Mitsuhama Computer Technologies

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Mitsuhama Computer Technologies
Mitsuhama logo.png
"The Future is Mitsuhama"
TypeAAA Rated Corporation
Player May JoinYes
Corp SIN Required
Area of OperationWorldwide (Headquarters: Kyoto, Japanese Imperial State)

Faction Information


Mitsuhama Computer Technologies started out as something of a money-laundering operation for several families of the Japanese Yakuza, before eventually growing into a megacorporate powerhouse. Founded by Taiga Mitsuhama, MCT originally focused on three primary divisions: Computer Technologies, Robotics and Heavy Industry. While these are still among the mainstay strengths of the corporation, in the years since they have also become a market leader in the field of magical supplies and services.

Today, MCT is the largest and most powerful megacorporation in the world, publically listed as #1 on the Corporate Court rankings. It remains to be seen, however, whether they will be able to hold on to that position.


  • Maintain its position as the #1 Megacorporation.
  • Obtain market dominance.

Major Locations


  • Toshiro Mitsuhama (President/CEO)
  • Samba Oi (Chairman of the Board)
  • Taiga "Tiger" Mitsuhama (Honorary Board Advisor)




Current Status

Health Summary



Amadou Zheng5FixerMCT's Magical Middle Manager
Dr. Shiro Yume5Custom(A,G,K,N)Scientist
Evaan Talos6NetworkingMCT Engineer
GREY-14832ServiceMCT Diver
Milena Springthunder4FixerMCT Marksman
Ramon Stokes-Young3NetworkingMCT handler and yes-man
Satoko Obara6FixerMCT project manager
Storch3LegworkMCT AI


NamePositionFaction Rep

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Surface TensionBreezy22 February 2086
Séquence en CascadeSarcarian19 May 2085
Point InsertionSarcarian3 April 2085
Hacking through the gateFangblade_6 March 2085
751 Black LungsLHOG3 March 2085
Dog Days are OverDiscogoblin25 January 2085
751's Local DisappearanceLHOG30 December 2084
Contrôle d'AccèsSarcarianRad Wars 208422 November 2084
This Is Why We FightAuroraThe Metroplex Governor Race of '844 August 2084
Icosahedral FacetsAsmodeus8 June 2084
ZugzwangSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead2 February 2084
This is 2083AsmodeusHail to the Pumpking4 October 2083
"Petrovski Security won't save you now, fraggers!"IsaacSuffer the Children24 August 2083
Stream SnipingAsmodeus4 August 2083
Insider TradesAsmodeus27 June 2083
No hope for MCT experimentsKaterSalem11 December 2082
Ronin in the ShadowsSynonym11 November 2082
Kaleidoscopic DreamsSarcarian10 October 2082
Something That History has not ForgottenPatGrffinDead Gods Stir28 September 2082
What I do for a PaycheckPatGriffin21 September 2082
Until DawnDejapesPacific Grudge21 September 2082
Let Snygones be SnygonesSarcarian9 September 2082
Across the LineSarcarian18 August 2082
Grey MoralitySarcarian11 August 2082
The Snake CharmerSarcarian16 July 2082
Return to SenderDraknic8 June 2082
A Nest of VipersSarcarian28 May 2082
Cultivation CrisisOrionsRequiem30 April 2082
Prepare For TroubleAsmodeus22 February 2082
Vip3r - Submersion IIAurora9 February 2082
The Dead and The DyingAtlatl7 September 2081
Unlocking the GeneMadMan25 August 2081
Supermarket SweepAtlatlClear Skies10 June 2081
Matrix Combat TimeOB25 April 2081
Children for MenMalibi25 January 2081
Data For ThievesDivergent025 January 2081
You Can Never Go HomePurkinje6 January 2081
Some (Wo)Men Just Want to Watch the World BurnMalycCrouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger13 October 2080
Hast Thou Considered the Tetrapod?PurkinjeCrouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger6 October 2080
Make A Wishmudge1 June 2080
Rise Against - The Eco-Terrorist In MeDrBurstSeattle Election22 April 2079
This is the safest way to go nobody gets hurtDrBurst11 June 2078