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Surveillance & Combat Rigger
(Short Blurb)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
Metatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - C
Resources - A

Character Information


Mechanic turned Driver/Drone Operator


Enjoy life, a long corp existence is dull as drek.

Make big bank


Born to SINner parents in Seattle, James once knew a life outside of the streets. His mother ran an automotive chop shop, earning enough Nuyen and keeping the gangs vehicles happy enough that they weren't harassed too hard. Whilst school was an option, James was far more interested in helping in the shop, and grew up learning what he could. Whilst his mother wanted to keep the family out of trouble, his dad seemed to want the opposite. Sure he didn't actually run with any gangs, and he had an uncanny knack for avoiding pissing off anyone major, there were a number of occasions where James had had to patch him up after a serious scuffle, or chase off some pissed off punks who wanted to start a scrap. Eventually his dad pushed the wrong people's buttons, and the shop was fragged up, killing both parents. James only surviving as he'd been running a delivery of parts to a local mechanic. Since then, James has taken to running his own shop, catering mostly towards shadowrunners, they have the cash for all sorts of drek, and they spend it well. They were paid well enough to entice him fully into the shadows.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Gearhead
    • "Peddle to the fragging metal, eat my dust"
  • Biocompatability (Cyberware)
    • "I don't know why, but the drek just seems to affect me less"


  • Creature of Comfort (Middle)
    • "Some of us got used to at least a decent standard of living, I see why the wageslaves do what they do"
  • Day Job
    • "I do not need to deal with a pissed off boss as well as all this running drek"
  • SINner (UCAS)
    • "Some of us had legit parents, when they were alive"

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Two and a Half Mile High ClubSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead5 December 2081
Don of a New EraMudge624 November 2081
Be Careful Who You Bully in Middle SchoolSarcarian19 November 2081
The Sound of SilenceSarcarian30 October 2081
Moore Ware from the BourgeoisKorean_BBQChromaggia24 August 2081
Teal Tiki TemptationsSedatedAlice22 August 2081
Conveying ConvoysOtter21 August 2081
A Cruel Angel's ThesisGhostlinSuffer the Children19 August 2081
Cr4ck1ng Th3 My5t3ryKorean BBQ18 August 2081
Pirates of Elliott BayKorean BBQ16 August 2081
It Belongs in a Museum 3: Half-LivedKoreanBBQThe Cutter's Curator8 August 2081
Heaven is a Place on EarthGhostlin1 August 2081
A Smuggler's StartKorean BBQ23 July 2081
Flyboy in Cara'SirKorean BBQ10 July 2081
All-Nighter!KoreanBBQ9 July 2081
A Pirate's Life for Me!Korean BBQ30 June 2081
Hostile HighwayKorean_BBQ22 June 2081
I wish I had an AngelSyphilen7 June 2081
Bunraku BluesOtter4 June 2081
Shutup and DriveGhostlinRunners Gone Wild
1 June 2081
Why is all the Ham GONESedatedAlice31 May 2081
Save my "Puppy"xGuguluFollow your Instincts21 May 2081
The Night the Lights Went Out In RedmondGhostlinSins of the Mother16 May 2081
The Battle of SolaceDarklordiablo
Project Insight14 May 2081
Operation IcefangDoomNightmare Mode12 April 2081
Be The Easter BunnyGhostlinSuffer the Children12 April 2081
Tacoma Triad Tea TroubleOptimismBeast29 March 2081
Route 66 part 3: DriveDoc McGuffinsLike mad max but more guns22 February 2081
PatinazoDeGurkin19 January 2081



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Mike Malone 5 2 Gear Mechanic,Vehicle/Drones Vehicles, Drones, Car Lover, Need for speed, Black Market Connections, Custom Tuning Even
Raine Pentsworth 4 2 Fixer Fixer Even
Scrap 2 1 Gear Fence Electronics, Black Market Connections, Fence Even
Pitty 'Grease Lightning' McShane 5 2 Gear Mechanic Cars, Mechanic, Drones, Hard to reach, Motorcycles, GoGanger, Aerial vehicles Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


Himself - Legit (UCAS)

Jack Daniels Rating 4 (UCAS)



Grease Stained overalls when he's working, jeans and a hoodie when he's off the clock.

Matrix Persona

Fighter jet pilot attire, but with a few punk alterations i.e. Mohawk on the helmet, spikes on the jacket, etc.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments