
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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Gun Adept
A lifelong runner who thought he'd retired
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.December 29th, 2046
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - C
Skills - B
Resources - E

Character Information


A Barrens raised kid who grew up in warehouses, learning to pick pockets and shoot straight. His Shadowrunner mother raised him alone until she wasn't around any more, then he lived on his own. He started running on his own at 13, using his mother's contacts. At age 17 he met a woman he left the life for, was married and had a child two years later. His wife disappeared in an assault on his home, and he raised his daughter on his own since then. Her schooling is expensive, so Zenith came out of retirement.


  • Replace all his old gear with better stuff
  • Buy a proper house Set himself and Harriot up in a safe place
  • Find the people that attacked his home and find out what happened to Scarlet
  • Pay for Harriot's schooling and make sure she has a good nest egg of an inheritance.


Ethan grew up in the Barrens, and was given pretty free reign. Do whatever you want, just be back by dark. His mother was a Shadowrunner, and she taught him the ins and outs of the trade. Most of his friends growing up were her old running crew, but he didn't know anything else, and in the Barrens, if you've got something that keeps you safe, you don't ask too many questions about it. For years, he fell into a pattern. Pick some pockets for a soy burger, get home before nightfall, learn to either not be seen, shoot straight, or pick locks, then watch his mom get into her van with her runner team, and watch garbage trids until they got back. It was good. Then one day, the van never came back. Ethan didn't know if they skipped town, got got, or simply needed to disappear, but either way, at 13, Ethan was alone.

Having little more than an abandoned warehouse to squat in and enough nuyen to bribe anyone who found him, Ethan knew that he needed to make some cash fast or else die in the Barrens like so many others before him. He knew his mother kept a spare gun in her desk, a Ruger Super Warhawk that he'd used to train with sometimes. He took the gun and started using the name Zenith based off a joke his mother used to make about how he'd one day be the top Shadowrunner in UCAS. At the start, Zenith was bad, the Warhawk was the only tool in his arsenal. He knew how to sneak and pick locks, but he was still a kid, and he drew more attention than he wanted when he was outside the Barrens. His mother's old fixer, Ol'Tusk helped him for awhile, but he eventually made enough nuyen for an apartment and could start building up his materials. However the jobs he took were barely enough to pay rent month-to-month. Eventually, Ol'Tusk found him bigger jobs, and he had to learn that sometimes professionalism was more useful than a gun.

Four years Zenith worked in the shadows. He had savings, he was actually comfortable. His reputation wasn't really known outside the Barrens, but he was content. In November of 2064, Zenith and a crew of runners had to grab test answers for a spoiled rich brat from their high school. To this end, Zenith infiltrated the school as a student. The job would have gone smoothly, but Zenith got distracted. One of the "classmates" he was exposed to was an Elf woman named Scarlet Argos. While she never admitted to it, Zenith felt like Scarlet saw right through him, and could tell that he didn't belong, but she was friendly to him regardless. Even after the job, Zenith kept in contact with Scarlet, and eventually the two started dating.

Things moved pretty fast, getting married in a small ceremony after a year and a half, prompted somewhat by Scarlet's discovery of a pregnancy. The two of them were a bit scared by the prospect of having a child, but they eventually agreed to try it together, and within six months, Harriot Quil was born. Zenith retired, and just became Cedric Quil, the name on his Fake SIN, he missed the thrill of Shadowrunning, but he also knew that Scarlet and Harriot were safer if he just took odd jobs that stayed on the light side of the law. After four years of going straight, and having a family life, Zenith and Harriot had gone out to see a new Trid in the theatre, but when they got back, the door to their apartment building was busted in and when they got back to their door, it had obviously been cracked. Furniture was overturned, blood was spattered on the floor and plates and glasses were shattered. Worst of all, Scarlet was missing. She'd disappeared and Zenith couldn't get any information about the investigation.

Assuming that whoever had done this came from his past as a runner, Zenith took what cash he had saved up and started renting a new apartment in Tacoma. He focused on raising Harriot, and when she was asleep, he started diving back into the Shadows, trying to uncover anything about his wife. It's been 11 years since that day, and Zenith has started taking on jobs again. Apparently the old adage is true "Only retired Shadowrunner is a dead Shadowrunner".

Narrative Significant Qualities


Adept - Ethan awakened shortly after his mother disappeared, leveraging his new powers to increase his value on runs.

Hawk Eye + Shoot First, Don't Ask - His paranoia has made it almost impossible to surprise him.

Sharpshooter + Strive for Perfection - He gets bored with regular shots. He wants to challenge himself in a gunfight.


Dependant (Demanding) - Harriot is a 15 year old Elf, she's smarter than Zenith, and may be getting suspicious about his job as a "Security Consultant"

Emotional Attachment - His mother's Ruger Super Warhawk, it's been modded since Zenith started using it, but it's something he'll never part with willingly.

Driven: Looking for his lost wife Scarlet. He is almost compulsively pulled towards any threads that might have something to do with her.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
In the House of the Rising SunSarcarian6 July 2085
Snake beneath the FlowerTidanShock13 June 2085
Intermediate EntomologySarcarian12 June 2085
An Ace Up One's SleeveSarcarian1 May 2085
Working for the Man's WidowLHOG22 January 2085
Quantum of SolaceSarcarian16 January 2085
Third-Story MalpracticeSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre11 January 2085
No Time to DieSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead6 December 2084
GTFO of GeMiToSarcarian5 November 2084
Sangre Por SangreSarcarian2 April 2084
The Sixth World Is Not EnoughSarcarian9 March 2084
Blood DebtArchtmagA Peaceful Woodland Adventure18 February 2084
Obscuro, ReduxSarcarian16 February 2084
À Longueur D'avanceSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead5 January 2084
Handmade CoffeeAsmodeusFestering Infestation27 August 2083
Castle CrashAsmodeusFestering Infestation18 December 2082
You Only Live TwiceSarcarian20 November 2082
A Taste of One's Own MedicineSarcarianIn Remembrance11 November 2082
Use Every PartSarcarian2 November 2082
How To Play With DollsSarcarian28 September 2082
Foreman's FiredAsmodeusFestering Infestation25 September 2082
Full Fathom FiveSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead31 August 2082
For Elven Eyes OnlySarcarian15 August 2082
The Money PitSarcarian8 August 2082
Tighten The NooseAsmodeus6 July 2082
All Paths Lead to YellowstoneAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking25 June 2082
Casino RoyaleSarcarian23 June 2082
Towering BabelAsmodeus23 June 2082
Monday Night WAAAAAGGHWarr6th World Championship Wrestling21 June 2082
Slam in the Back of My DragulaSarcarianThe Crow of Seattle20 June 2082
Finding the AuthorPatGriffinDead Gods Stir17 June 2082
The Mane ManSarcarian16 June 2082
They Cry For VengeanceAsmodeus14 June 2082
Velociraptor Equals Disraptor Over TimeraptorCutier Than ThouThe Cretaceous Clash11 June 2082
Raging BullSarcarianIt's Always Wednesday in Seattle4 June 2082
A Nest of VipersSarcarian28 May 2082
Something Bloody This Way ComesTheBiggestBoi26 May 2082
Scared Straight: Lone Star EditionPatGriffin18 May 2082
The Sound of Her VoiceSarcarianWhen You Reach Me6 May 2082
The Spy Who Loved MeSarcarianWhen You Reach Me5 May 2082
The Dodo's Had It's DayMursey22 April 2082
Aching & FesteringAsmodeusFestering Infestation11 April 2082
Baptism By GunfireSarcarian4 April 2082
What Happened To Mary Jane?AsmodeusHail to the Pumpking29 March 2082
Live and Let DieSarcarianThe Crow of Seattle29 March 2082
Data JackingSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead13 March 2082
Fuchi in FocusAurora10 March 2082
Babylon's Self-ReflectionAurora6 March 2082
Kicking an AnthillAurora28 February 2082
Fresh FishShadowhandTaking Back Tacoma26 February 2082
From Essen with LoveSarcarian23 February 2082
Campus CaperSi1asWhen You Reach Me22 February 2082
Radical nanoRobotic RolloutAuroraTwo Steps Ahead19 February 2082
Back From Darkness, Away From LightAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking17 February 2082
From One KRIMinal To AnotherAuroraTwo Steps Ahead14 February 2082
A Walk In The ParkSi1as13 February 2082
A Cornered Animal Fights the HardestAuroraAgainst all odds - The OtherCon story11 February 2082
Quarrelsome QuarrySarcarian9 February 2082
There's No Business Like Snow BusinessSi1asWhen You Reach Me3 February 2082
Barren FlowersSarcarian2 February 2082
The Second Great (Fish) ExtractionAurora2 February 2082
Cutting It CloseSarcarian28 January 2082
Stop, LA Party TimeChrisst111The Month the Streets Ran Red24 January 2082
Spark of the Waiting HorrorDraknic21 January 2082
"What are you buying, stranger?"Isaac15 January 2082
Recruitment DriveSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead5 January 2082
Enemy of my EnemyAsmodeus1 January 2082
NuYou? No, you!AsmodeusFestering Infestation31 December 2081



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Johns 5 2 Fixer Street Fixer Black Market Connections, Former Shadowrunner, Redmond Barrens, Novacoke Addict, Street Smarts, Shadow Community Even
Black Cat 5 2 Gear Black Marketeer Burnout Adept, Black Market Connections, Gun Runner, Gang Leader, Demolition Expert, Back Alley Chop Shop Even
Ghaz 2 1 Legwork Skraacha Sheriff Cavalry's Here, Skraacha Sheriff, Coffin House Even
Amrei Veidt 6 1 Generalist S-K Prime Operative Actually a Spy, Deck Jockey, Delta Clinic Access, Former Shadowrunner, Information Broker, One Step Ahead, Prime Datahaven Membership, Saeder-Krupp Employee, Fresh off the Assembly Line Even
Argent 1 3 Fixer Street-level Fixer Silver Tongue, Elven Blood Even
Sarah Snow 3 1 Fixer Fundraiser and Housewife Novacoke?, Novacoke!, Dinner Parties of Metahumans, Flawless Skin, On Retainer, Fundraiser Even
Kenneth "Flamesaw" Murphy 2 1 Custom(A,G,N,K) Ganger / Tough Guy Not the Brightest Bulb, Firesaw, Fraggin' Handsome, People Pleaser, WAIT I'm a runner too! Even



+1 Skraacha

+4 Ancients

-10 Cutter


In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 An older runner who comes and goes from the shadows
3 'Zenith' was a kid in the Shadows about 15 years ago
6 He was a kid in the Barrens, started running when his family abandoned him

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 A solid gun arm, knows how to be professional
3 He's looking for someone, and god help them if he finds them
5 He's been hoarding cash like a dragon since he came back, must be saving for something big.


Cedric Quil (Rank 6) - Adept License, Concealed Carry, Firearms, Bodyguard and Drivers - Tied to UCAS (Seattle)



Matrix Persona

The default persona that comes with whatever commlink he has.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments