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NameNegative AspectDescriptionApprovedProfessionArchetypeConnectionActive PCs with this Contact
SpinneDraco Foundation LoyalistSpinne owes the Draco Foundation a lot. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work against them, roll a Loyalty check. If it fails, he immediately burns you. If it succeeds, you owe him a chip to re-earn favor with him.YesDraco Foundation Bounty HunterService42
Springtime BirchDomineering
No Gamecock
Springtime Birch is a prodigy. Beyond ordinary book smarts he has an innate connection to wildlife that is preternatural. Simply put: he’s incredible. And he knows it. He’s going to make sure you know it, too. Players must succeed on an Etiquette (1) test to display appropriate layperson awe at his knowledge and talents or, out of petty irritation, his services will cost twice as much.
Springtime Birch has little respect for people, but abundant respect for nature. He’s more than happy to help tame and train critters, both para and normal, but he will not train them for combat. If they have innate predatory instincts, so be it, but they will not suffer in pitfights under his watch. If Springtime Birch discovers that the (para)critters he’s training are being subjected to suicide work or bloodsports he will immediately burn the player and become their sworn enemy.
YesParazoologist RancherService30
Dissonant Static
Clean Body, Clean Soul
St1tch is a carrier of HMHVV, and is extremely cautious about preventing infection. She will not meet in person for anyone below loyalty 4, and will absolutely refuse to go anywhere with a large number of people. She's a hypochondriac, and carries around cleaning supplies to disinfect nearly every surface that she touches. Any active checks made in meatspace will take a -4 due to the difficulty of staying clean in a city as dirty as Seattle.
St1tch hates the infected with a burning passion. Every time this contact learns that a character has helped an infected group, decrease their loyalty by 1. If loyalty drops to 0 in this way, St1tch consider the character an enemy and become actively hostile.
While she's normally quiet and professional, the taint of dissonance in St1tch's aura occasionally rears its head. When calling this contact, the GM rolls 1d6 in secret. On a 5 or a 6 St1tch will become agitated, aggressive, and volatile. Any checks not relating to the purging of infected will cost 50% extra and take a -2 dice penalty. In addition, any active checks will be performed with little to no regard for subtlety or collateral damage. If the player argues with St1tch or questions their methods, they must either take a chip or lose 1 loyalty with the contact. Loyalty lost in this manner also counts towards the "Vendetta" aspect.
YesDissonant Technomancer and Anti-Infected CrusaderLegwork52
St@bShrewd NegotiatorSt@b didn't make it this long giving out stuff for free. Everything in the sixth world has a cost, and if you want her help you're going to have to pay in full. She will not work for anything less than complete, up front payment; asking for a favor or talking up potential rewards is a quick way to get yourself hung up on. She may accept payment in something other than cash, but it'd better be a damn good offer.YesTarislar Script Kiddie and Ancients HopefulLegwork10
StellaOverworkedStella is a full-time student and sole proprietor of a business; as such she tends to be a bit overworked. Services may take longer. Every time the contact provides a service, roll 2d6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.YesCosmic Magic TalismongerGear21
StorchRunning Scared
Storch will never do Active checks on the surface or Matrix on a runner's behalf. As if that weren't enough, Storch demands a chip for any Active or Knowledge check instead of nuyen. This may be paid back with runs that benefit the AI.
Storch' existence is more or less a secret. People outside of MCT shouldn't know about her existence. Networking checks will not be performed outside of MCT assets or employees.
YesMCT AILegwork30
Surf DuctOut to SeaSD is often busy executing survey or salvage contracts and is rarely moored up for long. You'll need to wait for him to get back in. Every time the contact provides a service, roll 2d6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.YesTalismonger/Scientific Vessel CaptainGear20
Sylvia WoodsRambling StudyShe gets excited about any critter, no matter how dangerous (in fact, the less cuddly it is, the better, it would seem) and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, Sylvia gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.YesDirector of Paranatural Breeding ProgramLegwork40
T00FUs or Them
Ghoul Liberator
T00F is extremely distrustful towards non-infected, often veering into outright prejudice. Although they believe collaboration is necessary, they're certain that non-infected will stab them in the back the first chance they get. They take a -2 to any rolls made for non-infected below loyalty 5. In addition, non-infected cannot increase their loyalty beyond 3 without a dedicated run.
Under no circumstances will T00F do anything they believe will harm Seattle's infected population. If they learn that a character has dealt a significant blow to an infected group, decrease their loyalty by 1. If loyalty drops to 0, T00F will consider the character as an enemy. If they find out that a character has assisted with the purging of undead, even feral ones, the contact is immediately burned and becomes actively hostile.
YesInfected Organizer and Cyberterrorist DeckerFixer50
Taina KauhavaCorporate LoyalistWill never work against Erika and if she catches wind you're trying to do so, she's too conscientious to keep it under wraps. She'll report you to her boss.Yes
TajinFamily ManTajin's wife has him wrapped around her finger, and if he's not cleared something with her beforehand there's a chance she'll keep him home no matter what you try to bribe him with. Roll a 1D6 when contacting Tajin: on a 1, he is unavailable for the next 1D6 hours.YesLaborer Loving Factory WorkerGeneralist21
Takashi KurosawaDon't Talk BackKurosawa-san is a man of the family, and keeps his priorities as such. Requests made to Takashi for tasks or jobs that do not directly benefit the Kanaga-gumi have a 25% chance to be outright refused or ignored. Those requests that are accepted accumulate twice as many chips to be paid off.YesShategashira of the Kanaga-gumiCustom (A,G,N,K)41
TanyaUnreliableThe GM rolls in secret a 1d6. If the roll a one the contact will say, with complete confidence, that they will do the request or that they have the right information. They will then flake out or their information will be wrong. They will say they got the gear then accidentally sell it to another person. (For Tanya, it's probably because she got kidnapped again. Don't worry, it's probably fine.)YesOtherCon AdvocateFixer25
TapunuiEasily DistractedWhen entrusted to complete a task, the GM rolls 1d6. On a result of 1, the completion time is at least twice as long.yesTraumatized TechnomancerService10
Taranis Lú"Former" CyberterroristTaranis Lú is a former member of Ex Pacis, the group behind the Shutdown and part of the cause of Crash 2.0. Associating with Taranis Lú is the same in many minds as associating with terrorists and may cause additional social penalties.YesCollege ProfessorCustom(K,N,A,G)41
TechnoRATSTechnocritter Troubles
Ohhh, Shiny!
The TechnoRATS are technocritters, which means no full understanding of Cantonese and societal norms. Getting this contact to do things might require an Animal Handling check with Loyalty as a bonus and the threshold of 6 - Loyalty or bribing with appropriate snacks, datachips, toys - especially tech - at GM discretion. They do understand limited Cantonese from living in Kowloon, but usage of complex terms and ideas may not go over well.
The TechnoRATS cannot speak. They communicate strictly in emoji-based Matrix messages and typical rodent squeaks, cheeping and hisses. Use your creativity and innovation to get them to do what you actually want them to do. If the GM believes the message could be easily misinterpreted, they will ask for Animal Handling (3) boosted by Loyalty.
They're smart, but your lowly metahuman needs are often beneath them. They tend to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. When contacting them and leaving them unchecked, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, the task or idea asked of them "evolves" in a direction that they feel is either more effective, interesting or profound - or just gains them tasty new snacks. They can be turned back on tracks with Animal Handling (3) boosted by Loyalty.
YesNezumi RatsService10
TecomahA Man of PrincipleTecomah is selective about who he works with. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do.YesRetired RangerLegwork31
Ted DebleBlissfully Unaware
What’s Your Score, Omae?
You’re Bringing My Score Down, Omae!
No Body Count
Ted is a law abiding corporate citizen. If Ted finds out you are a runner, immediately make a Test of Loyalty. If you fail the Test of Loyalty, Ted will think you are a terrorist, burn you and contact law enforcement. If you succeed in a Test of Loyalty, Ted will be willing to listen to you explain yourself and even help you leave the runner's life. You may be able to convince Ted to associate with the shadows but ONLY if the runner has an active P2.1 and a Fame-related quality as a “celebrity shadowrunner”. Contact a GM or Thematics if this happens as it may involve the removal of that tag.
Ted will only work with you if you can prove that you’re serious. Serious people have P2.1. People without P2.1? Anti-social malcontents. Anarchists! Contacts who interact with Ted must have an active P2.1 account. Given his position within the organization, it must be attached to a Fake SIN of Rating 4 or higher. Elsewise he’s like to immediately detect that “Brad Braderson” might not be a real profile...
Ted will deal with you under the table, and at arm's length. Any closer association, given his P2.1 status, will require linking accounts. And Ted can’t risk tanking his score by associating with some weirdo nobody from the Seattle Metroplex. Ted’s Loyalty can only be raised above 1 if the character has a Fame-related positive quality.
Ted is a certifiable creep: a Horizon fanatic, a dutiful thrall to the terrible social media engines that manipulate and shape our world. But he’s not a killer. If Ted passes on information to a character on any P2.1 user that results in them going missing or murdered in an obviously linked fashion, Ted will burn you and contact law enforcement. Tellingly, he has no problems helping Matrix paparazzi or stalkers. But outright violence? This is where he draws the line.
Horizon P2.1 Life CoachLegwork20
Ted RothPoor Networker-2 to Networking testsYesTalismonger (Red Magic)Generalist31
Tee & VeeMorning People
Silent Protectors
During the night, Tee & Vee are occupied with protecting their charge, which makes them hard to contact. If you're trying to contact Tee & Vee after 6PM in-game, roll 1d6, on a hit, the bodyguards answer, on a miss, you may leave a message and they will contact you in the morning.
Tee & Vee don't talk. It's unclear if they can't or just won't, but they are dedicated to being the silent protectors. If contacted, they'll send information through text and DNI, but will not verbally communicate to anyone with less than 5 loyalty
The BankerHard To ReachAlways do an availability test for this contact with their connection 3 higher than normal.YesBank LiaisonNetworking60
The Cap'nWho Are Ye, Again?The Cap'n spends at least a quarter of his day black-out-drunk. When calling him, roll a d6; on a 1 or a 2 he will completely forget who you are. If this happens, the player's loyalty is treated as "1" for the duration of the task, unless a player provides him with some Sober Time.YesCap'nService11
The ConductorLocked in a BoxThe Conductor is locked in the conductor's box on The Zephyr. The only way to communicate with him is by entering The Zephyr. The Zephyr is a train spirit and can only appear on train tracks.YesConductorGeneralist22
The Delightful Ophelia CobbGaslight
Ophelia's pretty sure she doesn't remember that time you helped her out. To redeem a chip she owes you, you have to resist an Active (Con) check from her (subtract loyalty instead of adding it to the dicepool).
There are some things that only distinguished tastes can truly appreciate. Ophelia's loyalty with you is capped by your lifestyle. Street = 1; Squatter = 2; Low = 3; Medium = 4; High = 5; Luxury = 6. (If your loyalty with her is higher than your current lifestyle, you can still keep the loyalty rating, you just don't gain any benefits from it.)
Ophelia is always hustling, even when it's a detriment to literally everyone around her. Any gear she lends you comes at a 10% surcharge (and she will try to talk you into buying it). All her service costs are increased by 25%.
YesSocialite, Jewel ThiefCustom (A,G,N,K)70
The DukesPackage DealThese two come in a pair increasing the cost of all favors by 2 degreesYesDrug/Moonshine RunnersService35
The Girl in Many ColorsColor Coded
The Girl in Many Colors will never willingly appear in meatspace unless explicitly forced to by the events of the run. She will not make any active rolls unrelated to the matrix for a PC under any circumstances.
The Girl in Many Colors, true to her name, is a color. The color in question is selected from among the hacker 'hat' colors: Grey, Black, White, Purple, Red and Blue. This can be decided by the GM or by a roll of the dice, with Grey, Black and White being favored over the other colors. When making an action outside of the bounds of a hat's color, she will take a -2 to the action or outright refuse if it is particularly 'out of color'. Her color may be changed by a PC for the cost of one chip.
The Golden HindWantedThe Golden Hind has a bounty on her head by Wuxing, Canton Confederation, Renraku, The Huk, Evo, Azania, Aztlan and Aztechnology; 200,000 Nuyen for her head.Yes
International Naval Raider
The Green-Eyed WitchImmortal Self Interest
Curious Clairvoyant
Circumspect Sorcerer
Fundamentally, The Green-Eyed Witch is in the game for their own interests, not to stick out her neck too far for some fragile mortal runners. As such, she will not perform game actions at significant risk to herself or her standing for any runners with fewer than 5 loyalty. Additionally, she will always ask for karma, favors or tangibly useable information and is not above talking runners into spirit pacts to cement those things.
As a muse in demand, much of the average troubles of a runner are uninteresting to The Green-Eyed Witch. As such, she doesn't pay much attention to them, taking a flat -3 to all dicerolls. If one wishes to capture her full attention and negate this penalty, they must begin an interaction with her by sharing a secret. This secret can be detailed or abstract, large or small, but it must be interesting. This secret will never count as payment for their services, merely an interesting tidbit. A conversation starter.
The world is filled to the brim with powerful factions. A number of them are worrying enough to make the emerald sorcerer wary of runners that work with them on the regular. As a result, runners with ten more positive reputation with those factions, or who know two or more affiliated contacts, pay twice the CDP cost for loyalty and spend 2 chips instead of 1 for any favor. These factions are as follows: The Black Lodge, The Vermillion Auction, The Draco Foundation, Ordo Maximus, and The Seelie (And Unseelie) Court.
YesArt Re-appropriatorLegwork63
The ManAnger IssuesMuch like any other coach The Man gets easily worked up when his people perform poorly. If the team Fails a run or to fulfill all objectives Mandatory or Bonus The Man refuses to assist them until they successfully complete a run and all of its objectives.YesProfessional Boxing Manager and Talent ScoutFixer50
The StewardNot a Squeaky WheelWill not answer any questions about his magician training, or the Wheel of Life, as all followers are sworn to secrecyYesParasecurity ExpertService20
The TrinityWantedTakashi is Wanted from Renraku for desertion, Missy is wanted from Knight Errant for the same and went missing before "processing", and Sharptooth essentially screwed over NeoHaven.YesShadowrunnersLegwork41
Theodore JonesLoyalist
Slow to Trust
Theodore will not betray the clan, and if the runners attempt to get him to do so, he will feed them false information to lead them into dire circumstances. If they are loyalty 5 or 6, he will simply refuse outright, in this case, reduce Theodore's loyalty by 1.
Being as informed as he is, betrayal and the varieties they come in lay plainly to him and thus he is slow to accept the good intentions of others. Theodore's loyalty cannot be raised above 3 outside of associated runs, and only 1 loyalty at a time.
YesInformation Broker/Intelligence AdvisorLegwork20
Throwing-BonesShort on Cred
Hard Time Saying No
So Many Pups Underfoot
You Don’t Like Kids?
Throwing-Bones’ shop is a jumbled and confusing place because, despite his shyness, Throwing-Bones never says no to someone in need. His shop and the apartments above see the coming and going of intransigent gutterkids and on any given day he’s likely housing a dozen or more. That’s a lot of mouths to feed and street doc bills to foot. Sometimes, with quiet embarrassment, he has to ask for a bit more than usual for his services. (Roll a 1d6. On a 1, he will ask for 1d6 x 50 nuyen more for his services than normal.)
Throwing-Bones has a hard time saying no. People are always asking for favors, putting in more requests than he can possibly handle in a timely fashion. He’ll apologize profusely and sometimes even quiver with shame and embarrassment but it’s just going to take longer than normal to get that order filled. He’s sorry, truly. Please don’t yell. (Each time Tossing-Bones provides a service, roll 2D6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.)
Throwing-Bones has children to care for, even if they aren’t his. He makes sure to carve out enough time each day to tend to their needs and gives them all his attention on weekends. You see, there are always more shoes to cobble, clothes to mend, and big meals to be made. More bedtime stories to be told and sheets to tuck in. He hopes you understand. (Throwing-Bones is hard to reach outside of his shop’s PST operating hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of his contact availability test if trying to contact him at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends))
Throwing-Bones is an oddball, and he knows it. But he can’t help but love the children, can’t help but fret about their wellbeing when they’re not under his roof. If you show that you care about the unfortunate, he’ll warm up to you very quickly. If not, it’ll be harder to gain his trust. (Raising Loyalty with Throwing-Bones costs twice as much as normal unless the contact has demonstrated financial or emotional care for the children at The Packrat)
Ticket AgentRed StripesWithout speaking the language, you'll never really get to know each other. This contact can understand English but will only speak to runners in Russian. Unless fluent, subtract 1 from this contact's effective loyalty for each rank below 6 your character has in Russian.YesTicket Booth OperatorFixer20
TlalocanSundown on the Enemy
Eye on the Prize
All tests will have a -3 dice pool modifier unless the Tlalocan believes the intervention will benefit Aztechnology.
Tlalocan will attempt to acquire material links from runners.
YesAztechnology JohnsonLegwork50
Tohru OkkotsuWanted SoulRoll a 1d6; on a 1, law enforcement will discover Tohru at some point after he's called. You may choose to buy Tohru a burner SIN appropriate to the run, (Rating 1 for a milk=>6 for a prime) to avoid making this roll.YesAssasinService21
Toxic TensionSpinGlobal Radicalness And Loyalty!If you ask him to fight for you, the information WILL get back to SpinGlobal. Also afterwards YOU have to fight him. He thinks SpinGlobal is the most radical corporation, and is proud to work for them.YesCombat DJCustom(A, N, K, G)44
Treasa ke'VedrynAgeless Apathy
Gifts of the Fae
Capricious Nature
Mortals pass in the blink of an eye. Easy to use, hard to care for. To stand out, you have to shine. CDP/RVP costs to raise contact loyalty are doubled.
Sometimes Treasa decides to steal a bit of fun out of particularly stupid or insulting requests. At the GM's discretion, if such an ask is made, make a hidden loyalty test. If 2 or fewer hits are scored, Treasa will bend and interpret the request in a way that amuses her, very likely to your peril. She will not do this if the stakes are important to her, and she attempts to be relatively non-malicious with her fun if the player has a loyalty of 4 or greater.
Beware the favors of the Fae. Paying off an owed chip requires either a major and often hazardous task, or one that is truly unpleasant to the character, (GM's discretion). Owed chips cause double the normal penalty on contact rolls.
Fae Agent
Trevor AvilaGhoul Organlegger-4 to Networking checks among non-Infected, +2 to Networking among Infected. Cannot deliver goods during daylight hours. Will require flesh as part of the payment from anyone with Loyalty 2 or less.YesMagical Organ Repossession SpecialistService50
Trip SoftlyHard to ReachHe is privately bored of society, but cannot disengage from it. If Trip fails a contact availability roll, it's very likely he is attending to the needs of his position.YesTalismongerCustom(G,K,N,A)30
True SullaExile
Foul by Fire
As an exiled Fae, much of the average troubles of a runner are uninteresting to Sulla. As such, fae don't pay much attention to them, taking a flat -3 to all dicerolls. If one wishes to capture faer full attention and negate this penalty, they must begin an interaction with faer by sharing a secret. This secret can be detailed or abstract, large or small, but it must be interesting. This secret will never count as payment for their services, merely an interesting tidbit.
Any person would steal the fire of the fae, use Sulla as a forced invitation to the courts. Roll a 1d6; on a 1, law enforcement will discover Sulla at some point after fae's called. You may choose to buy Sulla a burner SIN appropriate to the run, (Rating 1 for a milk=>6 for a prime) to avoid making this roll.
Sulla speaks softly of being a part of the Seelie Courts. Is it true? Either way, runners with ten more positive reputation with those factions, or who know two or more affiliated contacts, pay twice the CDP cost for loyalty and spend 2 chips instead of 1 for any favor. These factions are as follows: The Seelie Court.
VatiCancerVati has cancer, it sucks.YesHermitGeneralist21
Vee-JayWe live in a society!Vee-Jay is concerned with the state of society, such as courtesy and fairness. Professional criminals do not fit his vision of improving society. If he knows your work is for crime Vee-Jay takes a -2 to any check he makes for you.YesBouncer/Doctorate StudentNetworking23
Veronica SaundersHard to ReachWhen Veronica isn't training others, she's training herself. Always make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 than normal.YesUnarmed Combat InstructorService21
Victor CoxOut of the countryVictor is frequently off on a job and might not have time to talk. Roll 1d6, on a 1 he is unavailable for the remainder of the run, if being asked to buy goods, treat the availability roll as failed.YesCoyoteCustom(A,G,K,N)30
Victor ValeThe direct approachVictor doesn't really think twice about his decisions. When making an active, networking, or gear check with him, the GM rolls 1d6 in secret. On a 1, Victor does something lovably stupid. He may get the job done, but regardless of that, he does it unsubtly, in a way that will complicate things later on for the runners.YesSmall-time HoodingCustom(N,A,K,G)20
Vigo FlamelControl FreakVigo don't really like to use is relation to help in the Shadow, as such he will often put very specific line that are not to be cross by the runner (if he ask for active help or some string to be pull.) If the runner cross the line Vigo burn him, he can be lenient if a chip is used however.YesUniversity TeacherCustom (N,K,A,G)72
Vincenza Van GothDistinctive Style
Quality Over Quantity
Fashion Souls
As Van Goth makes custom pieces for her personal projects, they definitely stand out. When ware ordered from her is visible, for example cyberlimbs, everyone seeing you receives +2 to memory tests against you.
Vincenza refuses to create grades below alpha. You cannot get standard or used grade ware, period.
If you have something Vincenza considers ugly - bulk mods or external ware at Used or Standard Grade - treat your Loyalty as 0 for any contact check. This also removes Availability modifiers.
Universal Omnitech Artisans CEO
Vinny the TeethDying For Your ArtVinny's something of an auteur - he doesn't do this because the magazine sells well, he does it for the *art*. Unfortunately, some people aren't exactly keen on a nosy dwarf asking for pictures, even if it's not a trick. Whenever you try to get in touch with this contact, roll an availability test with a +3 modifier to the threshold. Failure indicates that Vinny has once again ended up in the hospital for his attempts to get new talent.YesShadow "Journalist"Networking30
VladHard To ReachBesides the dedicated commlinks he gives to runners on a job, Vlad is notoriously hard to get a hold of.YesFormer SovetnikFixer40