportation to help in her personal life. Otherwise, she'll ask for a favor and reply, as always "Nevermind, just forget it."ly, as always "Nevermind, just forget it.")
 (Sylphiette won't work with people who are homophobic.)
  • T00F  + (T00F is extremely distrustful towards non-T00F is extremely distrustful towards non-infected, often veering into outright prejudice. Although they believe collaboration is necessary, they're certain that non-infected will stab them in the back the first chance they get. They take a -2 to any rolls made for non-infected below loyalty 5. In addition, non-infected cannot increase their loyalty beyond 3 without a dedicated run. loyalty beyond 3 without a dedicated run.)
  • Tajin  + (Tajin's wife has him wrapped around her fiTajin's wife has him wrapped around her finger, and if he's not cleared something with her beforehand there's a chance she'll keep him home no matter what you try to bribe him with. Roll a 1D6 when contacting Tajin: on a 1, he is unavailable for the next 1D6 hours. he is unavailable for the next 1D6 hours.)
  • The Trinity  + (Takashi is Wanted from Renraku for desertion, Missy is wanted from Knight Errant for the same and went missing before "processing", and Sharptooth essentially screwed over NeoHaven.)
  • Bruno Pereira  + (Taking care of a whole community is hard work and very expensive, sometimes he will need to ask for a bit more than usual. (roll a 1d6, on a 1 he will ask for 1d6 x 50 Nuyen more to help))
  • Rick Rolled  + (Taking care of a whole community is hard work and very expensive, sometimes he will need to ask for a bit more than usual. (roll a 1d6, on a 1 he will ask for 1d6 x 50 Nuyen more to help))
  • Taranis Lú  + (Taranis Lú is a former member of Ex Pacis, the group behind the Shutdown and part of the cause of Crash 2.0. Associating with Taranis Lú is the same in many minds as associating with terrorists and may cause additional social penalties.)
  • Zombie Process  + (Tasha needs to be the strongest, and won'tTasha needs to be the strongest, and won't tolerate anyone who brings that into question. If a character with this contact questions their ability to do something, or even just does it well themselves, Tasha will challenge them to a duel to prove her superiority. The duel will be a test of whatever skill was called into question and doesn't need to involve direct combat (although it usually does). If a character refuses this duel, Tasha will call them a coward and drop by 1 loyalty. call them a coward and drop by 1 loyalty.)
  • Tatiana Devereux  + (When a PC calls Tatiana, roll a 1d6. On a 1, She is in Montréal for this week. Double the delivery times for all gear, she is not available for any active checks, and any comm call will be sent to voicemail and returned approximately one hour later.)
  • Technika  + (Technika's radically negative opinion on BTechnika's radically negative opinion on Bioware is almost exclusively thanks to MCT. While she understands how it can help others, she struggles to justify its existence to herself due to the many atrocities - especially towards Technomancers - that MCT and likely other corporations have committed. Technika absolutely refuses to make any Gear checks to obtain Bioware of any type or grade.ks to obtain Bioware of any type or grade.)
  • Charybdis  + (Technology makes no drekking sense, (has been seen using pen and paper) always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +2 than normal.)
  • Tecomah  + (Tecomah is selective about who he works with. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do.)
  • Ted Deble  + (Ted is a law abiding corporate citizen. IfTed is a law abiding corporate citizen. If Ted finds out you are a runner, immediately make a Test of Loyalty. If you fail the Test of Loyalty, Ted will think you are a terrorist, burn you and contact law enforcement. If you succeed in a Test of Loyalty, Ted will be willing to listen to you explain yourself and even help you leave the runner's life. You may be able to convince Ted to associate with the shadows but ONLY if the runner has an active P2.1 and a Fame-related quality as a “celebrity shadowrunner”. Contact a GM or Thematics if this happens as it may involve the removal of that it may involve the removal of that tag.)
  • Tee & Vee  + (During the night, Tee & Vee are occupiDuring the night, Tee & Vee are occupied with protecting their charge, which makes them hard to contact. If you're trying to contact Tee & Vee after 6PM in-game, roll 1d6, on a hit, the bodyguards answer, on a miss, you may leave a message and they will contact you in the morning. message and they will contact you in the morning.)
  • Joyride  + (The "Vengabus" (a modified omnibuss) is peThe "Vengabus" (a modified omnibuss) is permanently blaring the Vengaboys famous hit, "We Like To Party". As such, Joyride cannot stealth. Literally anyone in the immediate vicinty will hear "We Like To Party" at full blast. If you are in the Vengabus, everyone is looking at you. the Vengabus, everyone is looking at you.)
  • F1ZZ  + (Everyone's in such a rush these days. F1ZZEveryone's in such a rush these days. F1ZZ is far too old to be running back and forth across matrix; if you want to talk to him, you come to the 3w1g and sit down for a spell. Any knowledge or networking checks made by this contact must be accompanied by at least half an hour of drinking and small talk at the bar. If you wish to try and hurry the process up, make a test of loyalty with a threshold of 2. On a success, F1ZZ will begrudgingly make the check with a -4. On a failure, he will angrily inform the player that they should do it themselves if they're in such a hurry. it themselves if they're in such a hurry.)
  • Pierce Rogers  + (Speaking to the Arena master in a tone he views as improper to a man of his station is a great offense. If you slight the Arena master be prepared to offer up a favor before he will regain his composure.)
  • Canadian Pacific Ghost Train  + (The domain of the Canadian Pacific is the The domain of the Canadian Pacific is the route of the transcontinental railway connecting Vancouver and Halifax with a 30 meter right-of-way to either side except for large facilities such as marshalling yards. A rating 3 Song line runs along the Ghost Train's domain. line runs along the Ghost Train's domain.)
  • The Cap'n  + (The Cap'n spends at least a quarter of hisThe Cap'n spends at least a quarter of his day black-out-drunk. When calling him, roll a d6; on a 1 or a 2 he will completely forget who you are. If this happens, the player's loyalty is treated as "1" for the duration of the task, unless a player provides him with some Sober Time. player provides him with some Sober Time.)
  • The Conductor  + (The Conductor is locked in the conductor's box on The Zephyr. The only way to communicate with him is by entering The Zephyr. The Zephyr is a train spirit and can only appear on train tracks.)
  • Mrs. and Mrs. Dare  + (The Dares live on the other side of the woThe Dares live on the other side of the world, in the Federated Republic of Hallas. While they use Magic and Matrix to keep up with their responsibilities in Seattle, it takes over a week and a very good reason for them to give any physical support in North America.ive any physical support in North America.)
  • Etrius's Team  + (The Elite Team is very often already on mission on the behalf of the N-51 due do their qualification, this make them potentially hard to get on a job. (+3 to connection when trying to join them))
  • RMS Empress of China  + (The Empress of China has no conception of The Empress of China has no conception of loyalty. Loyalty can never be raised above 1. Although the Ghost Train will accept appropriate reagents some karma must be part of every deal. The Empress's opening position will be 1 point of karma per person per time zone of travel. The Empress of China can be negotiated with normally but remember Wild Spirits are perfectly willing and able to walk away from a deal and may be insulted if not given the respect they feel they deserve (p. 177 FA).espect they feel they deserve (p. 177 FA).)
  • RMS Empress of Ireland  + (The Empress will accept reagents and material goods in return for low level spirit markers (Rating 1 or 2) but they must be anthracite coal or rum.)
  • Joseph Jacoby  + (The GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll is a one, Joe will not answer the call immediately. When he calls you later, he'll explain that he and his wife were busy babysitting their grandkids.)
  • Silas and Thekla Economakos  + (This is someone who doesn't think that theThis is someone who doesn't think that their contacts are runners and doesn't understand the whole runner thing. If they find out you are a runner, immediately make a test of loyalty. If you fail the test of loyalty, they will think you are a terrorist, burn you and contact law enforcement. If you succeed in a test of loyalty, they will be willing to listen to you explain yourself and even help you leave the runner life. You might be able to convince them to associate with the shadows. Contact a GM or Thematics if this happens as it may involve the removal of that tag. Gear contacts with this contact will only sell you legal gear or restricted gear with the appropriate licenses unless you conduct a social test to convince them the lack of paperwork is for a benign reason. lack of paperwork is for a benign reason.)