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Kera (small).png
Forensic Mage
A Forensic Mage employed by KE, looking into the shadows for her less savoury research
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and AwardsForensic Detective
D.O.B.August 15th 2053
Metatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - C
Resources - D

Character Information


Kera, or Raven as she's known to the legal system, used to work with Knight Errant as a CSI before she was extracted into Lone Star, specializing in forensic necromancy.


As a child she always had a morbid personality and sense of humour, likely derived from the early deaths of her parents in the field. She grew up wearing dark clothes and tending towards a gothic fashion sense, until she Awakened at 16. That was when Ares started to take a real interest in her, and gave her a college scholarship in the hopes that she'd prove a useful magical asset. Due to her maudlin personality, she naturally gravitated towards medicine, specifically the study of how to autopsy. She found that working as a forensic pathologist would earn her enough to survive while engaging her interests.

One day, she fell asleep at work, typing up a report. She was awoken by the sound of scrabbling from the morgue, and when she went to see what it was, still too groggy to realise the potential danger, she found a raven trying to peck the eyeballs out of the corpse she'd autopsied earlier. When she tried to shoo it away, it spoke to her. Turns out it was one of the mentor spirit Raven's aspects.

A few days later, Raven (the mentor) asked why Raven (the mage) was content to just sit and do autopsies on bodies here, when there's so much more to learn at the crime scenes themselves. Unable to provide a satisfactory answer, Kera signed up to become a forensic necromancer in the field.

A few years later, she got her hands on what she thought was a simple variant on her existing Necro Summoning ritual, but accidentally made a Corps Cadavre when she tried it out. She learned some interesting things from the corpse, mostly about the shadow community, and decided she wanted to learn more. However, she was aware that the ritual she'd performed was illegal, and therefore in order to safely perform it again, she'd have to delve into the shadowy world she'd just learned more about. It was a difficult decision, but with the insistence of her mentor, she eventually took the plunge. Between the guiding words of her mentor, the information she'd gleaned from her interview with a corpse, and general office gossip, she figured out who Jenaveve Valenti was and what she did, and approached her with her plan before actually doing anything illegal. Jenaveve seemed to like the idea, as long as Raven stayed loyal to Ares. Of course, the extra pay helps fund her... less-than-legal research.


Learn More Everything.

Narrative Significant Qualities

Mentor Spirit: Raven (Alt): Addicted to learning stuff.

SINner (Corporate Limited): Kera's parents were Knight Errant officers, but died in the field. Kera herself was later extracted to Lone Star, where she works today.

College Education and Photographic Memory: She's quite smart.

Day Job Specifics: Lone Star, Tacoma, Shift Work: Monday-Friday, 22:00-06:00 the next day. Friday's shift ends on Saturday morning, no shift Monday morning (would've had to start Sunday evening).

Infected (Vampire): Was Turned by Charon. Doesn't particularly resent the turning, but the events surrounding it make her want to kill him on sight.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Don't Go Into The MistEvaHigh15 November 2085
KRIMETASTIKScrantonHigh19 June 2085
The Last TabooZerreMedium7 October 2083
I swear they are normal Salamanders Part 1DraknicMedium7 May 2082
"Don't let the slasher get you!"IsaacMedium1 April 2082
State of DecaySarcarianFestering InfestationMedium High6 January 2082
ShadowcavernAsmodeusMedium23 December 2081
The Forgotten OnesAsmodeusFestering InfestationMedium3 December 2081
Lasciate Ogne SperanzaSarcarianLow30 November 2081
Kera's Night OutSarcarianMilk Run30 November 2081
A Grown Up Fairy TaleSarcarianMedium27 November 2081
Odd Jobs: Smash and GrabOtter17 April 2081
Real Maiming HoursOptimismBeastThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes14 April 2081
The Siege on the New UniversaeumDarklordiabloThe Reformation10 March 2081
Grimm WoodsDoom26 January 2081
A Special Packagedanthestep20 November 2080
A Real ShadowrunnerTeksura17 November 2080
GremlinsDocMcGuffin12 November 2080
There Will Be BrawlTeksura9 November 2080
A Shadowrun Based on Multiple Songs from the Album Now You Are One of Us by The Paper ChaseDrBurstDance Around The Fire That We Once Believed - The Ex-Firewatch Story15 September 2080
A Sixth Shadowrun Based on Fall Out Boy's The PhoenixDrBurst17 July 2080
A Fifteenth Shadowrun Based on Fall Out Boy's The PhoenixDrBurst17 July 2080
Bruno Mars - 24K MagicDrBurst8 December 2079
Year of the DragonAdamsmithchan3 March 2079
The Demon Blademitsayantan1 December 2078



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Marion 6 2 Fixer Ex- Lone Star, Private Detective Lone Star, Investigation, Well Connected, Forgery, Black Markets, Doctors, Matrix Knowhow Even
Raven initiated contact outside of work, as they appear to be vaguely aligned in that they both at least have law enforcement experience and are in the shadows now, and Marion isn't also her boss.
Rebbeca Montez 5 2 Service K.E. Homicide Detective Law & Order, Sports Fan, Detective, Downtown Denizen, 1 foot in the shadows, Criminal Information Network Even
The two have seen each other around the office but are yet to work a case together. She doesn't know Raven Runs
Miguel Rivera 2 2 Custom(G,A,K,N) Garbage Man Corpse Removal & Cleanup, Garbage Sifter, Remains For Sale Even
Marion introduced Raven to Miguel, saying that he'd be helpful for her particular talents in the shadows. They quickly bonded over shared interests.
Rocket Raccoon 3 2 Custom(G,K,A,N) Eco-Terrorist/Freedom Fighter and Supplier Nimble Fingers, Intelligent for it's size, Cybernetic Augments, The Gun Bus Even
Yoon Myung-ju 2 1 Custom(K, N, G, A) Bounty Manager Seoulpa, Bounties, Hunter Headhunter Even
Zigzag 1 1 Service Driver/Organlegger Ghoul Organlegger, Actually a Good Driver, Dead Drop, Infected Networker Even
Zigzag first met Kera immediately after Kera's first feed.
Ghaz 2 3 Legwork Skraacha Sheriff Cavalry's Here, Skraacha Sheriff, Coffin House Even
Helped deal with The Feral Ghoul Problem™
Sarah Snow 3 3 Fixer Fundraiser and Housewife Novacoke?, Novacoke!, Dinner Parties of Metahumans, Flawless Skin, On Retainer, Fundraiser Even
Isadora Windthrope 3 3 Service Rich Girl Tarot Mage Arcane Ritualist, Awakened Club Kid, Divination on Demand, Privileged Family Name Even
Dr. Greenwill Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 3 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even
Spent time chatting about parazoology
Isobel Catalan 2 2 Service Baby Banshee Baby Banshee, Hiding!, Know Thyself Even
Eveline Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 2 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even
Rescued from talis/organlegger poachers
Leo Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 2 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even
Provided with Legion, Spirit of Vengeance


She Works For Lone Star



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table

Streets of Redmond 2
Crime Mall 1
Lone Star 2
Children of the Dragon 3

SC: 15


Raven Black - Legal KE SIN

Raven Walker - R4 Fake SIN


Black hair, cut short to avoid... mess when autopsies happen. She cut it herself, so it's not very neat.


Normal clothes: Jeans, black t-shirt, black jacket. Work: Ares Industrial work coverall.

Matrix Persona

Work: Medieval Lich King

Shadow Work: Angel of Death

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments