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Street samurai
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - C

Character Information


Street samurai, likes to plan but is not a stranger to thinking outside the box for solutions, knows his way around combat tactics to help the team be more efficient but a perfect run (in his opinion) is one where violence is not needed, always ready to support the team in planning, mobility and as a backup muscle in a worst case scenario.


Shadowrunning is a mean to an end, which is making enough money to live confortably and settle a life long score with Humanis.

He will try to do good whenever possible but understands that is a pretty hard thing in this line of work.

Although skilled in combat, Roadie would rather not use violence unless under dire circunstances and avoid killing people that are "just doing their jobs" like security guards or police officers ("innocents" in his eyes), that being said, individuals such as gang members or corrupt officers aren´t spared a single thought.



Roadie was born and raised in a middle - low class family, in a mixed neighborhood of Seattle, and from a young age realised that trust is vital for survival as the people around him tried their best to look out for each other in the midst of sudden changes, gang violence and times of uncertainty,

Growing up among metahumans got difficult as a branch of the Humanis extremists set up shop nearby and promptly tried to spread their fear mongering propaganda and commiting acts of violence on the local metahuman populus, Roadie was forced to stand idle while the authorities refused to help, but the boilling point came when he and a couple of friends were ambushed and beaten to an inch of their lives with baseball bats, after this a deep hatred was developed (along with a severe case of memory loss and dificulty in retaining information for long periods of time) so with a handful of friends tried to push back the extremists by force to varied degrees of success, including a few close calls where he almost kicked the bucket again.

This went on for a few bitter years during which he discovered his knack for combat, this paired with illegal acts he had comitted and no possible future in the coorporate world meant that the only place he had left were the shadows, now a mercenary for hire, he fights for the little people and to end Humanis.


At the moment Roadie is actually enjoying the life in the shadows, sure its dangerous and extremelly unpredictable, but thats part of the appeal, the best part would probably be the payoff after a good planning session, to see the gears turning like clockwork and the team going above and beyond... there is just something incredibly rewarding in all this.

He also has found himself making friends and allies during the runs, in what was an unexpected turn of events (as from the outside the shadows are either trids or a den of cutthroats) he was met with pretty friendly bunch that slowly but surely helped him find his way into this new lifestyle, pleased with this he plans on keep moving foward and seeing where this road takes him.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Loyal to a fault (due to his personal code of sticking together and trying to keep innocents out of harm), creative, subtle and quick on his feet, his motto is: "outsmarting your enemy is always better than direct confrontation, but if shit goes down you go in with all you got!"


Roadie is a runner that tries to keep civilians / colateral damage to a minimum and would probably be more careful with his actions if they are on the scene, has a massive vendetta against Humanis (and any other extremist / terrorist that would bring harm to innocent people) and would be happy to cause as much damage to them as he possibly can. As a side effect of being hit in the head with a baseball bat a few too many times, Roadie has a hard time concentrating in a lot of things at the same time, this data overload is acompanied by choice paralysis, one of the reasons that why he avoids the matrix whenever he can.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Unconventional TradeKryositeIt's Always Wednesday in Seattle2 September 2081
Guerilla RadioYorkhai25 August 2081
Capitalism Ho!Atlatl24 August 2081
(Im)Mortal KombatKorean_BBQ22 August 2081
Like Taking Candy From A BabyGravitySweet Sweet Revenge17 August 2081
Bottom of The Beautiful BrinyChrisst111Runners Gone Wild12 August 2081
Two days from hellLavander42It's Always Wednesday in Seattle31 July 2081
Taking From TriadsOB28 July 2081
Cyber-Who? Cyber-Where?!Korean_BBQ22 July 2081
It Belongs in a Museum 2: Archaic Boogaloo!Korean_BBQThe Cutter's Curator28 June 2081
Hostile HighwayKorean_BBQ22 June 2081
Air AmericaAtlatlThe Farm and The Furious22 June 2081
It Belongs in a MuseumKorean_BBQThe Cutter's Curator21 June 2081
Back With A VengeanceGravitySweet Sweet Revenge18 June 2081
School's Out!Lavander42It's Always Wednesday in Seattle17 June 2081
Booze Cruise 2: Explosive BoogalooChrisst11111 June 2081
Supermarket SweepAtlatlClear Skies10 June 2081
I'm a real executive now!!!AtlatlAgainst all odds - The OtherCon story
The Farm and The Furious
9 June 2081
Corpse BrideDoc McGuffinsAdversaries4 June 2081
Scoop of the CenturyKryositeThicker Than Water31 May 2081
Oh the Humanis-tyAurora29 May 2081
GroundedAurora27 May 2081
2 Farm 2 MarketAtlatlThe Farm and The Furious26 May 2081


Solace: +2

Humanis: -2


Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Hedge 2 2 Gear Fence Fence, Police Contacts, Warehouses Even
Dr. Gotham 4 2 Generalist Street Doc Psyche'd Up!, Cybertech, An Arm and A Leg, Torso Mods, Medical gear Even
Alice Kane 5 2 Fixer Cyber Surgeon Mechanic, Info Broker, Weapon Specialist, Tech Savy, Cyber Surgeon, Gamer Grrl Even
Mint 3 4 Fixer Farm Operations Officer Construction Contractor, Green Thumb, Beacon of Hope, Earth Aspect Even
News Van Dan 3 3 Legwork Guerilla Reporter (Infobroker) Infobroker, Conspiracy Theorist, Drone Operator, Hacktivist Even
Jet Set 6 2 Custom(A,G,K,N) C-5 Galaxy Owner/Operator Time/Distance, Island Hopper, SAR Squad, JP-5 for Blood, Mister Missile, Aircraft Sensei, Fulton Extraction???, Care Package Inbound, Heavy Lift💪 Even
Legal Eagle 4 2 Custom(N,K,A,G) Lawyer Lawyer, Ex-UCAS Air Force, For the People, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, Hard Knocks Even




Humanis - for almost taking his life, giving him memory problems and "tearing his family apart"

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Prone to doing the "devil horns" hand sign when approving of something

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result


James Burghon (R4) - Licenses: Bounty hunter / Firearms / Concealed carry / Driver


A tall and pale elf, with dark hair and blue eyes, prefers not to draw attention to himself and tries to hide his ears behind his hair.


Roadie (dispite his nickname) prefers to be well dressed both outside the job and in scenarios where a show of professionalism is required. During jobs he uses a simple and bland clothing style, worn for utility, not appearance, mostly black clothing with a bit of color and jeans, sometimes dark shades of green and brown with AR complements to change its appearence on the fly, anything that would be good for blending in with the crowd.

Matrix Persona

A cartoonish, ghost-like, floating persona with a emoticon mask, pointy hat and a mantle that changes colors to match its mask.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments